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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 10208
I noticed something happens when I go to bed and lie down for a number of minutes. My inner dialoue changes in a couple ways. First I start entertaining crazy, nonsensical ideas that I would never consider in every day life. Second, my inner dialogue takes on a life of its own.

Gradually I become detached from it, and it starts talking on its own. Furthermore, this eventually turns into images in my head which in turn transition into dreams (I believe, at this stage I'm already unconscious).

Therefore this time before sleeping is a rare opportunity to talk to my subconscious outside of a dream.

Has anyone done any experiments where they talk with their subconscious?

Last night i had this idea, and I asked it some questions, but I'm not sure if I had any answers.

To do this experiment you would have to go to this state on the edge of sleep, ask your questions, then get up and write down the answers you receive which can be hard.
mecul eprac.

Yeah, I notice this too. When I'm dozing off I'll sometimes hear messages from my sub-conscious. But, they are usually non-sensical. It's like it's just making up some kind of movie scene dialogue.

I wish I had visions or could visualize. My mind is silent, no talk besides my own chatter (it's not even in my head, just talking with my mouth closed), can't visualize shit, no dreams except once every other month, nothing. Lucky men, you are. I don't even get random thoughts unless I concentrate extremely hard during brainstorming.

This happens to me in reverse, when I wake up and don't move I get subconcious communication.


It is possible to induce strong visual thinking but I cannot offer any suggestions on methods as mine was dependent on external factors that you can't recreate.

This is tuning into the astral. The messages are random but I don't like you saying "your subconscious" as sometimes the messages will be picked up from parts of this reality which shows it's not an isolated thing. If you make an effort using a sigil or other means such as simply using your intention, you can connect to specific places.

This. If you're sleeping with others nearby you can pick up bits of their thoughts sometimes.

Heh, I think that YOU are the lucky guy around here (or you don't are consious of your thoughts yet), my mind is always popping up with new thoughts, made up things and sittuations, it's so hard to controll it and meditation has been very hard for me, I see about 7-8 dreams per night and I've also astral-projected accidentaly many times (and I'm scared as shit when doing so).

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Quick question: While in this state is it a good idea to try tulpaforcing?

Okay I managed to get into the on the edge of sleep state again where I'm still conscious but my inner monologue is acting on its own accord and I can experience dream like visions (I wasn't in SP, I could still move my body if I wanted).

My head was swirling with thoughts and images and I took it upon myself to ask some questions.

I didn't receive any meaningful answers, just nonsensical stuff. I drifted off into some semi-dreams like visions while I was still aware of my body (there was no SP or anything, it felt different from SP like imagery). The visions themselves were fairly nonsensical as well.

When I was asking the questions I did feel scared though and I think I sensed some sort of presence. I didn't ask anything too profound because I was scared of what sort of answer I would get.

Something happened while I was lying down where I felt powerful buzzing energy in my body while I was trying to interpret the voices and visions I was receiving, but I panicked and got myself out of that state.

I'll try this again though.

Alright, I'll try to refrain from using that term.

>If you make an effort using a sigil or other means such as simply using your intention, you can connect to specific places

I'll see if I can connect to a specific place next time.

Hah I am the truly fortunate one here. I both manifest perfect control of my thoughts and high lucidity. I at once can have a very silent and empty mind, can tune into the astral to receive the impressions of others, and can strongly project my own thoughts without so much interruption … or combine them.

The only thing I can't do well is block out third density noises from interrupting my trances… fuck.

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lol panicking

>tfw absolutely tranquil while shit like pic related happens around me

Sometimes I do get too excited and that messes things up for me. I am always so happy to see and meet with any astral entity.

I was creating a place we could meet up before here: ( >>8182 ).

I should finish that up then create a nexus you guys can tune into to meet with me there.

I keep getting distracted by working on thoughtforms though and jacking up my lucidity to new levels, looking at random people, books, and so on with my mind's eye.

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