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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 5708

There exist several other threads on the topic but I intend to make this one the definitive resource on it and will edit with updates. Most people don't know shit about meditation and can't even really meditate in any serious matter. So I'm going to tell you everything I know about meditation and what you should do.

You want to prepare conditions for meditation to be optimal:

• Remove noise and light and anything else which may distract.
• Do not wear clothing which is tight and messes with your body, this will ruin your efforts.
• Wear clothing such as cotton or silk. Silk blocks scalar waves from influencing you and I've heard in one story that silk worms were genetically engineered by some advanced race in the past for this purpose. Do not wear synthetic clothing, unless you want to experience a terrible burning sensation.
• The clothing should be black so no light is reflected.

If you can't properly isolate yourself from outside influences, you will have to deal with and overcome those influences and the distortions they have on you, which is annoying:

''- If you can't eliminate noise, then block it out with white noise such as that made from a fan, so that the consistency of the white noise does not distract you.
- If you can't block out light from the room itself and don't have access to a meditation robe or the like, strap something around your eyes and head or put a pillow over and try to do your bes to block all the light out.
- If you can't eliminate heat fluctuations and maintain a cool ambient temperature, well fuck I don't know, you'll just have to proceed anyways.

It is best to meditate when you're not tired BUT it even though it is harder it also worth it to try to meditate even when tired. Really you should attempt to meditate whenever you have to chance to do so.

Here are a couple more factors to keep in consideration:

1. Do not meditate with people around. Their mental influences exert a pull on you and can hold you back or drag you off to where you don't want to go. They are also distracting. Meditate alone whenever possible. If you ever are going to meditate with a second person, do it with someone you love very much, and who you want to work with in the astral. If you meditate with other people regard yourself as one unit or a hivemind. You have to concern yourself with every other person in that room. This is really something we want to avoid though in the initial stages. You can not succeed very much in developing yourself to a higher state of consciousness if you are trying to uplift the extra mental weight of others around you at the same time.
2. Do not sit in a silly position and pretend to meditate. You might as well lay down. The position that you really should assume is whatever is the most comfortable for you. You do not want your body to be discomforted in some way, ruining your meditation. You should have no pressure points or anything. You should stretch every day and practise whatever will allow you to be comfortable like a cat in any position but in the meanwhile just go with whatever position is most comfortable with you and don't try to meditate in a manner which distracts you.
3. If you have some means of achieving sensory deprivation that would be ideal. Anything which impresses upon your senses can be a source of distraction.

All of the above has dealt with merely the physical reparations for meditating. Now there are some mental things to concern yourself with.

• Focus – you need to clear / silence your mind to eliminate mental distractions and be able to actually focus on what you're doing. Shut off the stream of words. Shut off your scepticism, your doubts, etc. that will undermine you. You may have to let out a stream of gibberish thoughts until you exhaust yourself of thinking and it feels like such a strain to think and you just naturally fall into mental silence. [Note: I want to write a whole other article on this and will put a link to it here.]
• Emotion – You must master emotional alchemy. You can do this during regular state of waking consciousness as well as during meditation. There are ways to practise this. Read about it here: ( >>5697 ) When you have this control over emotions you will be able to use them during meditation to accelerate the entire process very fast through emotional resonance.
• Intention – Unless you just want to wing it and get carried away by whatever manifestations come to you, you will need to have very clear and sustained intentions, so you end up doing what you intended.

If you take into account all of the above you can begin to meditate. While in meditation there are many things to do. For starters you should work upon basic thoughtforms. This is what I've been doing for months now and have become very proficient at:

- Visualization of basic forms

Visualizing numbers, basic geometric shapes, letters, Roman numerals, symbols, and the likes. Then making them more complex by using different fonts, making them 3-dimensional, different textures and materials, rotating them around in my mind to view them from any angle, and most importantly thinking in this medium. I count up numbers without saying "one, two, three" rather I just see them. I also add them up. Months ago I couldn't do basic math at all or it was really slow, now I can impress this one dude I work for sometimes by giving him instant answers to things merely by seeing the numbers and adding them up visually very fast. It is very important to learn to think within other mediums than just sound. If you're going to astral project for example the most efficient and successful way to do it is to completely turn off sound and focus purely on visualization until you've projected your astral body into an astral space and can then load the other senses (such as sound, feeling, etc.) All these really basic forms are like the building blocks for everything. When you have the very basic forms burned into your mind, more complex ones then can be made out of those basics, just like in videogames how objects can be made out of polygons.

- Visualization of animated forms

For some reason the idea of doing this (except for rotating numbers around) did not occur to me until quite recently but it has been a major step up from what I was doing before. This involves a lot more complex things being visualized in motion. Some examples are clock hands spinning around (there can be multiple and spinning in different directions at different rates), wings of any sort flapping, balls bouncing around and being tossed all over the place, ripples and waves changing the form of objects or even everything in sight, figures of animals or people in motion, flames and energy in motion, water splashes and mist, flashing objects that rapidly change colours, spinning stars, etc. Practising this a lot is another layer of improvement in thoughtforming and makes astral projection even easier.

- Thinking through the medium of motion and space

If you've ever spinned around a lot, or spent a long while in waves then went on land, you will know this feel. You may feel like you're dizzily spinning out of your body or something. Thinking purely in motion like this is another skill to develop and getting really good at it will help you dislodge your astral body from your regular body and it will also help you if you practise martial arts or do a lot exercises because you can think in the medium of those emotions and perfect them then. If you are practising Judo for example you can do a throw alone just feeling in the air and do it repeatedly hundreds of times until you're in a trance and then you can still still and meditate and feel that you are still doing the throw over & over. This messes with your sense of balance and locality. Also related is the feeling of pressing up against something or having pressure exerted upon your body. If you can manipulate this then you can feel the surfaces of thoughtforms, you can ignore the pressures on your own physical body so they don't distract you, and you can clear away or cause headaches to form around your head. I think this can be used to improve muscle memory, to influence the physical body in various ways, and may have application to telekinesis.

- Manifesting control over heat

This is done through tummo meditation and is also just a by-product it seems of coming out of astral projection at times, depending upon how you left the astral, and what you were doing. You can cause yourself to become incredibly hot and sweaty even with chill winter air coming into your room. Theoretically if you could focus all the heat you generate then you could set things on fire and manipulate flames. Chi fire hands would be a real possibility for someone who has mastered this. It appears also that this practise is somehow related to manipulation of energy in the body in general and can be used for healing so I guess we're actually controlling a lot more than just heat.

- Thinking through the medium of sound

We're all really used to doing this but with meditation we can take this to extremes by creating separate voices, hearing mental sounds at an incredibly loud volume, reproducing the sounds of animals and other things that aren't just our normal voice we use, composing very elaborate music, and also receiving the sound-based thoughts of other minds. You can learn telepathy by learning how to tune into the voices of other entities and eventually specific people around you. I generally do not care much for sound unless it's listening to other entities. Receiving the vocal impressions of other entities to me is more important than projecting my own.

- Astral Projection

The most important thing you can do is connect to the astral and seek out its many wonders and have incredibly vivid, complex, and amazing experiences out there. The astral planes are a more lucid form of reality. Everything is deeper, more colourful, higher resolution, etc. and it is a far superior way of being. The third density is less conscious, less real, and inferior in so many ways. The akashic records are accessible in the astral planes. Magic can be practised out there. There are so many possibilities for development out there. The astral planes is also our afterlife which we will reside in until we either decide or are forced to incarnate here again. It is also possible to create links to the astral in many ways that will make your connection to 4th density more solid. You can create nexions, sigils, etc. to revisit a place in the astral repeatedly and meet up with others. If you develop blindsight and other psychic abilities you will end up staying in 4th density longer.

The ultimate goal of meditation should be to reach a state of unbroken meditation. This is where you are constantly in meditation no matter if you are sleeping, awake, eating, drinking, working out, doing something, etc. you will always remain in a higher state of consciousness and walk in two worlds. The reality of dreams and of waking converge, the veil is brought down, third eye is awoken, etc. are all different ways of stating the same thing here. Some people attain this state by accident prematurely and maybe some people just incarnate here with a higher consciousness and this tends to lead them into trouble as they don't know how to navigate 4th density properly and the mundanes around them usually don't know how to do it either and declare the person "schizophrenic" or some other label and then persecute and destroy them intentionally or otherwise. I believe in a more spiritually aware society this state of higher consciousness would be better appreciated as a gift to be developed rather than as some horrible curse to be rid of. This won't be a problem for any of us though who deliberately and consciously arrive at this state because we will have practised for it and understood its working and be properly prepared for its attainment.

I will flesh out this article more with other sections and more details on the various types of meditation and their uses later! WIP

This picture is the only decent one I could find showing meditation after hours of searching but even so that thing he has over him should under ideal circumstances be black, he should be in a dark place, the ocean probably is a distraction, etc. The vast majority of people who've had pictures taken of them "meditating" aren't actually meditating AT ALL and they're just making themselves look really foolish.
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Lobsang Rampa on Meditation

Be still and know that I am within

~ ~ ~

Meditation, in the West there are numerous varieties of meditation. Many just have silly names and don't resemble real meditation in any shape or form. Because of the very seriousness of meditation, I have copied this directly from Dr. Rampa’s book titled Chapters of Life page 149; without alteration; except spelling. Before we start, we must stress three concerns that confuse many when starting out:

• That you cannot meditate in groups.
• That you must be isolated from external influences by a black robe.
• That you must meditate in total silence.

Meditating in groups is not physically or spiritually possible because you are directly affected by influences from those other people around you. True meditation must be done whilst alone and isolated. The black robe is to isolate you from external influences whilst alone. This is done so you can communicate with your Overself without any external influences interfering.

Meditation actually has four different parts:

• The first part is that meditational practice which assists in the development of the true personality of the meditator, and if one can meditate and develop one's personality then one obtains a happier and more successful life. One becomes happier in the personal aspects of life and one becomes more successful in association with one's fellows, that is, in work. Successful meditation here also increases the mental capacity.
• The second stage of meditation is that which almost automatically follows from successful completion of the first stage.The second stage of meditation is that which brings thephysical body in rapport with the Overself and brings the Overself in rapport with the Manu of the nation. Before one can meditate to this, and higher standards, it is essential that one has a pure and lust-free life.
• The next stage of meditation is that which gives one all the benefits of stage 1 and stage 2, but which enables one in addition to have full occult understanding.That is, when one reaches the third stage of meditation one is able to comprehend and apperceive. Apperceive, of course, is different from perceive.Apperceive is the mind's perception of itself (all that which enables the Overself to improve its own spiritual condition)
• Lastly, there is the mystical meditation, so called because it is so far removed from earthly concepts that it is rather beyond the understanding of those who have not succeeded in reaching that stage. The fourth stage of meditation takes us by way of the Silver Cord up to our Overself, and then by way of the Golden Cord of our Overself into the presence of that Great Entity which, for want of a better term down here, we call ‘God’. But the first two stages of meditation are the essential steps and you should concentrate on them first.

Before taking up meditation it is essential that there shall be a Discipline because if one is playing with meditation, one is playing with fire. You would not allow a child to play with a barrel of gunpowder and a box of matches, at least you would allow him to do it only once! In the same way, you must exercise great restraint in practicing the higher stages of metaphysics. If you get a little weed of a man who suddenly decides that he wants to gain the muscles of Mr. Atlas, he has to undergo certain exercises, the poor fellow cannot suddenly grab a barbell, etc, and put in twenty-four hours a day at exercises, he would have a breakdown. In the same way it is quite necessary that meditation be regarded as the exercises of the soul, and if you rush into the practice of meditation like an American tourist rushing through the Vatican just to say that he has been there, then you will find that your enthusiasm will wane.You must practice according to a prearranged plan with discipline and much prior preparation because our weedy little man - if he practices too much and lifts too much and exercises too much, he will find that he is so stiff in his muscles that he can hardly move. But you, remember, with meditation, you can become stiff in the mind and that is a horrible state of affairs. So in spite of all this, you want to meditate? You want to really go in for this thing? Well, let's see how you like the next bit; to meditate you must have an absolutely quiet time in your day, and you should make that time in the early morning. This is one of the reasons why priests, etc, meditate before they eat. You should have no food before meditating, and you should not meditate in bed, if you try that you will fall asleep.

So - make arrangements to awaken 1 hour earlier than usual, and when your alarm goes off and wakens you, get out of bed, wash and dress, because the process of washing and dressing will awaken you so much that you will not be tempted to crawl back into bed and sleep. If you really want to do this thing seriously you will have one corner of a room as your own Inner Sanctuary. You will have a little shrine which will enable you to fix your attention on that which you are trying to do. So, for those who are truly serious, here is how to proceed: Have a room, even a box-room will do, as a Sanctuary, and keep the door of that room locked when you are not in it. Have a little table in a corner covered with a white cloth.Upon the white cloth have an image of, for example, a Ho Tai the symbol of Good Living (no, you are not worshipping graven images! Ho Tai is merely a symbol.) Have an incense burner and a stick of thick incense which you should light and then blow it out so that it just smolders in pleasant smoke. It will help if you have previously timed the burning of the incense such as, for instance, to the half hour, so that when your incense goes out you cease your meditation. The serious meditator will wear a special meditation robe because the whole idea of the meditation robe is that you are shielding yourself from outside influences. The meditation robe must be very full, with long, loose sleeves, and with a cowl to pull over the head. You can get these of thin black silk, or if you find that too expensive, thin black cotton. When the meditation robe is not in use it should be put into a black silk case where it cannot be touched by other clothing.You may think all this is rather theatrical, but it is not you know, it is the best way of getting the desired results, and if you want the desired results you have to work according to the rules. So wear your meditation robe only when you are going to meditate.

Now that you have your room, your meditation robe, your Ho Tai, and your incense, go to that room and sit down quietly.It does not matter how you sit, you do not have to sit cross legged. Sit in any way which is comfortable to you and which prevents you from getting cramps or twinges because in the early stages you cannot meditate if you are in discomfort. When you have sat for a few moments inquiet CONTEMPLATION, you should repeat the following prayer three times:

Let me this day, living my life day by day in the manner prescribed, control and direct my imagination. Let me this day, living my life day by day in the manner prescribed, control my desires and my thoughts that I be purified thereby. Let me this day and all days, keep my imagination andmy thoughts directed firmly upon the task which has to be accomplished that success may come thereby. I will at all times live my life day by day, controlling imagination and thought.

You will have seen that the room is not light, of course, but very well shaded, fairly dark in fact so that everything appears grey rather than black. You will soon find the amount of darkness which suits you best.If you take a glass of cold water and hold that glass between your two hands so that your palms and fingers are around the glass but not overlapping on to the top, you will find that you will be in a suitable position for another exercise. Now slide the fingers of one hand so that they fit in between the spaces of the fingers of the other hand, so that you have as much of your hands and fingers on the glass as you can manage. Sit quietly and take a deep breath. Try those exercises which are mentioned in Wisdom of the Ancients ( http://www.lobsangrampa.org/research.html#Wis ), but take a deep breath and allow the air to be exhaled with a long, long, drawn-out sound. The sound is Rrrrrrr Aaaaaaa. You must do it aloud, you do not have to shout it, you can do it softly although very clearly, and you must treat it seriously because it is a serious practice. Repeat this three times, then sit and watch for several minutes as the odonetic, or magnetized, water focuses the Etheric of the body into a cloud around the glass of water. It will condense (the Etheric) so that you should easily see the quite heavy haze which will remind you of blue cigarette smoke condensed into a cloud, or if you prefer, remind you of incense smoke condensed into a cloud. When you have done this for a week or two, or perhaps a month or two, depending upon your seriousness, you will be able to see some of your life-force in the water, and when the life-force gets into the water it charges the water just the same as soda water sparkles, but the sparks and sparkles that you will see from your own life-force will be flashes of light, lines, and swirlings of various colours. Do not rush thingsbecause you have plenty of time; after all, you do not grow an oak tree overnight, and the more serious you are the more success you will have and the success eventually will turn that glass of water into a miniature universe with sparkles of multi-hued fire darting and swirling within the confines of the glass. You should arrange your meditation into a definite pattern, or timetable. It is a very good idea to have a rosary so that you can keep check on your stages of meditation.You can obtain a Buddhist rosary, or you can make your own rosary of different sizes of beads, but no matter what method you use you should keep to a very rigid timetable.You must meditate in the same room and at the same time and wearing the same meditation robe. Start by selecting one thought or one idea, and sitting quietly before your little altar. Try to eliminate all outside thoughts, center your attention within yourself, and there meditate upon that idea which you have decided upon. As you concentrate you will find that a faint shaking starts within you; that is normal, that faint vibration shows that the meditation system is working. Suggestions:

• Have as a first meditation the meditation of love. In this you think kind thoughts towards all creatures who live. If enough people think kind thoughts, then eventually some of it will rub off on other people, and if we could get enough people to think kind thoughts instead of vicious thoughts the world would be a very different place.
• After the first meditation of love, you can concentrate on the second meditation which causes you to think of those in distress. As you think of those in distress you really live their sorrows and their miseries, and out of your compassion you send thoughts - rays - of understanding and sympathy.
• In the third meditation you think of the happiness of others, you rejoice that at last they have attained the prosperity and all that for which they long. You think of these things, and you project to the outside world thoughts of joy.
• The fourth meditation is the meditation of evil. In this you allow your mind to meditate upon sin and illness. You think how narrow is the margin between sanity and insanity, health, and sickness. You think how brief is the pleasure of the moment, and how all-encompassing the evil of giving in to the pleasure of the moment. Then you think of the sorrow which can be caused by pandering to evil
• The fifth meditation is that in which we attain serenity and tranquility. In the meditation of serenity you rise above the mundane plane, you rise above feelings of hate, you soar above even feelings of earthly love because earthly love is a very poor substitute for the real thing. In the meditation of serenity you are no longer bothered by oppression nor do you fear, nor do you want wealth for its own sake but only for the good which you can bring to others with it. In the meditation of serenity you can regard your own future with tranquility knowing that you at all times are going to do your best and live your life according to your own stage of evolution. Those who have attained to such a state are well on the way of evolution, and those who are can place reliance upon their knowledge and upon their inner knowledge to free them from the wheel of birth and death. You may wonder what comes after meditation.Well, trance comes after. We have to use the word trance for want of a better term. Actually trance is a state of meditation in which the real you goes out and leaves the body as one would part from and leave a car

Now, as we all know frequently to our cost, if one has a parked car one sometimes gets that car stolen by car thieves. In the same way, if people meditate deeply enough to enter what we must term the trance state without clearing their mind of lusts, etc, then they invite stealing by other entities. The trance state is a highly dangerous state unless one first practices under capable supervision. There are various forms of elementals and discarnate entities who are always prowling about to see how much mischief they can do, and if they can do a lot of mischief by taking over a person's body, then they are very happy to have some fun just as teenagers will sometimes steal a car to go racing round the roads; no doubt the teenagers fully intend to return the car unharmed, but frequently the car is harmed.And so when a body is taken over frequently it is harmed. Let me repeat that if your thoughts are pure, if your intentions are pure, and if you are without fear, then you cannot be invaded, obsessed, or taken over, there is nothing to fear except fear itself. Let me repeat that; if you be not afraid you radiate an aura which protects your body much the same as a burglar alarm can protect a house, and if your thoughts are pure and you have no lusts, then when the lust of taking over a body tingles your consciousness you immediately look down the Silver Cord and see what it is, just the same as a farmer keeps a watch on his orchard to protect his apples! You cannot be obsessed or taken over or invaded unless you are afraid.But if you are afraid of such things - well, for your own peace of mind and for your own peace of body do not play with the deep trance stage of meditation.

I am greatly opposed to hypnotism except with the very greatest of safeguards, for if you are put into a hypnotic trance by an inexperienced person he can have an awful lot of fears wondering if you will be all right, wondering if he can get you out of the trance, etc. The hypnotic trance is a passive trance, it is a trance which is caused by a series of powerful suggestions strengthened by a person's belief that he or she can be hypnotised.Actually, when a person is hypnotised conditions are much the same as when a person goes cross-eyed because the Etheric double is thrown slightly out of synchronisation which means that the physical and the Etheric bodies are no longer in complete coincidence with each other. If you get a bad hypnotist he can do a tremendous amount of damage, he can harm you for years. After all, you would not go to a surgeon who had just learned his surgical technique by taking a correspondence course, you want a person who can operate surely and competently. So - for the sake of your health and your sanity, do not allow amateurs to meddle about with you. If you want for some reason, or you have for some reason, to be hypnotised, then get in touch with some medical association in your own area and they will be able to tell you of some ethical medical hypnotist who has been trained under carefully supervised conditions. You may think that I am over-stressing the dangers, but-oh! You should see some of the letters that I receive about harm which has been caused by inept, criminally careless dabblers in hypnotism. Remember that when you are hypnotised your soul is pushed out of coincidence with the centers of your consciousness.

In the case of mediums, they are often people who get into a dreamy state of trance, a dreamy state of hypnosis, for consciously or unconsciously they lightly hypnotise themselves so that they are hyper-suggestible, and in such a case they can be used as a telephone by people on the other side of life.But remember what we have said, what we have learned together about discarnate entities.The really good people who have passed over are too busy to fool around giving messages at séances.Under certain conditions, of course, one can have a very skilled and conscientious person who can go into this trance in the physical and still remain alert in the astral, and so can in effect supervise the type of person who is giving messages to the group of sitters below. This is a very useful tool when one is doing detailed research, but it is utterly essential to make sure that the séances be not interrupted by noise or by theunexpected entry of other people.There is a very special form of occult trance, the Adept call it temple sleep, and this is an absolutely different type of trance from any of those previously mentioned because the Initiate who has studied all this under temple conditions knows what he is doing, and he can throw himself deliberately into the trance state just the same as a person can throw himself into a car and drive off, he is under his own control and cannot be obsessed by others. But, of course, this dependsupon having years of practice, and until a person has had the necessary experience he should always be under the most careful supervision of a person who has had such experience.The average person playing about with trance states has a very useful protective system; you try playing about with a trance, and if you are a normal decent person you will find that you fall asleep! That prevents you from being invaded bydiscarnate entities.But even here there are two grave danger spots, for example:You are awake, even though in a trancestate, but then you fall asleep. Now at the instant when you are between awake/asleep you are vulnerable to obsession just the same as you are vulnerable to obsession when (under these conditions) you have gone to sleep and now awaken. Please note that this only refers to when people are playing about with hypnotism or trances, and there is no danger whatever in the awake/asleep and asleep/awake of ordinary day and night living. It follows from all this that you would not be very wise to meddle with trance states unless you are carefully supervised, doesn't it?

In certain temples the person being trained is supervised by two senior lamas who are able to keep contact with whatever the acolyte is thinking, and by their gentle but firm guidance the acolyte is prevented from doing any harm to himselfor having caused any harm to anyone else. When the acolyte can pass certain tests, then he is permitted to go into deep trances by himself and usually one of the first things he will do is to go into a very deep trance, what we term the trance of vision. This is a deep trance indeed, and the Initiate will be completely immobile, he might appear to be utterly rigid, even with hard flesh.In this particular state he is still within his body, but is very much like a man on top of a high tower who has a high-powered telescope which enables him to see very clearly and greatly magnified.The man with the telescope can turn in any direction, and can see what is going on with startling clarity. One does not get out of the body in the trance of vision, instead you have to wait and practice the trance of projection before you can get out, and in this case the body is limp and flaccid, and is in a cataleptic condition with all consciousness being withdrawn and the body remaining, as it were, under the supervision of the caretaker. Breathing goes on at a very much reduced rate, and the heart-beat is reduced and life just flows very leisurely indeed. First of all, when you get in these trances you will wonder if what you are seeing is imagination, but with practice you will know, that which is real and will easily detect that which is merely a thought projection from some other entity,whether incarnate or discarnate. To give you an illustration; you are somewhere, anywhere you like, sitting at peace and doing deep trance meditation.If you let your consciousness wander willy-nilly without having much control of it you might find yourself near a person who has had too much to drink, and you may be horrified to see all manner of queer animals wriggling around him. Yes, those striped elephants really do exist in thought form! Worse than that, though, supposing you allow yourself to just wander and you find yourself near a very, very bad-tempered man with murder in his heart; if he is thinking of murder, then you, you poor sufferer, will see the actual scenes as if they were reality instead of just thought, and you may come back to your body with such a jerk that you will get a headache for the next twenty-four hours thinking that you have witnessed a murder or worse! The initiated metaphysician can easily recognize that which is real and that which is imaginary, but it is again advised that unless you have some real reason for deep trance, you leave it alone. If you will not heed that advice, well heed this; if in a deep trance or in the astral you find horrible entities making faces at you or worse, then you merely have to think strong thoughts at them that you are not afraid, and if you do that you will find that these people disappear. They can only feed on fear, and if you are not afraid they are actually repelled. In sincere friendship I advise you not to allow yourself to be hypnotised accept by a competent medical person, and I advise you not to undergo trance except under qualified supervision. The ordinary meditation is perfectly safe, no harm at all can come to you because you are in full possession of all your faculties. So meditate and enjoy it immensely. Avoid hypnotism and deep trance because they will not further your spiritual development one iota.


or you could just chop wood and bring in water at a monastery for 60 days as a start but don't think of the number.

The fuck does that have anything to do with meditation?

Don’t think that only sitting with the eyes closed is practice. If you do think this way, then quickly change your thinking. Steady practice is keeping mindful in every posture, whether sitting, walking, standing or lying down. When coming out of sitting, don’t think that you’re coming out of meditation, but that you are only changing postures. If you reflect in this way, you will have peace. Wherever you are, you will have this attitude of practice with you constantly. You will have a steady awareness within yourself.

Ajahn Chah.

yesterday I did a bit of introspecting meditation and felt better afterward, and still do.

I'm gonna try and do that more.

I sat in a dark room and just thought about things and thought about what I want, that kind of thing.

I did feel better afterward and like I'm better off for having done it.

Those who realize the nature of their mind knows
That the mind itself is wisdom-awareness,
And no longer make the mistake of searching for enlightenment from other sources.
In fact, enlightenment cannot be found by searching.
So contemplate your own mind.
This is the highest meditation one can practice;
This very mind is the perfect awakened nature,
the birth place of all the enlightened ones.


>implying you can't attain this enlightenment simply by understanding the Law of One and the Holographic Universe and so on

Sometimes I tease people and ask: “What makes you so adamant that there’s no life after death? What proof do you have? What if you found there was a life after this one, having died denying its existence?” Those of us who undertake a spiritual discipline—of meditation, for example—come to discover many things about our own minds that we did not know before. For as our minds open more and more to the extraordinary, vast, and hitherto unsuspected existence of the nature of mind, we begin to glimpse a completely different dimension, one in which all of our assumptions about our identity and reality, which we thought we knew so well, start to dissolve, and in which the possibility of lives other than this one becomes at least likely. We begin to understand that everything we are being told by the masters about life and death, and life after death, is real.

Sogyal Rinpoche.

We could say that meditation doesn’t have a reason or doesn’t have a purpose. In this respect it’s unlike almost all other things we do except perhaps making music and dancing. When we make music we don’t do it in order to reach a certain point, such as the end of the composition. If that were the purpose of music then obviously the fastest players would be the best. Also, when we are dancing we are not aiming to arrive at a particular place on the floor as in a journey. When we dance, the journey itself is the point, as when we play music the playing itself is the point. And exactly the same thing is true in meditation. Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment.

Alan Watts.

Oh … I just did.

One method of meditation that many people find useful is to rest the mind lightly on an object. You can use an object of natural beauty that invokes a special feeling of inspiration for you, such as a flower or a crystal. But something that embodies the truth, such as an image of Buddha, or Christ, or particularly your master, is even more powerful. Your master is your living link with the truth, and because of your personal connection to your master, just seeing his or her face connects you to the inspiration and truth of your own nature.

Sogyal Rinpoche.

^this describes Deity Meditation

Everytime I try to practice meditation it does not take long for me to feel extremely sleepy.
I will pick a different time of day next time, since I always only tend to meditate on this time of day, and only on week days.
Is the fact I feel really sleepy just due to the time I picked, or is it due to negative influences such as aliens that are trying to prevent me from spiritually progressing/evolving?

Basically im very sleepy as I type this, im wondering if its safe for me to fall asleep (Am I at risk if I do fall asleep?), or should I continue at practicing meditation?

Ive read that people when they feel tired and bored whilst meditating or reading an informative book, believe it is the negative influences of the matrix or some other bad mojo trying to stop them, and they try to continue what they are doing.

Perhaps somebody could inform me on how to expel and cleanse myself of these bad influences so I can stay focused on things such as meditation.

Are things like gemstones good for such things?

>Everytime I try to practice meditation it does not take long for me to feel extremely sleepy.

Fuck man I wish I could feel sleepy. I am NEVER sleepy. I am ALWAYS conscious. I get agitated and worn down from not resting and meditating and so on but even then I am perfectly aware. I just can't fall into that oblivion others seem to.

>I will pick a different time of day next time, since I always only tend to meditate on this time of day, and only on week days.

>Is the fact I feel really sleepy just due to the time I picked, or is it due to negative influences such as aliens that are trying to prevent me from spiritually progressing/evolving?

I don't know what it is anon but I can stay up indefinitely without even meaning to do so. I really can't help you because I simply can't relate to that feel, I can't get tired and just fall asleep so easily like others, it is a great struggle for me to sleep and I don't ever really sleep in the sense that others sleep.

>Basically im very sleepy as I type this, im wondering if its safe for me to fall asleep (Am I at risk if I do fall asleep?), or should I continue at practicing meditation?

Fuck fear and JUST DO IT. That's my advice. Don't let anything hold you back. I personally tried to use the paranormal / occult as means to commit suicide and instead of it killing me it just lead me to really amazing experiences. I welcomed death by any entity that would so like to try and they never got very far at it. Demons and other entities, seeing that I had no fear of them, they would just give up as they had nothing to feed upon and their whole effort in harassing me was a waste for them.

>Ive read that people when they feel tired and bored whilst meditating or reading an informative book, believe it is the negative influences of the matrix or some other bad mojo trying to stop them, and they try to continue what they are doing.

Oh I know what you mean. Personally when I'm reading a book and I suddenly feel this great urge to be pulled away from it, I take it as a sign I MUST persist, and keep reading that book. Who knows though they might switch tactics and do some kind of reverse psychology on me. Some books really are a waste of time and are best dropped. The ruses of the matrix control system get to be so elaborate. I think if I know a book appears to be good and I feel something is trying to pull me away from it perhaps that's the time to persist then.

>Perhaps somebody could inform me on how to expel and cleanse myself of these bad influences so I can stay focused on things such as meditation.

Not feeding them loosh – waging a war of attrition with them where they just give up for lack of spiritual sustenance – is one way which I have found effective. For other ways, see that Negative Entity Attachments article.

>Are things like gemstones good for such things?

I don't know but I'm personally interested in Orgonomy and think some Orgone devices might be useful.

> Do not wear synthetic clothing, unless you want to experience a terrible burning sensation.

when I meditate I end up feeling like im going to explode, my body shakes and my breathe quickens and it does feel like im on fire. why does this happen exactly?

I don't know but the same thing happens to me as well. Might be phenomena related to the transitioning back into the body or maybe not I'm not sure. I will have to film myself.

>>576037. To Dhampa Sanji [Padampa Sangye], Relieving All Sorrows

When demons come to harm you,
Be aware, it is the time
To apply your power prime.
When pain & sickness harm you,
Be aware, it is the time
To keep your heart in good rhyme.
Whenever delusion rises,
Be aware, it is the time,
Transmute it to the sublime.
When lying in a place alone,
Be aware, it is the good time
To rest in your natural quiet clime.
When mingling with many people,
Be aware, it is the good time
To bring all to the stage prime.
When you come to drowsiness,
Be aware, it is the time,
Utter a PAI [Phe] to this crime,
When any kind thought disturbs you,
Be aware, it is the time,
To lead it to the sublime.
When mind runs after anything,
Be aware, it is the time,
To observe the suchness kind.
This teaching of relieving sorrows
Turns all opponents to good fellow,
Whatever thought rises, you feel but joy,
Whatever ill comes, you can employ.
Whatever encounters make you feel gay,
Whenever death comes, you go best way.
This teaching makes all sorrows relieved,
By Dorje Chang this law is to give.
It is Dakinis life & heart,
It is essence of fourth tantric part.
It is the pith of the whispered school,
It is the key to essential rules.

Aw shit I just read your poem there while listening to this music at about 7 minutes in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Hy6Feb7vw&hd=1

Result was epic.

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1. Posture doesn't matter one fuck, just be comfortable as you can be. The only reason to learn about other postures and do all the stretching is to learn to be comfortable in any position. If a person wants to practise stretching, postures, etc. they should do so but when they get down to meditating they should just be as comfortable as possible. They can lay down, sit in a chair, they even walk and meditate at the same time it doesn't matter.
2. Eyes being open or closed doesn't matter a single fuck either. As long as you're not being distracted by something. It's best to have just all black in the vision, so put something over the eyes, or meditate in darkness because this way there's nothing to distract you. However it does not matter if the eyes are open or not. With a lot of practise eventually a person might be able to reach a state where they can be in meditation even if they were eyes wide open in and people and stuff moving around all about them and they would somehow just not focus on anything in the physical world and remain focused instead on something in their mind's eye.
3. Breathing practises could be pursued separately to try to correct breathing issues and whatever but in meditation it doesn't matter a fuck either. Just don't focus on it. If a person focuses on their breathing, then it'll just be a distraction.
4. If you are experiencing distracting thoughts of lust they can be conquered by mastering emotion: http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/5697.html
5. Clearing the mind is to give focus to your meditation. Remove everything that is irrelevant and then you can attain a purer state of consciousness just focused on what you need to focus on. It would be a mistake however to assume that meditation is purely about keeping your mind empty. You're supposed to let the various manifestations that will begin to appear to show up and you're supposed to let them draw you deeper into the meditation. If you wanted to meditate upon the female form you could do so until tire of it and you conquer your lust.

Listening to music is not a good idea. Sounds should be eliminated or whitenoise such as from a fan should be present so that you don't focus on the sound. It's all about distractions and focus and sensory deprivation. If you have music on, that's just going to distract you, unless you are skilled enough to completely ignore and block it out.

Twitching and movement doesn't matter. You can meditate while in motion but only if it doesn't distract you. The problem is when they focus upon the twitch. If a twitch happens, don't focus on it, just let it pass and forget about it. Likewise while various impressions arise in the mind simply let them pass and don't dwell on them too much, don't let them startle you, and if you like you can inject some thoughtforms here and there but the main point is to establish the connection to the astral and receive these impressions which come into the mind that you resonate with.

For reaching the point where you start to experience telepathy and you get the impressions of things around you, it takes a lot of work with thoughtforms, and resonating with those people. That word "resonance" really is key. Montalk is a good source on how to apply this as it talks about emotional resonance.


Meditation involves some serious mental finesse btw. It's all about relaxing, focusing, and letting it all happen as naturally and smoothly as possible. You can't scrunch up your face, tense up, get frustrated, and do silly things like that to force it. When you actually do it, it will be done effortlessly, just like how if you're doing martial arts and you do absolutely everything right in a throw you wonder if you even threw the person because the way you leveraged their weight and momentum you experience no resistance and they are tossed effortlessly through the air. Yet if you don't do it all right, it will be so difficult to throw that person. Meditation is incredibly easy – yet hard for the inexperienced person to grasp.

>Breathing practises could be pursued separately to try to correct breathing issues and whatever but in meditation it doesn't matter a fuck either. Just don't focus on it. If a person focuses on their breathing, then it'll just be a distraction.

There are many different kinds of meditation. Mindful meditation, loving-kindness meditation, death meditation and so on.

Focusing on the breath is a key aspect of most forms of mindful meditation. It draws your mind to your breathing, the most key aspect of your life, and then by conjunction your awareness will extent as the meditation continues.

Well the types of meditation I do involve going very deep into trance and very likely my breath just stops (haven't really found a way to test this) and if I focus on my breath this will be no good as I'll gasp and ruin everything.

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does anyone have any good introductions to Tummo meditation?

I hear its the best

There's an entire thread on it here: ( >>2193 )

Alright now I'm getting confused, there seems to be three types of meditation

1) Clearing your mind of all thoughts and stimulus, trying to be peaceful and unreactive as possible

2) Awareness - where you focus and concentrate on your bodily processes, emotions, breathing, and the sensations around you

3) This type where you actively try to visualise things

Are they different schools or are they the same thing?

Meditation is about shifting your focus around to various things and making it very pure. You can focus on any random object or point and induce a trance.

All three are meditation.

Clear the mind to remove what is irrelevant.

Focus the mind onto the proper subject of the meditation.

Create thoughtforms.

Ah, is it like Krav Maga where they only teach civilians the basics like how to disarm people but the police and military are taught the advanced forms and can learn how to subdue and kill people with it respectively.

Uh no. You master the basics and the rest will come to you intuitively. To figure out more advanced things, come up with an idea as to a way you want to augment your consciousness and your experience of reality, then meditate very intensely upon it.

Meditation is really simple to describe, yet hard to actually master.

Just start doing that stuff and go in deep and you'll experience the most incredible anomalies after some hours of it and likely be taken to other worlds.

I'll do a meditation vid sometime, I don't know why you'd think you're being held back from advanced stuff, mastering the mind is no easy task.

The dictionaries define meditation as fixing one’s attention upon; as planning in the mind; as devising and looking forward; engaging in continuous and contemplative thought. A lot of nonsense has been written about meditation. Most books on the subject get the reader nowhere, for they do not explain the process of meditation. All that meditation amounts to is a controlled imagination and a well sustained attention. Simply hold the attention on a certain idea until it fills the mind and crowds all other ideas out of consciousness. The power of attention shows itself the sure guarantee of an inner force. We must concentrate on the idea to be realized, without permitting any distraction. This is the great secret of action. Should the attention wander, bring it back to the idea you wish to realize and do so again and again, until the attention becomes immobilized and undergoes an effortless fixation upon the idea presented to it. The idea must hold the attention – must fascinate it – so to speak. All meditation ends at last with the thinker, and he finds he is what he, himself, has conceived. The undisciplined man’s attention is the servant of his vision rather than its master. It is captured by the pressing rather than the important.

In the act of meditation, as in the act of adoration, silence is our highest praise. Let us keep our silent sanctuaries, for in them the eternal perspectives are preserved. Day by day, week by week, year by year, at times where none through love or lesser intentions were allowed to interfere, I set myself to attain mastery over my attention and imagination. I sought out ways to make more securely my own, those magical lights that dawned and faded within me. I wished to evoke them at will and to be the master of my vision.

I would strive to hold my attention on the activities of the day in unwavering concentration so that, not for one moment, would the concentration slacken. This is an exercise – a training for higher adventures of the soul. It is no light labor. The ploughman’s labor, working in the fields is easier by far.

Empires do not send legions so swiftly to obstruct revolt as all that is alive in us hurries along the nerve highways of the body to frustrate our meditative mood. The beautiful face of one we love glows before us to enchant us from our task. Old enmities and fears beleaguer us. If we are tempted down these vistas, we find, after an hour of musing, that we have been lured away. We have deserted our task and forgotten that fixity of attention we set out to achieve. What man is there who has complete control of his imagination and attention. A controlled imagination and steadied attention, firmly and repeatedly focused on the idea to be realized, is the beginning of all magical operations. If he persists through weeks and months, sooner or later, through meditation, he creates in himself a center of power. He will enter a path all may travel but on which few do journey. It is a path within himself where the feet first falter in shadow and darkness, but which later is made brilliant by an inner light. There is no need for special gifts or genius. It is not bestowed on any individual but won by persistence and practice of meditation. If he persists, the dark caverns of his brain will grow luminous and he will set out day after day for the hour of meditation as if to keep an appointment with a lover. When it comes, he rises within himself as a diver, too long under water, rises to breathe the air and see the light. In this meditative mood he experiences in imagination what he would experience in reality had he realized his goal, that he may in time become transformed into the image of his imagined state. -NEVILLE GODDARD

p.s. if you wanna get into his stuff, then read this>>


and then The Law & Promise

Chapter 1: Quiet-Mind Meditation

Rather than ramble on, I’ve decided to quickly and succinctly describe what I’ve learned through intense study and practice…. and then speak of some of my own personal experiences. The reason I’ve chosen this method is so that you, the reader, will be able to experience these things yourself, rather than just read about them. At first, you might be looking at these techniques and saying to yourself that they are nothing more than imagination. Let me assure you that imagination literally shapes and alters our universe. Whatever you imagine in your mind actually begins to happen on the physical dimension, because the only thing that exists is thought (physical reality is merely ultra-dense thought) and vibratory light… which can be controlled with practice. When the adept can control vibratory light, he can obtain miraculous power beyond current understanding.

Quiet-Mind Meditation: (This technique is utterly important for mediators who desire to take their power level beyond the low level the masses currently possess). Even if I do not specifically mention this technique in each chapter, ALWAYS perform it before the others.

This meditation decreases the noise and any troubling thoughts. It removes all outer and inner influences that are distracting. It is easy, and is incredibly important. Without mastering your thoughts, you will not go far with meditations of power. This meditation is the cornerstone for all others. It will be quite hard to master the sound of your thoughts, but keep at it. Once you reach pure quietness of mind, you will feel immense peace, and a sense of joy.

Try starting every meditation with the Quiet-Mind Meditation. But follow your heart, as this is more important.

Ok… so find a comfortable place, and stare at something in your direct view. Use an external object to focus on. Keep looking at this space. Now, steady your breath. Make sure to slow it down, but keep it rhythmic.

Close your eyes and focus your attention on the black inner screen. Listen to your surroundings. From here, work to push all thoughts aside until absolutely nothing but pure peace and quiet remain. Hold for as long as you can.

Now, this seems incredibly simple. You might be thinking, “How could this give me power?” I assure you that this is just the beginning. This is simply the first stepping stone.

One of my personal experiences with this meditation is as follows: Sitting in a public place during the evening, I settled my mind. The facility lights nearby started flickering, once I reached a deep quiet state of mind and began breathing in energy (you will learn more about this in a following chapter). Next thing I know, I began hearing the thoughts of others, feeling their emotions and seeing their auras. Then, after a few more minutes, I opened my eyes. The world seemed pixilated, because I was beginning to see its true form—which is nothing but vibratory light. I then concentrated my calm awareness on a bag of trash nearby. In a moment, an opaque, white ball of energy flew out of my forehead and smacked the bag. It popped loudly. I also began seeing reds balls of energy float in my nearby vicinity.

Btw pro-tip DO NOT FOCUS ON YOUR BREATH you should reach a state of awareness where you think you are dead and do not breath at all.

Chapter 2: Going Deeper Meditation and Breathing Energy

It is very important when you are meditating to not only quiet your thoughts, but also bring your mind to a deep level of relaxation. The mind operates on four major levels, with a few sub-levels in between. The sub-levels will not be covered because they are not essential to this exercise.

The four levels of mind are Beta (awake), Alpha (relaxed), Theta (deeply relaxed; almost asleep) and Delta (fully asleep). When the mind reaches the Alpha level, you can then work with your meditations much more effectively. Theta can also be used, but it takes practice to maintain consciousness without dipping into Delta. To enter Alpha, and eventually Theta, once you have grown in skill, do the following exercise.

Step One: It is important to do this meditation in a place where you will not be startled. Perform the Quiet Mind Meditation (Q-MM).
Step Two: “Feel” yourself stepping down a ladder into a dark room, or moving down an escalator. If you are using the escalator technique, make sure that you are facing backward in your imagination so that you get the sense of moving backward.
Step Three: When you are ready, feel yourself free-falling backward and landing in a deeper level. If you have done this correctly, you should be in a trance, at which point you are ready to work.

The key to this exercise is not fashioning some complicated plan, but rather following the simple, yet highly effective method of lowering your brain-wave state. The benefits of this mediation, aside from increasing your spiritual powers, include heightened senses, body relaxation, lower blood pressure, stress relief and peace of mind.

If you see anything, or hear anything spontaneously while performing this technique, don’t panic. When your mind is relaxed, it is often open to unexpected occurrences, such as seeing energetic entities, hearing astral voices and feeling strange sensations.

Btw in Theta you can perform psychic assassinations.

Try listening to this before directly before meditating.

Kingpink - Meditation


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too fast paced for me.

nigger plz

when i prepare for fringe wizardry/meditation, i lay in a dark room, put on my expensive headphones, and listen to dark music to feel like im dying

here listen to these LOUDLY. try it out (listen to all of these and download them and listen in a repetitive loop)





those are all the same

Tonight was the first time I really tested tummo meditation. I sat in a shower and got used to the hottest setting, then began meditating. Every 5 or so minutes I dropped the temperature significantly. After about 10 minutes I was at the coldest setting. I was a little cold, but it felt like I had made the water room temperature.


That's pretty cool, usually people use tummo meditation to heat up, you're doing it in reverse.

It is a natural bodily response to adjust to the temperature, you didn't actually heat it.

>you didn't actually heat it

More like cooled down.

Also this shit can cause you to overheat even in conditions that are already warm and it can be willed.

That makes it not an automatic response.

I do simple breath meditations.
And EVERY time I get into a meditative state (no thoughts e.t.c.) I also get strange body sensations like that I'm becoming a giant or that I'm facing the floor.
It's not annoying but I wonder what I should do.


Just finished reading this in full. It's not that good so I don't recommend anyone else read it but I'm posting it here regardless. It's about meditation. What's neat about it is that it mentions two kinds of meditation – one where you absorb yourself fully in concentration upon something and another where you observe passively everything and absorb yourself in nothing, clinging to no thoughts.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbga4u704L8 contact into inner self one self

This is just song, should be in the songs thread.

> earthly love is a very poor substitute for the real thing

Please I would like some background information on this. What is "the real thing"?

Today I tried to meditate for the first time.
I followed a focal meditation exercise similar to this one >>6847 except the last 2 lines in bold.

>Dark room, semi-closed eyes, staring at a little dot on the wall.

After 2~3 minutes I started to see various shapeless fogs in different colors. Sometimes it morphed into what looked like a worm and later, a cloud.
It was really hard to focus and keep my mind free of thoughts and the fucking song that was stuck in my head, but eventually - near the end of the 14 minutes of meditation - I was able to do so for a few seconds.
After a while the colored clouds started to converge to the area I was looking at. Just like the waves when you throw a stone in the water, but in the opposite direction.
Then my neighbors started to make noise and I had to stop the practice. And in the next half hour I felt calm.

Anyways, I felt it was time to start practicing instead of only reading books as I was doing for several months.

I've been using this to commit myself to at least 15 minutes a day.


It really helps, just try your best when the chime starts and no worries about how long it's taking or if it feels like forever, when the chime starts again afterwards you will know it is over and then do whatever you were just doing.

If you can focus on the audio resonance (song stuck in your head) and replace it with a singular tone, your meditation may improve.

Doing Om meditations can help focus your audio perception, too.

Meditations Upon Books

All Fringe Wizards read a great many books but we could be making the process a lot more efficient and productive. Here are meditations I have devised for that purpose:

Book Meditation, No Visualization, Reciting

Type 1 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting basic

(do this with a book you are just reading now)

1. Read a sentence.
2. Look away or close the eyes.
3. Recite the full sentence you just read perfectly.
4. Read the next sentence.
5. Repeat - until you can do this easily then move onto intermediate.

Type 1 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting intermediate

1. Read a full paragraph.
2. Look away or close the eyes.
3. Recite the full paragraph you just read perfectly.
4. Read the next paragraph.
5. Repeat - until you can do this easily then move onto advanced.

Type 1 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting advanced

1. Read a full page.
2. Look away or close the eyes.
3. Recite the full page you just read perfectly.
4. Read the next page.
5. Repeat - until you've finished the book.

Suggested book for practising this on: The Kybalion.

Having read an entire book… proceed with this:

Type 2 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting basic

(do this with a book you read and have not gone back to in at least a few hours or a day, this is using long-term memory not short-term memory)

1. Recite the first sentence from the first page of the first chapter.
2. Check for accuracy of recital.
3. Recite random other sentences throughout the book and check for accuracy, until confident you can quote anything out of the book from memory.

Type 2 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting intermediate

Do as before, but full paragraphs.

Type 2 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting advanced

Do as before, but full pages.

Type 2 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting master

1. Recite the entire book from memory.
2. Use a random number generator such as http://www.random.org/ where the minimum is 1 and the max is the number of pages in your book in total then recite
2b. Use a silly mundane to call out a random page for you to recite, recite the page for him from memory, then show them the page (or have them looking at the page you are reciting while you yourself aren't seeing it) and impress the fuck out of him.

Goals for the above two meditations are:

• Memorize instantly upon reading, if it takes you forever to memorize a book and then you can recite it all perfectly fine – you still may have to learn to memorize faster so that with your next book you can just read the whole book once and recite the whole thing afterwards no problem.
• Recite everything accurately and fast, you don't want to make mistakes or struggle to remember it each sentence as you go along reciting it all.

Type 3 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting basic

Find a book you have not yet read…

1. Look at the cover page or title.
2. Start "reciting" the first sentence, without having read it.
3. Check the sentence carefully, not scrolling down to reveal too much at once.
4. Wrong? Just move on to the next sentence, keep going along until you're eventually accurately "reciting" full sentences before having actually read them.

ProTip: Using trance and the power of faith/belief beforehand to reprogram yourself to be able to do these meditations will make it easier. You should also do quiet mind meditation beforehand and if you want void meditation.

Type 3 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting intermediate

Continue like you were doing in the basic meditation – but full paragraphs.

Type 3 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting advanced

As before but full pages now.

Type 3 book meditation, no-visualization, reciting master

Recite an entire book without ever having actually read it. (Then check through the normal means for accuracy).

Note: at this point you are starting to become practically omniscient and soon will only need the titles of books and samples of text to check for accuracy and you can read any book without actually having it.

Book Meditation, No Visualization, Absorbing

Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing retard

1. Look at a word, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite the word.

Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing mundane

1. Look at a few words, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite all the words (in order).

Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing basic

1. Look at a full sentence, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite the entire sentence. (check for accuracy of course, and proceed)

Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing intermediate

1. Look at a full paragraph, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite the entire paragraph.

Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing advanced

1. Look at a page, hold the thought.
2. Look away / close the eyes.
3. Recite all the text of the entire page.

Note: At this point you should just be glancing at a page and instantly absorbing all the information on the page all at once.

Book meditation, no-visualization, absorbing master

1. Look at a page, hold the thought.
2. Look at more pages, still hold the thought.
3. Look away / close the eyes.
4. Recite all the text of all the pages you looked at.
5. Keep going adding pages until you can eventually open up a new book, glance at every single page in the book in rapid succession, then accurately recite the contents of an entire book whose pages you've only glanced – proving you have absorbed into your mind all the contents of the book at incredible speed.

Book Meditation, Psychomancy

Lobsang Rampa and William Walker Atkinson and probably other authors familiar to us have described how to do this in great detail and you may refer yourself to them.

To do this you just touch an object, in this case a book, and start to get an idea of what its contents are then you check it.

You can start with mail or notes or whatever.

At first you will get really vague impressions like "it is good news" or "it seems to be about sports". Eventually as you progress with practise you get much stronger impressions, and know much more fully the details of the contents of the thing you have touched. You will be able to know absolutely everything about the object, including how it got to you and who touched it beforehand and what thoughts people who touched it were thinking, what all the text says, and any other information which the object is comprised of or has attached or associated with it.

Book Meditation, Visual Recall

Book meditation, visual recall basic

1. Look at a letter.
2. Recall the appearance of the letter in your mind's eye.
3. Practise with each latter in the alphabet, until you see each letter easily reconstructed in your mind. Do the same for numbers, roman numerals, other character sets, and symbols you know about and want to practise with.

Book meditation, visual recall intermediate

1. Look at a word.
2. Recall the appearance of the word in your mind's eye.
3. Do this for long while until you are able to flash words through your mind with great speed + clarity.

Book meditation, visual recall advanced

1. Look at several words or a sentence.
2. Recall the appearance of all those words in your mind's eye.
3. Do this for long while until you are able to flash huge collections of words through your mind with great speed + clarity.

Book meditation, visual recall master

1. Look at page.
2. Recall the appearance of the entire page in your mind's eye.
3. Do this for long while until you are able to flash pages of a book through your mind with great speed + clarity.

Goals for the above meditations are:

• Recall the image with as much clarity / lucidity as you possibly can. Vague shadowy out of focus impressions are not so good, you want to aim ultimately for seeing the words more clear than something you see with your physical eyes. Practise with different fonts, font colours, etc. and even make each letter unique if you can by recalling slight smudges and other microscopic details of the form. e.g. you may view metal numbers such as the ones people have on their houses as address numbers in your mind's eye and include in your recall the details of the rust on it. You can also imagine forms you haven't seen before at all but you can't check them against objects in your environment for accuracy as it's just constructed by you on the spot and doesn't have a physical equivalent in third density.
• Be able to rotate and view the recalled images 3-dimensionally, seeing it from different angles.
• Be able to flash these images extremely fast through your mind and still perceiving each one perfectly lucidly. If it takes you like 5 seconds to visualize an "A" and then a "B" then you need to speed up. You may easily trigger a sequence of images flashing through your mind so fast you can end up seeing thousands of them in just a minute and it's a pretty mind-blowing experience to have and will give you an idea of what the "life-review" many people go through after dying is like.

Book Meditation, Thoughtformed Books

I will give this exercise a little differently then the above ones, not in steps…

Visualize a book, basically a rectangle, and position it in 3-dimensional space relative to your surroundings. This may be done in astral spaces or in physical space as well. Now just keep working on the book, making it more clear, so that it eventually isn't a vague phantom at all but clearly visible to you. If your phantom book is not solid and your hand passes through it and you don't want it to be that way, meditate upon the spacial sense… press your hands against objects in your room, especially books, and focus your attention very clearly on the impression. Think about it a lot and recall that feeling of pressing up against it. Now apply these spacial properties to your book so you can feel it when you touch it, can push it around and handle it like a physical object, etc. You may then try pushing your book up against physical objects in your room and causing them to be knocked over / pushed around. You can eventually completely objectify and materialize your book such that you will have a physical book which anyone can see and handle AND give it all sorts of magical functions like making it capable of reading itself! People will hear your book narrating itself, probably very melodiously, and the mundanes will be in utter shock! You may also apply such mysterious functions to your book as to make people who touch it put it down and walk away, or feel burned by touching it, or make it so only certain people can read it and it appears differently to others or they will not take an interest in reading it. The book may also telepathically transfer its contents to someone that touches it. Anything you can imagine…

Note: you may also modify physical books however you want and dematerialize them.

Audiobook Meditation

There are some meditations I practise with audiobooks that are worth doing.

Audiobook meditation, speech-to-text, basic

Visualize each word the person says. This is really challenging if they are talking really fast. As you listen to an audiobook focus on nothing but visualizing each word said as clearly and fast as you can. Say you are listening to a 5 hour long audio-book – you will just be focused on seeing each word as the narrator goes along the whole time and it is a really mentally intense exercise starting out.

Note: before doing this you must do clear-mind meditation, you can't have other thoughts distracting you, you really need to focus.

Audiobook meditation, speech-to-text, intermediate

Do the same as before except now you are seeing whole strings of words put together in your mind's eye, forming sentences. Probably the older sentences will fade out like a ticker-tape or as if you had a rectangle of focused vision on part of what you're seeing and the other stuff goes out of focus just the way stuff in the edge of your physical vision is out of focus. You should aim to see as long as possible sentences within the visual field of your mind's eye as possible.

Audiobook meditation, speech-to-text, advanced

You should see an entire page, piece of paper or chalkboard or scroll or whatever else surface you prefer, and as the person goes along narrating you should see each word written down onto there. You should clearly see entire pages of text filled out as the narration goes along, everything being written down by your mind's eye.

Audiobook meditation, speech-to-text, master

For this you will need to be listening to some narrative, audiobook, whatever – which you have not heard before. This time you should see all the text written down before it's even said. As the narrator goes along actually narrating it, you should see the specific words the narrator is on highlighted (perhaps in a golden glow or however you want to see it) and you should find that the narrator is indeed saying everything you see in your mind's eye.

Note: You can do all of this on people talking to you or on conversations you are overhearing in public. When attempting the master level meditation you could do the following on a person:

1. Find a silly mundane to talk to.
2. See with your mind's eye, in the form of text, what they are about to say.
3. Watch as they say what you just saw with your mind's eye.
4. Interrupt them at some point to tell them the rest of what they were about to say and spook them. There 2spookied reaction should confirm your success.

Note: If you do the above successfully, you are unlocking an aspect of telepathy and precognition, and may use this ability to receive people's thoughts without them being spoken.

Audiobook meditation, seeing the narrator

While listening to the narration, visualize the figure of the person doing the narration, speaking. Just keep practising until you see clearly a person narrating. You may create tulpas that act out the narration for you and can do it very passionately. You may also use tulpas to read books for you, books which you may have copies of, or even ones that you don't… if you can try to find out who your narrator is to see if you created a new thoughtform doing a narration or actually managed to remote view the narrator.

Book Meditation, Remote Viewing

You may remote view books and in this way read books you don't have and even find books you've never heard of.

Lay down in bed or get comfortable, close your eyes (unless you're really good at seeing with your mind's eye even with eyes open), now expect / intend / wait for a book to appear before you.

Start reading it. The book at first will be out of focus but it should come into focus as you try to look at it more and more with your mind's eye. The book may also be mutating on you while you're trying to focus in on it, that is, the text and other properties of the book may be changing randomly. With proper focusing in on the book you will be able to view books without them doing this and you will be able to read it properly without its pages changing at random.

In this way I find random books which sometimes contain new concepts which I look up then to check if it's relevant to our consensus reality and I learn new things!

Note: this is very related to astral projection, remote viewing is a form of AP.

I often do find a lot of texts / books / writings that are just gibberish too doing this especially if I am just doing this with no particular text/book in mind at all and just want to see whatever comes to me at random. If you having nothing specific you're trying to go for, you can easily end up finding stuff that's pretty much "schizo word salad", and it's really funny to read.

The more you narrow down your intent the better texts you will find. You can be as vague as "I intend to find a new magic book" or as specific as intending for a book whose title, author, and edition you know already or you may even form an intent along the lines of "a book read by person x I know" and end up finding a book person x has read before. If you are super vague and form the intention of "just finding any random collection of text" then the results will vary extremely. You could also form an intent like this "I intend to find a book that I really need to read right now which is the most relevant to my spiritual growth" and see what you get.

Note that intentions aren't really spoken out like I am putting them in quotes in the above paragraph, they are unspoken things. Catch yourself for a moment before you are about to think out a sentence/dialogue in your mind and you will be able to focus then on the intent behind what you were you about to bring fourth in your mind, then you will know what I mean by intentions. It's the same principle behind why some healers can say something like "stomach, calm down, be strong" etc. to a person and even if that other person doesn't speak their language it will still heal their stomach. It's because the intention and the thoughtforce behind the words is what matters, the words themselves are just a symbolic thing, which have been associated to the meaning and intentions and other thoughts/ideas that correspond with it. Consider the difference between "push" the sound-complex-word, "push" the intention, and "push" the physical fact carried out by movements through the body. Our minds are well trained to recreate the spoken-word "push" but not very good at creating the telekinetic force to cause an object to push because we haven't caught onto subtle things like this. You could at once think "push" in your mind and create the telekinetic force at the same time but you're really doing two things at once and one part is only symbolic. The thing with spells, wherein a wizard says certain words (perhaps in latin or another language), and a corresponding action takes place is they are just saying and doing certain actions to focus them upon what they want to do but there is no inherent power in the specific words they spoke otherwise anyone could just say the same words and have it work for them. Merely imitating a wizard's physical actions or surface appearances isn't enough to do what they do, one must understand the subtle forces of the mind at play. A lot of mundanes who might have in their childhood tried to imitate a wizard and then got frustrated and let down when their imitation produced no results probably developed their scepticism and butthurt over magic in this way.

This took me hours to write and I've been intending to write this for like 5 days I think now, thank goodness I have it finally done.

Use whatever you want to enhance your magical development.

I personally am working on the ability to see books with my mind's eye so I may conjure up any page I want and look at it and then read what I am seeing with my mind's eye out to anyone and then impress them with muh accurate recitals of anything I have read and the audiobook meditations I described and the remote viewing one I keep doing a lot lately.

I should really work a little on the recital of texts without visualization so I can read a whole page and then recite the whole thing but it's not as important to me as the other ones.

I should also inform you all that anything you have ever had impressed upon your senses, at all, even for the slightest moment in your life; all of it is stored in your subconscious. Nothing is ever truly forgotten. So all the books you've already read, once you've developed these skills, you may recall those books completely and accurately without having to re-read them.

Also at our core we are all onmiscient, anyone put in a deep trance / deep hypnosis can accurately convey you information about anything at any place and any time (past/present/future), without ever having personally been in contact with it.

Of course i see the benefit of being able to recall pages out of books - but what use are books if they only grant knowledge without understanding?

Should one not instead focus on understanding what is taught rather than memorizing it?

No you false dichotomy faggot.

Memorize it and understand it.

Do both.

I didn't even consider that. I just assumed that book meditation was a skill for those with jobs that require heavy memorisation of various facts. Doctors come to mind, personally but as an engineering student, I think I may find something like this very useful.

Great guide.

Look guys, being able to keep astral copies of every book you've ever momentarily glanced the pages of, and even perhaps not opened… it makes you practically omniscient and gives you plenty of time to go over your astral books and understand the teachings.

Memory really is more important. I had really shitty memory but good understanding yet my lack of good memory really fucked me over in life. It is best to have the memory down-pat and then you can work on the other stuff next. It's hard to pull off elaborate and complex arguments and develop a really deep understanding if you can't recall every piece of information you need.

What's more is you can build your astral library and construct thoughtforms that do nothing but sort it, process it, and can reproduce the information for your mind in new ways.

You can quickly develop a level of knowledge and analytical skill that makes you pseudo-omniscient.

Several of those books meditations are also to learn to think in other mediums of thought and that is really beneficial to be able to do that.

>tfw doing book meditation today when I come onto /fringe/ and see this thread has two new replies

*synchronicity detected*

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What's the difference between reciting and absorbing? Can you explain the difference in their mechanics?

Absorbing means to burn the text into your memory such that it can be recalled later. Recital is the accurate recital of that information later. The difference is one describes recall the other describes imprinting of the memory in the first place.

This actually seems like something that would be better to do with poems than prose or non-fiction. Learn to recite really short poems, then build yourself up to epics like The Iliad/Odyssey. There is something powerful and potent in poetry, and these techniques would probably bring that force to the forefront.

Can you give me an example of recalling something without reciting it and can you give me an example of reciting something without recalling it?

My vague understanding is that to recall something, you are merely remembering it. You might recall how many windows are on the second floor of a building or whether or not your mother likes spaghetti so these are facts that you have absorbed. Likewise, you may understand the concepts explained in your physics or maths book so you've absorbed this too.

To recite however simply means to recall with a focus on the technical, concrete details rather than an abstract understanding. So rather than know what's happening in the novel you're reading, reciting the novel means memorising each and every word and how it's all phrased. That is to say: the act of recital is a type of recall/absorption.

In which case, I think the whole routine is structured as follows:
-Absorb the text for that basic understanding.
-Absorb the text for that wording and structure (more precise)
-Absorb how the text looks visually (far more precise)

Note: There's nothing visual about reciting. It's sonic, if anything and there's nothing sonic about understanding–it's intuitive, if anything.

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