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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 15770
When's the next Buddha coming?
As soon as you wake up.

I don't think I'm chink enough for it


The Buddha was a white-Aryan man. He was far more related to Europeans than any chink.

Does that matter anymore?

I thought the Aryans were only in West India, were there many in Nepal?

What about Sangha Buddha? I'm honestly not sure if he's supposed to be a reincarnation, the next Buddha, or what, but he seems to be the real deal.

Anyway, I don't really see why it would matter. He would just be another spiritual leader, and those that follow him would be well off but I don't see how that would affect us here (or wherever you happen to be). For all we/you know there's already a master out there with the knowledge you want and need and you're simply doubting his/her validity. Or aren't even aware of their existence.

Who knows, maybe he's here now.

That guy has extreme Inedia, meditates like a pro, and manipulates fire effortlessly. He's pretty advanced.

Well, according to the scriptures Maitreya Buddha - the 'second' Buddha - will come when the true Dharma, the teaching, is forgotten. Maybe he has come already? Maybe he is yet to come?

Buddhas cannot reincarnate according to Buddhism, they're are free of Samsara, the cycle of life.

It also took Siddhartha Gautama many lifetimes before he became a Buddha. Also, he wasn't the first Buddha. There were many before him.

However, it could be that Siddhartha Gautama is now in higher planes (because nothing can become nothing, they can only change) where he is now pure mind, closer to THE ALL.

I wish growth for you.

I don't know about Buddhism but my own understanding of Samsara, which I guess is more Hindu, is that those of us who free ourselves from the cycle of life are still capable of consciously reincarnating. The difference is we get to choose our incarnation and we don't forget things, as opposed to blindly reincarnating and also forgetting everything.

>still no hindu flag

Every Buddha will have similar lives, they first have mundane living, wife and kids, and abandon it to teach. They actually are already Buddha before birth, but there are these twelve deeds that are part of the teachings. So it's not him, at least not now.

It's 2500 years from the Buddha's passing for the teachings to disappear from the hearts of the people and more 2500 for the physical scriptures to disappear completely. We are about 2200 on the first counting, never heard on the end of which one will the next Buddha come.

In Buddhism they don't reincarnate, but they project bodies into samsaric worlds while still staying in their paradise.

What denomination of Buddhism do you guys like best?

Dzogchen and also Lobsang Rampa's variant of it.

>In Buddhism they don't reincarnate, but they project bodies into samsaric worlds while still staying in their paradise.

That's just another way of saying conscious reincarnation basically.

I'd think that "reincarnation" would mean taking the body, not just projecting one. But it's not some terribly different distinction. For the case of the Buddha, he may project many at the same time, so not sure if it could be called reincarnation.

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>Well, according to the scriptures Maitreya Buddha - the 'second' Buddha - will come when the true Dharma, the teaching, is forgotten

Isn't making predictions about the future against Buddhism at the very core? I was under the impression that the Buddha was far more practical about such things, and refused to speak on metaphysics. His entire parable of the broken arrow was a teaching to avoid speaking about shit you can't know, and instead to focus on reducing suffering in the present.

>The Buddha always told his disciples not to waste their time and energy in metaphysical speculation. Whenever he was asked a metaphysical question, he remained silent. Instead, he directed his disciples toward practical efforts. Questioned one day about the problem of the infinity of the world, the Buddha said, "Whether the world is finite or infinite, limited or unlimited, the problem of your liberation remains the same." Another time he said, "Suppose a man is struck by a poisoned arrow and the doctor wishes to take out the arrow immediately. Suppose the man does not want the arrow removed until he knows who shot it, his age, his parents, and why he shot it. What would happen? If he were to wait until all these questions have been answered, the man might die first." Life is so short. It must not be spent in endless metaphysical speculation that does not bring us any closer to the truth.

>Isn't making predictions about the future against Buddhism at the very core?

No, Buddha did some.

>and refused to speak on metaphysics

Buddha's teachings themselves are mostly metaphysical in nature. Some questions though, even if answered, will not ultimately lead to the end of suffering. It's less about what you can know and more about what is useful to know. The workings of karma, the many realms of existence and reincarnation, for example, are necessary to understanding buddhism. And so are the durability of the teachings, the situation on which they are found and the sequence it's given.

That doesn't mean you can't speculate it just means you can't do it to a point of ignoring all practical experience and not finding out for yourself.


>>15797 here, I am sorry, I do not know if conscious reincarnation is mentioned in Buddhism. It might be possible, though, because you are already very talented if you can get out of samsara, yes? - so why wouldn't it be possible to get back in? But body projection might be possible, though I do not know the mechanics for that yet.

It is also getting confusing with many of us using the Buddhism flag. I am not >>15856, for example. I shall be using this flag for now if you have any questions to me, though I am not most well-versed in Buddhism. I'll do what I can.

Also, I made that Hindu flag for someone - you, perhaps? - but yes, it hasn't been approved yet. Maybe there are too many flags. I wish there would be Confucianism flag, too.

Maybe we could combine Hinduism and Buddhism and other such religions into one Dharmic flag?

>Maybe there are too many flags. I wish there would be Confucianism flag, too.

I love flags though. We need MOAR.

>Maybe we could combine Hinduism and Buddhism and other such religions into one Dharmic flag?

No fuck that.

I see. Yes, it wouldn't be proper - they're all so different even if they're all Dharmic.

The admin can add flags, but I don't know if he's around. I'll make Confucian flag anyway.

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