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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 13904
My theory of health:

I have read a great many articles, books, etc. pertaining to health matters and these are the keypoints of my understanding of health.

With most reasonable diets, the necessary nutrients should exist in sufficient supply for the bodies needs, though some foods modify the effect of other foods when consumed and make the nutrients more bioavailable or not. Regardless, the body itself is highly intelligent when properly directed by the mind/consciousness, and should be able to overcome any shortcomings in the diet by removing what is in excess and somehow obtaining what is deficient. Even if an element were completely missing from the diet, through the akashic principle those deficient elements could be manifested into place. Eventually with enough will and skill one could attain Inedia and not need to eat food anymore as they feed entirely upon etheric energy being assimilated in a pure form into anything the body needs. Eventually they won't even have to breath either.

Essential to healing is maintaining the will to live and using loosh to modify, accelerate, and focus your healing efforts. To get really good at healing and at magic in general one must keep a very clear mind and focus only on the object to be modified. With all or as many irrelevant thoughts out of your mind as possible, simply focus on the parts of your body and produce feelings which correspond with the state which you intend to attain or the process you set in motion. Excitation is a good mental state to start off with – as from there you can move into any other emotion easily. I like to think of excitation as like molecules bouncing around a lot when heated up so it's easy to switch emotions then as there's a lot of emotional energy available which can be expressed in any form. Another one is inspiration, as it will compel you to act while dropping your doubts, which would otherwise undermine your efforts. So seek inspiration anywhere you can such as by witnessing or reading about miracles done by others.

Everything is mental and can be treated / processed as a thoughtform. So anything you've done with thoughtforms you can do to parts of your body. Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski's books are good for understanding this approach. You highlight a part of your body with your awareness, call it by its name, and talk to it and send emotions to it to coerce it to work for you the way you want it to.

It is important to understand when what you are doing is working and to get feedback. You can practise on other people, especially ones who are receptive to subtle mental influences, and hopefully get feedback from them right away. You could ask people if they have any problems and just focus your will on healing them and ask for them to report back on any changes within 24 hours. If you want more immediate feedback though you should combine some things in there with the healing that produce immediate results such as heat. If they feel that their body part is heating up suddenly after you've done your magic, they will be instant confirmation your influence is changing something in their body. However the best way to practise this isn't even with people, hopefully you have some machines around your house that aren't working but aren't too broken. Say a blender or a fan or something else which won't run. I personally have a malfunctioning fan. You just need to set in motion / be the cause of it starting to work again and once it's set you don't have to do anything more except let it take place and not interfere with the process.

I think if your focus is more expanded the effect tends to be diluted or take longer to take hold over a larger area because more changes to reality must take place synchronistically. With more spiritual refinement such as can be obtained by practising all of Franz Bardon's teachings you can get better though both at focused efforts over a small area and more expanded efforts over a bigger area.

Another thing that is important with health is to be aware of the psychic influences of others. Everyone is always radiating their vibes to everyone else and interacting with people who are giving you bad vibes or thinking thoughts which promote poor health in you is troublesome. If you can, you should try to become as receptive as possible to those mental subtle influences / vibes which are the most constructive in producing order and ascent within your being while blocking out that which is destructive and promotes disorder and stagnation. If you can't block them out then either expelling those influences or alchemically transforming them are other solutions to the problem. Perhaps the creation of persistent thoughtforms to collect and filter these for you might work, maybe that's the purpose of the human aura in fact, a kind of complete mental shielding all around the person which receives, filters, and broadcasts those influences to and from the body and from there to the soul (mind, astral body, etc.).

I think that reality and your actions in it are all symbolical and may be interpreted as such. I think most healing which happens does so because of:

1. Your own subconscious beliefs and intentions.
2. The subconscious beliefs and intentions of others.

Reality is a consensus reality formed mostly out of everyone's subconscious beliefs radiating from their various points of awareness at all times.

I believe that most of the common treatments working may mostly be due the majority's subconscious belief about its efficacy but at the same time the impact of individuals who are hardly aware of your existence and don't give you much thought is very little, it's more about the people who are more immediately involved in whatever affairs you're getting up to, and the single strongest variable in control of how your body is manifested is generally you unless you've caught the attention of a very much more powerful spiritual entity that has decided to focus its will to override your own for however long it decides to intensely focus on you (and to a greater degree then you focus on yourself).

If you visit a doctor who really believes in the efficacy and power of his cure, you will receive good results, even if he gives you a placebo. If you yourself also believe in it then all the better.

Much of what is written in The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot supports what I'm saying.

It is important when healing yourself or manifesting any other changes in your reality that you strongly resonate with the feeling of "it has been done". I've sat in front on my malfunctioning fan for awhile and thought about the three principles of reality manifestation that montalk lays out which are:

1) Awareness / anticipation repels.

2) Ignorance / denial allows.

3) Intent / emotional resonance attracts.

When you become aware of something you lock that thing into place. Lets say you're letting someone else do the healing for you, then you don't want to focus on the healing yourself, and especially not if you're going to think and feel pessimistic thoughts about it. That will just add extra resistance for the other guy to have to overcome to heal you and you make his work harder to carry out for you then. Awareness and anticipating are good though for warding off synchronistic attacks, curses, etc. though. If you ever want to curse someone try to monitor their health and receive feedback about it but don't tell them you're going to curse them unless they're the type to undermine themselves after being made aware of it. The average person today will doubt you could curse them though and end up protecting themselves from your curse in that way. If somehow you get a reputation though as a dark wizard who pulls off some amazing things you might be able to openly curse people and have your curse enhanced by the fear they feel at becoming one of your targets. If you are powerful enough you could just demonstrate some simple and inconsequential thing like making a thoughtform appear to them on command and after that they will know you are serious business and not to fuck with you and then if you're going to curse them it will likely be more effective and likewise the same for healing them. You can use sigils for both of these effects as a well as a way to get your message to their subconscious without them knowing what exactly you are doing because the sigil obscures the message and yet still carries the intent you imbued it with while making it in trance.

Note if you want something to happen, get too invested / tied up in the result, that is "have the lust of the result" then you stall that thing from happening until you learn to just let it happen and observe. If you feel disappointed after having yearned for a result and think it didn't work and have all the corresponding emotions of failure, then you may totally undo your operation, not a good thing! Everyone who prays or intends or uses similar spiritual means to make miracles happen but then wants the results fucks everything up for themselves! The best attitude to take is a playful one where you won't be disappointed and you're just trying things out for fun and seeing what happens, then you will get results, with less effort!

If something is already happening, already been set in motion, the ignoring it or denying it are both good ways to accelerate it and make it take place faster! This only works though once it's really happening. Denying and ignoring something which is not happening won't make a difference. Same thing for anticipating and being aware of something which isn't actually set to take place. Lets say your intent has been to cause someone's hand to start burning just to show them you can do that to them and it starts working the other person feels the heat and gets panicky and in their fearful and startled mindset they deny it's happening or they try to ignore it, well that won't fix it, they're going to burn anyways!!

The thing about emotions and the thoughtforms you create with them is that whatever emotions arise from you and are imbued into that thing, those emotions will seek to produce more of the same. The reason anticipation stalls things and holds it off from manifestation is it just attracts a probable future where you remain sitting there in anticipation waiting for things to happen. All demons / negative STS thoughtforms born out of the fear, anger, lust, etc. of 1st order divine beings like us will only seek more of the same emotion that gave rise to them. More complex thoughtforms will probably receive more emotions in other ranges of the emotional spectrum from you and others and be more whole, more capable of expressing themselves in a wider array of behaviours.

So to make something actually happen you must intend for it to happen and emotionally resonate with the kinds of feelings you'd have if it did happen. Once you reach a mental state of "it has happened" then it does happen. You just need to initiate the causal chain which sets those events in motion then stand back because it's already taking place, no need to worry now.

Emotions remain relevant so long as they are held in your awareness at all, which is pretty much all the time. When is your mentality not characterized by emotion? Even if you withdraw the senses from feeling any kind of physical presence, smell, taste, sight, and hearing and put yourself into a total void outside of these things you've probably still got emotions with you. I wonder what it's like to withdraw yourself from that too? Probably feels like nothing… but isn't that a feeling too? Fuck I don't know. Maybe it can be done and maybe such a method could be used to accumulate raw unexpressed loosh which could then be released again when you recover awareness. I suggest for this you start with Q-MM (quiet mind meditation) where you conquer your vocal thoughts and end the pointless dialogues in your mind, making those thoughts intentional and deliberate, but then there is a deeper form of this also which I guess is called void meditation. If you've already mastered Q-MM then void meditation involves further withdrawing your senses from all of your surroundings while maintaining pure awareness. So you don't feel your body, you don't feel like you take up any space or feel any pressures on you at all, no tensions, etc. it's like your body is just gone and you are the void… and you don't see anything, even if your eyes are open, maybe just see pure blackness or pure white light everywhere or something like that… and you don't hear anything, you will have perfect silence, even if there is a lot of noise in the premises. If you do all that then you are succeeding at void meditation and from this state of pure awareness you can use it as a launching point for very focused and advanced metaphysical operations with no energy being wasted on irrelevant thoughts about your environment. You can also do a form of meditation where you simply focus all of your awareness on a given object to the exclusion of everything else until you become aware only of that one object and nothing else.

If you can, you should learn to create persistent and lasting thoughtforms which carry out various desired functions for you. This way once the thoughtform is made it can be re-used again and again to do something like heal someone. Then you don't have to brute-force everything with raw-will in the future. You can enchant objects too and make them more effective for your magic in various ways like this. Franz Bardon is a good source on how to do all this.

One more thing on healing. I've researched chakras for a really long time, read many discussions, different sites, books, etc. and there is much disagreement on them from the different schools of thought. I eventually realized that you don't need to know about chakras at all. If you want you can do various chakra meditations for developing the related skills that go with those forms of meditation, e.g. I have many times visualized 7 coloured orbs starting with a one at about the ovaries or tail-bone area and going up through all the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, purple) ending off at the crown (top of the head). You can consult chakra charts for their supposed locations, there's much disagreement about them, and even on their number. It doesn't matter. You don't need to know anything about them or their particular locations or how they might look, all the effects you want to achieve by "unlocking your chakras", can be done by cultivating those qualities independently of knowing of those things. Here is an interesting article to read though on the matter: http://www.universal-mind.org/Chakra_pages/ProofOfExistence.htm

Here are some of the components of various chakra meditations, each part can be done separately or altogether, as different forms of meditation:

1. Visualizing orbs with different colours, or sometimes these more complex things with petals and symbols on them. Helps develop the mind's eye / visual capacity. Spinning them also helps a lot but it really doesn't matter if you're spinning a chakra which you imagine in place on your body, which you imagine on an image of your body that you hold to be a representation of yourself, or if you're not even visualizing a chakra at all and are instead say rotating a thoughtformed number in a nondescript void located nowhere in particular. If you want their to be any corresponding changes in your body then just intend for it as you do this, think that it will cause those changes sympathetically / through correspondence.
2. Seeing / visualizing the breath going through various channels through the body. This involves focusing on the breath and having an acute awareness of the breath as it goes through your body. As you do this you feel and resonate with the idea of the breath cleansing and invigorating your body as it goes along through all the channels in your body and ultimately through the most subtle ones and into the blood. With each breath you bring in more of the vital energy (etheric/life energy) which brings about more order / health in your body. The ultimate form of this breathing is so complete that your breath even through the skin, feeling the breath being brought through every pore of your body, and bringing in more vital energy to everywhere. This develops the visual capacity, as well as focusing your awareness and yet expanding the awareness while still staying strongly aware of a lot of things at once (less diluted), and bring about changes in the body through intent / will. Will is simply this: Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done. – montalk, synchronicity article
3. There's some other meditations based on sound which involves producing a different sound for each chakra out loud or mentally and invoking the qualities you relate to each chakra.

All of these can be useful but can be broken up into different sorts of meditations without you needing to know a thing about chakras or care about them at all.

There is a better method to get what you probably want to achieve with the chakras and it's the simplest one and the one I started out with initially years ago after just making it up myself while not really understanding chakras back then. It is really simple and takes inspiration from the book Transcendence by Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski though I don't think he ever actually described this exact meditation. All you do is shift your focus around your body to different points at random, usually focusing on any segments you can individually identify, and then move along. So you can focus on your heart, your lungs, your stomach, your genitals, each segment of your spine moving all the way up from the tail-bone to the last parts connecting to your head, each bone in your body, each muscle, segments of your limbs, your butt, your liver, your kidneys, your brain, certain parts of your brain like your pineal gland, etc. just every single part of your body you can think of shift your awareness around and rest it upon each individual part and feel everything that part feels as strongly and as exclusively as you can. This is best done while just laying in bed at night trying to get to sleep. After doing all these individual little parts then you may try to focus on bigger parts of your body at once and feel everything those parts feel totally. Near the end you just feel your whole body at once as acutely as you can, feeling all the tension or laxness of every muscle in your body, feeling the pumping of the blood through every vein, the food and liquid sitting in your stomach, the heat and vibrations and whatever else sensations that are with everything, the sweat on your skin and the things pressing up against your body. You try to feel all of it, as intensely as you can, all at once. Then you're done. You can and should repeat this meditation many times so you can get better at it. This helps in a lot of ways:

• you listen to your body and become aware of any problems in it which you can then deal with afterwards or even as you go along
• you may develop more conscious control over aspects of your body which are otherwise under subconscious control, so you may be able to do things like change your heart-rate, control your breathing, have finer control over muscles, start sweating or stop sweating on conscious command, generate heat in your body, etc. all just by willing it; same way you move your arms, you intend to move your arms and you just do it
• you get better at focusing and expand your level of awareness all at once to be able to include more things or to feel even more intensely they very minute details of something when you narrow your focus to just it

Now if you want to start making changes to various organs, bones, nerves, blocked blood vessels, hormones being produced by glands in your body, etc. you just put your awareness upon them and bath them with healing emotions and resonate with the belief that the rapid healing process has been initiated. When you feel it's been done and the healing is under-way then move on to another part of your body and when you're done going over all parts of your body then you can either just sort of mentally stand-back and observe without interfering in the process any further and not having the lust of result or you can withdraw your attention from your body and focus on something else in the meanwhile so everything can just work without any further unintentional interference from you. If you want to do other things like produce heat, electricity, or pressure in your body and move it around you can do that also in pretty much the same way and you can also gather up these energies from all around your body and focus them to a specific point so for example you can set something on fire with your hands by gathering all the heat in your body and then doing your best to concentrate it all in just the fingertips or palms and then just discharge the concentrated heat from there. Same thing for electricity if you want to zap someone or pressure if you want to try to knock someone over. Likewise a similar process works for gaining conscious control over things like the heart-beat and the breath or the state of sexual arousal and so on. Remember btw that if you are going around healing your body that you don't just remove pain. You can easily remove pain in your body without actually healing it. You can also heal something without removing the pain. Make sure to remove both the pain and to heal it by intending for both these things to happen. You can form your intent like "this bodypart should be restored to a full functioning capacity and be relieved of any elemental imbalances within it". Another thing you can do is augment your body by doing the same thing and then willing for certain changes to take place such as for the eye or hair colour to change, or the size, or you can even make new growths appear in odd places on your body in the manner of stigmatists. Anything you can imagine intensely enough you can bring into material manifestation.

All of these things you can do also for others. You may enact this by directly focusing on them or through sympathetic magic where a symbolical representation of them will stand in for them and it will still work. In this way then you can remotely influence others and do things like healing at a distance. You may be met with mental resistance from them but if you can bypass it and get deep into their subconscious then you can overcome it with enough intensity. Absolutely anyone whose awareness falls upon you or whom you bring your awareness upon will rub off on you to some degree. If you are very aware of this you will feel and really notice this influence and how the vibes of others effect you. There are many methods to deal with these influences and escape possible negative effects of them and in really bad scenarios you can create multiple personalities or disassociate from certain bad influences to end their burden upon you. It is a good idea to take on mentally a lot of different roles and to imagine yourself as practically a different person in each role so you can isolate the effects of failing in one area from psychologically wrecking havoc on your performance in other areas. Initiation Into Hermetics suggests this practise in the section on Thought Discipline, "While we are at work or pursuing our profession we must direct all our thoughts towards our work and not allow them to be elsewhere, like at home or with private matters." Doing this helps prevent invasive mental influences from disturbing you.

There are a lot of videos you can find online of healing being done with a wide variety of explanations and variations in their technique but they all work on the same underlying principles of the imaginal abilities being put to work to direct intentions and resonate with a state of health. Here's an example of cancer being removed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmMNlmn1DPc

This is all for now. If you want to succeed in all of these things then stick to the Fringe Essentials and remember if Franz Bardon says something, then he is always right, and whatever he says overrules everyone else until proven otherwise.
How Your State of Mind is Affecting Your Well-Being

Most of us know that the environment has a tremendous effect on our physical and mental well-being but did you know that our thoughts directly affect the way we physically feel?

Remember always that we live and exist as part of a vast, elaborate, and intricate matrix of consciousness where everything affects everything else.

There are numerous causes to any one effect. Reality is far more complex than we sometimes realize. It’s far easier on our brains to overly simplify Reality’s operating system yet by doing so we can end up blocking out an understanding of how we are living a shadow of the amazing life we could be experiencing.

Let’s take a look at a program in the operating system of Reality that affects us on a daily basis in very intimate ways: our thoughts affecting our well-being.

Anger Makes You Physically Sick

According to a 2006 Harvard study, 10 million adult men in the United States are so angry that they’re sick. In fact, their disease has a name: intermittent explosive disorder, or IED.

It’s been something recognized since 1980 but has existed for millennia before humans discovered the facts of the matter.

Besides a person filled with anger and rage being an immediate threat to any property or people that may happen to be within swinging distance, there is some serious damage that is happening internally as well.

People who experience frequent outbursts of anger have been found to be more likely to die of heart disease or stroke.

In fact, more than 30,000 heart attacks each year are triggered by momentary anger, according to a 2004 Harvard study.

"People who have a lot of anger invest a lot of energy in trying to control it, and that kind of friction is likely to increase the probability of a heart attack," says Charles Spielberger, Ph.D., a University of South Florida psychologist who developed the most widely used test to measure anger.

"The more intense the anger, the more likely the heart attack."

Other studies have shown that angry men are three times more likely to develop premature cardiovascular disease, six times more likely to have an early heart attack, and three times more likely to have a stroke.

Your Attitude Affects How Long You Live

Research into the body-mind connection has discovered that if you expect illness you increase the odds of getting an illness and if you expect good health your chances of enjoying good health are increased.

The University of Texas found people with an upbeat view of life were less likely than pessimists to show signs of frailty and disease.

Another study that was published in the same journal suggests that physical performance can be influenced by mental attitude, indicating the intimate interplay between physical and mental systems.

Researchers from North Carolina State University did a study with results that showed that memory performance in older adults was lower when they were primed with negative stereotypes. In contrast, there was much less difference in performance between young and older adults primed with positive stereotypes.

The researchers say their findings suggest that if older people are treated like they are competent, productive members of society, then they perform that way too. This shows that the thoughts of others about us affect the thoughts we have about ourselves if we are aware of what those thoughts are.

Once again the intricate network of inter-connectivity shows itself to be very, very real.

Negative Emotions Affect Our Life Force on Subtle Levels

In the book Pranic Healing there is a more subtle look into how our thoughts and emotions affect our well-being.

The following is a quote from the book on this:

Energetically speaking, anger and frustration result in pranic (chi/qi/energy) depletion around the solar plexus and abdominal areas or may manifest as pranic congestion around the solar plexus and heart area.

In the first case, it manifests itself as indigestion or loose bowel movements. In the long run, it may manifest itself as ulcers or as a gall bladder problem.

In the second case, it may manifest itself as a heart enlargement or other heart related problems. It seems that a certain type of negative emotion may manifest as a certain type of disease in one patient but may manifest as another type of disease in another.

Anger and intense worry devitalize the whole bioplasmic body so that the body becomes susceptible to all kinds of diseases.

Negative emotions cause disturbances in the bioplasmic body so that the whole physical body becomes sick. You may have experienced that after an intense anger or an intense altercation, you felt physically exhausted or became sick.

This is because both the bioplasmic and visible physical bodies are drained of prana and became susceptible to infection.

Too Much Relationship Commitment May Increase Anxiety, Depression & Hostility

This one is definitely worth elaborating on.

As in my article on what happens in a relationship when passion overrides love, we can find yet again what happens when we allow our egos invest an unbalanced amount of energy and focus towards one person.

Because of the dynamics of human interaction and relationships when there is a state of disequilibrium the relationships can fail and when they do the emotional pain is magnified several times over.

A study by the University of Houston has found that there is too much emotional weight placed on a relationship one or both people involved will evaluate their self-worth by the out comes of their romantic interactions.

This happens so commonly psychologists even gave it a name (relationship-contingent self-esteem).

People with high levels of RCSE are very committed in their relationships but can experience manic, needy, and obsessive behaviors with regards to love.

Researcher Chip Knee said that,

"when something happens in a relationship, these individuals don’t separate themselves from it. They immediately feel personally connected to any negative circumstance in a relationship and become anxious, more depressed and hostile."

What goes wrong doesn’t even have to be a big event.

It can be as simple as the other person not returning their texts, calls, snapchats, etc.

The study doesn’t suggest that commitment is bad in itself but rather the wrong kind of commitment like the kind that arises from an egoistic desire to fill a void in a person’s life with another person that becomes a desolate wasteland when that person isn’t there in some capacity.

Being Happier Leads to Better Health

Monty Python famously sang "Always look on the bright side of life."

Yes there is death and destruction mercilessly given out but there is also compassion and creation introduced into our world. Just like the ancient adage says that the world is our mirror, so too does this apply to health through happiness.

Several studies have found that optimism does indeed lead to greater happiness and longevity. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine did a study (Optimism, Cynical Hostility, and Incident Coronary Heart Disease and Mortality in the Women’s Health Initiative) on post-menopausal women and found that they were healthier and lived longer than their counterparts that chose to dwell in pessimism.

With 100,000 women being a part of this study who were tracked for 8 years, the results are quite firm. Women in the "cynically hostile" group suffered poorer health, had a 16% higher risk of dying from any cause, and a 23% higher risk of dying from cancer.

If you have an optimistic state of mind you have a better ability to become accomplished in life, are better able to cope with stress, and can take on life challenges more resiliently…all of these have been confirmed by modern scientific studies but have been talked about by the wise ancients for millennia.

In the book Being Happy! author Andrew Matthews looks to the scientific research that have been done that showing just how damaging a negative state of mind really is and the results are shocking.

For instance, when blood samples taken from people who were feeling anger and fear were injected into guinea pigs they literally dropped dead in less then two minutes.

Negative emotions are self-destructive and if there was ever a reason to consciously stop fear and anger in their tracks, that’s a big one for sure.

Happy a Positive Attitude Reduces Pain and Fatigue

Even when we are on death’s doorstep, happy a positive attitude about it will reduce the pain and suffering we feel.

A study done by Dr Margot E Kurtz and her team from the Michigan State University with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy found that cancer patients with more optimistic outlooks were able to feel less pain associated with the cancers.

Patients who had a strong sense of control over their environment experienced less severe fatigue.

It’s difficult to stay positive when you’re face with your own mortality in such a life-changing way but if you understand that there is a degree of pain and suffering that doesn’t have to exist on top of that which you can’t control, it all becomes much easier to cope with.

At the very least, we can reduce the pain and fatigue we have in these kinds of life circumstances if we find ways to elevate our spirits out of the dark depths of confronting death.

Stress Can Literally Cause Cancer

Stress is called the mother of all dis-ease and with evidence of cancer being sprung into existence with the help of stress we can truly say stress is a menace to society.

Prof Xu and a team of researchers at Yale University did a study on fruit flies and found that everyday emotional stress triggers the growth of cancerous tumors. What happens is that stress opens up pathways between cells that allow mutations to spread, leading to cancer taking over.

Stress, be it physical or emotional, is never good. This seems like a given yet how often do we find ourselves unnecessarily stressing over things we either can’t control or that we blow out of proportion?

Stress is something that can be controlled with things such as deep breathing, being tuned into the present moment, and of course having a regular meditation practice.

…and Bias Towards Negativity Causes Stress

Riding on the "stress causes cancer" train, researchers have found that people who notice negative information over positive information are more stressed out.

This is especially true for ‘news junkies’ and ties into research that found reading the news can make you want to grab a bottle of antidepressants and swallow all the pills. Researchers from the University of Essex found that they could predict the body’s reaction to stress up to eight months after they measured a person’s bias towards positive or negative images.

The results indicate that people who are biased towards negativity have a much greater risk of having an anxiety disorder as a result.

Optimists Are Less Likely To Get Heart Disease

Just by living in a positive state of mind greatly reduces your risk of heart disease according to new research.

This was the first study, in fact, that made a direct connection between positive emotions and lower risk of heart disease. The study which went on for 10 years found that people that don’t dwell in positivity had a 22% greater risk of developing heart disease. That’s too large of a risk to not take to heart.

Since happier people tend to sleep better and not have such erratic sleeping patterns, their bodies are less stressed and strained.

Happier people are also better able to move on after something unfortunate happens to them than unhappy people who tend to dwell longer on negative experiences.

…and Fight Off Illnesses More Easily

It turns out that when we are pessimistic we actually have a weaker immune system response to illnesses such as viral infections.

This can result in a prolonged cold or flu that we definitely would not enjoy. In a study where scientists tracked the well-being of students for a year and tested their immune systems, they found very strong responses to challenges to their immune systems if those students were generally optimistic.

There was a clear demonstration that when they were optimistic their immune systems got stronger and when they were pessimistic their immune systems got weaker.

You Really *Are* As Old As You Feel

Obviously we won’t stay 21 forever but if we shift our perception of reality in such a way that we don’t fall into negative thinking about how we’re getting older and therefore we’re going to ache more, sleep less, weigh more, and so on, we’ll have more vitality.

A study (Age Identity, Gender, and Perceptions of Decline) led by Markus Schafer found that if we mentally keep on imprinting our minds with the idea that we’re old (or rather, that we’re going to experience the negative effects of aging before we actually get old) it will have a direct negative effect on our physical bodies.

"We found that these people who felt young for their age were more likely to have greater confidence about their cognitive abilities a decade later," Schafer said.

"Yes, chronological age was important, but the subjective age had a stronger effect."

Your Vision Can Improve If You Think It’s Improved

In a remarkable case of our thoughts shaping our reality, our eyesight can improve if we believe that we can see especially well.

This finding (Believing Is Seeing - Using Mindlessness (Mindfully) to Improve Visual Acuity) by psychologist Ellen Langer from Harvard University shows that perception can truly become reality, or at the very least help usher that reality into existence.

Out of all the findings Langer had in her research, the most incredible one was when 20 men and women (all with normal eyesight) were shown a reverse eye chart that was arranged so the letters became larger the further down they went, not smaller.

Surprisingly, they accurately reported more letters from the smallest two lines than they did when shown a traditional eye chart with the largest letters at the top.

The conclusion from all of the findings was that while vision may not improve itself, out mind-set is more accurately perceiving what it is seeing.

Insecurity in Relationships Leads to Greater Risk of Heart Problems

People who feel insecure in their relationships have been found to have increased heart problems later on in life.

In a study published by the American Psychological Association which examined data on 5,645 adults found that people who felt insecure in relationships or avoided getting close to others are at a higher risk of developing several chronic diseases.

The cardiovascular system seems to be especially hard hit from relationship insecurity and this makes sense since a relationship is heart-based in nature.

Other Physical Effects of Negative Emotions

• A Harvard Medical School Study of 1,623 heart attack survivors found that when subjects became angry during emotional conflicts, their risk of subsequent heart attacks was more than double that of those that remained calm.

• Men who complain of high anxiety are up to six times more likely than calmer men to suffer sudden cardiac death.

• A 20-year study of over 1,700 older men conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that worry about social conditions, health and personal finances all significantly increased the risk of coronary heart disease.

• An international study of 2,829 people between the ages of 55 and 85 found that individuals who reported the highest levels of personal "mastery" - feelings of control over life events - had a nearly 60% lower risk of death compared with those who felt relatively helpless in the face of life’s challenges.

• Three 10-year studies concluded that emotional stress was more predictive of death from cancer and cardiovascular disease than smoking; people who were unable to effectively manage their stress had a 40% higher death rate than non-stressed individuals.

• A study of heart attack survivors showed that patients’ emotional state and relationships in the period after myocardial infarction are as important as the disease severity in determining their prognosis.

• In a study of 5,716 middle-aged people, those with the highest self-regulation abilities were over 50 times more likely to be alive and without chronic disease 15 years later than those with the lowest self-regulation scores.

• A new study has found that our state of mind can either speed up or slow down how fast we heal from an illness. The study looked at diabetes patients and found that those with the worst depression were the least likely to heal quickly from foot ulcers.

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world".

This is how I start off a detailed section on how our thoughts and states of consciousness shape our reality in my book The Creation of a Consciousness Shift.

These words, said by the Buddha over 2,500 years ago, have always been true (and on many levels), yet now we have verifiable proof of it using our scientific method of understanding our world.

Now that we are more aware and better understand the power of our thoughts, it’s time to take that awareness and understanding and apply it to our lives. Why choose to live anything less then the most optimal life you can? ‘Knowledge is power’, it is said. You have the knowledge now. Use your newly-found power to your advantage and elevate you well-being.

The physical arises from the subtle. Formlessness gives birth to form. Your thoughts, leading a seemingly vaporous existence, have more power over you then you may think.

Initiate the Gamechanger… let your thoughts become your ally, increasing your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. You can either empower yourself or continue living life at the behest of untamed and uncontrolled thoughts.

The choice is yours.

What choice will you make?


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>not getting yourself one of those air filters, some air-cleansing houseplants, one of these http://medicalbiomats.com/ and then putting orgone generators in your room to make you heal so fast even the Pleiadians in their spaceships might be a tad jelly.


>So it stands to reason that anything that strengthens our immune system would help us to both prevent and fight any disease. Did you know that a “1 degree increase in body temperature results in a 40% increase in immunity. Optimal immune response is achieved at 109.4F” (Nobuhiro Yoshimizu, M.D., Ph.D., former director of Yokohama General Hospital.)

That's a good explanation for why tummo meditation and other meditations manipulating the inner-heat are so healing.

Unification Theory of Medicine


Really worth a read, I think this article is insightful and gives you some basic ideas about health to contemplate that fringe wizards really should consider.


>not just generating a protective aura around yourself or even feeding upon all the EMF energy to make you like a super strong mutant


Lots of different detox methods listed here.

This one is pretty cool: http://www.yogapoint.com/info/shankha_praksha.htm

I can't do the last parts of it though because I'm allergic to some of the foods it suggests.


I don't like some of the claims made in here but here's a good line:

All modalities can work, but only if used at the right time and with the right intention. As healers, it is important to listen and stay neutral, while we awaken the patient’s own vital force to allow the body to heal itself in accordance with Universal Law.

Makes me wonder how important perhaps neutral detachment from one's own body is to perhaps healing it? I don't know.


Article suggesting we can feed on others emotionally like certain plants can feed on other plants… aka psychic vampirism / loosh farming. It doesn't go into depth with anything though. I should probably pick this topic for a future essay.

Energetic Medicine on F0X, rife frequencies, vibration



This PDF proves that mindset changes our visual capacity beyond even a sceptic's hardcore doubts.

It has profound implications for those of us that want to attain better health and physiological function.

I think combining the understanding in there with hermetic practises and thoughtforming and trance should yield good positive results.

I want to devise some tests to carry out on some mundanes near me based on this.

Actually never mind, scepdicks always have ways to doubt anything and everything. Showed this to some scepdicks and they rejected it so fast they probably didn't even open up the link and certainly couldn't have actually read the thing.

Nine Foods You Should Never Eat Again

With so much misinformation out there about food and how it affects human health, making healthy food choices for you and your family can be difficult and confusing.

There are a number of specific foods; however, that you will want to avoid in almost every circumstance because they provide virtually no health benefits while posing plenty of health risks.

Here are nine foods you should never eat again if you care about preserving your long-term health:

White bread, refined flours

By definition, white bread and refined flours in general are toxic for your body because they have been stripped of virtually all vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important nutrients.

Because of this, the body does not know how to properly digest and assimilate these so-called foods, which can lead to health problems.

Refined white flour has also been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two poisonous chemicals that have been linked to causing thyroid and organ damage.

(Source: http://drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/BREAD.htm)

Conventional frozen meals

Most conventionally-prepared frozen meals are loaded with preservatives, processed salt, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients, not to mention the fact that most frozen meals have been heavily pre-cooked, rendering their nutrient content minimal at best (especially after getting microwaved again at home).

With the exception of a few truly healthy frozen meal brands such as Amy's and Organic Bistro, most frozen meals are little more than disease in a box, so avoid them in favor of fresh foods.

(Source: http://www.4us2be.com)

White rice

Like white bread, white rice has been stripped of most of its nutrients, and separated from the bran and germ, two natural components that make up rice in its brown form.

Even so-called "fortified" white rice is nutritionally deficient, as the body still processes this refined food much differently than brown rice, which is absorbed more slowly and does not cause the same spike in blood sugar that white rice does.

(Source: http://globalnaturopath.com)

Microwaveable popcorn

This processed food is a favorite among moviegoers and regular snackers alike, but it is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat.

Practically every component of microwaveable popcorn, from the genetically-modified (GM) corn kernels to the processed salt and preservative chemicals used to enhance its flavor, is unhealthy and disease-promoting.

On top of this, microwaveable popcorn contains a chemical known as diacetyl that can actually destroy your lungs.

If you love popcorn, stick with organic kernels that you can pop yourself in a kettle and douse with healthy ingredients like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and Himalayan pink salt.

(Source: http://www.naturalnews.com)

Cured meat products with nitrates, nitrites

Deli meats, summer sausage, hot dogs, bacon, and many other meats sold at the grocery store are often loaded with sodium nitrite and other chemical preservatives that have been linked to causing heart disease and cancer.

If you eat meat, stick with uncured, nitrite and nitrate-free varieties, and preferably those that come from organic, grass-fed animals.

(Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/028824_processed_meat_heart_disease.html)

Most conventional protein, energy bars

By the way they are often marketed, it might seem as though protein and energy bars are a strong addition to a healthy diet.

But more often than not, these meal replacements contain processed soy protein, refined sugar, hydrogenated fat, and other harmful additives that contribute to chronic illness.

Not all protein and energy bars are bad, of course - Thunderbird Energetica, Organic Food Bar, Boku Superfood, Vega Sport, PROBAR, and Zing all make healthy protein and energy bars.

Just be sure to read the ingredient labels and know what you are buying.


Hidden in all sorts of processed foods, margarine, a hydrogenated trans-fat oil, is something you will want to avoid at all costs for your health.

Contrary to popular belief, butter and saturated fats in general are not unhealthy, especially when they are derived from pastured animals that feed on grass rather than corn and soy.

And if animal-based fats are not for you, stick with extra-virgin coconut oil or olive oil rather than margarine.

(Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/027865_saturated_fat_health.html)

Soy milk and soy-based meat substitutes

One of the biggest health frauds of modern times, the soy craze is a fad that you will want to skip.

Besides the fact that nearly all non-organic soy ingredients are of GM origin, most soy additives are processed using a toxic chemical known as hexane, which is linked to causing birth defects, reproductive problems, and cancer.

Soy that has not been fermented is also highly estrogenic, which can throw your natural hormone balance out of whack.

(Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/026303_soy_protein_hexane.html)

"Diet" anything

Many so-called "diet" products on the market today contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal) and sucralose (Splenda), both of which are linked to causing neurological damage, gastrointestinal problems, and endocrine disruption.

Many diet products also contain added chemical flavoring agents to take the place of fat and other natural components that have been removed to artificially reduce calorie content.

Instead, stick with whole foods that are as close to nature as possible, including high-fat foods grown the way nature intended, and your body will respond surprisingly well.

(Source: http://www.naturalnews.com)

Additional Source


Main article: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_industryweapons248.htm

air fresheners are toxic though, so avoid those


I don't eat much white bread anymore, if at all. Rye bread and crispbread seem to be more healthier and tastier and I consume these a lot. I eat white and brown rice mixed up, but only rarely. And margarine, I need to check that out.

So that's almost 3 out of 9.

I never mentioned those and yes those are obviously toxic they add terrible chemicals into the air… I was talking about air filters to remove that shit from the air.

I was saying they were incase anyone mixed the two up.

Health is 80% physical, 10% mental/subconscious, and the rest spiritual.

Humans are not powerful enough to be completely unchained from physicality (we are rather low compared to the heaven which, although divine and magnificent, are still bound).

I've skimmed your posts and it seems you're going down the wrong path. The body has the tools to do its job correctly and efficiently, all it needs is good care and input. The engine does not run without proper fuel (food that "resonates" with you) nor does it run |efficiently| without oil/lubricant (see: micro-nutrients/elements/minerals). What you're doing is good and fine, even great if your body's wiring is off, but it seems you want to skip all the hard and difficult work of actually taking care of your body/physicality as so common with "neophytes."

P.S - The red topics are in the right direction, but missing the central point and don't account for factors of that they know not


Health is 90% mental/subconscious/spirit and like 10% physical.

I know because I had perfect diet for years but until I started using magic to change things, nothing changed at all, also many of the people that live to very advanced some of them smoked and did other things that wreck health but still persisted a long time and it was because of LOOSH.

>but it seems you want to skip all the hard and difficult work of actually taking care of your body/physicality as so common with "neophytes."

You fucking kidding me? You don't know shit about me. I have not had a soda drink in over a decade (last time being back when I was a young child and my stupid fat parents gave that to me and I didn't know better), I never eat cakes not even on birthdays, I exercise intensely in many different ways, I avoid all unhealthy foods and have a purely healthy diet. All the mundane shit is easy to fucking do and isn't something I'd want to avoid, you have no idea how fucking powerful my will is, if I want to concentrate on something and do it I'll fucking get it done. If I want to resist some temptation or whatever I have identified, I succeed.

I do not eat:

- Junkfood
- Soda
- Candy
- White Bread
- Refined Sugar or Salt
- Margarine and shit-quality oils, etc.

My diet is primarily organic, mostly pesticide free (I think some fruits get sprayed but we wash them), I do regular detoxs and fasting and so on.

I am fucking perfect health-wise. It could only be better if there was some untouched wild land with enough food there to support foraging and hunting for myself and lets say I have a cabin there and everything I'm eating is basically entirely raw high quality foods.

Despite all that it wasn't until I start using magic to enhance things that I started to get real health. When I started doing practises like in Initiation Into Hermetics and blessing the food, my diet hasn't really changed, but the way my body is has. The food does more for me now, is better assimilated, somehow more healthy just by the application of the akashic principle.

I bet you I eat healthier than you guaranteed. I don't even find unhealthy food any good. It's absolutely shit tasting, healthy food leaves you feeling better and tastes better, junkfood is just all around nasty.

Everything we do with magic can make food much better for us. You know Aghori eat rotten corpses? You know there are a lot of really weird diets out there that people have manifested good health on? You know that some people can consume poisons like cyanide and not be effected by it? It's all about the magic, the subconscious beliefs, etc.

Check out this PDF.

Look man I don't fuck around with health and vitality it's really important, you can lose everything but as long as you have your health you're good, once you lose your health it doesn't matter what else you had you'll never be able to enjoy it. Health is essential to our well-being and our success in life.

Every breath we take, every water we drink, food, etc. it can all be made better through the akasha.

Every aspect of our health can be restored no matter how damaged or what it is.

>inb4 condescension

>inb4 I have to take fucking pictures of the top-quality food I eat

Please don't. I don't need to waste time, I've got more books to read and much to do. If you got any book recommendations or useful knowledge and experiences relay it to me otherwise don't get in the way.

You seem rather angry, perhaps you have doubts of your own methods?
(Or was it that I questioned how much time you've put into research?) Coupled with all that assuming you show evidence of following these ideals blindly.

>I know because I had perfect diet for years but until I started using magic to change things, nothing changed at all

You mention this numerous times in your post, yet you don't say what changed.

> also many of the people that live to very advanced some of them smoked and did other things that wreck health but still persisted a long time and it was because of LOOSH.

Many people also live long on shit diets, it's genetic. Most of the physical is genetic. If what administrated poisons don't kill you right away, and your telomeres are long enough, you might likely make it to be a centurial. Loosh is a silly concept, it's become real only through the beliefs of the misguided.

>you have no idea how fucking powerful my will is, if I want to concentrate on something and do it I'll fucking get it done. If I want to resist some temptation or whatever I have identified, I succeed.

I've misjudged you, you're actually looking to better yourself, good on you.

>I do not eat…

But do you know why you shouldn't eat them? Buying non-GMO, eating to body, and removing the poisons (nightshades, cayenne, etc.) are all ways to have the utmost perfect health.

>(I think some fruits get sprayed but we wash them)

Pesticides leech, you can't wash them off.

>I do regular detoxs and fasting and so on.

This isn't necessary if you take proper precautions. At most you should fast twice a year and detox
(including for parasites and the like) right after each fast.

>Despite all that it wasn't until I start using magic to enhance things that I started to get real health. When I started doing practises like in Initiation Into Hermetics and blessing the food, my diet hasn't really changed, but the way my body is has. The food does more for me now, is better assimilated, somehow more healthy just by the application of the akashic principle.

We are similar, yet very different. Once I started thriving to change (to remove my chronic/incurable disease) and learn the secrets (spiritual), then did the answers come to me. I have learned how this world operates, what needs to be done to get what is needed. The physical is the prime level, it affects most of everything we do. No matter how powerful you get, you are still bound by physicality. Look in the heavens, do you see the planets and stars? The great cosmic etheric bodies are bound to physicality, yet their power is great in this realm. Only the damned escape it. Mental/subconscious affects a smaller portion, yet significant. Placebo and nocebo and willful thinking fall into here. The last part is spiritual, some people confuse this with mental, but they are separate. All these levels test you. The physical tests your genes and your body from which the genes made. The mental tests your mind, from which it was conceived under the very stars it's affected by. Lastly, the spiritual tests your soul, is it strong enough?

>somehow more healthy just by the application of the akashic principle.

All has etheric components, even disease and food. Saying this makes a bit of sense, that you found out food's true value inside.

>I bet you I eat healthier than you guaranteed.

Would you bet your spirit?

> Aghori eat rotten corpses

Not only are rotten corpses filled with good bacteria, but the mass of digestion has already taken place, making eating them much more fruitful and easier.

> You know there are a lot of really weird diets out there that people have manifested good health on?

Genetics and mental.

>You know that some people can consume poisons like cyanide and not be effected by it?

Adaption. Like Rasputin, I can eat cyanide through my adaption to it.

> It's all about the magic, the subconscious beliefs, etc.

All I ask is for you to differentiate the two, magic is not the mental, neither is the mental magic. They work together, but are not the same.

>Look man I don't fuck around with health and vitality it's really important, you can lose everything but as long as you have your health you're good, once you lose your health it doesn't matter what else you had you'll never be able to enjoy it. Health is essential to our well-being and our success in life.

I'm glad you don't.

>Every breath we take, every water we drink, food, etc. it can all be made better through the akasha.

While correct, you aren't thinking like I am and this statement is redundant.

>Every aspect of our health can be restored no matter how damaged or what it is.

Very true, but not through the spiritual alone. Before the alchemists become interested in and practiced alchemy, they were scientists, masters of the physical world. This is the same step you must take, master the laws of the physical, so the etheric is easier and more concrete (you're misguided).

You're a smart man, and you have a good amount of potential. I'll trust you'll get to the truth in time.

You're the permanently butthurt condescending guy from /astral/ again lel.

Always angry. Surely because of good testosterone level from good diet. lol

>90% mental
>follows a strict diet


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>You seem rather angry, perhaps you have doubts of your own methods?

Anger is a quality which I cultivate and see positively.

>Coupled with all that assuming you show evidence of following these ideals blindly.

I don't follow ideals blindly and have gone through many paradigm shifts and revisions of my worldview to get to where I am. You are very condescending.

>You mention this numerous times in your post, yet you don't say what changed.

I don't talk about this because I don't want your mental influence fucking with it especially seeing as you think physical matters more than mental. I talk freely about matters which are completed but not WIP (work in progress). I will just tell you I eliminated multiple deleterious conditions which had persisted for months or even years in a matter of only 3 days since initiating my magical procedures and all that was still fairly passive as I was also committing myself to a great number of other things but I still achieved remarkable results and will surely clean up everything extraordinarily fast if I focus the full attention of my awareness upon the matter for a few days of intense meditation. I predict a shitty response to this from you though, so just keep it to yourself, or go ahead and type it but don't expect me to hail you as some master.

>Many people also live long on shit diets, it's genetic.

The evidence is contrary to that notion when individuals from lineages that have had poor health suddenly through metaphysical changes attain longevity and well-being even under strange and harsh circumstances. Also genes themselves can be modified through mental processes both in their expression and actual genetic code.

>Loosh is a silly concept, it's become real only through the beliefs of the misguided.

No it's not a silly concept, it is very useful, very basic to our awareness, and really powerful when properly utilized and its effects can be noted even in cases of individuals who don't know explicitly about the concept of loosh.

>But do you know why you shouldn't eat them?

Of course I do, I've fucking read thousands of articles.

>Buying non-GMO, eating to body, and removing the poisons (nightshades, cayenne, etc.) are all ways to have the utmost perfect health.

How about I be condescending towards you for a change and tell you that nightshades and cayenne are the same fucking thing.

>Pesticides leech, you can't wash them off.

You can wash them off a little but yes it doesn't totally remove them. It doesn't matter though, we can still overcome their effects through magic, and all living organisms on the entire planet are contaminated with pesticides now you know.

>This isn't necessary if you take proper precautions. At most you should fast twice a year and detox (including for parasites and the like) right after each fast.

Twice a year is "regularly".

>The physical is the prime level, it affects most of everything we do.

It is not.

>No matter how powerful you get, you are still bound by physicality.


>Look in the heavens, do you see the planets and stars?

Irrelevant. Why do you even ask this question in your paragraph there?

>Mental/subconscious affects a smaller portion, yet significant.

No the universe is entirely a mental creation and the body disintegrates without its etheric energy scaffolding to keep it together into a particular form and the subconscious is infinitely interconnected with the whole universe, no small proportion is effected, everything is effected.

>rest of the blabber in your paragraph

Not even worth responding to.

>All has etheric components, even disease and food. Saying this makes a bit of sense, that you found out food's true value inside.

Anything which has a form has etheric components obviously.

>Would you bet your spirit?

Fuck no I wouldn't even bet you a dollar or anything else I'm just saying if we were going to both be assessed to see who eats healthier I'd win, unless you happen to be some hunter-gatherer dude living in some untouched preserve somewhere, eating nothing but wild food.

>Not only are rotten corpses filled with good bacteria, but the mass of digestion has already taken place, making eating them much more fruitful and easier.

People with the wrong mindset who do the same thing fucking die from it.

>Genetics and mental.

Genetics are entirely a mental creation, redundant.

>Adaption. Like Rasputin, I can eat cyanide through my adaption to it.

The fuck do you mean by this? What source texts do you derive using the word "adaption" like this from?

>All I ask is for you to differentiate the two, magic is not the mental, neither is the mental magic. They work together, but are not the same.

No they are the same and I see no reason to think otherwise. Provide some texts to suggest otherwise.

>While correct, you aren't thinking like I am and this statement is redundant.

Obviously I don't think like you, you've clearly had your thinking perverted by the constructs of the demiurge.

To extract more loosh from you: dreams are indeed astral projection, deal with it silly mundane. Lobsang Rampa is a pretty cool guy. New Thought is based and more recent occult texts are better than the vague and outdated texts of the ancients. Everyone can access the astral and it's not necessarily the super rare privilege you make it out to be though it's absolutely beautiful and wonderful. Autism doesn't real, psychiatry is bullshit.

Also you are incredibly obsessed with "winning" debates and declaring "victories" so you win the huge faggot award, congrats you winner.

Also another thing which you know to be true and I may as well remind you: your mother never loved you.

Also you never really knew your father because he died when you were very young.

Also you had/have a ton of suppressed anger in you and felt that you were emotionless but in the deeper levels of your mind there was a lot of torment which you disassociated from and you like to imagine others getting angry and to feel that you are above them when they express themselves like that because you had so much of that in your very early life that you've grown an aversion to it where you assume others getting angry are losing control or assuming an inferior condition to you, one which you associate with your troubled early childhood. Also your parents beat you lel.

Oh and one more thing: fuck the demiurge.

>inb4 major asspain

>inb4 I'm spot on with all these things about your past

Shhh, no tears now.

I like to tap into the healthy archetype and make it work for me. Also healthy food is good tasting food, junk food is shit tasting. Why would I eat food I don't enjoy to consume?

Pic related is for you, hope it bothers you deeply over your croissants.

Why such a view on the demiurge?

The demiurge is just the program for physicality and is rather passive and blind. It takes whatever passions are fed to it and manifests them into reality. It lacks the intelligence or awareness to filter out the bad. It's also the reason why this reality persists in a stable form even if we take our awareness off of it for awhile - then we can still come back to it.

The attitude I chose to express towards the demiurge in simply to provoke the emotions of the poster using the Illuminati triangle flag in this thread.

The demiurge is very fond of patterns, rhythms, etc. and thus is in opposition to the nature of spirit which strives to be boundless and unrestrained in its expression. I guess you could say that.

I pursue every line of thought just to see what it's like and I also sometimes shift my spirit into the mind and body of another person for awhile to see what one day in their life is like then shift out of them back to me but with the extra knowledge so I can hate the demiurge, be indifferent to it, love it, etc. all different times and know all of those feelings.

tl;dr I'm just saying the right things to provoke him based on his past behaviour, beliefs, thoughts, experiences, etc. I know how he'll react.

He will probably see this post though and feign indifference and emotionlessness in response in an effort to assert his own freewill and hope to convince others (and in turn himself) he is free from manipulation.

If I hit too deep though he'll just panic and become paranoid and might flee the thread, not wanting to touch it at all.

Interesting views. Thank you for sharing them with me!


>). I will just tell you I eliminated multiple deleterious conditions which had persisted for months or even years in a matter of only 3 days since initiating my magical procedures and all that was still fairly passive as I was also committing myself to a great number of other things but I still achieved remarkable results and will surely clean up everything extraordinarily fast if I focus the full attention of my awareness upon the matter for a few days of intense meditation.

Details plz? I want to fix my deleterious conditions too!



See: Every book in the "Health" folder in the mega, Initiation Into Hermetics under the Franz Bardon folder which is under the Fringe Essentials folder, and for everything else check out the New Thought folder to find the books mentioned in book in the first mega link I just posted.

I'll talk about specific techniques later but a few of them are:

- autosuggestion
- imagining yourself within an archetype which manifests perfect health (in the manner described in the Believing is Seeing pdf)

Note that I did this very passively with not all that much effort.

I also used beforehand meditation and rhythmic breathing (as described in The Science of Breath) and green + lemon tea all at the same time just to accumulate etheric energy from the air to work with later. That was maybe 15 minutes only but doing that has very immediate and notable effects upon the body.

There's a lot more for me to talk about but I'd rather just write this all down in detail later. For now, while you wait for that to be done, those books will serve you well in the pursuit of health.

- Hatha Yoga
- The Science of Psychic Healing
- The Science of Breath
- Initiation Into Hermetics
- Seeing is Believing (just read the abstract only in that pdf to save yourself time, unless you're terribly sceptical)
- The Law and The Promise
- Transcendence

Other books can potentially help too as well but a few things I do I haven't even found yet in any of the books I'm reading.

I'd start with those first three books and hope that I've personally written more of my magic down for you to read and apply later.


Thank you Hermeticist anon. <3

I can see you're blind to your own faults. If you were as condescending as I, you might be able to see the truth, instead of wishful thinking.

You are not as smart as I thought you were. May destiny carry out its fate on you, which I wish is cruel and disheartening.

Oh my, I've missed the spoilers.

Where did you learn such knowledge? Your analyzation is almost spot on, but I can tell you that I wasn't beaten as a child and in-fact my mother did love me, but it seems the rest is perfect.

Doesn't all tea contain fluoride?

Not raw leaves/ non-U.S.A tea.

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lol butthurt

Loosh extraction complete.

>but I can tell you that I wasn't beaten as a child and in-fact my mother did love me, but it seems the rest is perfect.

Liar or MPD / dissociation.

It's hot out where I live and the heat was making me aggravated, I'm neither a liar nor do I have more than one personality.

Is there any missing time? Do you feel like you get regular bouts of amnesia?

No, I don't lapse out/black out either.

Ok then why in the past did you think your mother doesn't love you and think about your parents potentially beating you if you were to misbehave?

In the past? Mate, that's ambiguous to the max and you're trying to get a reply out of me when there probably isn't.

I'm sure most of us had those spoiled kid moments when we were young and our parents didn't give us exactly what we wanted. Please, if you have nothing of use, don't reply.

The day was May 19th 2014 and you were sitting at your computer. Specific enough for you, faggot?

That was actually a good joke, 7/10; you're a bright kid.

Thanks for the loosh mundane.

Haha, I guess you're all the same. Never willing to admit when you're wrong, all ideological.

>I come onto /fringe/ to tell everyone else they are wrong and assert my dominance while not being able to back it up or make any text recommendations

Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist

1) Avoidance. They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.

2) Selectivity. They tend to pick and choose opponents carefully, either applying the hit-and-run approach against mere commentators supportive of opponents, or focusing heavier attacks on key opponents who are known to directly address issues. Should a commentator become argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to include the commentator as well.

3) Coincidental. They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.

4) Teamwork. They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.

5) Anti-conspiratorial. They almost always have disdain for 'conspiracy theorists' and, usually, for those who in any way believe JFK was not killed by LHO. Ask yourself why, if they hold such disdain for conspiracy theorists, do they focus on defending a single topic discussed in a NG focusing on conspiracies? One might think they would either be trying to make fools of everyone on every topic, or simply ignore the group they hold in such disdain. Or, one might more rightly conclude they have an ulterior motive for their actions in going out of their way to focus as they do.

6) Artificial Emotions. An odd kind of 'artificial' emotionalism and an unusually thick skin – an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial. Most people, if responding in anger, for instance, will express their animosity throughout their rebuttal. But disinfo types usually have trouble maintaining the 'image' and are hot and cold with respect to pretended emotions and their usually more calm or unemotional communications style. It's just a job, and they often seem unable to 'act their role in character' as well in a communications medium as they might be able in a real face-to-face conversation/confrontation. You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger later – an emotional yo-yo. With respect to being thick-skinned, no amount of criticism will deter them from doing their job, and they will generally continue their old disinfo patterns without any adjustments to criticisms of how obvious it is that they play that game – where a more rational individual who truly cares what others think might seek to improve their communications style, substance, and so forth, or simply give up.

7) Inconsistent. There is also a tendency to make mistakes which betray their true self/motives. This may stem from not really knowing their topic, or it may be somewhat 'freudian', so to speak, in that perhaps they really root for the side of truth deep within.

I have noted that often, they will simply cite contradictory information which neutralizes itself and the author. For instance, one such player claimed to be a Navy pilot, but blamed his poor communicating skills (spelling, grammar, incoherent style) on having only a grade-school education. I'm not aware of too many Navy pilots who don't have a college degree. Another claimed no knowledge of a particular topic/situation but later claimed first-hand knowledge of it.

8) BONUS TRAIT: Time Constant. Recently discovered, with respect to News Groups, is the response time factor. There are three ways this can be seen to work, especially when the government or other empowered player is involved in a cover up operation:

1) ANY NG posting by a targeted proponent for truth can result in an IMMEDIATE response. The government and other empowered players can afford to pay people to sit there and watch for an opportunity to do some damage. SINCE DISINFO IN A NG ONLY WORKS IF THE READER SEES IT - FAST RESPONSE IS CALLED FOR, or the visitor may be swayed towards truth.

2) When dealing in more direct ways with a disinformationalist, such as email, DELAY IS CALLED FOR - there will usually be a minimum of a 48-72 hour delay. This allows a sit-down team discussion on response strategy for best effect, and even enough time to 'get permission' or instruction from a formal chain of command.

3) In the NG example 1) above, it will often ALSO be seen that bigger guns are drawn and fired after the same 48-72 hours delay - the team approach in play. This is especially true when the targeted truth seeker or their comments are considered more important with respect to potential to reveal truth. Thus, a serious truth sayer will be attacked twice for the same sin.

I close with the first paragraph of the introduction to my unpublished book, Fatal Rebirth:

Truth cannot live on a diet of secrets, withering within entangled lies. Freedom cannot live on a diet of lies, surrendering to the veil of oppression. The human spirit cannot live on a diet of oppression, becoming subservient in the end to the will of evil. God, as truth incarnate, will not long let stand a world devoted to such evil. Therefore, let us have the truth and freedom our spirits require… or let us die seeking these things, for without them, we shall surely and justly perish in an evil world.


Oh, now you're just being silly.

This flag is all the proof I need that, while I am not inerrant, I am not a shill.

I playfully shill all the time and check out my flag.

Ok shill. Really though you're much more likely a person with severe personality defects and not intentionally shilling.

It's all in good fun, unlike this fool who believes what he says.

If you insist. My personality is stable and conforms with the stars.

What if this illuminati flag guy is just smiley talking to himself?

What if it's all a big ruse?

[spoiler] You could have prevented this [/spoiler]


File: 1406344182572.jpg (15.22 KB, 225x225, image.jpg)
Oh fuck

>stable personality
>fixed beliefs
>thinks believing what he says is a bad thing


Belief is a tool to be used and exploited. A fool is one who isn't willing to take a step into madness and act with blind faith - or to recognize the blind faith in those who act but are confident in the reality of the reality which they perceive. I am not afraid to be "incorrect", to rub up against the consensus reality and wage war upon it. Beliefs spread like viruses, defining experiential reality itself, warring amongst each other for dominance. I assert the superiority of my imaginal constructs over those who would undermine my high fantasy made manifest.

I am the same. Will we end this here or do you have another tangent you want to address?

>Himalayan pink salt
yeah, fuck off

Either that or Celtic salt.

If you feel the need to foam at the mouth, you can stop posting any time.

Adding on to this, it's safer to buy more obscure salts, because due to Himalayan's popularity, knock-offs are far and wide.

Yes. Tell me why does bane wear the mask?

Not him but foaming at the mouth sounds like a good reason to post. It's like you don't understand that many people, every day, keep on finding things to get angry about or that upset them just for the opportunity to rant about it. People will often find reasons to get angry or to scare themselves or to provoke any other emotions in themselves even though you yourself seem to think they aren't desired. Getting angry online and shitposting is fun.

File: 1406521128128.jpg (123.15 KB, 719x575, 1384804348076.jpg)
Dubs. Check em'

It may be, but we expect a certain level of decency on /fringe/.

Can your diet affect your magic ability?

I have noticed that as my diet has changed from a mundane/normie/goyim typical gmo food and fluoride water, to a highly organic diet with most of my food cooked at home, and reverse osmosis water.

I have noticed that particularly since I have cleaned out my diet that I can actually smell fluoride and other chemicals and noted that when I inhale them it inhibits magic ability entirely. Other chemical processes like hormone treated meats, and beef in general have an adverse effect on my magic ability.

>Not to be a kike

I’ve noticed that PROK in particular, and shellfish have a very adverse effect on my magic ability, and have given them up and felt much stronger.

Then, I started to clean out the shampoo bottle, and the soap I use, and no use baking soda/apple cider vinegar method instead and noticed that my mental clarity is up, it is somewhat related to food, as a hygienic practice.

I have also noticed that fasting in general is beneficial to my magic ability.

What have you all found to aid in magic?

As a side note, as my magic ability grows, the more I feel weakened/aware of the electromagnetic frequencies around me and have them interfering with my brainwaves somehow.

>I've noticed that PROK in particuar, and shellfish have a very adverse effect on my magic ability, and have given them up and felt much stronger.

There may be higher reasons why such animals are unclean, but even from a mundane perspective, nearly all of the animals considered unclean have unclean diets themselves. Pigs and shellfish both eat literal shit. I also avoid fish like carp and catfish for this reason.

Food / Diet thread here: ( >>6467 )

Red meat induces lower emotions on the astral level and should be either avoided or eaten in moderation (1 - 2 times a week). White meat is ok in moderation. You should go for fresh, non-GMO as much as possible, and not drink tap water tainted with chemicals (fluoride etc.).

On top of that, various foods and additives have certain elemental alignments, meaning you can throw yourself out of balance if you don't eat a diet that is balanced energetically as well as nutritionally.

And of course, anything which is bad for the body is bad for the soul, the mind and the spirit, meaning stay in good shape. Exercise is good too, you don't need to become a bodybuilder, just doing some daily cardio will increase your capacity for vital energy enormously.

Magic? Not that poster btw

I just realized now I copypasted someone else's post from a thread that wasn't supposed to exist to here and that's why it's under my IP. fug.

How does one go about building muscle/bulking while eating organically without spending a shit ton of money? Trying to adjust my diet to co-align with my natural elemental make-up. Shits tough tho

Come to where I live and there's more organic food than you can eat and you'll have to throw out a lot of it for the animals.

where u at

St. Jacobs, Ontario.

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