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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 5192
I wish to explain something to you from what I know of people who see the future.

Firstly, we see probable futures, and the future is always shifting.

Secondly, anytime one sees the future, they may apply various methods to respond to that vision and alter the timeline preventing the manifestation of a probable future.

Furthermore if one spreads around a prophecy and people become aware of it then their mental influence also bears down upon the prophecy.

If you want a prophecy to come true and you want to impress people, then you must keep silent about it, but perhaps note down what you have seen very clearly and then you must will that future to come forward.

Do not doubt the future, do not expose the future to those who would doubt it, just keep it secret or only share it with a select few.

In a way the fool saves us all. Seeing the future and then revealing it to us all, he changes it, and then when that future does not take place he is mocked. Yet many a vision of the future is one we do not want to see manifest and so the fool has done us a great service.
Refer yourself to my shitty little OC picture here.

If you ever are aware of a bad future scenario spread awareness of it and it should naturally be repelled especially if you're spreading it around on 4chan. This applies mostly to how things work in 4th density.

For 3rd density it also works too though. Say you are aware of a conspiracy to take place, a false flag event, well then you can stop it by making many people aware of it so they change plans.

Sometimes though you won't be able to stop completely. Maybe they'll just modify the plans so you get discredited but their agenda still goes forward (3D) or maybe there is something coming (4D) which resonates very strongly with the collective consciousness and in which case you may have a very great difficulty preventing a macrocosmic event, even if you can minimize its impact on a personal level.


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A consciousness shift has been underway for quite awhile now and will accelerate and eventually gain a lot of speed. It grows slowly at first, achieves critical mass, and then it snowballs and the rest of the people who were most resistant to it or unaware will catch up then with the rest. It's useless to talk about consciousness shifts though without understanding what specifically is shifting about in the consciousness of men. I think we can see with confidence however that mankind has undergone many consciousness shifts already such as with the invention of writing, then the printing press, and then new forms of mass communication like televisions and the internet. Everytime the way we think and experience has been changed drastically. In the meanwhile many less noticeable and more covert forms of mind control have also been developed and applied to the masses and this too has caused a lot of changes. Then we can also consider how our relations with various types of drugs have also impacted our racial consciousness and there also we see an acceleration in the changes to the collective conscious of man. Furthermore by looking at the spread of memes on the internet via NSA mass monitoring and data processing the powers that be have been toying us with us, introducing bots and shills into the system, subtly adjusting everything to create our reality for us. The final layers – on the highest levels of the matrix control system – we are spiritually deceived by demonic and alien hyperdimensional beings who mostly act out their agendas over a longer timespan and whose manipulations are perhaps more noticeable on a religious and cultural level.

There are indeed many consciousness shifts taking place globally for humanity. What will be the latest one corresponding with [redacted] (Edit: this bit is irrelevant now) I don't know though.

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I seriously need to take a look at the future sometime when I'm remote viewing again, take some notes, save them and encrypt them in a pastee, and then tell people that on x date "something will happen which is described in this pastee". That way nobody knows at all what is going to happen and can't alter the future. Then, when the time has come and the prophecy has been fulfilled, I'll make another thread and link back to the previous thread by posting a link to in the archives and I'll give out the encryption key and then everyone can view what I wrote in the encrypted pastbin link. Then they will know that I have seen the future and they shall be inspired by me and will reconsider some of their ideas about reality.

The problem is with finding something to remote view where:

- I can figure out the date that the thing I am viewing takes place. How am I going to figure it out? I see the future events but it can be difficult to know the exact date it's going to happen unless there is somehow a calendar in or around the scene showing it.
- How am I going to remote view a significant enough event that it will get reported upon somehow when it takes place? If I just do what I usually do which is stuff like seeing what people will be doing in my house, what position they will be sitting in, etc. a few hours or days later and then waiting for that to happen well I can be impressed with myself for having seen this little trivial piece of the future but how am I to share that with others?

It's quite a challenge you see. I wonder if there are any well documented cases of people having already accomplished this sort of thing before me that I could just post to show others that this thing can in fact be done. Thoughts /fringe/?

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(just writing this right now btw)

I have thought about how most everything we are know about the past is probably a lie, how events we are told to accept in school are usually incredibly inaccurate, and how there are intentional efforts all the time to destroy artefacts, archaeological digs, etc. (especially perpetrated by Jews and Christians and Muslims but probably also by others) when some findings conflict with and undermine their worldview.

The actual past is probably unbelievably fantastic. The things that might have been going on then and the way people lived and the knowledge they must have had about magic and other things suppressed today must have been great.

There's like almost no way for us to know though what really happened. It takes forever to piece together all the clues from countless sources, to try to make sense of it all, and still we'd mostly be speculating. However I have thought of a possible solution to the problem.

My idea is to start tracing back time a little at a time and then verifying if what I'm seeing is correct to the best of my ability. I would start by viewing back into time just a little, then if seemed all correct, I would proceed going back further. If I continue to traceback time accurately then I will go even further back. The idea is that if I my initial trace is accurate, I can then extend that trace back much further, and assume that everything I will find will be correct. In this manner I hope to see what REALLY was going on in ancient Egypt, Sumeria, and even more ancient past civilizations like Atlantis that we are generally made to believe is myth. I could potentially discover a lot of amazing things doing this and if I also end up finding information from the past that turns out to be correct and usable today it will be further confirmation that my trace is accurate and that I am seeing the true history of the world.

Isn't this such a brilliant idea /fringe/? There's one other thing though that I must take into account. What if the present that we are in right now is actually the product of multiple past time-lines converging!? Each timeline would be true and accurate BUT there would be multiple histories of the world that lead up to the present. The structure of time may be very complex and it could get even more crazy if some people in this world are actually in totally different timelines then me and only meet momentarily ( which suggests I suppose that most everyone but me would be a shadow person, like that one guy on /x/ suggested awhile ago, which is kind of a sad thought for me: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/14399630/ ).

If I am not mistaken montalk himself says that it's not just the future that's shifting but the past as well, as amazing as that it to conceive of.

If all this be the case then what I would have to tell about our history would be so strange and mindblowing I don't think many people would be able to fathom it and would have a hard time accepting it. If I'm in my own unique timeline too then unless perhaps someone heavily synchronizes to my timeline, the history of the world as it is true to me, would not have as much relevance to others. …and if the past isn't stable, if it's always shifting, then history might as well just be a metaphor … its value being more on par with mythology.

Hopefully we are all synchronized enough that we mostly share the same past – that way the "true" history of the world can be relevant to us all then – but I don't know. At the very least I should be able to impress others in two ways once I do trace back history in my own timeline:

1. By taking back knowledge from the past and applying it to the present.
2. By uncovering obscure facts, the locations of buried items, and other stuff of that nature and then verifying it all.


bamp over the shit newfag threads

Time Speeding Up

Some people believe time is speeding up. This idea is based on observation that the difference between subjective and objective assessments of time have increased over the past decade. For instance, time seems to be flying by faster than ever, or what used to take several years to accomplish now seems to be taking place in just a couple. In the 2012 paradigm, this idea serves to correlate the prophesied dissolution of time with immediate personal observations. I believe two simultaneous phenomena are contributing to this perception.

The first is that there has been an ongoing reduction in novelty among trivial trends. This means an increase in routine and repetition in all things mundane, both personal and cultural. Television and internet have also become more deeply embedded in modern life, increasing the amount of time we spend being mentally asleep during the day, decreasing the quality and quantity of memories. Due to distraction, repetition, and routine, the recent past offers less memorable content to reflect upon and thus appears shortened. When consulting the calendar we therefore notice the days flying by.

The second is that there has been a simultaneous increase in novelty among spiritually significant trends. Rate of growth among receptive individuals in terms of awareness and emotional maturity is accelerating. You may have changed more in the past two years than you did in the five years before that. When more personal growth is crammed into a shorter amount of time, it appears that things have picked up pace and more ground is being covered more quickly.

The combination of “days flying by” and “having come so far in so few years” contributes to our perception that time is speeding up. These may both be symptomatic of the shift from 3D to 4D if we recognize that linear time is giving way to nonlinear time, that priorities are shifting from the trivial to the spiritual in accordance with the 2012 and related paradigms. Linear time is measured in increments of trivialities such as astronomical or atomic motions, while nonlinear time is delineated in increments of freewill progressions. With a shift of priorities, trivialities fade into a repeating background pattern while spiritual events (leaps in awareness and maturity) increase in their frequency and novelty, both of which lead to the perception that time is speeding up for different reasons.

We may extrapolate this accelerating trend into the future and conclude that in the end, linear time will mean nothing and nonlinear time will mean everything. Or to put it another way, trivialities and the calendar will cease to exist for us altogether while increments of spiritual progress and freewill choices will be the new standard.

There is another interesting trend worth noting, which is that the more recently a person awakens from programmed sleep and into the pursuit of truth, the more rapid his or her growth from that point onward. I know several people who started their paths in the 1960s and 70s, and it took them about two decades to complete the first pass of their research, to come full circle and finally see the bigger picture. My awakening began in 1993 and I did not reach that point until 2003, so about a decade. Those I know who began in 2001 reached it by 2004, so three years. Now I am coming across people who are doing it in under a year, sometimes just a few months.

Part of that trend is due to the increased availability, quality, diversity, and accessibility of information pertaining to matters of truth. Those of the 60s and 70s had books, newsletters, telephone, personal meetings and mail correspondence. Then came fax machines, personal computers, BBS networks, personal printing and photocopying. Then came easy duplication of storage media, the internet with its websites, forums, and radio shows, and now we have broadband internet, wifi spots, p2p filesharing and free video streaming. For all its downsides, recent technology has served to accelerate the awakening, albeit indirectly and at the risk of de-socialization.

Another factor behind that trend may involve the fact that it doesn’t matter when or how we start, but when and where we end up. In other words, it doesn’t matter that someone started early but took longer while another starts late and through some crash courses has reached similar levels of awareness. What matters is that when the time comes, people are on the same page and capable of carrying out what they came here to do, and so those who start late will indeed have to learn more quickly to be ready in time.

I think both the technological and metaphysical parts are related, the first serving the latter as part of some greater plan. And yes, I am aware that Ahrimanic/NWO forces are behind the flowering of technology, that the internet is the perfect device for profiling dissenters and so on, however the dark side takes a gamble with everything it does and risks having its means unexpectedly judo-flipped into accomplishing unintentionally positive ends.

Now if we project this trend into the future, we can see that there will be an increasing number of people awakening, and they will have to get with the picture quicker than ever, perhaps due to the simple spreading of awareness among those desperate for answers in increasingly desperate times. This suggests that demand will skyrocket along with the availability and quality of information, but supply can only meet demand if there are more sources available to provide it, more people refining and providing it. We cannot expect technology like the internet to stick around forever, and so dissemination of guidance and information may increasingly shift towards personal rather than technological methods.

In a practical sense, for us this means we would do well to initially become better educated on matters of truth and grow more skilled in communicating them. It is a good idea to become more streamlined, discerning, and capable of providing primary sources like books, websites, videos, etc… to the receptive when the occasion arises. Why? Both to increase our capacity to meet the potential future demand, and to presently act as a channel for synchronicity to trigger the awakening and empowerment of others.


This is a really good read.

Bioshock Infinite

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