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No. 5697
Emotional Alchemy

Emotional Alchemy is essential practise for any wizard. It's how we manage our loosh, specifically astral energy. There are multiple things you must do to master your control over emotion.

Control your response to different things that normally would provoke emotional reactions. You should not be swayed by anything unless it is your will that it should happen. This is something you can learn and practise while posting on the internet, while living your every day life, and going through conflicts.

You must learn to neutralize emotions, to apply them, to convert/reverse them, and to be tranquil.

When you are tranquil you do not react to anything. Chaos could abound around you, terrible things could happen, and you will not lose control but remain calm and centred emotionally. Practise this by remaining emotionally stable in any circumstance conceivable. For example in a scenario which may produce shame, remain composed, do not feel shame. Do not laugh when something is funny. Do not become sad when everyone is crying around you. Do not anger when you are being provoked. Do not be overcome by lust in sexual situations. Do not become disgusted when something threatens to make you feel like retching. Do not be shocked by scandalous news, gore, etc. You can set many challenges here to test yourself and make them more extreme.

When applying an emotion, you should be able to produce an emotional state merely by willing it and also be able to control its intensity. You must be able to do this both in relation to an external something as well as without any reference to anything. So you can produce the emotion as a reaction or you can apply an emotional state that is not in relation to anything at all which you are thinking about or that is happening around you. You will need to apply emotions to thoughtforms and in rituals and in many other magical works.

To convert an emotion you put one emotion behind another and end up converting an emotion's state. If you specifically want to reverse an emotion then you convert the emotion to its opposite. For example you can lovingly hate, then your hatred becomes love. (This is not the same as neutralizing an emotion.) If you know this skill, then it will help you greatly, as you can purify your emotional state by approaching every emotion and converting it all to the desired emotion required for some magical work. If you are going deep into meditation for example many things may arise out of the astral and impress upon you and threaten to stir up emotions other then the one you want to use. If I want to feel pure love for example then no matter what I see or experience while in meditation I must put love behind everything. This concept will be I think very disturbing for some very heavily emotionally programmed people who do really manifest much control over their emotions and do not really understand what it truly means to embrace EVERYTHING with love (or any other emotion).

Some people (usually New Age) attempt to keep themselves in a very high and pure state of love by avoiding thoughts, people, scenarios, ideas, etc. which threaten to bring them down to a lower vibration. They are weak and vulnerable and missing out on the point of this life I think. Why do we even incarnate here into third density if it's not to learn to confront all the suffering and develop our consciousness? We'd just stay in the astral wouldn't we? To the master of emotional alchemy, there are absolutely no emotions to be feared and avoided, as all emotion is useful to him and can be converted into the state which he desires. At a higher state of development you could even go to a person you wish to help, meditate with them, and ask them to direct all their negative emotions towards you and then feeding upon all their hatred and misery and sadness and every other grievance they have convert it all into love and either keep it for yourself or give it back to them (or keep some and give some). That person then will probably be very happy and experience a great deal of relief (and if you keep all their loosh well at least they won't feeling bad, they will just be feeling numb, which from their mundane perspective they'd probably consider an improvement).

To neutralize an emotion you can exhaust it until you feel nothing. A joke told too many times is no longer humorous, a scary circumstance ceases to create fear in a person who has been through that scenario way too many times, a troll ceases to anger you when you've grown tired of being angered by their ruse. This also works for depression and is why I tell people not to take drugs, not to ignore the depression, etc. instead you should embrace depression. If your mourn yourself long enough and you take every depressive thought to its extreme you will eventually exhaust it all and feel nothing. One can only cry so long before the tears dry up and you go numb. Although this neutralization of emotions is wasteful of one's loosh it is still a necessary skill to develop if one wishes to gain total mastery over emotion. If you understand this, you will eventually appreciate that life is full of so much suffering and hardship, because it gives you the chance to learn and overcome and in so doing attain a higher state of conscious development, that you would have not likely reached if you weren't challenged.

I should note that sometimes it also desirable to go with the natural flow of an emotion. This is what most humans do by default but sometimes even an emotional alchemist needs to put aside his training in order to save himself from trouble or at other times the natural response is the one which we desire to use to accomplish what we will. Silly mundanes that don't know better may consider you a very disturbed individual if you don't appear to be showing the correct socially conditioned emotional response to a situation and may start to attack you and make accusations against you and so on and this could be a hindrance to you. Imageboards and and the internet in general is usually a better setting to conduct your emotional alchemy training.

Every emotion has it uses. The only undesirable state for me is emotional numbness. This is when you know you're out of astral energy and you are quite vulnerable and helpless. Anyone who wishes to do away with emotion or who believes that emotion and reason are at odds with each other and can't work together is a fool falling for a false dichotomy. Emotion is powerful, it manipulates synchronicity, it powers thoughtforms, it forms the will, it is key to the workings of magic; all of this you can understand very clearly when you practise astral projection, or you wish to excel in sport, or you want to make a tulpa, or do a number of other things. I will give some examples:

- Very intense emotional release will influence your physical performances in a variety of ways. One way to demonstrate this to yourself is to work out really hard and to do chin ups until you are no longer able to do any more. You probably won't even be able to do very many chin ups while in a emotionally neutral state. If you get really hyped up though, or very angry, or very scared, you will suddenly be able to do a ton more than your normal limit. A man who goes berserk with rage could probably take multiple bullets and keep fighting and tear you to pieces while a man who can't achieve that intensity of emotion will be taken down with a single punch or something, he won't stand up to much abuse. If you use fear or anxiety or the likes you can apparently slow down time which lets your mind perceive and react to things around you extremely quickly and your body also will move very fast relative to everyone else, allowing you to do incredible feats. If you have a very high morale and a good focus, you will not be held back by doubts or self-sabotaging thoughts, and be able to keep going where others would just fail. You may need to be extremely calm and to lower your heart rate while under very high pressure in order to stable your hands and use a sniping weapon with very high accuracy or to hide from someone or to do various other physical feats. Some of these emotional states normally occur to people in very extreme situations as a reaction to something but the emotional alchemist having total mastery over his emotions will be able to apply the relevant emotions at any time and at any rate to do amazing things.
- If you are all out of loosh and very emotionally numb you won't be able to astral project. All entities in the astral planes fight over control of astral energy. If you are drained too much you will be disconnected from the astral planes altogether and not be able to go back until you've recovered enough to feel again. Astral energy is essential to astral projection.
- The thoughtforms you create will be created faster, in greater detail and complexity, when you apply astral energy to them correctly and efficiently. It is also apparent when creating a tulpa, which is a sentient thoughtform, that if you do not feed your tulpa with a lot of emotion it will develop slower and in a stunted manner. If you give your tulpas lots of love they will be manifested much quicker and fuller. This is a way you can understand the astral energy has direct metaphysical applications and is important.
- Astral energy is essential to the manipulation of synchronicity. Refer yourself to the various montalk articles on the topic and also the writings of Noel Huntley and you will understand how to do this and why it works. Synchronicity arranges how events in the timeline manifest to you and biases the probabilities of events occurring. Link 1: http://montalk.net/synchronicity/synchronicity.html Link 2: http://montalk.net/ Link 3: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_huntley.htm

Curbing emotion is not the answer. Emotion is very powerful. Reason + emotion = a very powerful will. One should not strive to become unemotional but to make ones emotions align with their reason so that emotion and reason both propel that person towards action and synchronicity. Strong emotion directed by well refined reason is the ideal. To kill your emotions and replace them with reason alone is to become ineffectual and apathetic. All emotion is good when made to serve a higher purpose. No one emotion ought to be disowned entirely. Thinking a given emotion ought to be purged from your being is like making the blanket statement that killing is bad while ignoring the context of the killing (such as food, self-defence, retribution, sadism, greed, honour, accident, etc.). The whole spectrum of emotion from hate to love, sadness to joy, it is all empowering when harnessed correctly.

I can personally attest to having a very high level of skill in this practise and can demonstrate it for others, switching on and off emotions at will, and bringing them to very high levels of intensity. I can in a short while achieve emotional states that most people only very rarely experience and which they go to great efforts to attain in a mundane manner. Mundanes are usually so hopelessly enslaved to their emotional programming they barely entertain the thought that they can be free of external influences, addictions, vices, etc. and they don't know what they would do if they could just will any emotion at any time. They'd probably sit around just being happy all day, kind of like those rats in that one experiment that were allowed to push a button that would make them happy, and they kept pushing the button and experiencing bliss all the time and just neglected doing anything else and then died like the stupid animals they are. They usually do not appreciate the beauty of "negative emotions" either. The worst attitude really is when they disregard emotion altogether and foolishly assert that they would like to have their emotions removed from themselves altogether.

The skills of emotional alchemy are essential to any wizard and a prerequisite to making everything else work effectively including rituals, spells, meditation, astral travel, miraculous healing, and so on. You must know about this before everything else!

Other articles to read:
Next chapter will be on Loosh Farming.

More dubs for me.

tl;dr become a schizoid

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Problem, mundane?

I'd like to have feels, not be a emotionless potato.

>I'd like to have feels, not be a emotionless potato.

So basically what you're telling me is you didn't actually fucking read the article at all and don't realize that it's all about how to feel feels with intensity and that it specifically says that not feeling feels is a bad state to be in right?

You must learn to neutralize emotions, to apply them, to convert/reverse them, and to be tranquil.

When you are tranquil you do not react to anything. Chaos could abound around you, terrible things could happen, and you will not lose control but remain calm and centred emotionally. Practise this by remaining emotionally stable in any circumstance conceivable. For example in a scenario which may produce shame, remain composed, do not feel shame. Do not laugh when something is funny. Do not become sad when everyone is crying around you. Do not anger when you are being provoked. Do not be overcome by lust in sexual situations. Do not become disgusted when something threatens to make you feel like retching. Do not be shocked by scandalous news, gore, etc. You can set many challenges here to test yourself and make them more extreme.

>all about feels

Really now? So you're just going to ignore everything below that about applying, converting, etc. emotions or what?

Being tranquil btw is not about eliminating emotion, it's about not reacting to shit around you, like for example:

Lets say you want to maintain a very pleasant mental climate in your mind and go about your entire day in a state of bliss – if you are tranquil and you go about your business without anything influencing your mood you will be able to stay in that state without becoming gloomy, stressed, etc. It's kind of a stoic thing you know. What's the use in getting angry and stressing over things when you can deal with it without producing those emotions?

Also some of the article on emotional alchemy is about overcoming dualistic perception as well.

Shall I break out a buddhist quote for you?

"Both mindfulness and discriminative alertness are needed in responding to sensory input of the three types—attractive, unattractive and neutral. Once again, in this tradition mindfulness does not mean simply to witness. It is a more discriminative kind of thing. You are asking yourself, “What is my response?” and then actively responding by applying the antidotes to attachment and hostility. The word mindfulness is a little bit different in different contexts. Here, Mindfulness refers to the mental faculty of being able to maintain continuity of awareness of an object. Vigilance is concerned with the quality of mind, watching to see, for example, if the mind is veering off to other objects."

Gen Lamrimpa (Ven. Jampal Tenzin).

You guys who read this emotional alchemy article should read all the quotes on this blog and I am sure you will experience an improvement in the quality of your consciousness: http://ombuddha.tumblr.com/

Fearlessness is the most prominent characteristic of all bodhisattvas and all who tread the bodhisattva path. For them, life has lost its terrors and suffering its sting. Instead of scorning earthly existence, or condemning its ‘imperfection’, they fill it with a new meaning.

Lama Anagorika Govinda.

Tantric practice harnesses the imagination- a powerful tool we all possess. Thus, to repeatedly imagine achieving a goal is a compelling method for accomplishing it sooner. Suppose, for example, we are unemployed. If, each day, we imagine finding a job, we succeed more quickly then if we dwell, with depression and self-pity, on being out of work. This is because we maintain a positive attitude about our situation. With a negative attitude, we lack self-confidence even to look for a job. Success or failure in life hinges on our self-image and, in tantra, we work on improving ours by means of Buddha-figures. Imagining we are already a Buddha provides an extremely potent self-image to counteract negative habits and feelings of inadequacy.

Alexander Berzin.

>Some people (usually New Age) attempt to keep themselves in a very high and pure state of love by avoiding thoughts, people, scenarios, ideas, etc. which threaten to bring them down to a lower vibration. They are weak and vulnerable and missing out on the point of this life I think. Why do we even incarnate here into third density if it's not to learn to confront all the suffering and develop our consciousness? We'd just stay in the astral wouldn't we? To the master of emotional alchemy, there are absolutely no emotions to be feared and avoided, as all emotion is useful to him and can be converted into the state which he desires. At a higher state of development you could even go to a person you wish to help, meditate with them, and ask them to direct all their negative emotions towards you and then feeding upon all their hatred and misery and sadness and every other grievance they have convert it all into love and either keep it for yourself or give it back to them (or keep some and give some). That person then will probably be very happy and experience a great deal of relief (and if you keep all their loosh well at least they won't feeling bad, they will just be feeling numb, which from their mundane perspective they'd probably consider an improvement).

It is crucial to know when it is appropriate to withdraw our attention from things that disturb our mind. However, if the only way we know how to deal with certain objects is to avoid them, there will be a severe limit as to how far our spiritual practice can take us.

Lama Thubten Yeshe.

Ark: Loosh Transducer

In Robert Monroe’s book Far Journeys, “loosh” is defined as a metaphysical energy that ranges from the crudest etheric energy produced by plants to the most refined astral energy produced via human love and suffering. Loosh is equivalent to demiurgic energy.

It appears the Ark of the Covenant was powered, triggered, or catalyzed by externally supplied loosh. One example being the profuse level of animal sacrifices that the Israelites performed before the Ark in order to please their Lord. Another example being King David dancing half-naked before the Ark after its homecoming from Philistine capture.

David dancing before the Ark has stumped many. But as evidenced by Native American rain dances, the technical dances of the Sufis, or Rudolf Steiner’s Eurythmy, dance is a motional ritual that is highly active on an occult level and generates specific patterns of energies. The more intense the dance, the greater the energy output.

Animal sacrifices are convenient loosh sources. Slaughter liberates astral energies via the emotional experience of dying, while fat and blood provide rich sources of etheric energy. Levite priests sprinkled animal blood against the Tabernacle altar on all sides and burned the fatty carcass upon it, which would entice the Shekhina to exit the tent and consume the remains.

The Jewish practice of ritual slaughter is known as Shekhita. It involves precise cutting of the animal’s throat to ensure a calm but conscious death. Afterwards, the animal is fully drained of its blood. Interestingly, cows and bulls are the main targets of cattle mutilations. They are killed while fully conscious and later found completely drained of blood.

The Egyptian word for bull is “Ka” which is identically the Egyptian name for lifeforce energy. This suggests lifeforce was the primary concept associated with bulls. Ka is said to determine one’s destiny, habits, and vitality. It’s clear that Ka translates to etheric body. Hence the Egyptians sacrificed bulls, possibly to harvest loosh.

Whereas the ancients resorted to animal sacrifice and other crude means to activate the Ark, the Grail knights merely maintained a state of spiritual transcendence to activate the Grail stone by thought alone. The Grail knights were burning with a Christ energy, not in a religious sense, but in the sense of their being vessels for the positive personification of the divine Logos. In other words, they were connected to the highest, purest, most vibrationally elevated loosh source in existence — the face of God.

Those who cannot tap into this higher energy/intelligence must resort to lesser methods and sources to trigger their desired demiurgic effects. These include ritual, dance, sexual energy, animal sacrifice, and human sacrifice. When loosh cannot be tapped from an infinite source, cruder grades must be harvested from finite sources; the Israelite and Egyptian use of animal sacrifice illustrates this.


emotional alchemy / mental diets / lam-rim = same


I want to comment on this that there's a whole lot of theory, and not much direction with what to actually do.

The montalk article talks about emotional leaks and briefly explains how to handle them, but doesn't really elaborate. I want to offer a resource that can take care of this.


This excellent text is based off the work started by L Ron Hubbard before Scientology became a profit hungry supressive monster, ironically the opposite of what it's meant to do. I guess chalk it up to the old phase the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Anyway, I'd like to further elaborate but the author does a good job introducing the concepts. This isn't something everyone will immediately get on board with, but if you're dedicated I can't give Ken enough credit for this masterpiece. I first encountered the clearing manual several years ago, but quickly wrote it off. Eventually I caved in after being pointed back in that direction enough times. I could kick myself for not having started earlier. Cheers

Oh my goodness that is veryyyyy loooonnnngggg

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Can I still sex my tulpa?(PONYFUCKER)

Uhhhh yes you can, you worthless ponyfucker.


link is dead


Hey /fringe/ I need to know which each emotion is useful for in terms of bodily and other effects.

Are there any health benefits to euphoria for example?

I can force each emotion to any intensity really easily but I'm not sure which ones to use for what.

Also I can consciously release adrenaline shots into my body that feel like icicles going through my heart and do other things like that for a variety of different effects, I can also release the chemical that turns off pain, etc.

When I try to cycle through emotions really fast and intensely just to challenge myself it takes awhile for my body to catch up with the metaphysics of my mind and I get all these chemicals in my body released into it that take awhile to clear away.

Note: Don't try working against an emotional blockage. If are you feeling shit feels overcoming you let them out so hard and fast that you rebound from them with euphoria. Bottling them up and pushing them back and trying to force euphoria = fail

Experiment with it.
I've found that, not anger, but "passion" drives much. Love is also a good one because it more easily connects you to passion, a high desire to complete something.

woah man

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