Meditations Upon BooksAll Fringe Wizards read a great many books but we could be making the process a lot more efficient and productive. Here are meditations I have devised for that purpose:
Book Meditation, No Visualization, RecitingType 1 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting basic(do this with a book you are just reading now)
1. Read a sentence.
2. Look away or close the eyes.
3. Recite the full sentence you just read perfectly.
4. Read the next sentence.
5. Repeat - until you can do this easily then move onto intermediate.
Type 1 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting intermediate1. Read a full paragraph.
2. Look away or close the eyes.
3. Recite the full paragraph you just read perfectly.
4. Read the next paragraph.
5. Repeat - until you can do this easily then move onto advanced.
Type 1 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting advanced1. Read a full page.
2. Look away or close the eyes.
3. Recite the full page you just read perfectly.
4. Read the next page.
5. Repeat - until you've finished the book.
Suggested book for practising this on:
The Kybalion.Having read an entire book… proceed with this:
Type 2 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting basic(do this with a book you read and have not gone back to in at least a few hours or a day, this is using long-term memory not short-term memory)
1. Recite the first sentence from the first page of the first chapter.
2. Check for accuracy of recital.
3. Recite random other sentences throughout the book and check for accuracy, until confident you can quote anything out of the book from memory.
Type 2 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting intermediateDo as before, but full paragraphs.
Type 2 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting advancedDo as before, but full pages.
Type 2 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting master1. Recite the entire book from memory.
2. Use a random number generator such as where the minimum is 1 and the max is the number of pages in your book in total then recite
2b. Use a silly mundane to call out a random page for you to recite, recite the page for him from memory, then show them the page (or have them looking at the page you are reciting while you yourself aren't seeing it) and impress the fuck out of him.
Goals for the above two meditations are:
• Memorize instantly upon reading, if it takes you forever to memorize a book and then you can recite it all perfectly fine – you still may have to learn to memorize faster so that with your next book you can just read the whole book once and recite the whole thing afterwards no problem.
• Recite everything accurately and fast, you don't want to make mistakes or struggle to remember it each sentence as you go along reciting it all.
Type 3 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting basicFind a book you have not yet read…
1. Look at the cover page or title.
2. Start "reciting" the first sentence, without having read it.
3. Check the sentence carefully, not scrolling down to reveal too much at once.
4. Wrong? Just move on to the next sentence, keep going along until you're eventually accurately "reciting" full sentences before having actually read them.
ProTip: Using trance and the power of faith/belief beforehand to reprogram yourself to be able to do these meditations will make it easier. You should also do quiet mind meditation beforehand and if you want void meditation.
Type 3 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting intermediateContinue like you were doing in the basic meditation – but full paragraphs.
Type 3 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting advancedAs before but full pages now.
Type 3 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting masterRecite an entire book without ever having actually read it. (Then check through the normal means for accuracy).
Note: at this point you are starting to become practically omniscient and soon will only need the titles of books and samples of text to check for accuracy and you can read any book without actually having it.
Book Meditation, No Visualization, AbsorbingBook meditation, no-visualization, absorbing retard1. Look at a word, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite the word.
Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing mundane1. Look at a few words, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite all the words (in order).
Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing basic1. Look at a full sentence, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite the entire sentence. (check for accuracy of course, and proceed)
Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing intermediate1. Look at a full paragraph, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite the entire paragraph.
Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing advanced1. Look at a page, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite all the text of the entire page.
Note: At this point you should just be glancing at a page and instantly absorbing all the information on the page all at once.
Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing master1. Look at a page, hold the thought.
2. Look at more pages, still hold the thought.
3. Look away / close the eyes.
4. Recite all the text of all the pages you looked at.
5. Keep going adding pages until you can eventually open up a new book, glance at every single page in the book in rapid succession, then accurately recite the contents of an entire book whose pages you've only glanced – proving you have absorbed into your mind all the contents of the book at incredible speed.
Book Meditation, PsychomancyLobsang Rampa and William Walker Atkinson and probably other authors familiar to us have described how to do this in great detail and you may refer yourself to them.
To do this you just touch an object, in this case a book, and start to get an idea of what its contents are then you check it.
You can start with mail or notes or whatever.
At first you will get really vague impressions like "it is good news" or "it seems to be about sports". Eventually as you progress with practise you get much stronger impressions, and know much more fully the details of the contents of the thing you have touched. You will be able to know absolutely everything about the object, including how it got to you and who touched it beforehand and what thoughts people who touched it were thinking, what all the text says, and any other information which the object is comprised of or has attached or associated with it.
Book Meditation, Visual RecallBook meditation, visual recall basic1. Look at a letter.
2. Recall the appearance of the letter in your mind's eye.
3. Practise with each latter in the alphabet, until you see each letter easily reconstructed in your mind. Do the same for numbers, roman numerals, other character sets, and symbols you know about and want to practise with.
Book meditation, visual recall intermediate1. Look at a word.
2. Recall the appearance of the word in your mind's eye.
3. Do this for long while until you are able to flash words through your mind with great speed + clarity.
Book meditation, visual recall advanced1. Look at several words or a sentence.
2. Recall the appearance of all those words in your mind's eye.
3. Do this for long while until you are able to flash huge collections of words through your mind with great speed + clarity.
Book meditation, visual recall master1. Look at page.
2. Recall the appearance of the entire page in your mind's eye.
3. Do this for long while until you are able to flash pages of a book through your mind with great speed + clarity.
Goals for the above meditations are:
• Recall the image with as much clarity / lucidity as you possibly can. Vague shadowy out of focus impressions are not so good, you want to aim ultimately for seeing the words more clear than something you see with your physical eyes. Practise with different fonts, font colours, etc. and even make each letter unique if you can by recalling slight smudges and other microscopic details of the form. e.g. you may view metal numbers such as the ones people have on their houses as address numbers in your mind's eye and include in your recall the details of the rust on it. You can also imagine forms you haven't seen before at all but you can't check them against objects in your environment for accuracy as it's just constructed by you on the spot and doesn't have a physical equivalent in third density.
• Be able to rotate and view the recalled images 3-dimensionally, seeing it from different angles.
• Be able to flash these images extremely fast through your mind and still perceiving each one perfectly lucidly. If it takes you like 5 seconds to visualize an "A" and then a "B" then you need to speed up. You may easily trigger a sequence of images flashing through your mind so fast you can end up seeing thousands of them in just a minute and it's a pretty mind-blowing experience to have and will give you an idea of what the "life-review" many people go through after dying is like.
Book Meditation, Thoughtformed BooksI will give this exercise a little differently then the above ones, not in steps…
Visualize a book, basically a rectangle, and position it in 3-dimensional space relative to your surroundings. This may be done in astral spaces or in physical space as well. Now just keep working on the book, making it more clear, so that it eventually isn't a vague phantom at all but clearly visible to you. If your phantom book is not solid and your hand passes through it and you don't want it to be that way, meditate upon the spacial sense… press your hands against objects in your room, especially books, and focus your attention very clearly on the impression. Think about it a lot and recall that feeling of pressing up against it. Now apply these spacial properties to your book so you can feel it when you touch it, can push it around and handle it like a physical object, etc. You may then try pushing your book up against physical objects in your room and causing them to be knocked over / pushed around. You can eventually completely objectify and materialize your book such that you will have a physical book which anyone can see and handle AND give it all sorts of magical functions like making it capable of reading itself! People will hear your book narrating itself, probably very melodiously, and the mundanes will be in utter shock! You may also apply such mysterious functions to your book as to make people who touch it put it down and walk away, or feel burned by touching it, or make it so only certain people can read it and it appears differently to others or they will not take an interest in reading it. The book may also telepathically transfer its contents to someone that touches it. Anything you can imagine…
Note: you may also modify physical books however you want and dematerialize them.
Audiobook MeditationThere are some meditations I practise with audiobooks that are worth doing.
Audiobook meditation, speech-to-text, basicVisualize each word the person says. This is really challenging if they are talking really fast. As you listen to an audiobook focus on nothing but visualizing each word said as clearly and fast as you can. Say you are listening to a 5 hour long audio-book – you will just be focused on seeing each word as the narrator goes along the whole time and it is a really mentally intense exercise starting out.
Note: before doing this you must do clear-mind meditation, you can't have other thoughts distracting you, you really need to focus.
Audiobook meditation, speech-to-text, intermediateDo the same as before except now you are seeing whole strings of words put together in your mind's eye, forming sentences. Probably the older sentences will fade out like a ticker-tape or as if you had a rectangle of focused vision on part of what you're seeing and the other stuff goes out of focus just the way stuff in the edge of your physical vision is out of focus. You should aim to see as long as possible sentences within the visual field of your mind's eye as possible.
Audiobook meditation, speech-to-text, advancedYou should see an entire page, piece of paper or chalkboard or scroll or whatever else surface you prefer, and as the person goes along narrating you should see each word written down onto there. You should clearly see entire pages of text filled out as the narration goes along, everything being written down by your mind's eye.
Audiobook meditation, speech-to-text, masterFor this you will need to be listening to some narrative, audiobook, whatever – which you have not heard before. This time you should see all the text written down before it's even said. As the narrator goes along actually narrating it, you should see the specific words the narrator is on highlighted (perhaps in a golden glow or however you want to see it) and you should find that the narrator is indeed saying everything you see in your mind's eye.
Note: You can do all of this on people talking to you or on conversations you are overhearing in public. When attempting the master level meditation you could do the following on a person:
1. Find a silly mundane to talk to.
2. See with your mind's eye, in the form of text, what they are about to say.
3. Watch as they say what you just saw with your mind's eye.
4. Interrupt them at some point to tell them the rest of what they were about to say and spook them. There 2spookied reaction should confirm your success.
Note: If you do the above successfully, you are unlocking an aspect of telepathy and precognition, and may use this ability to receive people's thoughts without them being spoken.
Audiobook meditation, seeing the narratorWhile listening to the narration, visualize the figure of the person doing the narration, speaking. Just keep practising until you see clearly a person narrating. You may create tulpas that act out the narration for you and can do it very passionately. You may also use tulpas to read books for you, books which you may have copies of, or even ones that you don't… if you can try to find out who your narrator is to see if you created a new thoughtform doing a narration or actually managed to remote view the narrator.
Book Meditation, Remote ViewingYou may remote view books and in this way read books you don't have and even find books you've never heard of.
Lay down in bed or get comfortable, close your eyes (unless you're really good at seeing with your mind's eye even with eyes open), now expect / intend / wait for a book to appear before you.
Start reading it. The book at first will be out of focus but it should come into focus as you try to look at it more and more with your mind's eye. The book may also be mutating on you while you're trying to focus in on it, that is, the text and other properties of the book may be changing randomly. With proper focusing in on the book you will be able to view books without them doing this and you will be able to read it properly without its pages changing at random.
In this way I find random books which sometimes contain new concepts which I look up then to check if it's relevant to our consensus reality and I learn new things!
Note: this is very related to astral projection, remote viewing is a form of AP.
I often do find a lot of texts / books / writings that are just gibberish too doing this especially if I am just doing this with no particular text/book in mind at all and just want to see whatever comes to me at random. If you having nothing specific you're trying to go for, you can easily end up finding stuff that's pretty much "schizo word salad", and it's really funny to read.
The more you narrow down your intent the better texts you will find. You can be as vague as "I intend to find a new magic book" or as specific as intending for a book whose title, author, and edition you know already or you may even form an intent along the lines of "a book read by person x I know" and end up finding a book person x has read before. If you are super vague and form the intention of "just finding any random collection of text" then the results will vary extremely. You could also form an intent like this "I intend to find a book that I really need to read right now which is the most relevant to my spiritual growth" and see what you get.
Note that intentions aren't really spoken out like I am putting them in quotes in the above paragraph, they are unspoken things. Catch yourself for a moment before you are about to think out a sentence/dialogue in your mind and you will be able to focus then on the intent behind what you were you about to bring fourth in your mind, then you will know what I mean by intentions. It's the same principle behind why some healers can say something like "stomach, calm down, be strong" etc. to a person and even if that other person doesn't speak their language it will still heal their stomach. It's because the intention and the thoughtforce behind the words is what matters, the words themselves are just a symbolic thing, which have been associated to the meaning and intentions and other thoughts/ideas that correspond with it. Consider the difference between "push" the sound-complex-word, "push" the intention, and "push" the physical fact carried out by movements through the body. Our minds are well trained to recreate the spoken-word "push" but not very good at creating the telekinetic force to cause an object to push because we haven't caught onto subtle things like this. You could at once think "push" in your mind and create the telekinetic force at the same time but you're really doing two things at once and one part is only symbolic. The thing with spells, wherein a wizard says certain words (perhaps in latin or another language), and a corresponding action takes place is they are just saying and doing certain actions to focus them upon what they want to do but there is no inherent power in the specific words they spoke otherwise anyone could just say the same words and have it work for them. Merely imitating a wizard's physical actions or surface appearances isn't enough to do what they do, one must understand the subtle forces of the mind at play. A lot of mundanes who might have in their childhood tried to imitate a wizard and then got frustrated and let down when their imitation produced no results probably developed their scepticism and butthurt over magic in this way.