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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1395871319051.jpg (386.36 KB, 900x675, Fringe Girl Ocean.jpg)
No. 4602
Want me to write my own magic book containing all my knowledge of magic within it and notes on what I've done, what techniques I use, etc.?

I've done a LOT of things and know a lot of stuff as well, much of it is also stuff I've primarily found out on my own, without reading about it in some other book beforehand.

I could potentially produce a very interesting book and then update it repeatedly overtime with new entries, revisions, etc.
Note: If I begin work on this, I'm going to have to stop with greenpilling, posting, and other distractions for awhile so post-rates will drop but whenever I'm done the resulting work may be invaluable.

I think it depends on entirely how long it will take to write. You could just finish sections at a time and make a thread about it, letting us read what sections are done while you continue to work on it. Or just keep posting while working on the book, but that would obviously take longer. Up to you wiz

Might be good for a laugh.

I'd read it OP

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