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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 14797
Hello, /fringe/. I'm afraid that I have only begun my studies into magic recently, and so, as of right now, am not much of a help to this board. However, I would much appreciate it if someone here at /fringe/ would point me in the right direction in terms of books that would be helpful to learn from. Now, I have read the sticky and saw the reading list there, but I'm unsure of the order that I should read them. After all, you can't pick up an advanced subject without learning the basics. What would be really helpful is if someone here could tutor me over the Internet, but that is only a hope, not something that will likely be accomplished. After all, teaching a total stranger on the Internet is not something that many enjoy doing, and I understand that. I have been rambling a bit, and I apologize for that. Anyway, /fringe/, I would appreciate guidance on my path to… wizard-hood? Magical knowledge? Whatever you want to call it. I'll probably get more help here than on /x/, after all. Oh, yeah, this may be the wrong board for this question. If it is, please change it. Thank you.
I've heard that Initiation into Hermetics is a good place to start

Sure hope you enjoy reading anon, there's going to be a lot of that if you're serious.
>fringe book list
>Fringe Essentials
Read the Kybalion and the Holographic universe, then move on to the Franz Bardon folder, read the theory in the old edition of Initiation Into Hermetics, then the actual practical component in the 2001 edition.
Ideally read everything in that folder and the entire fringe board.

Whatever you do, read The Kybalion first, because the ideas in that book are literally repeated in ALL other occult works and understanding its principles is extremely important.

I'm new too, so far I think I'm doing fine with this list.

1 - The Holographic Universe
2 - The Kybalion
3 - Fringe knowledge for beginners
4 - Initiation into Hermetics AND Astral Dynamics.

The fourth step is when you become an actual wizard.

I need a copy of Lectures on Ancient Philosophy but can't find it :\

What's "A New Model of The Universe" about?

I really doubt most of those books there are good unless you just want an intellectual understanding of magic and alchemy and related fields.

Also, anyone who lists that fucking faggot Crowley shouldn't be taken seriously.

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>tfw I am reading through 51 of William Walker Atkinson's books right now and find them incredibly informative
>tfw reading all day and night constantly, except for a few hours of work to get food rations
>tfw know so fucking much but don't know what to share with others, thinking of putting together a magical plan for physical fitness though because I think the majority of users will like it, and it will be an easy way for them to start practising magic and get results they can test

Already read through like 10 of the books.

I've read the Kybalion and Fringe Knowledge for beginners, is it necessary for me to read through all of >>14819 ?
Everything I've read so far (including in threads on this board) is stuff I already know from a dream I had when I was 13.

No don't read all that shit. Read what's provided in the mega folder. A lot of the books in that one picture are useless to you whereas the stuff in the mega is mostly centred around the actual practise, understanding, and inspiration needed for magic. The books in that picture are just theory, theology, etc. and not very useful.

From that pic, just read the ones outlined in red.

The stuff I put in yellow is stuff that looks interesting to me but I probably won't be reading any time soon.

Thanks m8.

It's on the mega from the fringe sticky.

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>skipping Robert Anton Wilson
>skipping Gnostic Christianity

Christianity sucks dick and anything of value had to be injected into it from true spirituality. Only reason stuff like Mystic Christianity exists is because various wizards wanted to practise magic while not being attacked by christfags in the past for doing so. Today the Christian religion is finally dying out and we can precede with pure metaphysics while moving away from this jewish culture.

As for Robert Anton Wilson, he was a degenerate agnostic who encouraged scepticism towards everything in life and never accomplished anything that compels me to read his works. He also associates with Regardie, Crowley, and other failures. Do not want.

Also I only really recommend christfag tainted stuff to people I know are christfags in order to get them to embrace the deeper metaphysical truths conveyed through that medium. Non-christfags don't need to have their metaphysics mixed up with useless gibbering about muh jesus.

Before the Hermeticists and Masons here catch you in their slippery little nets, go read The book of Orion; Liber Aeternus.

What are you?

Can you create an argument against Gnostic Christianity without buzzwords and other fallacies?

>Today the Christian religion

Gnostic Christianity isn't a belief system.

>Only reason stuff like Mystic Christianity exists is because various wizards wanted to practise magic while not being attacked by christfags

The Christianity movement was created by Paul the Apostle (Saul of Tarsus), not Jesus Christ.

I'm guessing he is asetian: http://www.asetka.org/index.shtml

The book recommendation looks interesting though, I ordered a copy.

This will give me enough to become an actual magician? I'm not OP by the way.

No definitely not but reading everything in /fringe/ essentials should be enough but even then there's a few books that still have to be added into the essentials pack.

I've personally read excerpts from all of Lobsang Rampa's books, am reading all of William Walker Atkinson's books, reading all of Franz Bardon, and a great many other books besides.

I hope to condense all the knowledge down to a basic set of practises and concepts that anyone can use to get started but remember a book like Initiation Into Hermetics is just the beginning, the initiation stage, even once you're a wizard there's so much more to know and explore.

Does anybody remember that Christian brony that posted here for a while who was desperate to learn how to astral project to see Equestria or whatever it's called?

I actually kinda miss that guy.

He posted here a while before flags came too. I forget which name he posted under but he acted either like a newfag or like a retard. Damn this is gonna bug me.

Maybe he finally made it, permanently. I like Equestria, nice place to visit for a vacation, doubt I would want to live there though. Not enough conflict for me.


this magical plan for physical fitness sounds AWESOME anon,
i fully support it and you

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