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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2908
I wish to inform my fellow /fringe/ wizards that something major is taking place in the astral and huge synchronicities are happening.

Today I and multiple other persons have all experienced the same events in the astral, been to the same stadium, and encountered the same entities.

This is unprecedented.

I and at least one other individual are also apparently being hunted by something sinister in the astral, according to the tulpa of a third wizard.

This is really strange.

Perhaps a massive convergence of fourth density and third density reality is taking place.
One other detail: the thing hunting us can use people as organic portals in the third density. Aka it can possess us. It's probably a very powerful demon trying to use us as vessels to get into this world.

This is how people get possessed…

>Today I and multiple other persons have all experienced the same events in the astral, been to the same stadium, and encountered the same entities.
So before this you thought the astral plane was your imagination?

No but it's really weird to meet up with several people I know in third density all at once and all randomly without having planned a meet up. I mostly don't expect to meet people from third density Earth except very rarely, meeting so many at once that I actually know and aren't just strangers, is really bizarre.

Dont know if I should expect a reply but what does the stadium look like? Im curious of it because of a dream a friend had with me in it in a Colosseum.

quick track to astral travel? dream control is taking too long…

could have something to do with the grand cardinal cross (taking place for the next 6 days i heard)

Is it happening?

No look at the timestamp this thread is old as fuck.

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