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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 4773
Share your experiences with moldavite or any crystal/minerals in general.
I looked at the crystals and theyvwere pretty.

And thats all she wrote.


they were*

Powerful stuff. Gets me intense dreams whenever I use it and has an electric feel to it when I focus.

Did any life-changing stuff happen to you after you got your moldavite?
I've read that it "speeds up your spiritual evolution and assists you in quickly finding your highest destiny".

It did seem to help but as with most crystals I tend to see them as tools to help augment my path rather than something to rely upon. Think of it like a magnet that'll pull you faster in it's particular flavor. It just happens to be a stronger magnet than most.

That said, things HAVE been sped up quite a bit; has been a bit frightening at times but whether that's the moldavite or my experimental nature I have no idea. Probably a mixture of the two.

Was very much worth the $20 I spent on it though. It's become one of my favorite companions.

As for life changing. Again, whether it was the moldavite helping augment or something that would have naturally occurred. My life is in constant flux now and has gone through change after change.

Thanks a lot for your input.
I've been wanting to buy a moldavite for quite a while now but I've read a lot of ominous warnings from other buyers about its effect.
If you don't mind, would you share some of those 'changes' you've experienced? And did those changes turn out for the better?

Again, don't know how much was the moldavite but I do feel like it's accelerated things. That could be good or bad depending on how stable you are. The other thing I've been doing are Kundalini exercises on my own. It's said to be a little dangerous and I'd attest to that although I didn't understand why to start with.

In my practices I've come face to face with that which I'm not proud of, my fears, my regrets, my worries. It's one thing to think about them, it's another to have them start haunting you until you deal with it or to meet them literally face to face.

I've seen what's commonly referred to as "shadow people" and had them try to strangle me in my dreams. I had to learn how to overcome my fear of them and I discovered my voice. I've been pulled out of my body and led along several journeys, learning new things about myself but having to overcome some obstacle and finding a new facet of my personality. Sometimes it feels like I'm going a little crazy and if I didn't have a rudimentary understanding of what I'm going through as well as my own subjective "proof" I might have lost it at some points. I've seen some weird shit.

If you push it like I do, you really have to be ready to face your fears and follow your own path. It's hurt me on a deeper level than I have been in a long while, but that's because old scars are breaking and healing correctly. It's painful but I can't, nor wish to go back now for every painful thing I go through the world gets brighter. For every fear I overcome I find a new love. It's really opening up life and I'm seeing so many options I was blind to before.


No crystals here but I feel like I'm way further ahead in the path of illumination than you. I still find your story interesting. First post in this thread btw. I have been through a ton of shit and had my fear crushed. I don't worry about insanity, I think clearly, it doesn't matter how fantastic my experiences are I know what's going on and I'm not afraid.

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Where do you place yourselves on this chart?

Tier 6. I'd say Tier 7 but I am still working on becoming immortal. Maybe I already am – but I just need to confirm as much.


>>4891 Is me

I'd say somewhere between 5 and 6. I understand that there's a multitude of spiritual entities inside but I'm still not in harmony with all but a handful who make up my "core" group. I had a few hurdles to overcome from being surrounded by negative people who's own issues affected me strongly as well as going through a stint where I attracted something a bit out of my league and wound up with a mild possession.

Everyone goes at their own pace. I'm relatively young and most of this has been really recent; it's just a lot to deal with all at once y'know? Pretty much every belief system I've held has been shattered and rebuilt as soon as I get my feet under me again.

I never want to reach stage 7, I would hate to live forever. I'm good at tier 5

>Pretty much every belief system I've held has been shattered and rebuilt as soon as I get my feet under me again.

The plebs archive on /x/ is like a great testament to the many shatterings of belief I've been through.

I just form mental pockets for each belief system and compartmentalize them in this way and move on.

The result is that I can relate to and reproduce the ramblings of many other people with different belief systems and troll them epically, creating carefully orchestrated dramas to lead them onwards to increased awareness, etc.

One of the greater understandings when you look and research so deeply into things is how one can construct their own truths, which hold true to them until contested, and then you find contrary things and it blows away those old beliefs… and then eventually you start to notice that reality itself is constructed out of thoughts and beliefs.

One really good example is dietary advice. When it comes to diet there are so many contradictions, so many different ways to eat, and people think all these different things are good or bad for them. Then you look at the different ways people eat who live to be well into their 90s or 100s of years of age and it suddenly sets in … maybe it doesn't matter what you eat? Maybe something else is going on.

I think the holographic universe lectures (in the sticky) take it a step further when he talks about that guy who lived off of like 28 eggs a day or something absurd and didn't suffer any negative health consequences and other things. Then also there's those recent influx of buddhist threads on /fringe/ and one of the things I read in the articles posted was about eating really nasty things or eating in certain other ways and changing your perception of the food, trying to realize that the food has no inherent quality to it, that it's just a self-projection which you can control. Perhaps the final development would be inedia, overcoming food entirely, not needing it anymore. If anyone is to attempt this though one must be aware if they are suffering from their food deprivation. If one is showing any signs of dehydration or hunger or other problems, they are not yet ready to overcome food entirely.

Just another random rant… I know so many things… you can also overcome breathing. I know of people who've posted on /x/ such as a man who used void meditation and he at one point realized he was not breathing. He taped over his nostrils and mouth and left it on there for a very long time and he never did suffocate or anything. Then there are examples of people meditating under sand, or submerged in water, for a ridiculously long time that to the understanding of the mundane should have killed them. There's even a guy apparently in NYC who swam around underwater for 3 weeks before coming up for air and he did not have ANYTHING. No special equipment, he just "held his breath" for 3 weeks supposedly. I think they are creating the matter and energy they need out of etheric energy, which then becomes any matter which is required by the body. The philosopher's stone btw is a condensed form of etheric energy.

Btw, the thought of others also shape our reality, so someone with incredible power who is to come into the presence of a bunch of hardcore scepdick materialists to prove his power to them will be influenced by their field of consciousness and possibly prevented from doing what they intend. You can overcome the exertion of will by others but it's a great challenge. Some have – but of course only knowing what bit of the puzzle of the greenpill isn't really enough to awaken people. One little odd thing here or there, people just put it out of mind, or assume it's bullshit. You really need to start seeing the patterns and see a lot of data before it really sinks in that amazing things are going on in this universe.

Oh I have so many things to rant about but I better save this, there are more things still for me to learn.

>I never want to reach stage 7, I would hate to live forever. I'm good at tier 5

Why? You're an eternal being regardless. Enjoy your being stripped away of memories and forced back into the cycle of reincarnation.

We live in a crazy world.

As long as I don't live this life again.

>As long as I don't live this life again.

Well then you should realize that that final quote there is the realization of immortality in a cosmic and transcendental sense and not merely being locked into one body.

You won't have to live this life again but you may have to work at things to secure yourself a better life if you are to be forced to incarnate here again.

I honestly could care less for my soul to live forever, I just don't want to live the same human I am now.

My only fear of death is reincarnation

Well your pretty fucked then. Better reach the 7th tier and become immortal so you DON'T have to reincarnate. When you're in the astral planes you can spend as long as you like forgetting things, modifying things, etc. until you've shaped yourself into a being worthy of eternity.

So what you are saying is I will live this life again?

>So what you are saying is I will live this life again?

What do you mean by "this life"? If you mean another shitty life in the physical planes, yeah, if you don't fight off the second death in the astral. If you mean your exact life you just lived, no, you'll have a new body and a new set of experiences to go through.

Good. As long as I don't live this exact life I'm living as of now I could reincarnate forever.

It could be shittier… or it could be better, who knows. You should definitely prepare yourself for a better life by perfecting your spirit now in this one. When one suffers greatly, there is much to learn in suffering, and it usually opens up greater things to a being that would otherwise grow too complacent.

I just did a tarot reading for myself and it said I'm pretty much going to be a psycho nutbag in the long run in my occult works, but I will achieve victory of my path. It also said someone will guide me very soon.

Are you my Queen of Swords? ¦¬} jk

That's a pretty epic reading. Together we shall ascend to higher planes!

Hehe, well I am on the verge of sleep, I keep slipping in and out.

goodnight anonymous


Are you the guy from Omegle that I talked to about Moldavite a few months ago?

I don't use Omegle, sorry.

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Sorry man :/

I would say tier 2 or 3, i would like to say im tier 4 or 5 but doing so would be quite arrogant of me, im not there yet, not by far.

Maybe somewhere between Tier 4 and 5. I haven't done any sorcery yet. I'm currently just a mellow hippy new age guy.

A solid 4. Currently sorting out personal issues before I move on. I think I may suffer from early forms of paranoid schizophrenia, and I'm quelling it entirely before I move on, as to avoid further delusions.

I know it's not the right thread for this, but does anyone have any advice for me?

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>I know it's not the right thread for this, but does anyone have any advice for me?

Yeah. Stop believing in psychiatric bullshit & lies.

…and read these threads: ( >>1933 ) & ( >>4031 )

Also list your exact "symptoms" and I'll tell you what you should do about them without drugging yourself or something stupid.


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