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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 4860

Do you want to learn some amazing things /fringe/?

I'm going to be reading this book and I'll post what I read as I go along and you can read with me.

This man has been part of a walk-in. He escaped the demiurge's trap, he actually made it out of this shithole, and traded places with a higher being who brought us profound knowledge on these subjects:

• the death-process and the life on the other side
• the different dimensions
• the Earths far past
• how life came to Earth
• colonization from space
• contact to spacepeople
• the human aura
• telepathy and clairvoyance
• astral traveling
• akashic-reading
• the dark forces
• medical themes (he was also a doctor in Lhasa/Tibet)
• Atlantis and similar themes
• body-take-over/walk in (transmigration)
• etc. etc

This is what I've always wanted to do! To just get out. I wouldn't mind coming back though, after escaping, to free those left behind.
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In 1956, London publishers Secker and Warburg brought out what they thought was a very good occult book. Never did they, nor Doubleday and Company the New York publishers, foresee that the book would suddenly capture the imagination of two nations as the general public read the most fascinating book on Tibet ever published.

The book was autobiographic and told the strange and inspiring story of a Tibetan monk who had progressed from neophyte to lamahood, and had eventually attained a certain occult faculty which comprised the title of the book.

THE THIRD EYE, by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa was not only a recounting of his initiations and monastery doings, but it also proved to be a highly lively account of everyday Tibetan life.

We read the book from cover to cover one night, every bit as fascinated as everybody else. But we couldn't help wondering how an Easterner could have mastered the English language so vivaciously.

The reason was soon to come in the furor over the book which took place in London when some Tibetan scholars challenged the authenticity of Rampa and averred he was not a Tibetan and had never been to Tibet.

Then T. Lobsang Rampa's side of the story was revealed. No - he had indeed never been to Tibet, in his present body. The spirit of a Tibetan lama had, however entered his body, under unusual circumstances. In reply to his critics, Rampa stated:

"THE THIRD EYE is absolutely true and all that write in that book is fact. I, a Tibetan lama, now occupy what was originally the body of a Western man, and I occupy it to the permanent and total exclusion of the former occupant. He gave his willing consent, being glad to escape from life on this earth in view of my urgent need.

"The actual change-over occurred on the 13th of June, 1949, but the way had to be prepared some time before that. I know that I have a special task to do, and I became aware that it would be necessary to come to England for various reasons connected with it. In the latter part of 1947, I was able to by telepathy send impressions to a suitable person. In February, 1946, he changed his name by legal Deed Poll.

"To make the change-over easier he altered his address a number of times and lost contact with all friends and relations. On the 13th of June 1949, he had a slight accident which resulted in concussions and which "knocked him out of himself." This enabled me to take over.

"I tried very hard indeed to obtain employment in England, but for various reasons there was no assistance from the Employment Exchange. For years I visited Employment Exchanges and the Appointment Bureau in Tavistock Square, London. I was also registered with a number of private Employment Agencies and paid quite a considerable amount to them in fees, but none of them did anything for me.

"For some time we lived on capital which had been saved and upon anything which I was able to earn from doing free-lance writing or advertising.

"I have a special task to do because during my life in Tibet I had been to the Chang Tane Highlands where I had seen a device which enables people to see the human aura. I am clairvoyant and can see the aura as I have demonstrated to many people at many times, but - I am aware that if doctors and surgeons could see the human aura then they could determine the illness afflicting a human body before it was at all serious. It was not possible for me to come to England in the body which I then had. I tried, but to no avail.

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The aura is merely a corona discharge of the body, of the life force. It is similar to the corona discharge from a high tension cable which can be seen by almost anyone on a misty night, and if money would be spent on research, medical science would have one of the most potent tools for the cure of disease. I had to have money in order to carry out my own research, but, I have never taken money for curing people's illnesses or for taking their troubles off their shoulders as has been misrepresented in a certain paper!

"And how did The THIRD EYE come to be written? I certainly did not want to write it but I was desperate to get a job so that I could get on with my allotted task. 'I tried for job after job without avail, until eventually a friend offered to put me in touch with a gentlemen who might be able to use my service. Mr. Brooks said I should write a book. I insisted that I did not want to write a book and so we parted. Mr. Brooks wrote me again and once more suggested that I should write a book. In the interval between seeing him and receiving his letter I had been for other interviews and had been rejected.

So with much reluctance I accepted Mr. Brooks' offer to write such a book, and here again I repeat that everything said in that book is true. Everything said in my second book, DOCTOR FROM LHASA, is true also. One should not place too much credence in 'experts' or 'Tibetan Scholars' when it is seen how one "expert" contradicts the other, when they cannot agree on what is right and what is wrong, and after all how many of those 'tibetan scholars' have entered a lamasery at the age of seven, and worked all the way through the life as a Tibetan, and then taken over the body of a Westerner? I HAVE." *(*Since the above statements were made in 1957, Rampa has written several other books.)

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What about the man whose body Rampa took over?

What of his former life before the transformation? Following are some remarkable statements by his wife:

"Many people will wonder about the one who occupied that Western body before it was taken over by a Tibetan and I, as the Wife, would like to tell something of events leading to the change of personality.

"At the first indication of something different was more than a little startled. We were leading a quiet life in Surrey, my Husband being on the staff of a correspondence college, in an advisory capacity, and the war had been over for two years. Out of the blue came his remark toward the end of 1947 - - sitting quietly for some time, he startled me by suddenly saying, 'I am going to change my name.' I looked at him aghast for I failed to see any point in doing such a thing. We had nothing to hide, nothing from which to lun away. It took me some time to recover after he continued, 'Yes, we will change our name by Deed Poll.

"By February, 1948, all the legal formalities had been completed, and we had no further right to our previous name. My Husband's employer was not pleased, but there was little he could do about it, especially as at about that time one of the firm's directors had made an alteration to his own name.

"Of course everyone thought we had at last taken leave of our senses, but that never bothered me. I had lived with my Husband for eight years and knew that if he had a hunch to do anything at all there was always a very good reason for it. Soon, however we noticed people were not saying our name when addressing us, and even after seeing it written they didn't seem able to spell it; for that reason we later contracted it to …….

I want to clarify this print to show that we have at no time used an alias as has been mistakenly suggested.

"At about this time my Husband talked a great deal about the East and on occasions he' did in fact wear Eastern dress; he often seemed to be very preoccupied in his manner, and I have known him to fall into a trance state and speak in an unfamiliar tongue, which I now believe to be a language of the East. In July, 1949, he again made a sudden decision – this time to give up his job! This he did to the consternation of his employer who had always found him to be a very useful and conscientious member of his staff.

(continuation from before)

"The idea behind this was so that we could leave the district and lose all contact with the past, which we did. Within a year we had completely lost touch with previous acquaintances and with our forner life. We managed to exist on what we had saved, together with what we could earn from various forms of writing.

"The day I happened to look out the window and see my husband lying at the foot of a tree in the garden is something I shall never forget. I hurried out to find he was recovered, but to me, a trained nurse, he seemed to be stunned or something. When eventually he regained consciousness he seemed to act differently, and in ways I did not understand.

"After getting him indoors and upstairs to our flat to rest, the main thought in my mind was to get a doctor as quickly as possible, but I was reckoning without him– -he seemed to sense my alarm and implored me not to do so, assuring me that he was quite all right. Certainly his speech seemed different, more halting – as if he was unfamiliar with the language, and his voice appeared deeper than before.

"For some time I was quite concerned, for SOMETHING seemed to have happened to his memory. Before speaking or moving he appeared to be making calculations; much later I learned that he was 'tuning in to my mind' to see what was expected of him. I do not mind admitting that in the early stages I was very worried, but now it seems quite natural. I have never ceased to wonder that such an ordinary individual as myself should be so closely associated with such a remarkable occurrence as the advent of a Tibetan lama to the Western World."

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As for all of his books - he claims they are absolutely true - and the people who KNOWS IN THEMSELVES - can recognize the wisdom…

(some words are translated to Norwegian and there MAY BE some word mistakes here - because this is scanned from the book. some headlines are added)

In this book he first writes more about his early childhood in Potala in Tibet and how the very wise astrologists there made a very precise - that showed his later life - prediction of his further "liferoad". The book also describes different incidents where he was told and educated on different themes from the old wise lamas.

From page 68 he writes about the giants - which many other sources describes - (among many others THE BIBLE (the books of Moses 1.o,4 -1.o.1- 4.13,33 -5.3,5) they are explained in many physical contacts to higher developed civilizations. The Erra civilization who Edward Meier had contacts to - told about the BIG people who colonized this earth as "cosmic refugees" from wars in the star-system of LYRA. Later their similar "big brothers" from that system and from the Pleiades - came back here for further developing of the civilization after repeated wars and natural disasters had laid the world in dust. But these giants also made their entrance here through what is later known as the process known as "WALK-IN" - he says here:

"I remember one elderly monk, or I should say lama, who was giving us a lecture, and then he got on to the subject of transmigration. "In the days of long ago," he said, "in fact long before recorded history began, giants walked upon the Earth. They were the Gardeners of the Earth, those who came here to supervise the development of life on this planet, because we are not the first Round of Existence here, you know, but like gardeners clearing a plot of land - all life had been removed and then we, the human race, had been left here to make our own way, to make our own development." He stopped and looked around to see if his pupils were at all interested in the subject, which he was propounding. To his gratified astonishment he found that people were indeed deeply interested in his remarks.

"The Race of Giants," he went on, "were not very suit-able for life on Earth, and so by magical means the Race of Giants shrank until they were the same size as humans, thus they were able to mingle with humans without being recognized as the Gardeners. But it was often necessary for a different senior Gardener to come and carry out special tasks, it took too long to have a boy born to a woman and then wait out the years of his babyhood and childhood and teenage. So the science of the Gardeners of the Earth had a different system; they grew certain bodies and made sure that those bodies would be compatible with the spirit who would later inhabit them."

A boy sitting in the front suddenly spoke up: "How could a spirit inhabit another person?" The lama teacher smiled upon him and said, "I was just about to tell you. But the Gardeners of the Earth permitted certain men and women to mate so that a child was born to each, and the growth of that child would be most carefully supervised throughout, perhaps, the first fifteen or twenty or thirty years of life. Then there would come a time when a highly placed Gardener would need to come to Earth within a matter of hours, so helpers would place the trained body into a trance, into stasis, or, if you like, into a state of suspended animation.

Helpers in the astral world would come to the living body, together with the entity who wanted to go to Earth, with their special knowledge they could detach the Silver Cord and connect in its place the Silver Cord of the entity who was the Gardener of the Earth coming to the Earth. The host would then become the vehicle of the Gardener of the Earth, and the astral body of the host would go away to the astral world just as he would do in the case of a person who had died.

"This is called transmigration, the migration of one entity into the body of another. The body taken over is known as the host, and it has been known throughout history, it was practiced extensively in Egypt and it gave rise to what is known as embalming) because in those days in Egypt there were quite a number of bodies kept in a state of suspended animation, they were living but unmoving, they were ready for occupancy by higher entities just as we keep ponies waiting for a monk or lama to mount the animal and ride off somewhere."

"Oh my!" exclaimed one boy, "I expect friends of the host were mightily surprised when the body awakened and the one they had thought of as their friend in the past was possessed of all knowledge. My! I wouldn't like to be a host, it must be a terrible feeling to have someone else take over one's body."

The teacher laughed and said, "It would certainly be a unique experience. People still do it. Bodies are still prepared, specially raised so that if the need arises a different entity can take over a fresh body - if it becomes necessary for the good of the world as a whole."

For days after the boys had discussed it, and in the way of boys, some of them pretended that they were going to be taking over bodies. But to me, thinking back on that dread prediction, it was no joke, it wasn't amusing to me, it was an ordeal to even think about it. It was a continual shock to my system, so great a shock that at times I thought I would go insane.

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One tutor in particular was intrigued by my love of cats, and the cats' obvious love for me. The tutor knew full well that cats and I conversed telepathically. One day after school hours he was in a very good mood indeed, and he saw me lying on the ground with four or five of our temple cats sitting on me. He laughed at the sight and bade me accompany him to his room, which I did with some apprehension because in those days a summons to a lama's quarters usually meant a reprimand for something done or not done, or extra tasks to be accomplished. So I followed him at a respectful distance, and once in his rooms he told me to sit down while he talked to me about cats.

"Cats," he said, "are now small creatures, and they cannot speak in the human tongue but only by telepathy. Many, many years ago, before this particular Round of Existence, (millions of year ago? R.Ø. remark) cats populated the Earth. They were bigger, they were almost as big as our ponies, they talked to each other, they could do things with their forepaws, which then they called hands. They engaged in horticulture and they were largely vegetarian cats. They lived among the trees and their houses were in the great trees. Some of the trees were very different from those we now know upon the Earth, some of them, in fact, had great hollows in them like caves, and in those hollows, or caves, the cats made their homes. They were warm, they were protected by the living entity of the tree, and altogether they were a very congenial community. - But one cannot have perfection with any species because unless there is some competition, unless there is some dissatisfaction to spur one on, then the creature having such euphoria degenerates."

He smiled at the cats who had followed me and who were now sitting around me, and then he went on, "Such happened to our brothers and sisters Cat. They were too happy, too contented, they had nothing to spur their ambition, nothing to drive them on to greater heights. They had no thought except that they were happy. They were like those poor people we saw recently who were bereft of sanity, they were content just to lie beneath the trees and let the affairs of the day take care of themselves. They were static, and so being static they were a failure. As such the Gardeners of the Earth rooted them out as though they were weeds and the earth was allowed to lie fallow for a time.

And in the course of time the Earth had reached such a stage of ripeness that again it could be restocked with a different type of entity. But the cats - well, their fault had been that they had done nothing, neither good nor bad. They had existed and that alone -existed. And so they were sent down again as small creatures like those we see here, they were sent to learn a lesson, they were sent with the inner knowledge that THEY had once been the dominant species, so they were reserved, very careful to whom they gave their friendship. They were sent to do a task, the task of watching humans and reporting the progress or the failures of humans so that when the next Round came, much information would have been provided by cats. Cats can go anywhere, they can see anything, they can hear anything, and, not being able to tell a lie, they would record everything precisely as it occurred."

I know that I was quite frightened for the time being! I wondered what the cats were reporting about me (the initiated lamas could tap information from the cats that supervised the temple and the community. As living spy/supervision-cameras of today. R.Ø.anm.) But then one old tom, a champion of many a fight, gave a "Rrrr" and jumped on my shoulders and butted his head against mine, so I knew everything was all right and they would not report me too badly.

Sometime after I lay upon my face on my blanket on the floor of the Infirmary because I had been very badly burned at the top of my left leg, the scars are with me yet, and the dysfunction occasioned by the burn is one from which I still suffer. I was lying upon my face because I couldn't lie upon my back, and a well-loved lama entered and said, "Later, Lobsang, when you are healed and mobile I am going to take you to a certain peak in the mountains. I have there something to show you because, you know, the Earth has undergone many changes, the Earth has changed, the seas have altered, the mountains have grown. I am going to show you things which not more than ten people in the whole of Tibet have seen during the

past hundred years. So hurry up and get better, hurry up and heal, you have something of interest before you."

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It was some months later when my Guide, the Lama Mingyar Dondup, who meant so much to me and who was more than mother and father and brother to me, led me along a path. He went a few feet ahead on a strong horse, and I rode behind him on a pony who was as wary of me as I was of him. He recognized me as a bad rider and I recognized him as a horse who recognized a bad rider. We had what in later years I would have called an armed neutrality, a sort of - well, if you don't do anything I won't either, we've got to live together somehow. But we rode on, and at long last my Guide stopped. I leaned over and slithered sideways off the pony. The trail ropes were dropped and the horse and pony would not then wander away, they were too well-trained.

My Guide lit a fire, and we sat down to a very sparse supper. There was desultory talk for a time about the wonders of the Heavens spread out above us. We were in the shadow of the mountains and strong purple patches of darkness were sweeping across the Valley of Lhasa as the Sun sank down beyond the Western range. At last all was dark except for the faint twinkling butter lamps from a myriad of houses and lamaseries, and except for the glory of the Heavens above which sent forth their faint twinkling speckles of light.

At last my Guide said, "Now we must go to sleep, Lobsang, there are no temple services tonight to disturb you, no temple services in the morning for which you have to awaken. Sleep well for on the morrow we shall see things that you have never before dreamed possible." So saying, he rolled himself up in his blanket, turned on his side and went to sleep - just like that. I lay for a time trying to scoop a hole in the rock because my hip bone seemed to stick out a long way, and then I turned on my face for my scars (arr) were still causing pain, and then I too eventually went to sleep.

The morning dawned bright. From our altitude in the mountains it was fascinating to watch how the early morning rays of the Sun seemed to shoot horizontally across the valley and illuminate the peaks of the Western side with what appeared to be golden fingers of fire. Indeed for a time it looked as if the whole mountain range was afire -We stood and watched, and then simultaneously we turned and smiled at each other.

After a light breakfast-the breakfast always seemed too light for me! - we watered the horses at a small mountain stream, and then, providing them with ample forage which, of course, we had brought with us, we tied them together with about thirty feet space between them. They had plenty of room in which to roam and graze off the sparse grass.

The Lama Mingyar Dondup led the way up the trackless mountainside. By an immense boulder which seemed set immovably into the cliff face, he turned and said, "In your travels you are going to see much which appears to be magic, Lobsang. Here is a first sample of it." Then he turned, and to my horrified amazement he wasn't there any longer! He just disappeared in front of my eyes. Then his voice came from "somewhere" bidding me to step forward. As I did so I found that what appeared to be a strip of moss hanging on the cliff face was, in fact, some loose lianas. I approached, and the lama held the fronds aside for me so that I might enter. He turned and I followed him, gazing about me in awe. This seemed to be a wide, wide tunnel, and light was coming in from some source, which I could not discern. I followed his receding footsteps, chiding myself for my tardiness, for, as I well realized, if I was going to be too slow I 'night get lost in this mountain tunnel.

For a time we walked on, sometimes in pitch darkness, where I had to feel with a hand lightly brushing the wall at one side. I was not bothered about pits or low hanging rocks, because my Guide was very much larger than I and if he had room, well then, there would be room for me.

After some thirty minutes of walking, sometimes in a stifling dead air atmosphere, and sometimes in a bracing mountain breeze, we came to what appeared to be a lighted area. My Guide stopped. I stopped, too, when I reached him and looked about me. I caught my breath in astonishment. This seemed to be a large chamber, I sup-pose fifty or sixty feet (20m) across, and on the walls there were strange carvings, carvings which I failed to understand. It seemed to be very strange people dressed in remarkable clothing, which appeared to coyer them from head to foot, or, more accurately, from neck to foot because on their heads they had a representation of what seemed to be a transparent globe. Above us, as I looked up, there seemed to be an immense cube, and at the end of that I could just discern (sjelne) a fleecy cloud floating by.

My Guide broke into my thoughts: "This is a very strange area, Lobsang," he told me, "thousands and thousands of years ago there was a mighty civilization upon this Earth. It was known as the time of Atlantis. Some of the people of the Western world to which in later years you will go - think of Atlantis as a legend, as an imaginary place dreamed up by some great story-teller. Well," he mused, "to my regret I have to tell you that many people will think that you have dreamed up your own true experiences, but never mind how much you are doubted, never mind how much you are disbelieved, you know the truth, you will live the truth. And here in this chamber you have proof that there was Atlantis."

He turned and led way yet further into this strange tunnel. For a time we walked in absolute inky darkness, our breath coming hard in the stale, dead air. Then again there came the freshness, from somewhere a pleasant breeze was blowing. The deadness vanished and soon we saw a glimmer of light ahead of us. I could see my Guide's figure bulking in the tunnel, limmed by light ahead of me. Now with fresh air in my lungs I hurried to catch up with him. Again he stopped in a large chamber.

Here there were more strange things. Someone had apparently carved great shelves in the rock, and on those shelves there were strange artifacts which were without any meaning whatever to me. I looked at them, and gently touched some of these things. They seemed to me machines. There were great discs with strange grooves on them. Some of the discs appeared to be of stone and they were, perhaps, six feet across (D 2m) with an undulating wave on their surface and in the centre of the disc a hole. It meant nothing to me. So I turned from fruitless speelation and examined the paintings and the carvings which adorned the walls. They were strange pictures, large cats who walked on two legs, tree houses with curled cats inside, there were things which seemed to be floating in the air and below on what was obviously the ground, humans were pointing upwards at these things. It was all so much above me that it made my head ache.

My Guide said, "These are passages which reach to the ends of the Earth. The Earth has a spine, just as we have Lobsang, but the spine of the Earth is of rock. In our spine we have a tunnel, it is filled with liquid in our case, and our spinal cord goes through. Here this is the spine of the Earth, and this tunnel was man-made in the days of Atlantis when they knew how to make rock flow like water without generating heat. Look at this rock," he said, turning and rapping on a wall. "This rock is fused (smeltet) to almost total hardness. If you take a great stone and slam it against this rock face, you would do no harm whatever except to the stone which may shatter. I have travelled extensively and I know that this rocky spine extends from the North Pole to the South Pole."

He motioned that we should sit, so we sat cross Legged upon the floor right beneath the hole which extended up to the open air and through which we could see the darkness of the sky.

"Lobsang," said my Guide, "there are many things on this Earth which people do not understand, there are things inside this Earth too because, contrary to common belief, the Earth is indeed hollow and there is another race of people living inside this Earth. They are more developed than we are, and sometimes some of them come out of the Earth in special vehicles." He stopped and pointed to one of the strange things in the pictures, and then he continued, "These vehicles come out of the Earth and they fly around on the outside of the Earth to see what people are doing and to ascertain if their own safety is jeopardized by the folly of those whom they term "the outsiders."

Inside the Earth, I thought, what a strange place to be living, it must be frightfully dark down there, I don't like the thought of living in the dark, a butter lamp is such a comfort. My Guide laughed at me as he picked up my thoughts, and he said, "Oh, its not dark inside the Earth, Lobsang. They have a Sun something like we have but theirs is much smaller and very much more powerful. They have much more than we have, they are very much more intelligent. But in the days before you, you shall know more about the people of the Inner Earth. Come!" (this must be on another level/dimension?? R.Ø. remark)

He rose to his feet and went off through a tunnel, which I had not seen, a tunnel diverging to the right, it sloped down, down. We seemed to walk endlessly in darkness. Then my Guide bade me stop where I was. I could hear him fiddling and fumbling about, and there was a clatter that sounded like a rock being moved. Then there were a few sparks as he struck the flint upon steel There came a dull glow as the tinder ignited, he blew upon it, and then as the tinder burst into small flame he thrust the end of some sort of stick into the flame where it burst into brilliant light.

He held his torch at arm's length slightly above him, and called me to come to his side. I did so and he pointed to the wall in front of us. The tunnel ended and in front of us was an absolutely smooth impenetrable surface which gleamed (skinte) brightly in the flickering light of the flare. "That, Lobsang," said my Guide, "is as hard as diamond, in fact some of us came here years ago with a diamond and we tried to scratch the surface and we ruined the diamond. This is a passage, which leads to the world inside. It was sealed, we believe, by the inside-worlders to save their civilization, during a great flood which struck this Earth. We believe that if this was opened - that is, if we could open it - people would come pouring out and overwhelm us for daring to intrude upon their privacy. We of the higher lama class have often visited this place and tried to commune with those below by telepathy. They have received our messages but they want nothing to do with us, they tell us that we are warlike, that we are as ignorant children trying to blow up the world, trying to ruin peace, they tell us by telepathy that they are keeping check on us and if necessary they will intervene. So we can go no further here, this is the end, this is the blocked line between the upper and the inner worlds. All right, we will go back to the chamber."

He carefully extinguished the flare, and we felt our way back to where the glowing light from the sky above shone down through the hole in the roof.

In that chamber again the lama pointed in another direction, and said, "If we had the strength and the time we could walk right away to the South Pole by following that tunnel. Some of us have covered mires and miles, bringing ample food with us and camping by night, or what we deemed to be night. We travelled endless miles over six months, and at times we came up through a tunnel and found that we were in a strange land indeed, but we dared not show ourselves. Always the exits were very very carefully camouflaged."

We sat down and ate our small meal. We had been travelling a long time and exhaustion was setting in for me, although my Guide seemed to be immune from exhaustion or even ordinary tiredness. He talked to me and told me all manner of things. He said, "When I was being trained as you are being trained now, I too went through the Ceremony of the Small Death, and I was shown the Akashic Record, I was shown the things that had been, and I saw that our Tibet was once a pleasant watering place beside a glittering sea. The temperatures were warm, perhaps even excessively so, and there was profuse foliage and palm trees and all manner of strange fruits which then meant nothing at all to me.

But from the Akashic Record I saw a truly wondrous civilization, I saw strange craft in the sky, I saw people with remarkable cone-shaped heads who walked about, who had their entertainments, who made love, but also made war. Then - as I saw in this Record, the whole country shook and the sky turned black, the clouds were as dark as night, their undersides lit with flickering flames. The land shuddered and opened. It seemed that everything was fire. Then the sea rushed in to the newly opened land, and there were tremendous explosions, explosion after explosion, it seemed that the Sun stood still and the Moon rose no more. People were be-coming overwhelmed by tremendous floods of water, people were being seared to death by flames, which appeared from I know not where, but the flames flickered with a vile purplish glow, and as they touched people the flesh fell from their bones leaving the skeletons to fall to the ground with a clatter.

"Day succeeded day and the turmoil increased, although one would have said that such a thing was impossible, and then there came a ripping, searing explosion, and everything turned dark, everything was as black as the soot which comes from too many butter lamps burning untrimmed.

"After a time which I could not calculate," he said, "the gloom became lighter, the darkness was diminishing, and when the light of day finally appeared after I know not how long - I looked at the picture with utter terror. Now I found that I was looking at a vastly different landscape, the sea was no more, a ring of mountains had sprung up in the darkness and encircled what previously had been the city of a most high civilization. I looked about me in fascinated horror, the sea had gone, the sea-well, there was no more sea, instead there were mountains and ring upon ring of mountains. Now I could tell that we were thousands of feet higher, and although I was seeing the Akashic Record, I was sensing as well, I could sense the rarity of the air, there was no sign of life here, no sign whatever. And as I looked, the picture vanished and I found myself back from whence I had started, in the deepest levels of the mountain of Potala where I had been undergoing the Ceremony of the Little Death and given much information."

>"Lobsang," said my Guide, "there are many things on this Earth which people do not understand, there are things inside this Earth too because, contrary to common belief, the Earth is indeed hollow and there is another race of people living inside this Earth. They are more developed than we are, and sometimes some of them come out of the Earth in special vehicles." He stopped and pointed to one of the strange things in the pictures, and then he continued, "These vehicles come out of the Earth and they fly around on the outside of the Earth to see what people are doing and to ascertain if their own safety is jeopardized by the folly of those whom they term "the outsiders."


Cone-headed people? Also…
>that accessing of the akashic records through a temporary death ritual



For a time we sat there meditating upon the past, and my Guide said to me, "I see you are mediatating og attempting to meditate.' Now there are two very good ways

of meditating, Lobsang. You must be content (tilfreds), you must be tranquil (rolig). You cannot meditate with a disturbed mind, and you cannot meditate with a whole gathering of people. You have to be alone or with just one person whom you love."

He regarded me, and then said, "You must always look at something black or at something which is white. If you look at the ground, you may be distracted by a grain of pebble (småsten), or you may be doubly distracted by some insect. To meditate successfully you must always gaze at that which offers no attraction to the eye, either entire black or pure white. Your eyes then become sick of the whole affair and become, as it were, disassociated (bortkoplet) from the brain, so then the brain having nothing to distract. It optically is free to obey what your sub-conscious requires, and thus if you have instructed your sub-conscious that you are going to meditate -meditate you will. You will find in that sort of meditation that your senses are heightened(forsterke), your perceptions more acute (skarp), and that is the only meditation worthy of the name. In the years which will come to you, you will encounter many cults, proffering meditation at a price, but that is not meditation as we understand it - nor is it meditation as we want it. It is just something which cultists play with, and it has no virtue (fortrinn)."

So saying he rose to his feet exclaiming, "We must get back for the day is far advanced. We shall have to spend another night in the mountains for it is too late to start off for Chakpori."

He set off down the tunnel and I jumped to my feet and scurried (jaget) after him. I had no desire to be left in this place where inside-worlders, or whatever they liked to call themselves, could perhaps pop up and take me down with them. I did not know what they would be like, I did not know how they would like me, and I certainly did not want to stay alone in the dark of that place. So I hurried, and at last we reached again that entrance by which we had entered.

The horse and the pony were resting peacefully, and we sat down beside them and made our simple preparations for our meal. The light was already far gone, much of the Valley was in darkness. At our altitude the Westering Sun was yet shining upon us, but the orb itself was dipping ever more deeply beneath the mountains on its path to illumine other parts of the world before returning to us.

After some small talk we rolled ourselves in our blankets again and committed ourselves to sleep.

This is good advice.

Extract from page 80


Life at Chakpori was hectic. The amount of things I had to learn really shocked me; herbs-where they grew, when to gather them, and be sure that if they were gathered at the wrong time they would be quite useless. That, I was taught, was one of the great secrets of herbalism. The plants, or the leaves, or the barks, or the roots could only be gathered efficiently within the span of two or three days. The Moon had to be right, the stars had to be right, and then the time had to be right also. One must also feel tranquil (fredfylt) when gathering such herbs because, so I was told, one who gathered herbs when in a bad mood would make the herbs not worth the taking. (The same said Rudolf Steiner - the founder of antroposofy. R.Ø..)

Then we had to dry the things. That was quite a task. Only certain parts of herbs were useful. Some needed to have just the tips of the leaves removed, others needed to have stalks or bark, and each plant or herb had to be treated in its own individual way and regarded with respect.

We took the barks and rubbed them between hands specially cleaned for the purpose - an ordeal (ildprøve) in itself!-and so the bark would be reduced to a certain size, sort of granular powder. And then everything had to be laid out on a spotlessly clean floor, no polish on this floor, just rub, rub, rub until there was no dust, no stain, no mark. Then everything was left out and left to Nature to "dry-seal" the virtues of the herb within that which we had before us.

We made herbal tea, that is, infusions of steeped herbs (uttrekk av bløtlagte urter), and I could never understand how people could get the noxious stuff down their throats. It seemed to be an axiom, that the worse the taste and the stronger the smell -the more beneficial the medicine, and I will say from my own observation, that if a medicine is sufficiently evil-tasting, the poor wretched patient will get better out of fright rather than take the medicine. It is like when one goes to the dentist, the pain will have vanished so that one hesitates (nøler) on the doorstep wondering whether one should go through with it. It reminds me rather of the pallid (bleke) and anxious young man - a recent bridegroom (brudgom)- who was accompanying his very, very pregnant (gravide) bride to the hospital for "her time was upon her." As he turned before the Reception Desk he said, "Oh gee, honey, are you sure you really want to go through with this?"

As a special student, one who had to learn more, faster, I was not confined only to Chakpori. My time was also devoted to studies at the Potala. Here I had all the most learned lamas, each to teach me his own speciality. I learned various forms of medicine. I learned acupuncture, and in later years, with the weight of many years of experience, I came to the inescapable (uunngålig) conclusion that acupuncture was a wondrous thing indeed for those of the East, those who have been long-conditioned to acupuncture. But when, as I found in China, you get sceptical Westerners to deal with - well, unfortunately, they were hypnotised by their own disbelief of anything that didn't come from "God's own country."

There were sacred passages to be seen deep, deep below the mountain of Potala. Down below there was an immense cave with what seemed to be an inland see - That, I was told, was a remnant of the time so long ago when Tibet was a pleasant land beside the sea. Certainly in that immense cave I saw strange remnants, skeletons of fantastic creatures which much, much later in my life I recognised to be mastodons, dinosaurs, and other exotic fauna.

End of extract from this chapter.

Also in this book Rampa gives a resume of his tough travel to the western world in his original - his own Tibetanian LOBSSANG RAMPA body - thus before the changeover to the "english" body, which he had to take over - because his own Tibetanian body had been severe mutilated and damaged through his journey to the west - immediately after the end of WW2. Before the changeover the tibetanian lamas had made an extensive research from the astralplane and Lobsang himself participated in the planning. This happend while he was in USA. Here we enter page 121 where this process is described:

During my exhaustion(utmattelse), while the physical body was repairing itself, I made an astral journey and saw my beloved Guide and friend, the Lama Mingyar Dondup. He said to me, "Your sufferings have truly been great, too great. Your sufferings have been the sour fruit of man's inhumanity to Man, but your body is getting worn out and soon you will have to undergo the ceremony of transmigration.(ombytting)

In the astral world I sat and my companion sat with me. I was told more.

"Your present body is in a state of collapse, the life of that body will not continue much longer. We feared that such conditions would prevail in the wild Western world that you would be impaired(svekket), and so we have been looking about for a body which you could take over and which in time - would reproduce all your own features (ansikts- og karaktertrekk).

"We have determined that there is such a person. His body is on a very very low harmonic of your own, otherwise, of course, a change could not take place. The bodies must be compatible, and this person has a body, which is compatible. We have approached him in the astral, because we saw that he contemplated suicide (overveide selvmord). It is a young Englishman who is very very dissatisfied with life, he is not at all happy with life, and for some time he has been trying to decide on the most painless method of what he calls 'self-destruction.' He is perfectly willing to leave his body and journey here to the astral world provided he doesn't lose by it!

"We persuaded him a little time ago to change his name to that which you are now using, so there are a few more things to be settled and then-well, you will have to change bodies." (Under his hard travel to USA he had - of different reasons - to change his name because of reasons too extensive to be explained here. R.Ø.remark.)

So back to the physical world - he continues his telling:

It was very, very necessary, I was instructed, that I should return to Tibet before I could undergo the necessary process of transmigration. Careful instructions were given to me and when I felt well enough, I went to a shipping office and took passage to Bombay. Once again I was subjected to all manner of harassment (plager) because my luggage (baggasje) consisted of just one case. But at last I got aboard the ship and when I was in my cabin two detectives came to visit me to find out why I had only one case. Assured that I had adequate luggage in India they smiled happily and went away.

It was most strange being a passenger aboard ship. Everyone avoided me because I was a pariah who had only one case of luggage. The others, of course, seemed to have enough luggage to stock a whole store, but I - apparently the poorest of the poor - must be a fugitive (flyktning) from justice, or something, to travel as I did, and so I was avoided.

The ship went from New York all the way up along the coast of Africa and through the Straits of Gibraltar. Then we made another stop at Alexandria, before entering the Suez Canal, and so on to the Red Sea. The Red Sea was terrible, the heat was murderous, and I almost got heat stroke. But finally we passed the coast of Ethiopia, crossed the Arabian sea, and docked at Bombay. The noise and smell in Bombay was terrible, fantastic in fact, but I had a few friends, a Buddhist priest and a few influential people, and so my weeks stay in Bombay was made interesting.

After the week in which I tried to recover from all the shocks and strains I had had, I was put on a train and crossed India to the city of Kalimpong. I managed to drop off the train before it actually entered Kalimpong, because I had been warned that the place was absolutely thronged (fulle av..) with Communist spies and newspaper men, and new arrivals were stopped and questioned by newspaper men and - as I found to be true later - if one would not give an interview the newspaper men "invented" one, without any regard whatever to the truth.

I knew Kalimpong slightly, certainly I knew enough to get in touch with some friends and so "went underground," away from spies and away from newspaper men.

By now my health was deteriorating (forverret) very rapidly, and there were serious fears that I would not live long enough to undergo the ceremony of transmigration. A lama who had been trained at Chakpori with me, was in Kalimpong and he came to my assistance with very potent herbs (kraftige urter).

I moved on in the company of this medical lama and after ten weeks of hard travel we reached a lamasery overlooking the Valley of Lhasa. It was high and inaccessible, it was inconspicuous (uanselig), and Communists would not bother about such a small insignificant place. Here again I rested, I rested for some seven days in all. On the morrow, I was told one day, I should journey into the astral and meet the astral body of the man whose physical vehicle I was going to take over.

For the present I rested, and mused upon the problems of transinigration. This person's body was not of much use to me because it was HIS body and had a lot of vibrations incompatible with my own. In time, I was told, the body would conform (tilpasse seg) exactly to my own body when at that same age, and if Westerners find this a difficult matter to believe or understand, let me put it like this. The Western world knows about electro-plating, and the Western world also knows about electro-typing. In the latter system an article can be immersed in a certain fluid and a special "counector" is applied opposite the article, and when current is turned on at the correct rate and amperage (strømstyrke), an exact duplicate of the original item is built up. This is known as electro-typing.

Again, it is possible to do electro-plating. One can plate in a variety of metals; nickel, chromium, rhodium, copper, silver, gold, platinum, etcetera. One merely has to know how to do it. But the current flows from one pole to another through a liquid, and the molecules of one pole are transferred to the other pole. It is a simple enough system, but this is not a treatise on electro-plating. Trans-migration and the replacing molecule by molecule of the "fabric" of the host, by that of the - what shall I say?-new occupant is very real, it has been done time after time by those who know how. Fortunately those who know how have always been people of reliable character, other-wise it would be a terrible thing indeed if one did just take over another person's body and do harm. I felt rather smug (selvgod), foolishly so perhaps, when I thought that - well, I am going to do good, I don't want to take over anyone else's silly body, all I want is peace. But it seemed there was to be no peace in my life.

In passing, and as one who has studied all religions, I must point out that Adepts(the spiritual initiates - with cosmic consciousness. R.Ø.remark) did it for life after life. The Dalai Lama himself had done so, and the body of Jesus was taken over, and it had been common knowledge even in the Christian belief until it was banned because it made people too complacent (overlegen).

From my high viewpoint in this remote isolated lamasery, I could look out upon the distant city of Lhasa; quite a powerful telescope had somehow been smuggled out of the Potala and brought here, so one of my idle amusements was to use the telescope and look at the surly Chinese guards at the Pargo Kaling. I saw the troops rushing about in their jeeps, I saw through that telescope many unspeakable things done to men and to women, and I recalled with great horror that I had fought on the side of the Chinese as had many others, and now the Chinese were not behaving according to their promises, according to their avowed principles. (While he was educated to a doctor - and also to a pilot - in China, the ww2 broke out - and Japan attacked China - and Lobsang had to serve for the Chinese. R.Ø.anm.) All they thought of was violence.

It was hard to believe, looking out of the glassless window, that this was the same Tibet, the same Lhasa, that I had known before. Here the golden Sun still struck gleaming rays through ravines in the mountains, the silvery Moon still traversed the blackness of the night sky, and the distant pinpoints of coloured light which were the stars - still stabbed down through the roof of Heaven. Night birds did not call, though, as of yore, (før) because the Chinese Communists killed everything on sight. To my horror I found that they were extinguishing the life of those creatures I loved so much. Birds, they say, ate the grain(hveten), which would cause humans to starve. Cats were killed, so no longer, so I was told, were there any cats left in Lhasa. Dogs were killed and eaten by the Chinese. It seemed to be a Chinese delicacy. So not only poor humans were being subjected to death at the hands of the Chinese Communists, animals too, the pets of Gods, were being exterminated (utryddet) for no worthwhile reason. I was sick at heart at all the horrors being perpetrated on a harmless, innocent (uskyldige) people. As I gazed out at the darkening sky I was overcome, with emotion, overcome with sorrow, and then I thought - well I have this job to do, much evil has been forecast in my life. I hope I am strong enough to endure all that which has been foretold.

Oh man OP here I just realized I've forgot to upload pictures with my posts. Do you guys care to see pics with each post or shall I continue in this fashion?

Ermmm I guess nobody besides me is going to actually read this. Oh well. I'm going to keep reading and I'm going to take notes like usual to gleam what knowledge I can from this reading.

some pages later they again make a travel in the astral world to go on in the planning of the body-changing and the rider - "driver" - of the English body is also there in his astral body. Here we enter where some of them are together in beautiful surroundings on this higher astral plane:

…in the trees birds sang, birds of a type which I had not seen on Earth for these were glorious creatures indeed, birds of many different colours, birds of many different plumage(fjærdrakt).

The old man and I walked on among the trees, and then we came to an open space which was indeed a garden, a garden of brilliant flowers, none of a type that could be recognised by me. The flowers seemed to nod toward us as if greeting us. In the distance I could see people wandering about as if they were luxuriating (nøt) in this glorious garden. Every so often a person would bend and sniff a flower. At times others would reach up skywards, and a bird would come and land on his outstretched hand. There was no fear here, only peace and contentment.

We walked on a while, and then before us we saw what seemed to be an immense temple. It had a cupola of shining gold and the walls which supported (holdt det oppe) it - were of a light fawn colour. Other buildings stretched away from it, each in a pastel shade, all in harmony, but at the entrance to the temple, a group of people were waiting. Some of them wore the robes of Tibet, and another - I could not understand what he was wearing for the moment, it looked as if he was wearing black or something very dark. And then I saw as we approached, that it was a man of the Western world attired (antrukket) in Western raiment.

At our approach the lamas turned and spread their hands in our direction, spread their hands in welcome. I saw that one of them was my Guide and friend, the Lama Mingyar Dondup, so I knew that all would be well for this man was good and good only. Another figure I saw was even more eminent when upon the earthy plane, but now he was just one of the welcoming "committee" awaiting us.

Our happy greetings were soon exchanged, and then as one we moved into the body of the great temple, traversing the central hall and moving further into that building. We entered a small room the existence of which was not easy to discern, it appeared as if the walls slid away and, admitting us to its presence, closed solidly behind us.

My Guide, obviously the spokesman, turned to me and said, "My brother, there is the young man whose body you are going to inhabit." I turned and faced the young man aghast(forferdet). Certainly there was no resemblance at all between us, he was much smaller than I, and the only resemblance between us was that he was bald (skallet) the same as I! My Guide laughed at me and shook an admonitory (formanende) finger at my nose: "Now, now, Lobsang," he laughed, "not so quick with your decisions. All this has been planned, first I am going to show you some pictures from the Akashic Record." And this he did.

Upon completing our viewing of the Record he said, addressing the young man, "Now young man, I think it is time that you told us something about yourself, for if one is to take over your body then it certainly is time for the one taking over to know that with which he is faced."

The young man, so addressed, looked very truculent (agressiv) indeed and replied in sullen (mutte)tones, "Well, no, I have nothing to say about my past, it has always been held against me. Whatever I do say about my past it will only be used to pull me down." My Guide looked sadly at him and said, "Young man, we here have vast experience of these things and we do not judge a man by what his parentage (herkomst påstås være..) is alleged to be, but what that man is himself."

My Guide sighed and then said, "You were going to commit the mortal sin of suicide, a sin indeed, a sin which could have cost you dear in many many lives of hardship to atone. We offer you peace, peace in the astral, so that you may gain understanding of some of those things, which have troubled you throughout your life. The more you cooperate, the more easily can we help you as well as helping that task which we have before us."

The young man shook his head in negation(benektelse), and said, "No, the agreement was that I wanted to leave my body, you wanted to stuff someone else in it, that's all the agreement was, I hold you to it."

Suddenly there was a flash and the young man disappeared. The old lama with me, who was now a young man in full health, exclaimed(utbrøt), "Oh dear, dear, with such truculent thoughts, he could not stay with us here on this astral plane. Now we shall have to go to where he is sleeping in a room alone. But for this night we must let him sleep, we do not want to injure the body, so I shall have to return somehow to Lhasa with you until the next night."

Time passed, and I could see that the old lama was falling rapidly, so I said to him, "Time we went into the astral." "Yes," he replied, "I shall not see this body of mine again. I must go, we must go, for if I die before I am in the astral, that will delay us."

Together we encountered that jerk (rykk)and soared on and upwards, but not into the astral world we had visited before. This time we soared across the world to a house in England. We saw in the physical the face of the man whom I had previously seen only in the astral. He looked so discontented, so unhappy. We tried to attract his attention but he was sleeping very soundly indeed. The old lama whispered, "Are you coming?" I whispered, "Are you coming?" And we kept it up, first one and then the other, until at last very very reluctantly the astral form of this man emerged from his physical body. Slowly it oozed out, slowly it coalesced above him in the exact shape of his body, then it reversed its position, head of the astral body to the feet. The form tilted and landed on his feet. He certainly looked very truculent (aggressiv) and, I could see, he had absolutely no recollection of seeing us before. This was astounding to me, but my companion whispered that he had been in such a bad temper and had slammed back in his body so violently that he had completely obliterated (utvisket)all memories of what had happened to him.

"So you want to leave your body?" I asked. "I most certainly do," he almost snarled back at me. "I absolutely hate it here." I looked at him and I shuddered with apprehension and, not to put too fine a point upon it, with pure fright. How was I going to take over the body of a man like this? Such a truculent man, so difficult. But, there it was. He laughed and said, "So YOU want my body? Well, it doesn't matter what you want, it doesn't matter who you are in England, all that matters is who do you know, how much have you got."

We talked to him for a time and he grew calmer and I said, "Well, one thing, you will have to grow a beard (skjegg). I cannot shave my beard because my jaws have been damaged by the Japanese. Can you grow a beard?" "Yes, sir," he replied, "I can and I will."

I thought for a moment and then I said, "Very well, you should be able to grow a suitable beard in a month. In one month's time, then, I will come and I will take over your body and you shall be allowed to go to an astral world so that you may recover your tranquility (ro) and know that there is joy in living." Then I said, "It would help us greatly, greatly, if you would tell us your life story because although we have seen much in the astral by way of the Akashic Records there still is a boon to be derived by hearing the actual experiences from the person concerned."

He looked dreadfully truculent again, and said, "No, no I cannot bear to speak of it, I am not going to say another word."

Sadly we turned away and went into the astral world so that we could again consult the Akashic Record, to see much of his life, but in the Akashic Record one sees all that has happened, one does not necessarily get the unspoken opinions of a person, we see the act but not the thought which preceded the act.

But let us now take a leap forward from those days many years ago. The young man now, many many years in the astral world, has mellowed (blitt mildere) somewhat, and to some small extent appreciates (oppfatter) the difficulties with which we are confronted. He has, then, agreed to tell us his own life story. He upon the astral world, and I, Lobsang Rampa, here upon the world of Earth - trying to write down precisely as dictated those things which the young man tells. We will have his story shortly, but it is necessary to emphasise that names will not be given for they cause distress to others. This is not a story of vengeance(hevn), this is not a story of bitterness. Actually, it is a story in this book of triumph over seemingly impossible obstacles.

>My Guide sighed and then said, "You were going to commit the mortal sin of suicide, a sin indeed, a sin which could have cost you dear in many many lives of hardship to atone. We offer you peace, peace in the astral, so that you may gain understanding of some of those things, which have troubled you throughout your life. The more you cooperate, the more easily can we help you as well as helping that task which we have before us."

This really bothers me. I want to commit suicide but I don't want some arbitrary cosmic ethics to fuck things up for me. Fuck.

File: 1396074485491.png (24.47 KB, 563x472, 1325403698799.png)
>"So you want to leave your body?" I asked. "I most certainly do," he almost snarled back at me. "I absolutely hate it here." I looked at him and I shuddered with apprehension and, not to put too fine a point upon it, with pure fright. How was I going to take over the body of a man like this? Such a truculent man, so difficult. But, there it was. He laughed and said, "So YOU want my body? Well, it doesn't matter what you want, it doesn't matter who you are in England, all that matters is who do you know, how much have you got."


I feel nothing.


Last in part 2 was that the former inhabitant of the body should tell about his life - and this - his life - is very detailed described in the book, but we only take in the last part here - where he feel a "voice in his head" (the telepathic lamas - which he was not awake-consciousness about) - who discuss things with him - also this thing that he thought of: suicide.

The former "inhabitant" tells about his life before Rampa entered, or took over his vehicle - here telepatic transferred from him on the astral plane - to the new "occupant" - Rampa:

…all right for you - I thought - you haven't any trouble like I have. Here I am in this - well - had an awful job - not to put words … and I cant get a rise and my boss seems to have a dislike to me, why should I stay here? There are plenty of trees about and a nice rope to throw over"

But I am not saying too much about this, because a thought was put in my mind -saying that if I wanted to, I could get release from what I considered to be the tortures of Earth. If I wanted to, if I was really serious, I could do something for mankind by making my body available to some ghost or spirit - which wanted to hop in almost before I had hopped out. It seemed a lot of rubbish (tullets) to me, but I thought I would give it a whirl and let them talk on. First, they said, as a sign of genuine interest, I had to change my name. They told me a strange name they wanted me to adopt, but-well, I told my wife only that I was going to change my name, she thought I was a bit mad or some-thing and let it go at that, and so I did change my name quite legally.

Then my teeth started giving trouble. I had a horrible time. At last I couldn't stick it any longer and I went to a local dentist. He made an attempt to extract the tooth but it wouldn't come. He made a hole in the thing so he could use an elevator - not the type people use to travel to different floors, but the type which is meant to elevate a tooth by leverage (hevarmprinsippet). This dentist got on the phone to some specialist in London, and I had to go to a nursing home (sykehjem) in a hurry.

My wife told my employer that I had to go to a nursing home, and she was met with the statement, "Well, I have to work when I have toothache!" And that was all the sympathy we got. So I went to this nursing home, at my own expense, of course, there was no such thing as health schemes like you seem to have now, and I had this little operation, which was not so easy after all. The dentist was good, the anaesthetist (bedøvelsen)was even better. I stayed in the nursing home a week and then returned to Weybridge.

There were quite a number of unpleasant little incidents, needlings and all that sort of thing, and unjust accusations (anklager). There is no point in going into all the details, raking up muck, because, after all, I am not a pressman. But there were false accusations, so my wife and I talked it over and we decided that we couldn't stick it any longer, so I handed in my notice. From that moment I might have been a leper (spedalsk), or I might have had an even worse form of plague, because for the rest of the week I sat in my office, no one came to see me, they apparently had been told not to, and no work of any kind was given to me. I just stayed there like a convict (fange) serving out time. At the end of the week, that was it, I was finished.

We left Weybridge with joy and we went to London. We moved about a bit, oh gracious, I forget how many places we tried, and anyway it doesn't matter, but then we found that conditions were intolerable and we moved on to another place, a suburb of London called Thames Ditton.

Oh, I am so anxious to get this silly affair over because I do not enjoy talking about this, but I was in such a hurry that I have forgotten one bit. Here it is: I had been told sometime before that I would have to grow a beard. Well, I thought, what's it matter? Just as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb, so while I was at Weybridge, I grew this beard and was jeered (håndet) at quite a bit by my employer and by those who worked with me. Never mind, I thought, I wouldn't be with them much longer.

We moved to Thames Ditton; for a very short time we stayed in a lodging (leie-) house which was run by a funny old woman who just could not see dirt. She thought she lived in a ducal mansion, or something, and was quite incapable of seeing immense cobwebs high up in the corners of the stairway. But she was too ladylike and so we looked for another place. Down the road there was such a place, a house which was being rented as an upper and lower flat. We took the place, we had no thought of how we were going to get money because I had no job, no job at all. Instead I was just doing anything to earn odd bits of money to keep us alive. I went to the Unemployment Exchange but because I had left my employment instead of being fired I was not able to get any unemployment benefit. So that never have I had any unemployment money, I managed without, to this day I don't know how, but I did.

I had an old bicycle and I used to ride around trying to get work, but no, no work was available. The war had ended, men flad come back from the forces, and the labour market was saturated(mettet). It was all right for them, they had unemployment benefit (trygd) and perhaps a pension; I had nothing.

Then one night I was approached by a group of men. They hoiked me out of my body, and talked to me, and they asked me if I still wanted to get out of my body - into what I then thought was Paradise. I suppose it is Paradise, but these people called it the astral world. I assured them I wanted to get out even more than before, so they told me that the very next day I must stay at home. One man, he was all done up in a yellow robe, took me to the window and pointed out. He said, "That tree - you must go to that tree and put your hands up on that branch, and go to pull yourself up and then let go." He gave me the exact time at which I must do this, telling me it was utterly (helt) vital to follow instructions to the letter, otherwise I would have a lot of pain, and so would other people. But worse, for me - I would still be left on the Earth.

The next day my wife thought I had gone bonkers (sprø) or something because I didn't go out as usual, I pottered (ruslet omkring) about. And then a minute or two before the appointed time I went out into the garden and walked over to the tree. I pulled on a branch of ivy, or whatever it is that ivy has, and reached up to the branch as directed. And then I felt as if I had been struck by lightning. I had no need to pretend to fall, I did fall - whack down! I fell down, and then, good gracious me, I saw a silver rope sticking out of me. I went to grab it to see what it was but gently my hands were held away. I lay there on the ground feeling horribly frightened, because two people were at that silver rope, and they were doing something to it, and a third person was there with another silver rope in his hand, and, horror of horrors, I could see through the whole bunch (flokken) of them, so I wondered if I was seeing all this, or if I had dashed my brains out, it was all so strange.

At last there was a sucking sort of noise and a plop, and then I found - oh joy of joy - I was floating free in a beautiful, beautiful world, and that means that having all I am going to about my past life, and now I am going back to my own part of the astral world….

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Poor anon, I hope you have your feelings restored soon, for they are vital to you. Maybe a donation of loosh energy shall be enough to get you back to feeling again?

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I can feel, I just could care less about that statement you quoted, I don't understand how I'm supposed to feel that, and I am the embodiement of feels.

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So you don't feel that feel of being trapped in the demiurge's prison and wanting to just be freed into the astral forever?

I just feeled ;_;

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I am Lobsang Rampa, and I have finished transcribing that which was so unwillingly, so ungraciously (unådig) told to me by the person whose body I took over (see part 3) Let me continue where he left off.

His body was upon the ground, twitching slightly, and I - well, I confess without too much shame, that I was twitching also, but my twitches were caused by fright. I didn't like the look of this body stretched out there in front of me, but a lama of Tibet follows orders, pleasant orders as well as unpleasant ones, so I stood by, while two of my brother lamas wrestled (slet med) with the man's Silver Cord. They had to attach mine before his was quite disconnected. Fortunately the poor fellow was in an awful state of daze (fortumlet) and so he was quiescent(i ro).

← an artists view of the situation - the body on the ground and his astralbody released to the left and Lobsang above and right in his radiant astralform - wainting for getting coupled to the "body-instrument"

At last, after what seemed hours but actually was only about a fifth of a second, they got my Silver Cord attached (tilknyttet) and his detached. Quickly he was led away, and I looked at that body to which I was now attached and shuddered (gyste). But then, obeying orders, I let my astral form sink down on that body which was going to be mine. Ooh, the first contact was terrible, cold, slimy. I shot off in the air again in fright. Two lamas came forward to steady me, and gradually I sank again.

Again I made contact, and I shivered with horror and repulsion. This truly was an incredible, a shocking experience, and one that I never want to undergo again.

I seemed to be too large, or the body seemed to be too small. I felt cramped, I felt I was being squeezed to death, and the smell! The difference! My old body was tattered and dying, but at least it had been my own body. Now I was stuck in this alien thing and I didn't like it a bit.

Somehow - and I cannot explain this - I fumbled (fumlet) about inside trying to get hold of the motor nerves of the brain. How did I make this confounded thing work? For a time I lay there just helpless, just as if I were paralysed. The body would not work. I seemed to be fumbling like an inexperienced driver with a very intricate car. But at last with the help of my astral brothers I got control of myself. I managed to make the bodywork. Shakily I got to my feet, and nearly screamed with horror as I found that I was walking backwards instead of forwards. I teetered and fell again. It was indeed a horrendous experience. I was truly nauseated by this body and was in fear that I should not be able to manage it.

I lay upon my face on the ground and just could not move, then from the corner of an eye I saw two lamas standing by looking highly concerned at the difficulty I was having. I growled, "Well, you try it for yourself, see if you can make this abominable thing do what you tell it to do!"

Suddenly one of the lamas said, "Lobsang! Your fingers are twitching, now try with your feet." I did so, and found that there was an amazing difference between Eastern and Western bodies. I never would have thought such a thing possible, but then I remembered something I had heard while a ship's Engineer; for ships in Western waters the propeller should rotate in one direction, and for Eastern waters it should rotate in the opposite direction. It seems clear to me, I said to myself, that I've got to start out all over again. So I kept calm and let myself lift out of the body, and from the outside I looked at it carefully. The more I looked at it the less I liked it, but then, I thought, there was nothing for it but to try once again. So again I squeezed uncomfortably into the slimy, cold thing which was a Western body.

With immense effort I tried to rise, but fell again, and then at last I managed to scramble somehow to my feet and pressed my back against that friendly tree.

There was a sudden clatter from the house and a door was flung open. A woman came running out saying, "Oh! What have you done now. Come in and lie down." It gave me quite a shock. I thought of those two lamas with me and I was fearful that the woman might throw a fit at the sight of them, but obviously they were completely invisible to her, and that again was one of the surprising things of my life. I could always see these people who visited me from the astral, but if I talked to them and then some other person came in - well, the other person thought I was talking to myself and I didn't want to get the reputation (omdømme) of being off my head.

The woman came toward me and as she looked at me a very startled expression crossed her face. I really thought she was going to get hysterical but she controlled herself somehow and put an arm across my shoulders.

Silently I thought of how to control the body and then very slowly, thinking a step at a time, I made my way into the house and went up the stairs, and flopped (falt) upon what was obviously my bed.

For three whole days I remained in that room pleading indisposition while I practised how to make the body do what I wanted it to do, and trying to contain myself be-cause this was truly the most frightening experience I had had in my life. I had put up with all manner of torments in China and in Tibet and in Japan, but this was a new and utterly revolting experience, the experience of being imprisoned in the body of another person and having to control it.

I thought of that which I had been taught so many years ago, so many years ago that indeed it seemed to be a different life. "Lobsang," I had been told, "in the days of long ago the Great Beings from far beyond this system and Beings who were not in human form, had to visit this Earth for special purposes. Now, if they came in their own guise (forkledning) they would attract too much attention, so always they had bodies ready which they could enter and control, and appear to be the natives of the place. In the days to come," I was told, "you will have such an experience, and you will find it to be utterly shocking."

I did!

For the benefit of those who are genuinely interested let me say a few things about transmigration because really I have so much to tell the world, and yet because of the vilification (bakvaskelse) of the press people, have been hocussed (ledet) into disbelieving my story. I will tell you more about that in the next Book, but one of the things I was going to do was to show people how transmigration worked, because there are so many advantages to it. Think of this, which I am going to put to you as a definite possibility; mankind has sent a messenger to the Moon, but mankind does not know how to travel in deep space. In relation to the distances in the Universe the journey to the Moon pales (blekner) into utter insignificance. It would take many millions of years for a space ship to travel to some other stars, and yet there is a much simpler way, and I say to you absolutely definitely that astral travel could be that way. (Also the ufos travel by a method where they technically rise the frequency of the craft - with all the passsangers - up to - at least, the level of the astral - and when they arrive to the par planet - the frequency is lowered to the actual level of the planet they want to visit. In this way - one visit the level of the astral on an artificial way - enveloped in the field of the craft. R.Ø.anm.) It has been done before, it is being done now by creatures (I say "creatures" because they are not in human form) who come from a completely different galaxy. They are here now at this moment, they have come by astral travel, and some of them occupy human bodies such as did the Ancients of Old.

Humans, if they knew how, could send astral travellers anywhere - transcending time and space. Astral travel can be as quick as thought, and if you don't know how quick thought is, I will tell you - it would take a tenth of a second to go from here to Mars by astral travel. But in days to come explorers will be able to go to a world by astral travel and there, by transmigration, they will be able to enter the body of a native of that world so that they may gain first hand experience of what things are like. Now, this is not science fiction. It is absolutely true. If other people on other worlds can do it, then Earth people can do it also. But sadly I have to say, that purely because of the false doubt, which has been cast upon my word, this particular aspect has not been able to be taught to people.

Unfortunately when one takes over a body, there are certain grave (alvorlige) disabilities. Let me give you an illustration; I found soon after I had taken over a body that I could not write Sanskrit, I could not write Chinese. Oh yes, definitely I knew the language, I knew what I should be writing, but the body which I inhabited was not "geared" for making those squiggles which are Sanskrit or Chinese. It was only able to reproduce, say, letters such as English, French, German or Spanish.

It is all to do with muscular control. You have had the same things even in the West when you find that a educated German with a better education than most English, let us say, still cannot pronounce English as the natives do. He cannot "get his tongue around" the sounds. So no matter how highly he is educated, he still cannot say the sounds correctly. It is said almost universally, that you can always tell if a man is a native of a district or not - by the manner in which he pronounces his words, that is, can he manage his vocal chords as the native would, or does habit bring in certain disonances which the native lacks.

In transferring to a different body, one can do all the sounds, etcetera, because the body is producing sounds to which it is accustomed, English, French or Spanish, for example. But when it comes to writing that is a different matter.

Look at it this way; some people can draw or they can paint. So let us say that these people - the artists - have an ability to produce certain squiggles (kruseduller), which have a definite meaning. Now, most people, even of the same race, cannot do that, and even with training-even with immense practise - unless a person is a "born artist" the art forms are not considered acceptable. The same type of thing happens when an Eastern entity takes over a Western body. He can communicate in speech and he can know all that could be done in writing, but no longer can he write in that which was his original language such as Sanskrit or Chinese or Japanese - because it takes years of practise, and his attempts are so fumbling, so crude, that the ideographs have no intelligible meaning.

Another difficulty is that the entity is Eastern and the body or vehicle is Western. If you find that strange let me say that if you were in England you would be driving a car with right hand controls so that you may drive on the left hand side of the road, but if you are in America you drive a car in which the steering wheel is on the left hand side, and then you drive on the right hand side of the road. Everyone knows that, eh? Well, you take some poor wretch of a driver who has been used to driving along the lanes of England, suddenly lift him out and put the poor soul slap into an American car - and without any teaching at all - let him loose on the American roads. The poor fellow wouldn't have much chance, would he? He wouldn't last long.

All his built-in reflexes which may have been trained for half a lifetime would scream at having to be reversed suddenly, and in the emergency he would immediately drive to the wrong side of the road and cause the accident which he was trying to avoid. Do you follow that clearly? Believe me, I know this, it all happened to me. So transmigration is not for the uninitiated. I say in all sincerity, there could be a lot done in transmigration, if people could get the right knowledge, and I am surprised that the Russians who are so far ahead in so many things, have not yet hit upon the idea of transmigration. It is easy - if you know how. It is easy - if you can have suitable precautions (forhåndsregler). But if you try to teach these things, as I could, and you have a lot of mindless children, or press people, then the whole thing becomes negated (benektet) almost before one can start.

Another point, which has to be considered, is obtaining a suitable vehicle or body, because you cannot just jump into any body and take over, like a bandit entering a car stopped at a traffic light. Oh no, it is much harder than that. You have to find a body which is harmonious to your own, which has a harmonic somewhere, and it doesn't mean to say that the owner of the body has to be good or bad, that has nothing to do with it at all; it is to do with the vibrational frequency of that body.

If you are interested in radio, you will know that you can have, let us say, a super-heterodyne receiver which has three tuning condensers. Now if the set is working properly, you get one station clearly, but as you get on harmonics, you actually pick up the same signal on different wavelengths or different frequencies - it is all the same thing. In a frequency one just counts the number of times the wave changes from positive to negative, etcetera. But when you take a wavelength you just measure the distance between adjacent wave-crests. It is the same as calling a rose by another name, but what I am trying to tell you - is that if you know how, transmigration is possible. Not only is it possible, but it is going to be an everyday thing in the distant future here on Earth.

But back to Thames Ditton. It was quite a nice little place, one of the suburbs of the great city of London. I believe it is also called one of the dormitories of London. There were a number of trees in the place, and every morning one could see businessmen scurrying away to Thames Ditton station, where they would get a train taking them to Wimbledon and other parts of London, so they could do their daily work. Many of the men were from the City of Londpn, stockbrokers, insurance men, bankers, and all the rest of it. Where I lived was right opposite the Cottage Hospital. Much further on to the right one came to a sort of sports ground, and adjacent to the sports ground was a big building called the Milk Marketing Board.

Thames Ditton was "better class" and some of the voices I could hear through my open window were too much "better class" - because I found some of the heavily accented (aksent) voices difficult indeed to understand.

But speech was not easy for me. I had to think before I could utter a sound, and then I had to visualise the shape of the sound I was trying to say. Speech to most people comes naturally. You can babble forth without any difficulty, without any great thought, but not when you are an Easterner who has taken over a Western body. Even to this day I have to think what I am going to say, and that makes my speech appear somewhat slow and at times hesitant.

If one takes over a body, for the first year or two, the body is basically the body of the host, that is, it was taken over. But in the course of time - the body frequency changes and eventually it becomes of the same frequency as one's original body, and one's original scars appear. It is, as I told you before, like electro-plating or like electrotyping because molecule changes for molecule. This should not be too difficult to believe because if you get a cut and the cut heals then you've got replacement molecules, haven't you? They are not the same molecules that were cut, but new cells that were grown to replace the cut ones. It is something like that in transmigration. The body ceases to be the alien body taken over, instead molecule by molecule it becomes one's own body, the body which one has grown.

Just one last piece of information about transmigration. It makes one "different." It gives associates a peculiar feeling to be close to one, and if a transmigrated person touches another person unexpectedly - that other person may squeak with shock and say, "Oh now you've given me goose pimples" So if you want to practise transmigration, you will have to consider the disadvantages as well as the advantages. You know how strange dogs sniff around each other, stiff legged, waiting for the first move by the other? Well, that is how I have found people in the Western world toward me. They do not understand me, they don't know what it is all about, they feel that there is something different and they do not know what it is, so often they will have uncertainty about me.

They do not know if they like me or if they thoroughly dislike me, and it really does make difficulties, difficulties which are made manifest in the way that policemen are always suspicious of me, customs officials are always ready to believe the worst, and immigration officers always want to inquire further as to why, how, and when, etcetera, etcetera. It makes one, in effect, unacceptable to "the local natives." But we must get on to the next Book, but before we do here is a final word in case you find it difficult to understand that which I have written about Easterners who have transmigrated - being able to write their own language; if you are righthanded write this paragraph with your right hand, then try to do the same thing with your left!

This silver cord concept seriously reminds me of plugging people into and out of The Matrix.

I seriously need to keep reading this but the day is nearly over already!

Actually, according to Gnosticism the astral place is also one of the demiurges constructions designed to trap you in this reality

You serious? That's not how montalk defines it. It's supposed to be the soul of physicality, the world, etc. not the astral.

I'm actually reading this, not completely, as i ignore certain parts that i'll read later, but i'm reading.

Well then I'm going to keep reading myself.

I'm sorry, i Don't quite get what your saying


An artificial intelligence comprised of etheric and astral energy that underlies our physical universe. It was projected by the Logos as a thought form programmed with the task of generating and perpetuating physicality. It’s job is to take astral archetypes thought up by the Logos and weave them into physical form. The Demiurge has been called by philosophers the World Soul, for it is the soul of physicality itself. It is what perpetuates the forward momentum of time.

In its corrupted state, the archetypes it weaves into physical manifestation are not those of the Logos, but those of consciousness that has been ensnared by the trappings of physical existence – competition, survival, hatred, suffering, pain, and so on. Thus the Corrupted Demiurge molds and shapes the universe to perpetuate more of same. It is the central brain of the Matrix Control System.


>Another point, which has to be considered, is obtaining a suitable vehicle or body, because you cannot just jump into any body and take over, like a bandit entering a car stopped at a traffic light. Oh no, it is much harder than that. You have to find a body which is harmonious to your own, which has a harmonic somewhere, and it doesn't mean to say that the owner of the body has to be good or bad, that has nothing to do with it at all; it is to do with the vibrational frequency of that body.

>If you are interested in radio, you will know that you can have, let us say, a super-heterodyne receiver which has three tuning condensers. Now if the set is working properly, you get one station clearly, but as you get on harmonics, you actually pick up the same signal on different wavelengths or different frequencies - it is all the same thing. In a frequency one just counts the number of times the wave changes from positive to negative, etcetera. But when you take a wavelength you just measure the distance between adjacent wave-crests. It is the same as calling a rose by another name, but what I am trying to tell you - is that if you know how, transmigration is possible. Not only is it possible, but it is going to be an everyday thing in the distant future here on Earth.


>if you are righthanded write this paragraph with your right hand, then try to do the same thing with your left!

Just tried writing with my left hand. The result doesn't look like English letters at all. More like runes.

Some pages later - in the last chapter - he once again touch on the same theme of transmigration or "walk-in" - as it is also called today in newage-books. From page 186:

It was very pleasant being in the astral - away from pain, away from worries and all the rest of it. But - as i was reminded - people do not go to Earth for pleasure, they go because they have something to learn or something to teach.

Today, then, is another day, the day when I have to write something even more about transmigration.

In the days of Atlantis and - oh yes ! - there really was Atlantis, it is not just a figment (hjernespinn) of a writer's imagination; Atlantis was real. But, in the days of Atlantis there was a very high civilization indeed. People "walked with Gods." The Gardeners of the Earth were ever watching developments on Atlantis. But those who are watched are wary (varsom) of the watchers, and so it came about that the Gardeners of the Earth used the process of transmigration so that they could keep a more subtle form of watch.

A number of bodies of suitable vibrations were used by the spirits of Gardeners, and then they could mingle with humans and find out just what the humans really thought of the Gardeners and were they plotting(la de onde planer…).

The Gardeners of the Earth who looked after that mysterious civilisation known as the Sumerians, also had tutors come to the Earth by transmigration. It was altogether too slow to have great space ships cross the void taking such a long time. (it is said that they did not have yet developed the more advanced methods of spacetravelling - as they have today.R.Ø.anm.) By transmigration it could be done in a matter of seconds.

The Egyptians, also, were largely controlled and entirely taught by higher Entities who entered into specially cultivated bodies, and when those bodies were not actually being used by the Entities they were carefully cleaned, wrapped up, and put aside in stone boxes. The ignorant Egyptian natives catching brief glances of the ceremonies - came to the conclusion that the Gardeners were preserving the bodies, and so those who had witnessed such proceedings, rushed home to their priests and told all that they had seen.

The priests then thought that they would try such things, and when a high enough person died, they wrapped him up in bandages, coated him with spices, and all the rest of it, but they found that the bodies decayed (forråtne). Then they came to the conclusion that it was the intestines(innvoller), the heart, liver and lungs which caused the decaying, so all those parts were removed and put in separate jars. It is a good thing they were not preparing the hosts for incoming spirits, because the hosts would indeed have been a gutless lot, wouldn't they?!

Of course, some of the embalming (balsamerte)- so called - was when a sick space man or space woman was being put into the state of suspended animation (livlighet) so that he or she could be removed to a space ship and taken elsewhere for treatment.

There have been quite a number of well-known leaders on this Earth who were Entities transmigrated into Earth-bodies, Abraham, Moses, Gautama, Christ, and then that well-known genius of geniuses, Leonardo da Vinci. The inventions of Leonardo da Vinci are legend, and he enhanced (økte) the knowledge of this world very very greatly. He, as I suppose anyone would agree, possessed skills and sciences far beyond the knowledge of Earth people. The person known as Leonardo da Vinci had been an illegitimate (født utenfor ekteskap) child without any special advantages. Who knows? He might even have been the son of a plumber! The body of the person who became Leonardo da Vinci was of such a degree of vibration that a very high Entity could take it over, and do all those things which no human could have done.

In all seriousness, I say that if the people of this world would only listen to those who can actually do transmigration, there would be a wonderful chance of space exploration. Think of all the worlds there are. Think of being able to visit a world in a matter of seconds. Some of the worlds can never be visited by orthodox humans, because the atmosphere may be wrong, the climate may be wrong, or the gravity may be wrong. But when a person is doing transmigration, he can take over the body of any native of the planet, and so then can explore the planet without any difficulties whatever.

Humans, well versed in the science of transmigration, could enter the bodies of animals so that they could be studied effectively. This has been done before; it has been done frequently before, and because of a racial memory there are certain false beliefs that humans are reborn as animals. They are not - ever!

>Humans, well versed in the science of transmigration, could enter the bodies of animals so that they could be studied effectively. This has been done before; it has been done frequently before, and because of a racial memory there are certain false beliefs that humans are reborn as animals. They are not - ever!

Interesting. Well at least we don't have to worry about being reborn as animals.

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(some words are translated to norwegian and there MAY BE some wordmistakes here because this is scanned from the book)

The astral plane and life on the other side

On page 13 the theme is on the dead process and the new surroundings…and again about astral travelling, astral plans and some of mediumships..:

…our first request is about life after death, or death, or contact with those who have left this life. First of all let us deal with a person who is leaving this Earth. The person is very, very sick usually, and 'death' follows as a result of the breakdown of the human body mechanism. The body becomes untenable, in-operable, it becomes a day case enshrouding the immortal spirit which cannot bear such restraint, so the immortal spirit leaves. When it has left the dead body, when it has left the familiar confines of the Earth, the - …what shall we call it? Soul, Overself, Spirit, or what? Let's call it Soul this time for a change - the Soul, then, is in strange surroundings where there are many more senses and faculties than those experienced on Earth. Here on Earth we have to clomp around, or sit in a tin box, which we call a car, but unless we are rich enough to pay airfares we are earthbound. Not so when we are out of the body, because when out of the body, when in this new dimension - which we will call 'the astral world', we can travel at will and instantly by thought, we do not have to wait for a bus or a train, we are not hampered (hemmet) by a car, nor by an aeroplane - where one waits longer in a waiting room than one spends on the actual journey.

In the astral we can travel at any speed we will. "We will" is a deliberate pair of words, because we actually 'will' the speed at which we travel, the height and the route. If, for example, you want to enjoy the wondrous scenery of the astral world with its verdant - and its lushly(frodige) stocked lakes, we can drift as light as thistledown just above the land, just above the water, or we can rise higher and soar over the astral mountain tops.

When we are in this new and wonderful dimension, we are experiencing so many changes that unless we are very careful, we tend to forget those who mourn (sørger på) us on that awful old ball of Earth - which we have so recently left.We tend to forget, but if people on Earth mourn us too fervently (sterkt/ivrig), then we feel inexplicable twinges (uforklarlige stikk/smerter) - and pulls, and strange feelings of sorrow and sadness. Any of you who have neuritis or chronic toothache, will know what it's like; you get a sudden vicious (ondt rykk) jerk at a nerve which nearly lifts you out of the chair. In the same way, when we are in the astral world and a person is mourning (sørger på..) us with deep lamentation, instead of getting on with their own affairs, they hinder us, they provide unwanted 'anchors' which retard our progress.

Let us go just a little beyond our first days in the astral, let as go to the time when we have entered the Hall of Memories, when we have decided what work we are going to do in the astral, how we are going to help others, how we are going to learn ourselves. Let us imagine that we are busy at our task of helping or learning, and then just imagine a hand jerking at the back of our neck-tweak, tweak(napp), tweak, and pull, pull, pull - it distracts the attention, it makes learning hard, it makes helping others very difficult, because we cannot add our full concentration or attention to that which we should be doing - because of the insistent tug and interference caused by those mourning us upon the Earth.

Many people seem to think that they can get in touch with those who have 'passed over' by going to a backstreet medium, paying a few dollars or a, few shillings and just getting a message like having a telephone answered by an intermediary (mellommann). Well, even this telephone business; try telephoning Spain from Canada! Try telephoning England from Uruguay!! First you have the difficulty that the intermediary, that is the telephone operator on Earth, or the medium, is not familiar with the circumstances, may even be not very familiar with the language in which we desire to speak. And then there are all sorts of hisses, clicks, and clunks on the wire, reception may be difficult, reception, in fact, is often impossible. Yet here on Earth we know the telephone number we desire to call, but who is going to tell you the telephone number of a person who recently left the Earth and now lives in the astral world? A telephone number in the astral world?

Well, near enough, because every person on every world has a personal frequency, a personal wavelength. In just the same way as the B.B.C. radio stations, or the Voice of America stations in the U.S.A. have their own frequencies, so do people have frequencies, and if we know those frequencies - we can tune-in to the radio station - PROVIDED atmospheric conditions are suitable, the time of the day is correct, and the station is actually broadcasting. It is not possible to tune-in and be infallibly (ufeilbarlig) sure that you can receive a station - for the simple reason that something may have put them out of action.

It is the same with people who have passed beyond this life. You may be able to get in touch with them if you know their basic personal frequency, and if they are able to receive a telepathic message on that frequency. For the most part, unless a medium is very, very experienced indeed, he or she can be led astray (ført på villspor) by some nuisance-entities (plagevesener) who are playing at being humans and who can pick up the thoughts of what the 'caller' wants.

That is, supposing Mrs. Brown, a new widow, wants to get in touch with Mr. Brown, a newly-freed human who has escaped to the Other Side, one of these lesser entities who are not humans - can perceive what she wants to ask Mr. Brown, can perceive from Mrs. Brown's thoughts how Mr. Brown spoke, what he looked like. So the entity, like a naughty schoolboy who didn't get the discipline that he sadly needed, can influence the well-meaning medium by giving her a description of Mr. Brown which has just been obtained from the mind of Mrs. Brown. The medium will give 'startling proof' by describing in detail the appearance of Mr. Brown who is 'standing by me now'. Well, the very experienced person cannot be deceived (narret) in that way, but the very experienced person is few and far between, and just does not have time to deal with such things. Furthermore, when commerce comes into it, when a person demands such-and-such a sum for a mediumistic sitting, a lower vibration is brought into the proceedings and a genuine message is thus all too frequently prevented.

It is unkind and unfair to let your sorrows harm and handicap a person who has left the Earth and who is now working elsewhere. After all, supposing you were very busy at some important task, and supposing some other person whom you could not see - kept jerking (rykke) at the nape of your neck and prodding (stikke) you, and blaring silly thoughts into your ears, your concentration would go and you really would call down all sorts of unkind thoughts upon your tormentor. Be sure that if you really love the person who has left the Earth, and if that person really loves you, you will meet again - because you will be attracted together when you also leave the Earth. In the astral world you cannot meet a person whom you hate or who hates you, it just cannot be done, because that would disrupt the harmony of the astral world and that cannot be. Of course, if you are doing astral travel you can go to the LOWER astral which is, one might say, the waiting room or entrance to the real astral world. In the lower astral one can discuss differences with some heat, but in the higher regions - no.

So remember this; if you really love the other person and the other person really loves you, you will be together again - but on a very different footing. There will be none of the misunderstandings as upon this Earth, one cannot tell lies in the astral world, because in that world everyone can see the aura, and if an astral-dweller tells a lie, then anyone in sight knows about it immediately, because of the discord (dissonans) which appears in his personal vibrations and in the colours of the aura. So one learns to be truthful.

People seem to have the idea that unless they have a lavish funeral (overdådig begravelse) for the departed and go into ecstasies of sorrow, they are not showing a proper appreciation (takknemlighet) of the deceased. But that is not the case; mourning (sorg) is selfish, mourning causes grave interference and disturbance to the person newly arrived in the astral plane. Mourning, in fact, could really be regarded as self-pity, sorrow for oneself that one has lost a person who did so much for those left behind. It is better and shows greater respect and thought - to control grief and avoid hysterical outbursts, which cause such distracts to people who have really left.

• The astral worlds (yes, definitely plural!) are very real. Things are as real and as substantial upon those worlds as they appear to us to be here on this Earth, actually they appear more substantial, because there are extra senses, extra abilities, extra colours, and extra sounds. We can do so much more in the astral state…..

(the book is made as answering the most common questions:….

'Dr. Rampa, you have told us so much about the astral world in your books, but you haven't told us enough. What do people do, what do they eat, how do they occupy their time? Can't you tell us this?'

Most certainly I can tell you because I have eidetic memory, that is - I can remember everything that ever happened to me. I can remember dying and being born, and I have the great advantage that I can astral travel when fully conscious. So let us look at this matter of the astral worlds and what one does.

In the first case there is not just one astral world, but many, as many in fact as there are different vibrations of people. Perhaps the best way of realising this is by considering radio; in radio there are many, many different radio stations in all parts of the world. If those stations tried to share a common wavelength or frequency, there would be bedlam(spetakkel), everyone would interfere with everyone else, and so radio stations each have their own separate frequency, and if you want the B.B.C., London, you tune-in to those frequencies allotted (tildelt) to the B.B.C. If you want Moscow -you tune-in to the frequencies allotted to Moscow. There are thousands of different radio stations, each with their own frequency, each a separate entity not interfering with the others.

In the same way astral worlds are different planes of existence having different frequencies, so that upon astral world X, for example, you will get all people who are compatible within certain limits. In astral world Y you will find another set of people who are compatible within their own limits. Lower down, in what we call the lower astral, there are conditions somewhat the same as on the Earth, that is there are mixed types of people, and the average person who gets out of his body during the hours of sleep and goes astral travelling, he goes to that lower astral where all entities may mix. The lower astral, then, is a meeting place for people of different races and different creeds, and even from different worlds. It is very similar to life upon Earth.

As we progress higher we find the frequencies becoming purer and purer. Whereas (derimot) in the lower astral you can have an argument (krangel) with a person and tell him you hate the sight of him if you want to. When you get higher in the astral planes you cannot, because you cannot get people who are opposed to each other. So remember that the astral worlds are like radio stations with different frequencies, or - if you wish - like a big school with different classrooms, each succeeding class being higher in vibration than the one before, so that class or grade - One is a common denominator class, or astral world, where all may meet while the process of assessing (vurderinger) their capacities goes on. Then as they do their allotted tasks - we shall deal with that in a moment - they become, raised higher and higher. Until eventually they pass out of the astral plane of worlds altogether, and enter into a state where there is no longer rebirth, reincarnation, and where people now deal with much higher forms of being than humans.

But you want to know what happens when you die. Well, actually I have told you a lot about it in my previous books. You leave your body and your astral form floats off and goes to the lower astral, where it recovers from shocks and harm caused by living or dying conditions on Earth. Then, after a few days according to Earth time reckoning(beregninger), one sees all one's past in the Hall of Memories, sees what one has accomplished and what one has failed to accomplish, and by assessing (taksere) the successes or failures - one can decide on what has to be learned in the future, that is, shall one reincarnate again right away, or shall one spend perhaps six hundred years in the astral. It all depends on what a person has to learn, it depends on one's purpose in the scale of evolution. But I've told you all about that in previous books. Let me mention another subject for a moment before saying what people do in the astral world.

A very pleasant lady wrote to me and said, I am so frightened. I am so frightened that I shall die alone with no one to help me, no one to direct me in the Path that I should take. You, in Tibet, had the Lamas who directed the consciousness of a dying person. I have no one and I am so frightened.

That is not correct, you know. No one is alone, no one has 'no one'. You may think you are alone, and quite possibly there is no one near your earthly body, yet in the astral there are very special helpers who await by the deathbed, so that just as soon as the astral form starts to separate from the dying physical body, the helpers are there to give every assistance. Just as in the case of a birth, there are people waiting to deliver the new-born baby. Death to Earth is birth into the astral world, and the necessary trained attendants are there to provide their specialised services, so there is no need for fear, there should never be fear. Remember that when the time comes, as it comes to all of us, for you to pass from this world of sorrows, there will be people on the Other Side waiting for you, caring for you, and helping you in precisely the same manner that there are people on Earth awaiting the birth of a new baby.

When the helpers have this astral body which has just been separated from the dead paysical, they treat it carefully and help it with a knowledge of where it is. Many people who have not been prepared think they are in Heaven or Hell. The helpers tell them exactly where they are, they help them to adjust, they show them the Hall of Memories, and they care for the newcomer as they, in their turn, have been cared for. (Comment: remember this was written long before all the "near-death-experience-books" came here in the western world in the late 70's - and later there has been published a lot of such books, that confirms that Rampa described the very exact death-progress long before any other - if we shall compare it to these later books from all over the world. That is the best "truth-guarantee" - I feel in many connections with what I later have studied - that Rampa really account for the actual truth!! Or "AS IT IS" - a title of another Rampabook. R.Ø.remark.)

This matter of Hell - there is no such thing, you know. Hell was actually a place of judgement near Jerusalem, Hell was a small village near two very high rocks and between the rocks and extending for some distance around was a quaking bog (myr), which sent up gouts of sulphurous vapours, a bog that was always drenched in the stench of burning brimstone. In those far-off days a person who was accused of a crime was taken to this village and 'went through Hell'.- He was placed at one end of the bog and was told of the crimes of which he had been accused, he was told that if he could cross the bog unharmed - he was innocent, but if he failed and was swallowed by the bog he was guilty. Then the accused (anklagede) was goaded (drevet) into action - perhaps a soldier poked him in a delicate part with a spear - anyway, the poor wretch ran 'through Hell', through all the swirling fog of sulphur and brimstone fumes(damp), along the path surrounded by boiling pitch, where the earth quaked and shook, inspiring terror in the strongest, and if he reached the other side - he had passed through the valley of Hell and had been purged(renset) of any offence and was innocent again. So don't believe that you will go to Hell. You won't because there is no such thing. (But some mix described experiences from NDE's "hell" - with "adventures" on the lower astralplane where confused, rancorous entities stay until they reincarnate or are cleaned for the normal "holydays" on the astralplane. R.Ø.remark.) God, no matter what we call Him, is a God of kindness, a God of compassion. No one is ever condemned (fordømt), no one is ever sentenced to eternal damnation, there are no such things as devils who jump up and down on one and plunge pitch forks into one's shuddering body. That is all a figment in the imagination of crazed priests who tried to gain dominance over the bodies and souls of those who knew no better. There is only hope and knowledge - that if one works for it, one can atone for any crime, no matter how bad that crime seems to have been. So - no one is ever 'extinguished', no one is ever abandoned (forlatt) by God. Most people fear death because they have a murky (dyster) conscience, and these priests who should know better, have taught about hell - fire and aternal torment, eternal damnation and all that. And the poor wretched person who has heard those stories thinks that immediately he dies - he is going to be seized by devils and horrendous things wreaked upon him. Don't believe it, don't believe it at all. I remember all, and I can go to the astral at any time, and I repeat, there is no such thing as Hell, there is no such thing as eternal torment, there is always redemption (forløsning/hjelp), there is always another chance, there is always mercy, compassion, and understanding. Those who say that there is Hell and torment, well, they are not right in the head, they are sadists or something, and they are not worthy of another thought.

We fear to die for that reason and for another; we fear to die because the fear is planted in us. If people remembered the glories of the astral world - they would want to go there in droves, they wouldn't want to stay on this Earth any longer, they would want to shirk their classes, they would want to commit suicide, and suicide is a very bad thing, you know, it hurts oneself. It doesn't hurt anyone else, but one becomes one of life's drop-out's when one commits suicide. Think of it like this; if you are training to be a professional person of some kind, a lawyer or a doctor, well, you have to study and you have to pass examinations, but if you lose heart half way through -you drop out of your course and then you do not become a lawyer or a doctor, and before you can become a lawyer or a doctor you have to cease being a drop-out and get back into the class and study all over again. And by that time you find the curriculum (undervisningsplan) has changed, there are different textbooks, and all you have learnt before becomesuseless, so you start at the bottom again. Thus it is, that if you commit suicide, well, you have to come back, you reincarnate again, which is just the same as entering college for another course, but you reincarnate again and you learn all the lessons all over again right from the start, and all you learnt before is now obsolete(foreldet), so you've wasted a lifetime, haven't you? Don't commit suicide, it's never, never, never worth it.

Well, that has taken us quite away from what people do in the astral. A lot depends on the state of evolution of the person; a lot of it depends on what that person is preparing for. But the astral worlds are very, very beautiful places, there is wonderful scenery with colours not even dreamed of upon the Earth, there is music, a music not even dreamed of upon the Earth, there are houses, but each person can build his or her house by thought. (But they are therefor not only "castle in the air" - but solid and compact enough for the inhabitants of that frequency-world. R.Ø.remark.) You think it, and if you think hard enough, it Is. In the same way, when you get to the astral world - first you are quite naked just as you are when you come to the Earth, and then you think what sort of clothes you are going to wear; you don't have to wear clothes, but most people do for some strange reason, and one can see the most remarkable collection of garments, because each person makes their own clothes according to any style they are thinking about. In the same way, they build their houses in any style they are thinking about. There are no cars, of course, and no buses, and no trains, you don't need them. Why be cluttered by a car when you can move as fast as you wish by wishing? So, by thought power alone, you can visit any part of the astral world.

In the astral there are many jobs that one can do. You can be a helper to those who are every second arriving from the Earth, you can do nursing, you can do healing, because many of those who arrive from the Earth are not aware of the reality of the astral, and they believe whatever their religion has taught them to believe. Or, if they are atheists - they believe in nothing, and so they are enshrouded (innsvøpt) in a black, black fog, a fog that is sticky and confusing, and until they can acquire some sort of understanding, that they are blinded by their own folly (dumhet) they cannot be helped much, so attendants follow them around and try to break away the fog. (Such is it described in the fantastic book SEVEN STEPS TO ETERNITY - taken down by Stephen Turof - and deal with a young soldier that dies in the battle of Somme under world war 1 - and immediately enters a compact mistland - and the confusion is total. This book is recommended. R.Ø.remark.) Then there are those who counsel the astral people who have to return to Earth. Where do they want to go, what sort of parents do they want, what sort of family conditions, a rich family or a poor family?'What sort of conditions will enable them to do the tasks which they plan to do? It all looks so easy when in the astral world, but it is not always so easy when one is on the Earth, you know.

In the lower astral people often eat, they can smoke also if they want to! Whatever they want to eat is actually manufactured from the atmosphere by thought, not so amazing when you think of prana which is believed in implicitly on Earth. So you can eat what you wish, you can drink what you wish also, but actually all that is just folly because one is acquiring all the energy, all the sustenance from the atmospheric radiation's, and eating and drinking is just a habit. One soon shucks (kaster vekk) off those habits and is the better for it. You can take it, then, that one does -much the same in the lower astral as one does upon the Earth.

Yes, Mrs. So-and-So, there is a sex life in the astral as well, but it is far, far better than anything you can ever experience on the Earth, because you have such an enhanced (øket) range of sensations. So if you have not had much of a balanced sex life on Earth, remember that in the astral you will have, because it is necessary to make a balanced person.

Of course the higher one rises in the astral worlds, that is the more one increases one's personal vibrations, then the better the experiences, the more pleasant they become, and the more satisfying the whole existence becomes.

Many people on Earth are all members of a group. You may have, for example (and for example only) ten people whom together really complete one astral entity. On the Earth we have these ten people, and perhaps three, four, five, or six die; well, the person who is in the astral does not become really complete until all the group are united. It is very difficult explaining such a thing because it involves different dimensions, which are not even known upon this Earth, but you have felt a remarkable affinity with a certain person - a person who, of course, is absolutely separate from you. You may have thought how compatible (samklingende) you were with that person, you may feel a sense of loss when that person goes away. Well, quite possibly that person is a member of your group, and when you die to this Earth, you will be united together as one entity. Upon the Earth all these people are like tentacles reaching out to get different sensations, different experiences during that brief flickering (korte blafrende–) of consciousness which comprises a lifetime upon Earth. Yet - when all the members of that group, when all the tentacles (fangarmer) are pulled in, one has in effect the experience of perhaps ten lifetimes in one. One has to come to Earth to learn the hard material things because there are no such experiences in the astral world.

Not everyone is a member of a group, you know, but you probably know whole groups of people who just cannot manage without each other. It may be members of a big family, they are always dashing around to see how the others are doing, and even when they marry they still have to forsake their partners at times and rush back home - as if they are all going in like a lot of chickens under the old hen! Many people are individualists, not members of a group upon the Earth, they have come to do certain things alone, and they rise or fall by their own efforts on the Earth. The poor souls often have a very bad time indeed upon the Earth, and it doesn't necessarily mean that they have immense karmic debts because they get suffering, it means that they are doing special work and incurring (pådrar seg..) good kharma for a few lives to come.

Really experienced people can tell what other people have been in a past life, but don't believe the advertisement you read - where, for a small sum of money, you can have all your past incarnations told. Don't believe that for a moment - because most of these people who make such claims are fakes. If they demand money for such a service, then you can be sure that they are fakes - because the really trained person does not take money for these occult purposes - as it lowers the personal vibrations….

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Here we leave this theme and take in a question on astral travelling - from page 38 in the book:

More on astral travelling

"I want you to tell us more about astral travel, how we can do it. You've written about it in You-Forever! and in other books, but tell us again. You can-not tell us too much about it, tell us how we can do it ..

So go the letters. So go the demands. 'Tell us about astral travel,'

Actually, astral travel is the simplest of things, so simple that it is surprising that people cannot do it without trying. But we must also remember that walking is simple. Walking is so simple that we can walk in a straight line, or follow a curved path, and we do not have to think about it at all. It comes natural to us. Yet on many occasions a person has been very ill and confined to bed for some months, and the sufferer has then forgotten how to walk. He or she has forgotten how to walk, and has had to be taught all over again.

It is the same with astral travel. Everybody could once do astral travel, but for some strange reason they have forgotten precisely how to do it. How do you teach a person how to walk? How do you teach a person, long encased in an iron lung, to breathe?

How do you teach a person to travel in the astral? Possibly only by recounting the steps and the process. Possibly only by being what some would call repetitious (gjentagende) - can one induce a person to teach his or herself how to get again into the astral.

Suppose you have a sponge, an ordinary big bath sponge will do, and then you call it the body. Suppose you fill the holes in the sponge with a gas, which clings together. That is, it doesn't disperse like most gases do, it hangs together like a cloud. Well, this gas you can call the astral. It is now in the sponge, so you have one entity inside another. The sponge representing the body, and the gas filling the otherwise empty spaces in the sponge - and representing the astral body. If you shake the sponge - you may dislodge the cloud of gas. In the same way, when your body gives a little jerk (rykk) under controlled conditions the astral body jumps free.

The best way to prepare for astral travel is to think about it. Think about it very seriously from all aspects, because as you think today so you are to morrow, and what you think about today - you can DO tomorrow. Ask yourself why do you want to do astral travel. Ask yourself honestly. What really is your reason? Is it merely idle curiosity? Is it so that you can spy on others, or do you want to fly through the night and peer into bedrooms? Because if that is your objective - you would be better off without astral travel. You must be sure that your motives are right before you do astral travel, or even before you try to do astral travel.

Then having assured yourself that your motives will stand the strictest inspection, prepare the next step. When you go to bed, alone, make sure you are not tired. Make sure that you are fresh enough, that you can stay awake. Everyone can do astral travel, but the majority of untrained people fall asleep in the process, which is very annoying (irriterende) indeed! So go to bed before you are tired and rest in any way, comfortable in your bed, and then Think that you are moving out of your body. Let yourself become completely relaxed. Have you a tension in your big toe? Does your ear itch (klø)? Have you an ache in the small of your back?

Any of these will indicate that you are not truly relaxed. You must be truly relaxed, just as a sleeping cat is relaxed. And having been quite sure that you are relaxed, imagine that 'something' is coming out of your body. Imagine that you are the gas seeping out of the sponge. You might experience a little tingling, you might hear some short, sharp crackles, or you may get 'pins and needles' in the back of your neck. Fine! That means you are coming out. Now be very very sure that you keep still. It is utterly necessary that you do not panic, it is absolutely vital that you do not feel fear, because panic or fear will slap you back in the body and give you quite a fright. It will also effectively prevent you from consciously astral travelling for about three months.

Astral travel is normal. It is utterly(fullstendig), utterly safe. No one can take over your body, no one can harm you, all that can happen is this; if you are frightened - unpleasant astral entities will smell or see the colour of fright, and will with the greatest of glee (lystighet) try to frighten you more. They cannot hurt you, they cannot hurt you at all, but it does give them great pleasure if they can frighten you so much that you are chased back into your physical body.

There is no secret in astral travel, it just needs confidence(tiltro). It just needs the firm knowledge that you are going to do astral travel while you are fully awake. And the best way to start about it is to imagine that you are travelling, imagine that you are out of the body. This word 'imagination' is badly misused. Perhaps it would be better to say 'picture'. So, picture yourself leaving your flesh body, picture yourself gradually inching out of your flesh body - and floating inches above the recumbent flesh body. Actually picture yourself doing it, actually form the strong thoughts that you are doing it, and sooner or later you will do it. You will find, with the greatest amazement, that you are floating there, looking down upon a padded, whitish-green, flesh body. Probably it will have its mouth open, probably it will be snoring (snorke) away - because when you are out it doesn't matter at all if your flesh body goes to sleep - when you are out. Because - if you get out while the body is awake, you will remember the whole experience.

This is what you have to imagine: You are resting completely relaxed on your bed in any position which suits you - provided it is comfortable and relaxed. Then you think of yourself, slowly edging out from the flesh covering, from the flesh body, slowly edging out and rising and floating a few inches or a few feet above the flesh body. Do not panic - even if you do get a few sways and tilts, because YOU CANNOT BE HURT. You cannot be hurt at all, and as you are floating you cannot fall. When you have got to that stage, rest awhile. Just keep still, you don't need to feel panic nor triumph, just rest peaceably for a few moments. And then, if you think you can stand the shock, and depending on what sort of a body you've got, gaze down on the thing you've left. It looks all-lopsided (usymmetrisk), it looks lumpy and heavy, it looks an untidy mess. Well, aren't you glad to get away from it for the time being?

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With that thought you should take a look at the world outside. So will yourself to rise, will yourself to float up through the ceiling and through the roof. No! You won't feel anything, you won't get a bump or a scrape or a jar. Just will yourself to float up, and picture yourself so floating. When you get out through the roof, stop when you are about twenty or fifty feet above and look about you. You can stop by thinking that you are stopped.

And you can rise by thinking that you are rising. Look about you, look at your surroundings from a viewpoint that you have never seen before so far, as you can remember, get used to being out of the body. Get used to moving around. Try floating around the block. It's easy! You just have to tell yourself where you are going, and you just have to tell yourself how fast you are going. That is, do you want a go along slowly as if blown by the breeze, or do you wait to go there instantly?

People write and say they have tried everything they know to do astral travel but, for some reason or other, they did not succeed. A person will write and say, '1 had a strange tickling in the back of my neck. I thought I was being attacked and it frightened me.' Another person writes in to say, 'I seemed to be lying on the bed without the power to move, I seemed to be looking through a long red tunnel with a glimmer of something which I cannot describe at the end.' And yet another person writes, 'Oh, my goodness me! I fell out of my body, and I was so frightened that I fell back in again!'

But these are perfectly ordinary, perfectly normal symptoms. Each of these symptoms can occur when you are getting out consciously for the first time. These are good signs. Signs that you are able to astral travel consciously. Signs that you have your hand on the door, so to speak, and the door is slowly opening. But then you take fright right on the threshold of this wonderful experience, you panic, and back you go into that damp, miserable clay (leire) case again.

Only fear can cause you any real difficulty. Everything else can be overcome. But fear - well, if you will not master your fear of the apparently unknown, what can one do for you? You have to make some effort yourself. You can't put some money in a slot machine and get some pre-packaged astral travel kit, you know.

Well, when you get a tickling sensation, it means that your astral body is actually freeing itself from the physical body, and for some particular reason the pro- cess is causing a tickle which is, after all, some slight form of irritation. It just means that you have not been doing astral travel very often, because with practise the separation of the two bodies becomes easier and easier.

Just by way of digression let me tell you this; I was writing this chapter on astral travel, and I suppose I was thinking about it too intensely or something. And immediately I found myself floating above this building - right outside - and looking down. A member of my household was just coming up the road carrying a load of groceries! I saw her come in and have a mild listen at my door to see if I was working or not, and then undecided she passed on to another room. I looked about and thought, 'Oh, my goodness me! I'm shirking!' And dived back again straight into the body, and carried on working. But it just shows that when one is practised in astral travel it is no more difficult to get out of the body than it is to leave a room by opening a door and stepping out. Actually it's less effort. It is far less effort.

When a person is reclining and then suddenly feels paralyzed, that is a perfectly normal sign, there is nothing wrong with it. It just means that the separation of the two bodies is preventing physical body motion, and the so-called paralysis is a misnomer really. It is just a strong physical disinclination (ulyst) to move. One often, at the same time, seems to be peering through a long tube, it might be a red tube, or it might be a black or grey tube. But it doesn't matter what colour it is, it is a good sign, it shows you are getting out.

The biggest thing to fear is fear itself, because all these things are perfectly ordinary. There is nothing at all unusual in them. But if you are going to give way to panic; well, you come straight back into the body aith a real 'clunk', and if you come back in misalignment, then you'll have a sick headache for the rest of the day, until you go to sleep again and relocate your astral in the physical.

It sometimes happens that one gets slightly out of the body and then a swaying motion is experienced. That's all right, too. It just means you have not learned how to handle the astral body properly. You can think of it as a person learning to steer a motor-car. You get in the wretched thing and give the wheel a turn, and turn too far. So you turn the other way, and you find you are turning too far that way. So you progress in a sort of S curve until you learn to manage the steering properly. It is precisely the same with the astral. You start emerging from the body and then, when you are a few inches out, you sort of lose your nerve, you don't know how to get it out a foot, two feet, etc. And so you stay there swaying. The only thing to do is to visualize yourself as OUT!

Yes, no doubt much of this appears to be repetition to you. Deliberately it is repetition because you need to get this firmly established that astral travel is quite normal and quite easy, and not at all dangerous. The only thing to fear is of being afraid. And you need only fear being afraid because it puts back your progress. It's like locking on the brakes hard. Once you are in a state of fear you are not in con- trol of yourself. And your body chemistry gets jangled. So do not be afraid, because there is no cause whatsoever to fear anything in the astral.

It really is a superb, a glorious, experience to just get out of your physical body and float along in the air. You do not have to do long journeys, you can let yourself just drift, perhaps thirty or forty feet above the ground. You will feel a gentle rise from air currents, especially when you pass over trees. Trees give a nice up-draught, a warm sort of friendly updraught, and if you let yourself float and maintain a constant height over a dump of trees when in the astral, you will find that your, vitality improves very greatly.

But this astral travel is a pleasure, which has to be appreciated (verdsatt). There are no words which can adequately describe it. You are out of the body and you feel free, you feel as if you had been recharged with life. You feel as if you are sparkling all over, and it is one of the best experiences of all. It can be your experience too, you know, if you really want it. Thousands of people have written to me saying how surprisingly easy they now find astral travel, telling me of their travels, and telling me that they have seen me on their astral travels. What these people can do, you can do also.

But let us go into the matter a little further to try to find out, what is preventing you from enjoying this wonderful experience.

First of all, do you sleep alone? That is in your own room. Because if you share a bed with someone else, then you may find it a bit difficult. There is always the fear that another person turning over will disturb one's astral flight. So, while initiating astral travel, you should always be alone, quite alone in your room. One cannot, for example, easily practice astral travel when one lives in barracks with a lot of other men or a lot of other women. Nor can you easily start astral travel if you have just been married! You have to be alone, you have to keep your mind on astral travel and then you can do it.

From letters it appears that the greatest vice of those who are trying to astral travel is impatience. North Americans in particular want 'instant astral travel'. They are not prepared to wait for it, nor to work for it, they have no patience. They want a thing faster than fast and quicker than now. Well, it's not done in that way, you have to be in the right condition first. You have to exercise patience just as if you had been in bed a long time - you would have to exercise patience while you were relearning to walk. Have patience, then, and have faith that you can do this thing. Visualize yourself floating above your body because 'imagination' is a most potent force. And if you can get yourself started, well, the rest is utterly simple. Astral travel is the simplest thing that we can do. Even breathing needs some effort. Astral travel needs the absolute negation of effort.

After impatience - the next great fault preventing one from getting into the astral state is over-tiredness. People flap about all day, rushing about like a hen with its head chopped off, dashing to the cinema or to the supermarkets and cavorting (danser omkr.) around the country. Then, when they are nearly dropping with tiredness, they get in bed and think they will do astral travel. Well, they do, but they are so tired that they go to sleep and forget all the travelling, or rather forget all the experiences of that travel. Make no mistake about it, you do astral travel when you are asleep, the trick is to stay awake and do it, and it is just a knack which one has to acquire as one gets the knack of breathing. The doctor slaps one's bottom when one is born and 'one draw's an outraged breath, so that one can yell in protest, and breathing is started. Well, I can't come and slap you all on the bottom to start you astral travelling! But it really is a simple matter and needs just a little knack(knep).

Impatience and over-tiredness, then, are the two great causes, of failure to remember. There is another cause: constipation (forstoppelse).

If you are constipated you are usually so gloomy that the poor wretched astral form is imprisoned in a congested lump of clay. Constipation is the curse of civilization, and perhaps as it is so important for our astral travel studies that one be not constipated, we should devote a whole chapter to health things. So - read on later in this book on how to get rid of constipation. When you get garbage out of your body you will find that you are so much freer that you can get into the astral.

Someone wrote to me and said, 'But look. All these astral bodies that you say float around by day and by night, why don't their Silver Cords get entangled, Why don't they collide? You say that thousands of people leave their bodies and soar upwards like balloons on the end of a string. How can this be without hopeless tangling occurring?'

The answer to that is easy; everyone has a different frequency, every physical body has a certain frequency and the astral body has a frequency - several - well, I'm not musical - but let me say 'octaves' higher. The astral body is obviously on a harmonic of the physical body, but the vibration is many million times faster than in the physical body. Everyone has a different frequency, or different rate of vibration, and if you get the B.B.C., London, on your radio, you get the B.B.C., London. You do not get Radio Turkey or Radio Peking on that wavelength or frequency.

One could say that the frequencies of radio stations do not interfere with each other, and in the same way the frequencies of different astrals do not interfere with each other, so they cannot collide - so there is no tangling, no confusion. On a busy street in a busy city you will have people bumping into each other, and either apologising or scowling, according to their make-up, but such things never occur in the astral. There are no collisions. The only ones that can come close to each other in the astral worlds above the lower astral are, those who are compatible (forenlige). You cannot have discord(uenighet), and a collision is usually a discord, is it not?

Everyone knows that many people say, 'This problem - I can't deal with it now, I'll sleep on it. I shall have the answer in the morning.' Well, that's fair enough, because people with problems take the problem into the astral world and if they can't solve it themselves there is always someone available who can. And then if they can't do conscious astral travel, they still come back with some memory of how the problem can be solved. People like great musicians go to the Other Side and go to a zone above the lower astral. They hear this wondrous spiritual music, and then, because they are basically musical, because they have musical perception, they memorise it. And when they awaken in the morning - or they might even waken specially - they rush to a musical instrument and, as they think 'compose'. Some great composers kept paper and pencils by the bedside so that if, they woke up with 'inspiration' - they could write down the musical notation immediately. This is stuff they have learned in the astral, this is music which they learned in the astral. And it is a legitimate use of astral travel.

A great inventor may have seen something in the astral, but possibly he didn't do astral travel consciously. So when he awakens in the morning, he has a wonderful idea for a new 'invention', and he rushes to his notebooks and he writes down specification and draws squiggles. And then - well, he has invented something which the world has wanted for quite a long time.

Many highly successful businessmen use astral travel consciously or unconsciously. This is how it works; a man who is very successful at interviewing decides that he has a very tough person to see on the morrow. So when he is in bed he goes through his routine and he talks to himself, and says what he proposes to say to his 'prospect' (utsikt) when he meets him tomorrow. He anticipates the objections and arguments of the prospect and he refutes them as he lies there in bed. Then he falls asleep. His astral has got the idea and when the physical body is asleep, the astral gets out and goes in search of the body, or the astral, of the prospect, and tells the prospect what is going to be said on the morrow and also tells the prospect what action the latter should take.

On the morrow at the interview the two greet each like old friends, they are sure they have met before. They find they are getting along famously, the successful interviewer puts over his points to the prospect and really does get 'the action desired. It is simple, highly successful, and entirely legitimate. So if you want to get success in business or love - go in for astral travel. You get your word in first. You get the action you desire firmly implanted into the prospect's mind.

A lot has been said about getting out of the body, and you can get out of the body. Once out - you can always return. I suppose never in history has there been an authentic case when a person could not get back. You can get back - all right, but you want to get in the most pleasant conditions - because if you get all slap-happy (likeglad) and just jump into your clay case - you can get a headache. When you are coming back from your astral travel see your flesh body lying there on the bed, usually in a contorted (fordreiet) attitude. Eyes shut, mouth open, limbs in wild abandon perhaps, and you have to get into that body.

Visualise yourself lowering, and and lowering. Oh! So gently! Then when you are just barely out of contact, put our own limbs(lemmer) in precisely the same attitude as that of the physical body. And then let yourself be absorbed into the body - like moisture being absorbed by blotting paper. You are in the body (it's a cold and dammy thing indeed) you are in and there has been no shock, no jerk, no unpleasantness. But supposing you were clumsy (klossete) and got in with an awful jerk (rykk). Then you'll find you've got an awful headache, you'll find that you feel sick. There is only one thing to do - no medicine, no drugs, will help you at all - there is only one possible cure and it is this:

You must lie still with your feet together and your hands together, and you must let yourself go to sleep - even though it be for a few moments only - go to sleep so the astral body can ease out of the physical body and then sink down and relocate exactly. When it is relocated exactly, you have a sense of wellbeing and no headache. And-that's all there is to it!

In this chapter quite a lot has been said about astral travel, far more than need have been said: But the whole idea was to repeat things from different angles so that you could perhaps grasp the underlying statement that it is so very, very easy. You can do it provided you do not try too hard. You can do it provided you have patience. You cannot go along to a ticket agency or travel agency and just book an astral flight, you know. Some of the flights cost a lot of money, but in the astral world - it's all free. And you can have it for free - if you have patience and are not too tired.

So go to it. It truly is a wonderful, wonderful sensation.

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In this book Rampa comes in to the question about UFO's - and he makes first a little story as a introduction - whether this first part is fantasy or experience is not the point - here from page 78:

"High in the sky, beyond the height at aircraft would fly, there hovered a large silver pear shaped object, with the larger part pointing down and the smaller part pointing up. It hovered huge and in some alien way, menacing. "That's not a balloon!' said one man who had recently return from the Air Force. 'If it was a balloon the larger would be at the top instead of at the, bottom.'

'Yes!' exclaimed another, 'And it would be drifting with the wind. Look at those high alto-stratus clouds passing by it, and yet it is stationary.

The little town buzzed with consternation and speculation. High above, unmoving, inscrutable, hovered the enigmatic object. Never varying in position, making no motion, no movement of any kind. Slowly the day came to a close with the object there as though glued to a picture of the heavens itself, there unmoving, unchanging. The moon came up and shone across the countryside, and above in the moonlight the object loitered (hang). With the first early dawn it was still there. People who were preparing to go to work looked out of their windows. The object was still there as if a fixture, and then, suddenly, it moved. Faster and faster it went, straight up, straight up into space, and disappeared….

Yes, you know, there are people in space ships who are watching this world. Watching to see what happens. 'Well, why do they not come and talk to us like sensible people would?' you may ask, but the only reply is that they are being sensible. Humans try to shoot them, and a in any way to harm these UFOs

If 'the UFOs, or rather the people within them, the intelligence to cross space, then they have the intelligence to make apparatus which can listen to earth radio and Earth television, and if they watch television - well, then they will think they have come to some vast mental home, because what could be more insane than the television programmes which foisted on a suffering public? Television programmes which glorify the unclean, which glorify the criminal, which teach sex in the wrong way, in the worst possible way, which teach people that only self-gain and sex matters.

Would You dive into a fish tank that you could discuss things with some worms at the bottom of the tank? Or would You go to a colony of ants (maur) - labouring in one of these-glass tanks designed to show the work of the ants? Would you go in there and talk with ants, or with any of these lesser creatures? Would you go into some glass hothouse and talk to some experimental plants, ask them how they are doing, saying: 'Take me to your leader?' No!! You would watch, and if an ant bit you - you'd say, 'Spiteful little things, aren't they?' And be careful that you didn't get bitten in the future.

So the people of space, whose one-year-old children would know more than the wisest man on this Earth, just watch over this colony…

A very few years ago I lived in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, a country which in South America lies between Argentina and Brazil. Montevideo is upon the River Plate and ships of the world pass by going to Rio de Janeiro or to Buenos Aires, or come into the Port of Montevideo. From my ninth a floor apartment I could look out across the River, right out to the South Atlantic - beyond the confines of the River. There were no obstacles, no obstructions, to the view.

Night after night my family and I used to watch UFOs coming from the direction of the South Pole straight over our apartment building, and coming lower so that they could alight in the Matto Grosso of Brasilia. Night after night, with unvarying regularity, these UFOs came. They were seen not just by us, but by a multitude of' people, and in Argentina they are officially recognized as Unknown Flying Objects. The Argentine Government are well aware that these things are not the product of hysteria or a fevered imagination, they are aware that UFOs are of surpasing (mer utv.) reality.

The day we landed in Buenos Aires - a UFO came in and actually alighted at the main, airport. It stayed, for several minutes at the end of a runway, and then took off at fantastic speed. I was about to say that all this can be read in the press reports, but that is no proof of the truth of it - because too often the press alter things to suit themselves or to get more readers, and I have no faith whatever in anything which is printed in the daily press so, instead, I will say that this UFO landing is the subject of an Argentinian Government Report.

Having seen these UFOs night after night, and seen how they can change course and manoeuvre, I state emphatically that these were not satellites flashing across the sky. The times that satellites can be seen varies, and is known to the minute; the times that we saw these other things were different, and in addition we have also seen the satellites. The night sky of Montevideo is remarkably clear, and I had a very high-power telescope of the type used by the Swiss Customs Officials -which ranged from forty magnification up to three hundred and fifty.

This world is under observation, but we need not be upset (forstyrres) by that. It is sad indeed that so many people always fear that those who observe wish to do harm. They do not, they wish to do good. Remember that there are ages and ages going back into history, and various civilisations and cultures have appeared and disappeared almost without trace. Remember the civilization of Sumeria, and the great civilisation of Minoa. Who has been able to explain the enigmatic statues of Easter Island? Yes, someone once tried to and wrote a sort of a book about it, but it's not necessarily accurate, you know. Or, if you want to go to another stage, how about the Maya people? Can anyone say what happened to the Mayan civilisation. Each of these civilizations was a fresh culture - placed upon the Earth to liven up stock which had become, dull and, what I can only term, 'denatured'.

There is also a very, very ancient theory, or legend, countless years ago a space ship came to this earth and something went wrong with the ship, it could not take off. So - the people aboard, men, women, and children, were marooned here, and they started another form of civilisation.

It is extremely fortunate that, the Hebrew Books of the Old Testament had been translated into Greek long before Christians came upon the scene, because the early Christians, just like the present-day ones, tried to alter things to their own gain. We can, then, find out a lot about ancient history from the Hebrew Books which have not been tampered with by Christianity, but even they leave us uninformed about the Mayas, the Easter Islands, and the Etruscans. These were civilizations which flourished more than 3000 years B.C. We can know that because Egyptian hieroglyphs can be traced back to the year 3000 B.C., and some of these, traced upon temple walls and in tombs, give information about earlier and very great civilizations. Unfortunately around about two hundred years after the start of Christianity -knowledge of much of this had been lost because of the manner in which Christians altered history to suit themselves, and because, with the rise in power of Christianity, Egyptian temples were closed down and no longer were there educated priests who could understand the hieroglyphs. And so for several hundred years history remained in darkness.

Later research indicates that many thousands of years ago a great Race suddenly appeared 'in the Land of the Two Rivers'. These people, now known to us as the Sumerians, have left little of their recorded history. Actually, according to the Akashic Record, the Gardeners of the Earth decided that the 'stock' on Earth was becoming weakened by inbreeding, and so they placed upon the Earth others who also had to learn. These others are known to us as the Sumerians, and a particular branch of the Sumerians - almost like a family - became the Semites, and they in their turn became the earliest form of Hebrews. But that was about 2ooo B.C.

The Kingdom of' Sumeria was a truly mighty kingdom, and brought to this Earth many advancements in culture and science, and many different plants. Certain branch of the Sumerian culture left the founding city and moved to Mesopotamia in round about the year 4000 B.C. In addition they bred and gradually populated areas of high culture. It is interesting to know that when Abraham moved with his herds from the City of Ur in Mesopotamia' and went to Palestine, he and those with him brought legends, which had been family history for thousands of years.

They brought with them stories of the Garden of Eden, a land which lay between the Tigris and the Euphrates. This had been the common ground of many, many tribes and people who had been expanding - as their populations increased - over what is known as the Middle East. 'Eden', by the way, actually means 'a plain'. The Book of Genesis was merely (bare) a digest of stories which had been told by the people of Mesopotamia for several thousand years.

Eventually (omsider) civilisations became absorbed. So it was that the Sumerian civilisation, having leavened the stock of Earth, became absorbed and lost within the great mass of Earth people. And so, in different parts of the World and in different times, other 'leavening cultures' had to be set down, such as the Etruscans, the Minoans, the Mayas, and the Easter Island people.

According to the old legends the Twelve Tribes of Israel do not altogether refer to the people of Earth, but instead mean one tribe which, was the original people of the Earth, and the eleven tribes, or cultures, which we're put down here to leaven the original which was becoming weakened by inbreeding.

Consider, for your own amusement, various tribes; the black people, the yellow people, the whia people, and so on. Now which do you think is the original Earth inhabitant and which are descended from the Mayas - the Sumerians, the Etruscans, and others? It makes interesting speculation. But there is no need to speculate because, I tell you vary seriously, that if you will practise what I have tried to show you in all my books, you can do astral travel. And if you can dd astral travel you can know what is happening, and what has happened, through the Akashic Record. The Akashic Record is no television show where we are interrupted by a few words from our sponsor; here we have the utter truth, here we have absolute exactitude (eksakthet). History as it was, not as it was re-written to suit some dictataor who did not like the truth of his early life, for example.

By visiting the Hall of the Akashic Record you can find the truth about the Dead Sea Scrolls - those Scrolls which were found in 1947 in certain caves by the Dead Sea in a district called Qumran. This collection of Scrolls belonged to a certain Order of Jews who, in many ways, resembled Christians. They had a Man at the head who was known as the Teacher of the Rightful Way. He was known as the Suffering Son of God, who was born to suffer and die for humanity. according to the Scrolls He had been - tortured and crucified, but would rise again. Now, you might think that this refers to the Leader of Christianity, Jesus. But this Teacher of the Rightful -Way lived at least a hundred and fifty years before Jesus came to the Earth. The evidence is definite, the evidence is absolutely precise. The Scrolls themselves were part of a Library of this particular Jewish sect, and the Library had been endangered by the Romans; and some of the Jewish monks had hidden certain Scrolls, probably the only ones that they had time to save.

There are various ways in which science can determine the age of any reputably antique object, and these Scrolls have been subjected to those tests, and the tests indicate that they are about five hundred years older than Christianity. There is no possibility that they were written after the advent of Christianity. It follows from this that it would pay to have a really sound investigation into the Bible and all religious papers, because the Bible has been translated and re-translated many, many times, and even to the experts many of the things in the Bible cannot be explained. If only one could overcome religious bias(skjevhet), religious prejudice, and discuss things openly, one could get down to basic facts and the history of the world could be set right. There is, I repeat, a good way; and that is to consult the Akashic Record. Now, it is possible for you to do this if you first become proficient (dyktig)in astral travel, but if anyone tells you that he or she will go into the astral for you and look at the Akashic Record - provided you pay him or her a certain sum of money, consider him to be a fake, because these things are not done for money.

I hope I have said enough in this chapter to indicate that the U.F.Os are real, and they are not a menace (trussel) to anyone on this Earth. The U.F.O.s are merely the Gardeners of the Earth who come here from time to time to see, what is happening to their stock, and they have been here so much more frequently, and in much greater numbers reeently - because mankind has, been playing around with atomic bombs, and risking blowing up the whole dump.

What a terrible commotion there has been about U.F.O.s, hasn't there? Yet, UFO.s are mentioned very extensively in the Greea Legends - and in the Religious Books of many different forms of religious belief. In the Bible U.F.O.s are mentioned, and there are many reports in ancient monasteries, such as:

" When the monks were sat down to lunch at midday - having their first meal of meat for many weeks, a strange aerial object came over and panicked the good, Brothars."

UFO.s have been showing increasing activity during a past fifty or sixty years because the people of Earth have been showing increased hostility towards each other; think of the first Great War, think of the second Great War in which pilots of all nations saw what they called 'Foo Fighters', which were indisputably U.F.O.s watching the progress of battles. Then take the matter of airline pilots. It doesn't matter which airline, it doesn't matter which country, because airline pilots all over the world have seen many strange and even possibly frightening U.F.O.s. They have talked about it extensively, too, but in many Western countries there is a heavy censorship about such things. Fortunate it is, too, or the press, with their usual distortion(forvrengning), would twist everything up and make the harmless into something horrendous. It has usually been said, Oh, well, if there are U.F.O.s why have not astronomers seen them? The answer is that astronomers have seen them, and have photographed them; but again there is such a censorship that people in prominent positions are afraid to talk about things they have seen. They are afraid to talk for fear of getting into trouble with the authorities who do not want the truth known. They are afraid to talk because, they fear that their professional integrity will seem to be in doubt, for people who have not seen U.F.O.s are extremely virulent (ondartet) in their hatred for those who have

So the pilots who fly the airlines, whether in a commercial capacity or in connection with the armed forces, have seen and will continue to see UFO.s but until the moronic governments of the world change their attitudes, not much will be heard of those sightings. The Argentine Government is surely one of the most enlightened in that they officially recognise the existence of UF.O.s. They were, in fact, the first country in the world to recognise U.F.O.s as actualities. Other countries are afraid to permit any accurate information for various reasons. In the first case, the Christian belief seems to be that Man is made in the image of God, and, as nothing is greater than God - nothing can be greater than Man, who is made in the image of God. And so if there is some sort of creature who an make a space ship which can go through space, visiting different worlds, then that must be hushed (dempet) up because the creature may not be in the shape of Man. It's all distorted reasoning(forvrengt tankegang), but things will change in the not too distant future.

Then the military clique cannot acknowledge the existence of U.F.O.s because to do so would be to admit that there is something more powerful than the military clique. The Russian dictators, for example, could not admit the existence of these UFo's - because to do so would lessen their own stature in the eyes of their people. Now all the good little Commies - if there are any good Commie - think that the leaders in Moscow are omnipotent, infallible, and the most wondrous things that ever appeared on Earth. So if a little green man, three or four feet high, should be able to travel from world to world, and not all the resources of the great Moscow leaders could shoot down the little green man, then it would show that the little green man is more important than the Communist powers, and that would never do for the Communists. So, everything about U.F.O.s is banned.

People also say that if there were U.F.O.s, the astronauts pr cosmonauts or whatever they call themselves would have seen them. But that's not at all accurate, you know; consider that these fellows who have been in space have just been up a bit higher than any other humans on Earth. They have not really been in space, they have just been in a rarefied atmosphere. They are not in space until they go behind the Van Allen belts of radiation, and they are not truly in space until they have gone to the Moon and come back. (written before Apollo 11). Further, saying that there are no ufos - because if there had been the space men have seen them, is much the same as saying, as you gaze out on the ocean - that there are no fish in the ocean - if there were you could see them!! You get chilly looking fellows who sit by the side of the sea for to catch a fish. It's a full-time job with to catch a fish. And yet there are millions in the sea. They are hard to see, aren't they, if you just take a glimpse at the ocean. In the same way, if you are shot up into the atmosphere a hundred or so miles above the of the Earth, and you look out of a little hole in your tin can - well, you don't see a whole procession of U.F.O.s. For one thing you are too uncomfortable, and secondly you don't have much of a view there.

But wait a minute though. If you have listened-in to the astronauts radioing back to Earth you will have heard, or remembered that there have been references to these U.F.O.s seen by astronauts, but in all future replays that reference has been carefully ceasored and deleted. The astronaut in the enthusiasm of the moment has mentioned U.F.O.s. And also mentioned photographing U.FO.s, and yet in all later reports such references have been denied. (But now - more than 30 years after this was written - many astronauts have dared to tell the truth. R.Ø.anm.)

It seems; then, that we are up against quite a bad plot, a plot to conceal (skjule) a knowledge of what circles Earth. A plot to conceal the very real existence U.F.O.s. In the press and in various pseudo-scientific journals there have been references to U.F.O.s in the most scarey terms, how wicked these things are, dangerous, and how they do this or that. And I how have got a tremendous plot to take over Earth. Don't believe a word of it! If the U.FO people had wanted to take over the Earth - they could have done it centuries ago. The whole point is, are Afraid that they will have to take over the a (and they do not want to) if the Earth goes on releasing too much hard atomic radiation.

These spacemen are the Gardeners of the Earth. They are trying to save the Earth from the Earth people - and what a time they are having! There are reports of many different types of U.F.O.s. Well, of course there are! There are many different types of aircraft upon the Earth. You can, for example, have a glider without any engine. You can have a monoplane or a biplane; You can have a one-seater aircraft or a two-hundred-plus-seater aircraft, and if you don't want noisy aircraft then presumably you could get a spherical gas balloon or one of those very interesting things made by Goodyear. So, if you had a procession of these contraptions (innretninger) flying over darkest Africa, the people there would be most amazed at the variety, and would no doubt think that they came from different cultures. In the same way, because some spacecraft are round, or ellipse shaped, or cigar or dumb-bell shaped, the uninformed person they must come from different planets. Possible some of them do, but it doesn't matter in the slightest - because they are not belligerent(krigerske), they are not hostile. They are manned by quite benevolent (velgjørende) people.

Most of these U.F.O.s are of the same 'polarity' as of the Earth, and so they can, if they wish, alight on the surface of the Earth and dive beneath the surface of the sea. But another type of U.F.O. comes from the 'negative' side and cannot come close to the Earth - perhaps I should say cannot come close to the Earth's surface-without disintegrating in a violent explosion with a tremendous clap of thunder, because these particular U.F.O.s come from the world of antimatter. That is, the opposite type of world from this.

everything, you know, has its equal and opposite. You can say that there is a sex thing in planets, one is male and the other is female, one is positive and the other is negative, one is matter and the other is anti-matter. So when you get reports of a tremendous explosion or see a vast fireball plunging to Earth and excavating a huge crater, you may guess that a U.F.O. from an anti-matter world has come here and crashed.

There have been reports of so-called 'hostile' acts by U.F.O.s. People, we are told, have bea kid-napped. But do we have any proof whatever that anyone has really been harmed? after all, if you have a Zoo and you want to examine a specimen, you pick up a specimen and bear it away. You examine it. You might test its blood, you may test its breath content - you could X-ray it and weigh it and measure it.

No doubt all those things would appear to be frightening and very tormenting to the ignorant animal involved. But the animal, when carefully replaced, is none the worse for this weighing and measuring, none the worse at all. In the same way, a gardener can examine a plant. He doesn't hurt the plant, he is not there to hurt plants, he is there to make them grow - to make them better. So he examines the plant to see what can be done to improve it.

In the same way the Gardeners of the Earth occasionally pick up a specimen, a man or a woman.Well - so they measure a human, examine him or her - do a few tests, and then put the human back into the human surroundings. And he or she is none the worse off for it, it's only because they are scared silly that they think they are any the worse off. Usually they are so frightened that they concoct (pønske ut) the most horrible tales about what happened to them, when, actually, nothing unusual whatever happened.

This world is being watched, and it has been watched since long, long before the dinosaurs thundered across the face of this Earth. The world is being watched, and it will be watched for quite a time, and eventually the people of space will come down here. Not as tormentors(plageånder), not as slave-owners, but as benevolent teachers or guides. Various countries now send what they call a Peace Corps to what are alleged to be under-developed countries. These Peace Corps people - who usually are in need of some form of excitement, or they can't get some other type of job - go out into jungles and teach 'backward' people the things which they really do not need to know. Things which give them false ideas and false values. They get shown a film of perhaps some film stars marvellous palace in Hollywood and then they all get the idea that if they become Christians, or Peace Corps Patrons, they also will have such a marvellous edifice (byggverk) in which to live, complete with swimming pool and naked dancing girls.

When the people from space come here - they will not behave like that. They will show people by example how they should go on, show them that wars are not necessary, show them a true religion which can be expressed in the words, "Do as you would be done by."

-Before much longer governments of the world will have to tell the truth about -U.F.O.s, will have to tell about peoples from outer space. They know already, but they really are scared to let the public know. But sooner - they do let the public know, the sooner it be possible to adjust, to prepare, and to avoid any untoward (uheldig) incidents when our Gardeners return to this world. (Comment: almost 30 y has gone since this was written - and today there has leaked out very much more information - also through internett - and the secret balloon is near to explode.)

People write to me about the so-called "men in Black". Well, that is newspaper, or journal-license. It just means that there are outer space people here upon the Earth observing, recording, and scanning/planning. They are not here to cause trouble for anyone. They are here so that they may gain information with which they can best plan how to help the people of the Earth. Unfortunately too many Earth people like mad animals, and if they think they are attacked they go berserk. If one of these Men

(who may be dressed in any colour!) is attacked, then obviously he has to defend himself. But unfortunately his defence is often distorted to be an original attack when its nothing of the sort.

there are many types of U.F.O.s. There are many shapes and sizes of people within those U.F.O.s, but these people share one thing in common; they have lived a long time, longer than the people of Earth, and they have learned much. They have learned that warfare is childishness. They have learned that it is far better for people to get on together without all the quarrelling. They have learned that Earth has apparently gone mad, and they want to do some bring the people of Earth back to sanity, and to excessive atomic radiation. And if they cannot that peacefully, then Earth will have to be - quarantine (karantene) for centuries to come, and that would hold up the spiritual development of great masses of people here.

So, in conclusion, do not fear U.F.O.s, for there is nothing to fear. Instead, open your mind to the know-ledge that before too long, the people of this earth will have visitors from space who will not be belligerent (krigerske) but who will try to help us as we should help others.

So from page 97 we can read what Rampa says about handling fear:

The first question is: How can one overcome fear? Fear? You must know what you fear. What DO you fear? Do you fear the Unknown? Until you know what it is that you fear you cannot do anything about it. Fear is a harmful thing, it is a shameful thing, it is a thing which stultifies (lammer) progress. How to overcome fear; the best way is to think of that thing which you fear. Think about it from all angles. What is it? Why should it affect you? What do you think it can do to you? Is it going to injure you physically? Is it going to injure you financially? Will it matter in fifty years time?

If you carefully analyse your feelings, if you care-fully go into the subject of this Why-do-I fear? You Will surely come to realise that there is nothing to fear. I have yet to find anything, which can make one fear if one really goes into the matter.

Do you fear the police, or our old enemy the Tax- Collector? Do you fear things in the astral world?

Well, there's no need to because I state most - definitely that if you analyse this object, or this condition, or this circumstance which causes you to experience fear, you will see that it is a harmless thing after all.

Do you fear poverty? Then what do you fear? Take it out of its dark closet. Is it your skeleton in the closet? Take it out, dust off the cobwebs(spindelvev), and look at the problem from all angles. You will find that fear vanishes, and always remember that if you do not fear, then nothing in this world or off this world can harm you. And believe me : when I say that people off this world are a lot kinder than the people on this world.

Now - we come to the second question, which is: How does one know when one is doing right?

Every person, every entity on this world or off this world has a built-in censor, a part of the mind which enables a person to know if he or she is doing right. If a person gets drunk or under the influence of drugs, the censor is temporarily stunned(utslått), and the behaviour of a person who is drunk or is under the influence of drugs can be very bad, and can be far worse than would be the case if the persons personal censor was in working order.

You can always tell when you are doing right. You feel right. If you are doing wrong, then you have an uneasy feeling that something is not as it should be. The best way to be sure of knowing if you are doing right or doing wrong is to practise meditation. If you wrap yourself in your meditation robe you insulate yourself from the rest of the world, and your astral form can become disengaged, from outside influence and can give you enlightenment direct from the Overself. If you meditate, you see, it's not just a lump of protoplasm giving you ideas; when you meditate you actually receive confirmation (bekreftelser) of your good or bad from your Overself. And so I say to you - if you are in doubt, meditate, and then you will know the truth.

Mrs. Sorock, now you have asked me something! You ask, How can one develop Extra Sensory Powers?

Well, sad to say some people never do. Just the same as some people can never paint a picture, some people cannot sing a song or if they do they are soon told to shut up. Some people cannot do E.S.P. because they are so sure that they cannot do E.S.P. But if one is willing to try, E.S.P. is easy. You cannot normally do the whole bunch, you know; telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry - and the whole lot. If you've been trained in E.S.P. from your seventh year up, then you can do it.

But, assume now that you want to learn to do some form of E.S.P. We have to specify something, so let us say psychometry is your choice. You are anxious to practise psychometry. Well, you have to have exercises just as if you are learning to play the piano, you practise the scales, and you go on practising those silly scales day after day, week after week. And even when you are an accomplished musician, you still have to practise scales.

Let us get back, though, to this psychometry. You want to learn psychometry so the best thing to dd, is to have a week or two just saying to, yourself in a positive manner that you ARE going to be proficient (dyktig)at psycha metry (or clairvoyance or clairaudience, or whatever it is you wish). You visualise yourself putting your hand, usually the left hand, on an object, and you visualise yourself getting a clear picture, or a clear impression about that object.

For one or two weeks, then, you fill your waking hours with thoughts that you are definitely going to do this. Then, after perhaps fourteen days, you wait until the mailman has been, and you take a letter which he has delivered, and you just gently rest your, left hand upon it - before you open it, of course. Rest your left hand upon it. Close your eyes, and sit in any relaxed position. Let yourself imagine (later it will really be so) that you can feel some strange influence coming out from the envelope and tickling the palm of your hand and your fingers.

By this time you should be getting some sort of sensation in your left hand. Well, just try to let your mind go blank, and see what sort of impression you get. First it will be crude, it will be utterly rudimentary. You can classify the letter as 'good' or 'bad'.

- You can classify it–as 'friendly' or 'unfriendly'. Then open your letter and read it, and see if your impression was correct. If you were correct then you will succeed rapidly, because nothing succeeds like success. First of al try with just this one letter, that is on one day. Next day try two or three letters, or, if you wish, stick to one only, but this time try to 'feel' what the letter is about. Persevere with it, and as you succeed you will go on to much better things.

When you are proficient in psychometry - and it only takes practice - you will be able to actually- visualise, or even actually see the person who wrote the letter, and you will know the gist (kjernen) of it without opening the envelope. It is a simple matter, and it merely needs practice. If you are learning to touch-type and you peek at the keys, you are putting yourself back. You have to learn to type without looking at the keys, and as you make progress and hit the right keys in the right sequence, you get confidence and you can go faster. It's the same with psychonietry; as you make correct 'guesses', which are really correct impressions, it strengthens your confidence, and with strengthened confidence you find that you are progressing faster and faster and becoming more and more accurate, and more and more detailed. It is hard work, though, you have to practise, and practise, and practise. And you have first to be alone when you are doing it, otherwise, if there are people about - chattering like a load of monkeys, they will distract you and you will never do it So, practise, and practise alone until you are proficient. And when you are proficient you can do it with your hands or your feet, or you can even sit on a letter and know - what's inside!

Still dealing with Mrs. Sorock, we have her final questions, How can one make sure lessons are learned well enough so we don't have to come and - start all over again?

Believe me that when you get a lesson which you FEEL has sunk in, it has indeed sunk in. You want to remember that when you leave this world you leave all your money behind you, you leave your clothes behind you; and this low-vibration physical body as well. But what actually goes with you in place of a bank account - is all the good that you ever learned. So if you have had a lesson or two, that goes with you - you have the results of that on the Other Side. Supposing you are having difficulty with some man; you decide on a certain course of action to bring him to heel(snu), and then you weaken when the time comes for you to implement that course of action. Well, that sets up a negative, it sets up a black mark against you. If you have decided to do a certain thing, which you believe to be right, then you must at all costs do that thing which you believe to be right. If you start to do it,- and turn back, then it acts as a negative, it acts as a barrier, and as some great difficulty which later has to be overcome.

To answer your question, than - how to make sure that you learn your lessons well enough so a you do not have to come here again. decide upon what you believe is a correct course of action, and having decided upon that correct course of action, let nothing divert you from your course. Then you will be doing right, and you will not have to come and learn it all over again.

You can also practice the old immortal law - Do as you would be done by.

If you do that, then you have learned the great law of all, and you do not have to come back and start all over again.

From page 108 Rampa gives the reader some good advises - and also about religions, the future and the earth's development through the cosmic ages…

"We need spiritual discipline. A religion is a useful thing for inculcating spiritual discipline provided the religious leaders are not fighting among themselves. At the present day religions fall down on the job, and so all the present Earth religions shall, before too long, pass away like shadows disappearing in the night, and a fresh religion shall come to this earth which shall help lift people out of the, darkness and the misery into which they have now sunk.

(Comment: as I see it - it will become a synthesis between the spiritual sciences - Martinus cosmology, Theosophy, teaching from direct physical contacts to higher developed people from "space" - and all the similar wisdom written by other sources - as example Rampa. But this "religion" will not be founded on the ability to BELIEVE - but to UNDERSTAND THE TOTAL CONNECTION between the so-called physical and the spiritual worlds. This will accelerate much until we reach the limit of the next cosmic radiation field - called the sign of Aquarius in 2029. R.Ø.remark.)

But the time is not yet. The Final Battle is not yet. First there is more suffering, more disturbances in this, the Age of Kali, disturbances caused by World War 1 in which women deserted their homes and their children and left those children to run wild on the streets. If you get a wonderfully kept orchard(frukthage), an orchard on which great care and endless expense has been lavished, and you suddenly withdraw all care from that orchard - everything soon becomes third-rate. The fruit no longer has the bloom and the fullness of constant care, instead that fruit becomes wrinkled and bitter. People are getting like that. People are now of inferior stock (lavere tankegods), and soon there will have to be the leaving process again so that fresh blood is brought to the Earth.

But first there will be more suffering. First the whole world will be engulfed by a form of Cominunism. Not the Communistii of China, where even clocks and cars are supposed to run by the illustrious thoughts of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, and -where, apparently, if a person has some interior obstruction, he just thinks of old Mao Tse Tung, and there is such a disturbance that everything is - cleared away immediately! (this book was written in the 60's).

So Earth is in for a sickener, Earth is in for a bad tinie, lets face it frankly. Everything is going to be engulfed in this form of Communism. Everyone will be, given a number - they might even lose their names and identities. All these strikes are going to price things out of existence. The Unions are gaining, more and more power, and eventually they will take over with the private armies of sheeplike workers, and that will be a major step towards the ruination of the Earth. Eventually the press lords, like the robber barons of old, will mobilise their private armies of press workers and they will go to even lower depths in their attacks on people; attacks which are so difficult to stand against when even the meanest type of reporter can write things in the columns of his paper - and the attacked person has no redress whatever. This isn't justice. This isn't fair. And it's this type of sub-human person who is ruling the Earth today and will bring the Earth down even lower and lower.

-Until, having unnecessarily touched rockbottom in this, the Age of Kali, the indomitable (ukuelige) spirit existing in some people, will shudder (grøsse) with the shock and the shame of what has fallen -upon the Earth, and the spirit will revolt and will take action which will enable Earth and the peoples of Earth to rise again. But it may be necessary for the peoples of space, the Gardeners of Earth, to come and give assistance.

This is the Age of Assassination (ødeleggelse). A great religious leader, Martin Luther King, was assassinaed. He was a good man and had much to give to this Earth. As for the others, well - they were just political people and (I do not want to tread on anyones toes!) history will prove that these were dwarfs raised to giant stature only by the appaling (sjokkerende) power of their advertising machine - an advertising machine which blew out a lot of stiriking hot air and made dwarfs appear like giants, just as you can get a toy soldier and by placing, alight behind him you can make his shadow giant size on the wall behind. But here, too, the toy soldier's shadow is a shadow only, something without substance, something that soon will be forgotten. Martin Luther King was no shadow. He was a good man, working for the good, not only of coloured people, but of people of all colours throughout the world. For, in persecuting blacks, or browns, or reds or yellows, the white people who are doing the persecuting are placing a terrible amount of Kharma upon them-selves individually and collectively, and whatever they are doing now to the coloured people - will have to be atoned for in suffering and toil (slit og ydmykhet) and humility.

There would still be time to save this Earth from its degradation, from its shame, if only women would raturn to their homes and look after the children and see that those children had proper training, because it is the lack of training which makes it possible for assassins (mordere) to go about their filthy (skitne)work. It is the lack of training, which enables race riots (opptøyer) to take place, and looting, and rape (plyndring og voldtekter). These things were not common in the days when women had more than equality at home; when she occupied the supreme place of honour as Mother to her family.

It would be much, much better if the criterion of womanhood could be: How well behaved are her children? How contented is her husband? How useful is this woman to the community? Is she an example to others? If so she is a woman to be proud of. Now, sad to say, a woman is judged by her mammary development ("brystenes størrelse"), whether they stick up or down, how accessible they are, and how many husbands she has had. Sex is a wonderful thing, but this isn't sex. The people who go in for this type of thing are immature (umodne). They don't know anything about LOVE, but only about the - most functional aspects of procreation, and then, interestingly enough, most of these sex queens are as impotent as a eunuch (kastrert mann) who has been treated twice by mistake! ( Because these "queens" - has developed behind - and lost their natural femininity - and tries to replace this by focusing on the externally - their body and look.R.Ø.remark.)

If all of us could issue a prayer that a Great Leader would come to Earth and help to straighten out the mess, that Great Leader would come, not with flaming sword and embattled hosts - because wars never settle anything, wars just make misery, wars make more troubles. It's not necessary to have any of those things. The way of peace is the best, and the best way to get peace is to get women back in the homes teaching decency (sømmelighet) to the male members of the family. They can do it, you know. Remember the old saying? A woman who is good is very good, but a woman who is bad is worse than any man could ever be - no matter how bad.

>This is the Age of Assassination (ødeleggelse). A great religious leader, Martin Luther King, was assassinaed. He was a good man and had much to give to this Earth. As for the others, well - they were just political people and (I do not want to tread on anyones toes!) history will prove that these were dwarfs raised to giant stature only by the appaling (sjokkerende) power of their advertising machine - an advertising machine which blew out a lot of stiriking hot air and made dwarfs appear like giants, just as you can get a toy soldier and by placing, alight behind him you can make his shadow giant size on the wall behind. But here, too, the toy soldier's shadow is a shadow only, something without substance, something that soon will be forgotten. Martin Luther King was no shadow. He was a good man, working for the good, not only of coloured people, but of people of all colours throughout the world. For, in persecuting blacks, or browns, or reds or yellows, the white people who are doing the persecuting are placing a terrible amount of Kharma upon them-selves individually and collectively, and whatever they are doing now to the coloured people - will have to be atoned for in suffering and toil (slit og ydmykhet) and humility.

The fuck is this anti-white bullshit?

Expounding high ideals when it works to your personal advantage isn't virtue, it's deception.
I've seen this before, I don't know why he and new-age people accept MLK so blindly.

Well I guess I just need to remind myself that he is not flawless, that he too would be open to deceptions, and just keep going through the material in search of knowledge, principles, and concepts I can use.

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The title of this Rampabook is BEYOND THE TENTH - and he writes about this on page 122 - where the subconscious is described - and many other interesting matters:

"Humans are nine-tenths sub-conscious. 'Sub' because it is beyond our conscious reach, it is beneath our consciousness. The Overself is above our consciousness, and the consciousness can be likened to the amount of an iceberg which shows above water. Only a little of an iceberg shows above water, the great mass of it lies submerged beneath the surface, in just the same way as the great mass of human knowledge lies submerged just beneath the threshold of consciousness. Hence the name 'sub-conscious'.

Under certain conditions the sub-conscious can be tapped. It is possible by the appropriate (passende) processes to get in touch with the sub-conscious and find out what it knows, and what it knows is this; it knows every-thing that has ever happened to that entity.

'That entity', please, not just that particular human body! By really getting down to, the sub-conscious - one engages in a process like getting down into the basement of some great Library of some great Museum, and seeing the vast array of things which are stored, but which are not on show.

Museums, you know, have more things concealed (skjult) than they have displayed.

Tap the sub-conscious of a human, and you can find out all about-anything that has ever happened to that human. You can follow the life in reverse. You can take the person now aged, let us say, seventy years, and you can take them back sixty, fifty, forty, and so on right back to the moment of birth, right back to the moment when that person was born to this Earth. And if you then change technique, like a car changing gear, you can follow the sub-conscious beyond birth, you can find the moment when the entity actually entered the body of the unborn baby. You can find out what the entity did before it entered the body of the unborn baby. And if your reason is sufficient good, you can find out what that person was in the past life, or the life before that, or the life before that, and that, and so on.

A warning; do not believe all the advertisements which claim that Madame Dogsbody will do all this for you for a fee of one dollar. These things cannot be done for money, they cannot be done for idle curiosity. It needs a lifetime of study and a serious purpose. It is not a circus turn. So dont waste your money!

I am one of those who can do this. I can do it for myself, also, and I know a surprising amount about myself, going back, and back, and back.

But let me issue another warning; don't believe all these people who wear a shawl (sjal/turban)around their heads or say they will visit the Akashic Record for a few dollars, or a few hundred dollars, and come back with all the knowledge. If they could do this, they would not be doing it for money, they would know better. But if you pay your money down, they will 'come back' with suitable histrionic (teatralske) effects and tell you that you were Cleopatra or Napoleon or Old Kaiser Bill or Castro's grandfather, or even de Gaulle's uncle. They usually try to find out who you would like to be, and then they 'come back' with a great shaking of head, and a great pursing of lips, and all the other effects, and tell you all that you have told them - but they are careful to use different words. No, madam! The world is over-stocked with those who have been Cleopatra. No, sir! The world is over-stocked with those who have been St. Peter or St. John, or St. Somebody Else. And anyhow, what does it matter who you were? You were someone, quite definitely, but what does it matter? You now have a different name, you now have a different body, you now have a different task in life and it doesn't do to dwell on past glories. The past does not matter. The past has made the failures of the present. All you can do now is to live a decent life in the present to make a better future.

The best way is to avoid going to fortune tellers and- avoid dealing with those who advertise that they will do this, that, and something else if you pay them enough. If you want to know about yourself, and you have sufficient reason, you can always do it by astral travel. If you want to know something, then try meditation. There is a chapter about it in Chapters of Life.

In meditation you have to insulate yourself against Earth currents, because if you have Earth currents circulating around, then you think about Earth things, you think 'Earth-wise'. And you don't want to do that, you want to be able to control the subject of your meditation. So the first requisite (nødvendighet) for meditation - is that you avoid our old friend constipation (oh! it's a very important subject!), and you put on a meditation robe. This is nearly always of black material, and it must cover you from head to foot.

It must actually cover your head, and cover most of your face. You don't have to suffocate (kvele) yourself, of course, and if your meditation robe is properly designed - you won't. But the whole point is that you have to be insulated by this black cloth from outside influences. Your body must be protected from sunlight, because sunlight will colour your thoughts, and you don't want your thoughts coloured. You want to think your own thoughts, and have your own thoughts under your own control.

If you look in Chapters of Life you will find a picture of a monk. Well, if you are handy with a needle and thread, make up a thing like that, but be sure it's big enough. It doesn't matter if it's like a tent, or like a sack; you are not going to be a fashion model in it, that's not its purpose. Its whole and only purpose is to cut off external influences, so the fit doesn't matter and the larger it is - within reason, of course - the more comfortable it will be. You should keep this meditation robe for meditation alone, and you should not wear it for any other purpose than when you are meditating. You should also keep it safely away so that no one else can use it, and no one else can touch it, because if another person touches it and tries it on, you have that other persons influence in the robe - which you are trying to avoid - and so you have another obstacle.

By meditating under this insulated, isolated condition, you are immune to outside influences. Thus, you can get really down to the heart of the matter in which you are interested. You can take yourself through the various stages of meditation, going deeper and deeper and deeper, so that in the end you can be meditating in such a state that you are floating. And when you have reached that stage, you can know quite a lot about what goes on beyond the tenth (the 1/10). Beyond the tenth of consciousness, and into the nine-tenths of sub-consciousness. Remember again, though, that this 'sub-conscious' does not mean that this particular phase of consciousness is inferior (lavere). The word 'sub' usually means 'inferior', but in this sense it is taken to indicate that which is below the threshold of consciousness, whereas supra would indicate that which is beyond, or above, the threshold of consciousness.

So the sub-conscious relates to everything that a person knows or has known, or has experienced at any time - since that person first became an entity. Taking the present as our datum line, we can say that all that is past, or all that is stored, is 'below'. Whereas, all that which is to come and which has yet to be experienced on this Earth or in the next world, is in the 'supra-consciousness', which is, therefore, above our datum line.

All right! So now you know a bit more about our title of Beyond the Tenth. We deal with, and have dealt with things which people know without knowing why, and the things which people can do although, for the present perhaps, they think they cannot. To wit - astral travel. Anyone can do it! Anyone can do it with a bit of patience and adherence to a few simple rules, but people say, 'oh, I couldn't possibly do that! Really, they are afraid to make the attempt, but you dear Reader - make the attempt, because it truly is a wonderful, wonderful experience to be soaring and sailing above the surface of the Earth, playing with the wind, causing birds, who can see the astrals of people, to fairly shriek (hyle av forbløffelse) with amazement. You try it. You'll find it's the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to you.

Of course there is far more to this soaring above the Earth business than just play. One can go to any part of the world, as I have already told you, but that is not the extent of it; there is more-much more-than this.

If one meditates, if one becomes really proficient at meditation, and one combines that with astral travel, one is not limited to the face of the Earth. Keep this in mind; when doing astral travel we are not in a flesh body, we are in a body which can penetrate materials which, to the flesh body, would be solid. Do you understand the implications of that? It means that one can sink downwards at a controlled rate, sink down through the Earth and through solid rock. One can see with perfect clarity, although to a flesh body - it would be complete and utter darkness. One can sink down and see perhaps here a giant figure, which was trapped (fanget) half a million years ago and became em-bedded in what is now solid coal. In this solid coal, then, there is a giant figure intact, perfectly preserved, as mastodons (forhistoriske- )and dinosaurs have been preserved intact.

For years scientists have thought that the advent of humans, or humanoid races, on the Earth was fairly recent. But they have now come to the conclusion that humanity on Earth is much, much older than previously thought. Our travels through solid rock can tell us that, our travels can indicate to us this; after thousands and thousands of years the Earth goes into a sort of periodic convulsion (krampe) during which the whole surface of the Earth trembles, during which waters recede here and waters rise there. The surface of the Earth seems to boil and seethe(koke), and every trace of the Works of Man upon the Earth rises up and falls down, and gets buried hundreds, or thousands, of feet below the surface of the Earth.

Housewives will understand when I say it is similar to making a big cake; you have a basin full of all sorts of unmixed ingredients, and then you insert a big spoon from the bottom and raise up, gradually mixing everything so that all the components, all the constituents, are distributed throughout the cake mix.

So, every half million years, or so, the Earth gets rid of unwanted stock and prepares the surface of the Earth for the next bunch, who, it fondly hopes, might be more successful. Life on Earth is old, the Age of the dinosaur and the mastodon and all those creatures was just the start of yet one more experiment, just as in thousands of years to come, this Earth will end as we know it at present. The whole surface will seethe and bubble, and the cities and Works of Man here will tumble down, and be buried thousands of feet below the surface so that anyone coming to Earth would say it was a new world which had never been inhabited.

It takes a lot of experience to do this type of astral travel. But I can do it, and I can tell you that You can do it also - if you will practice sufficiently, if you will have faith in your own ability, and if you will remember that you cannot do it to bring back messages for other people at so many dollars a visit!

I have seen deep down in the Arctic ice, hundreds of feet, or even thousands of feet below the surface, strange forms. A different form of human, a purplish type of person with different characteristics from present-day humans. Present-day humans have - just for example - two breasts and ten fingers. But I have seen purple people entombed absolutely intact, and they have had eight breasts and nine fingers on each hand. Probably some day research will exhume (grave opp) some of these people, and then there will be a nine-day wonder about it all. Some day there will be a digging machine which will be able to excavate the ice, and show some of the people and some of the cities buried incredibly deep in the ice, cities of a people who lived and walked the surface of this Earth hundreds of centuries before there was any recorded history whatever on this Earth.

This was a time when there was only one continent on the Earth, and all the rest was water. When South America and Africa were one, and when England was just a part, of mainland Europe; when Ireland was just a mountain peak stretching miles - yes, miles - up into the very different air. At one time all the world of land was one mass extending from the North Pole to what is now the South Pole. It was like a bridge linking one side of the Earth to the other. Australia, China, and America, all were one, all joined to what is now Africa and Europe. But in the earth-shakes, in the shivering tremors, which threw down civilization and threw up fresh earth and rocks to hide that civilization, and because of centrifugal effects, that one solid mass, that one continent of Earth, broke up. And as the Earth shivered and trembled, the seabed crept along, taking bits of land with it, land which became Australia, America, Europe, Africa, and so on.

With practice in astral travel, with considerable practice in meditation, and combining the two together, you can actually see all this as if you were in that item beloved of the Science Fiction - a time machine. There really is a time machine, you know, a very definite, working, time machine; it is the Akashic Record, wherein everything that has ever happened to this Earth is recorded. It's like having an endless number of cine (små)cameras recording everything that ever happens, day or night, and blending them all together into one continuous ever-running film which you can 'tap into' by knowing how, and by knowing the age at which you desire to look.(The danish visionary Martinus calls it the memorybody of the earth. R.Ø.remark).

It is truly a fascinating thing to see a civilization upon the Earth, a flourishing civilization, but one in which the people are very different from the humans whom we now are accustomed to see. In this particular civilization, for example, people moved about not in motor cars, but on what may well be 'the origin of' the old story about the flying carpet; they moved about on platforms which looked for all the world like mats. They sat cross-legged on these things, and, by manipulating a little control which looked like a woven pattern, they could rise and soar off in any direction. In the Record we can watch all this, and then as we watch - we have an effect just as if some clumsy person were shaking a chess board on which all the men were set up for a good game. As the chess-board men would tumble (falle) - so did the people of the then-Earth tumble. The Earth itself yawned, great gaping chasms appeared, and buildings and people toppled in, and the Earth shuddered and closed up. And after a time the heaving and rolling of the surface ended, and the Earth was ready for the next 'crop'.

In this form of astral travel, also, one can go deep deep down into the Earth, and one can see perhaps intact afterfacts of that Age, or remnants of large buildings. One can go to Arctic or Antarctic regions, and go deep down and find people and animals who have been quick-frozen to death, and because of the cold and the quickness of the onset of the cold, they have been preserved, utterly intact as if they merely slept and waited a shaking hand to awaken them.

As one looks one can see different chest developments, different nostrils, because the atmosphere of the Earth a few million years ago was very different from what it is today. People of today would not be able to live in the atmosphere of those times, just as people of those times would not have been able to breathe the atmosphere which we now optimistically call 'clean air'. Then there was far more chlorine, far more sulphur, in the air. Now we get the stink of petroleum fumes.

Another thing that you can see, and which you, like I, will no doubt find fascinating, is that petroleum is unnatural to this Earth (exactly the same says the former named Martinus - about this stuff - R.Ø.remark.) Petroleum is not native to this Earth. By the Akashic Record, a planet collided with this Earth and caused this Earth to stop for a moment, and then spin in the opposite direction. But the collision disintegrated the other planet, and much of its seas poured down through space on to this Earth, The seas of that planet were what we call petroleum. It poured down and saturated the Earth and sank into the Earth, and went on down until it found a level and a strata (lag) which it could not penetrate, and there it lay and collected, and awaited the coming of humans who would one day pump it up and invent a perfectly horrible machine or machines, which would use this petroleum. When all the petroleum has been used up there will be no more made, because, as I have said, it is just spillage from another world.

Have I said enough to really induce you to practice astral travel? It's a wonderful thing, and what we might term mundane (because it, deals with the Earth) - astral travel and meditation combined can show you all you could ever want to know about this Earth. So, why not try it? Why not have faith and patience, and really get down to practicing astral travel?

That shit about the break up of the continents is accurate. He's talking about Pangea it seems.


^ DOES ANYONE KNOW WHEN WE CAME UP WITH THE THEORY OF PANGEA? Was the theory around in the 1960s or is our theory newer then that?

The last extract from this Rampa-book dwells with nature of dimensions - sensing things through fine VIBRATIONS - and it is from page 152:

…one could say that this life and the astral life are represented in this manner. The coarse vibrations of sound would represent life on earth - but the finer and higher vibrations of sight would represent the astral.

There are many senses available to us in the astral, which we do not even know about when in the physical. People write to me and they ask how is it possible for a fourth dimensional person to - well, as an illustration - drop a stone into one's living room. I think the person who wrote had just read an account in a newspaper about a haunted house wherein stones were thrown into locked rooms. The answer to that is that in the third dimensional world of the flesh, we are only able to perceive in the dimensions of the flesh, and if there was an opening somewhere else, the flesh body's eyes would not be able to perceive it.

Let us assume that humans can only look down, or they, are two dimensional. So, as they can only look down they cannot see the ceiling above. But if a person outside the room can perceive that there is no ceiling there, then that person can easily toss a brick in to the person who cannot look up. That is rather a crude way of explaining it, but what really happens is that every room, or everything on Earth, has another opening, another aperture, which humans on Earth cannot perceive - because they lack the necessary organ with which to perceive that dimension. Yet a person who is in a fourth dimensional world can make use of that opening and pass things through it into what, to the third dimensional inhabitant, is a closed space.

This type of "joke" is often played by lower entities who like to pose as poltergeists.

We must not forget the lady who wrote in and asked me if I could explain in simple terms the nature of telepathy. She had read my other books, but apparently this subject of telepathy had her completely baffled. Let's see what we can do, shall we?

Even scientists now agree that the brain generates electricity. There are medical procedures in which brain-waves are charted. A special apparatus is placed on the head, and four squiggly lines indicate four different levels of thought. For some strange reason - these four squiggly lines are given Greek names, which doesn't concern us at all. But the brain generates electricity, and the electricity varies according to what one is thinking - in much the same way as if when one is speaking into a microphone - the words generate a current which continuously varies in intensity according to what is being said. In a tape recorder, for example, one speaks and ones speech impresses minute magnetic currents on a specially prepared tape. Afterwards, when the tape is played back, one obtains a reproduction of the original speech. The human brain generates an electric current which other brains can pick up, in much the same way as the tape on a tape recorder picks up the minute impulses from voice vibrations, which are transferred to electric impulses.

When you think, you broadcast your thoughts. Most, people are immune to the noise of the thoughts of other people, and fortunately so because everyone is thinking something all the time, and unless people were immune to that continuous, non-stop, never-ending noise, one would go quite round the bend. By special training, or by a fluke of Nature, one can tune-in to thoughts, because, as our brains generate electricity, so they are able to receive electric impressions. It is a form of telepathy which keeps the body, in touch with the Over self, the telepathy in this instance being a very special ultra high frequency current going from the brain of the flesh body, by way of the Silver Cord, and on to the Over self.

But, to reply in the simplest possible terms to the question, How does telepathy work? It is necessary only to say that every brain acts as a radio transmitter and radio receiver, and if you knew how to switch on your receiver, you would be inundated with everybody else's thoughts. You can pick up the thoughts of those with whom you are compatible - far more easily than you can pick up the thoughts of those with whom you are not compatible. And a good exercise is to guess what a person whom you know well is going to say next. If you 'guess' for some time, you will soon discover that your successes are far outstripping the laws of chance, and when you begin to realise that you are well on the way to telepathic communication with the person with whom you are compatible. Here again, it is a matter which needs practice and patience, and when you are telepathic, you will wish you were not, because life will be a constant babble, what with humans and animals all the time talking to each other.

>…one could say that this life and the astral life are represented in this manner. The coarse vibrations of sound would represent life on earth - but the finer and higher vibrations of sight would represent the astral.

This is interesting because I specifically turn off sound and use only visualizations while initiating astral projection.


'The laws of Man on Earth are not made for the individual but for the majority…'

In Candlelight T. Lobsang-Rampa uses his best endeavours to explain the laws and the consequences of obeying or disregarding them. Dr. Rampa considers all life on earth to be a school and every living creature to be a pupil of that school; the disobedient ones will take longer to graduate than the pupils who want to learn and willingly accept knowledge, their reward is ascension to a higher grade where there are new things to learn and fewer hardships to overcome. The path to knowledge and happiness may be through the darkest of nights, but a little Candlelight will make the going easier…

Also in the opening-words: The faint flickering gleam of fourteen little Candles shines forth into the world, bringing to a vast number of people some of the Light of astral knowledge.

The Sunlight is waning. Coming fast is the end of Day. The Darkness of communism is by stealth and treachery engulfing the world faster and faster. (Remember the Chinese communists had invaded his beloved homeland - Tibet)

Soon the Light of Freedom will be extinguished for a time while Mankind ponders opportunities lost, and regrets warnings unheeded.

But even in the darkest hour there shall be the gleams of little Candles, bringing hope to a stricken world. The darkest hour is before the dawn, and that hour is not yet.

The gloom and despondency of evil men usurping power shall be lessened by the knowledge that all suffering shall eventually pass, and the Sunlight shall shine again.

Candlelight may bring illumination to some, hope to others. Sunlight gives way to darkness, darkness gives way to Sunlight, but even in the deepest dark a Candle may show the Way…

Early in the book he enters the microcosmos in connection with pendulum work and he says:

We know, for example, that throughout countless years radium decays into lead. We know that all matter is a whole horde of molecules hopping about like fleas on a hot plate, the smaller the fleas the faster they can jump, the bigger the fleas - the slower and more cumbersome (tung). So it is with material. Everything has its atomic number, number of atoms indicating how slowly it is going to vibrate, or how fast it is going to vibrate. So all we do in pendulum work is to tune in to some atomic vibrations, and, if we know how, we can tell which one it is and where it is.

When we are dealing with radio - we have an aerial system, which absorbs or attracts or intercepts (call it what you like) the waves coming through the atmosphere. Perhaps they are bounced back by the Heaviside layer or the Appleton layer. But in addition there is a ground wire, which makes contact with the ground wave - because you must have two - positive and negative - in everything. You can take the ground wave as negative and the air wave as positive. So in the matter of pendulums the human body collects the air wave, acting as the antenna or aerial, and the feet in contact with the ground act as the earth connection, or 'ground'. And for correct pendulum work it is necessary to keep the balls of the feet on the ground, unless one uses another method of tapping the earth current.

Of course, using a pendulum is simplicity itself. It is even simpler than simplicity if we know why a thing works. That's why you are getting this long collection of words which might at first strike you as rigmarole (meningsløs); it's not. Until you know what you are doing you can't tell when you are doing it!

Pendulums really work! Many Japanese tell the sex of unborn babies by the use of a pendulum. They use a gold ring suspended on a piece of string or thread, and it is held above the stomach of the pregnant woman. The direction or type of movement indicates the sex of the child yet to be born. Incidentally, many Chinese and Japanese use a pendulum for sexing eggs!

A radio set uses electric current for reproducing sound which was broadcast from some distant station. Television sets use current also for reproducing a rough simulacrum of the picture transmitted from a distant station. So in the same way - if we are going to dowse (gå med ønskekvist) or use a pendulum or anything else, we have first of all to have a source of current, and the best source of current we can use is the human body. After all, our brains are really storage batteries, telephone exchanges, and all that sort of thing, but the main thing is, it is a source of electric current - sufficient for all our needs and sufficient to enable us to 'detect' impulses, and thereby cause a pendulum to twitch, swirl, gyrate (rotere), or oscillate, or all the other queer thing, which a pendulum does. So, to work a pendulum, we must have a human body, an alive human body at that. You cannot tie a pendulum to a hook and expect it to work, because there would be no source of current.

Nor would it be of much use if we could tie our pendulum to a hook and supply it with current because the current has to be in pulses varying according to the type of action desired. Just as in radio, we have high notes, low notes, loud notes, and soft notes, so with a pendulum we must have the necessary current variation to do 'the necessary'.

Who is going to vary the current? Well, the Overself, of course. That is the brightest citizen we have around us, you know. After all, you who read this are just one tenth conscious, so, knowing yourself, just think how brilliant you would be if you could call in the other nine tenths of consciousness. You can certainly enlist its aid, the aid of the subconscious. The subconscious is brilliant; it knows everything that you have ever known, can do everything that you could ever do, and can remember every single incident since long before you were born. So if you could touch your subconscious, you would get to know a very considerable amount of things, wouldn't you? You can touch your subconscious - with practice and with confidence.

The subconscious can also contact other subconscious minds. There are truthfully no limits to the powers of the subconscious mind and when the subconscious mind is allied to other subconscious minds, then indeed results may be achieved.

We cannot just ring up a telephone number and ask to speak to our subconscious, because we have to look upon that Mind as being something like a very absent - minded (åndsfraværende; distré) professor who is constantly sorting knowledge, storing knowledge, and acquiring knowledge. He is so busy that he can't bother with other people. If you pester (plager) him enough in the politest way, then he may answer your summons (ordre). So first of all you have to become familiar with your subconscious. You see, the whole thing is that the subconscious is the greater part of you, the much greater part of you, and I suggest that you give your subconscious a name. Call him or her whatever you like so long as it is a name agreeable to you. Supposing it is a male, then you could (purely as an illustration) use the name 'George'. Or if it is the subconscious of a female, then you could say 'Georgina'. But the whole point is that you must have some definite name, which you link inseparably with your subconscious. So when you want to get in touch with your subconscious, you could say for example, 'George, George, I want your help very much, I want you to work with me, I want you to - (here you specify what you want), and remember, George, that really we are all one and what you do for me you are also doing for yourself.' You need to repeat that slowly and carefully, and with very great thought. Repeat it three times!!

The first time - 'George' will probably shrug his mental shoulders and say, 'Oh that pestiferous fellow, bothering me again when I've got so much work to do,' and 'he' will turn back to his work. Next time you repeat it he will pay more attention -because he is being bothered, but still he won't take any action. But if you repeat it a third time, 'George' or 'Peter' or 'Dave' or 'Bill' or whoever it is - will get the idea that you are going to keep on until you get some action, so he will give a metaphorical (billedlig) sigh and help.

This is not fantasy, it's fact. I claim to know quite a lot about it, because for more years than I care to remember, I have done just this. My own subconscious is not called 'George', by the way, but a name which I do not reveal to anyone else, just as you should not reveal to anyone else the name of your subconscious. Never laugh or joke about it because this is deadly serious. You are only onetenth of a person, your subconscious is nine - tenths, so you have to show respect, you have to show affection, you have to show that you can be trusted because if you do not gain the co - operation of your subconscious then you won't do any of the things that I write about. But if you practise what you are reading, you can do the whole lot. So make friends with your subconscious. Give him or her a name, and be sure that you keep that name very, very private indeed.

You can talk to your subconscious. It is better if you talk slowly and repeat things. Imagine that you are telephoning someone on the other side of the world and the telephone line is a bit poor, you have to repeat yourself, you have quite a difficult time making yourself understood. Your listener at the other end of the telephone line is not an idiot for having difficulty in understanding your message, but general communications are bad, and if you overcome the difficulties of communications - you can then find that you have a very intelligent conversationalist, one who is far more intelligent than you are!

When you are using the pendulum (we will go into that in more detail in a moment or so) you have to keep your feet flat on the ground so that the balls of your feet are in contact with the floor, and then you have to say something like, 'Subconscious (or the name you have chosen), I want to know what. I 'must do to get success at such - and - such a thing. if you are going to make the pendulum work, will you make it swing backwards and forwards to indicate "yes", and from side to side to indicate "no" - just as a human does when he nods for "yes" and shakes his head for "no".' You have to get over a message like that about three times, you have to explain very slowly, very dearly, and very carefully indeed what you want your subconscious to do and what you expect of the test - because if you don't know what you want, then how can the subconscious give you any information? The subconscious won't know either. If you don't know what you want, you don't know when you've found it!

We started with dowsing, so let us deal first with what we call the dowsing pendulum. By the way, a little digression. Shall we refer to all subconsciousness as 'George' for the purpose of this instruction? It's such a chore typing out "subconscious" time after time, so we will just use the generic name of George - in the same way as pilots call their automatic pilot 'Mike'. So George it is for our collective subconscious.

The dowsing pendulum should be a ball possibly an inch or an inch and a quarter in diameter (25-30mm). If you can get a very good wooden pendulum so much the better, or you may be able to obtain a 'neutral metal' one. But for the moment any pendulum will do as long as it is about an inch or an inch and a quarter in diameter. You should get a piece of thread such as boot - makers use for stitching on soles. I believe it's called cobblers' thread. You will need about five feet of it. Tie one end to your pendulum which should have a little eyelet on the top for that purpose, and tie the other end to a rod or even to an empty cotton reel. Then wind all the thread on to the cotton reel so that when you hold the small cotton reel in the palm of your hand the thread holding the pendulum is between the finger and thumb of your right hand - your right hand if you write with that one, but if you use your left hand instead, then, of course, the pendulum will be in the left hand. But first we have to sensitize or tune our pendulum for the particular type of material we wish to locate. Supposing we are going to look for a gold mine; first of all you get a little piece of sticky (seig) tape, about an inch long is sufficient, and then you put just a very small piece of gold (scraped from inside a ring, for instance) on to the sticky tape and then just lightly push it on to the pendulum. Then your pendulum has a piece of gold which will sensitize it to that metal, and when I say 'scrape' - I mean that even if you get a grain (korn), that will be adequate.

It's in the first few sentences of the article you link.

>The name was coined during a 1927 symposium discussing Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift.[citation needed] In his book The Origin of Continents and Oceans (Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane), first published in 1915, he postulated that prior to breaking up and drifting to their present locations, all the continents had at one time formed a single supercontinent which he called the "Urkontinent".

When you have that, put your ring, or another piece of gold, between your feet as you stand up. Stand with this gold, such as a gold ring or a gold watch, between your feet and slowly unwind (spole ned) the thread so that your pendulum lowers to perhaps a foot and a half (45cm) from your fingers. At this point the pendulum should swing in a circular direction, that is, making a complete circle. If it does not do so, lower the thread a little or pull it up a little, the point being, you have to ascertain the length of thread at which the pendulum swings most freely for gold. When you have determined that - it may be eighteen or twenty or twenty - two inches or similar - you make a knot in the thread and you write down the exact length, such as 'Knot One - Gold', and then you pull off your gold specimen with the Sellotape and pick up your watch or ring, and put a silver artide on the floor; it may be a coin or a piece of silver you have pinched from somebody else, but it must be silver. You also put a very fine scraping of silver on another piece of Sellotape and put that on to your pendulum. Then you try again to find what is the correct length for silver. When you have done that you make another note such as 'Knot Two - Silver'. You can go on doing it for different metals, and not only different metals but different substances. If you make a proper table, then you should have great fun 'prospecting'. Generally you will find that in terms of length, the first thing to respond (at about twelve inches in length) is stonework. A bit longer thread, and you will get glass or chinaware. Longer still and you will get vegetable stuff. Go on increasing the length and you will get silver and lead, and then a bit further on you will find water. Longer still, you will find gold. Still longer, copper and brass. And the longest will be iron, and iron will be roughly just under thirty inches (76cm). So if you want to know what is beneath you, you just stand there and first of all think of whatever metal you are looking for. You adjust the length of your thread to the appropriate distance, and you very slowly walk forward.

Again- again - it is emphasized and re-mphasized that you must tell 'George' precisely what you are doing. You have to tell him that you want to prospect for gold, iron, silver, or whatever it is, and when he senses the radiations will he please swing the pendulum. At all times you must definitely keep thinking very strongly of that which you hope to find; other - wise, if you change over and think of something else, then you won't get it.

Apropos of this - let me say that if you are looking for antique porcelain, for instance, and you suddenly think of women, then you will get the reaction for gold because the length of thread for gold and for women is precisely the same, and if a woman thinks about men she will get the reaction as if there was a diamond under the ground! That, of course, means that you will be completely misled. It would never do if you got the reaction for a diamond so you grabbed a shovel and pick and dug, but found instead a dead man. It could happen!

Now, it is advisable to use a shorter - cord pendulum for everyday indoor use. After all, you don't want three, four, or five feet of thread getting tangled up every day. So when you are indoors use a separate pendulum. The pendulums which can be obtained commercially already have a thread or a chain attached to them, and frequently the chain is possibly six inches long, although the exact length varies, but that is of no moment.

Supose you want to find something - suppose you want to find out if a person is living in a certain area; then you sit down at a desk or, table, but it must be an ordinary desk or table with no drawers or anything beneath because if you have anything beneath in, for example, a drawer, then the pendulum will be influenced by whatever is in the drawer. You may have a kitchen knife in the drawer. You may have a gold ring or something like that, and the pendulum, no matter how hard you think, will be influenced by the 'wrong' subject. So - sit at a plain table and have within arm's reach some sheets of ordinary plain white paper. 'Then you tell your pendulum, or rather you tell 'George', exactly what you want. You say, for example, 'Look, George, I want to find if Maria Bugsbottom lives in this area. If she does, will you please nod by giving the pendulum a backwards and forwards movement, and if she does not will you please shake the pendulum from side to side.'

Then on the right - hand side of the table you have your piece of white paper, and on the top which is far away from you - you put 'Yes', and on the bottom which is close to you you put 'Yes'. On the far left side of the paper you put 'No' and on the far right side you put 'No', and in the centre you put a little X to show that is the spot over which you are going to hold the pendulum. The pendulum, by the way, should be held about two inches above that X.

Sit comfortably. It doesn't matter if you have your shoes on or your shoes off, but you must have your feet on the floor, not on the bars of a chair - have them flat on the floor so that the balls of your feet are in contact with the floor. Then you get a map of the area desired and spread it to your left so that you have a white sheet of paper to the right and your map on the left. First you gently take the, pendulum all over the area of the map, saying, 'Look, George, this' is the area of my map. Is Maria Bugsbottom anywhere within this area?'

Ok but when was his theory actually accepted?

The pendulum being taken over the map about two inches above the surface. When you have covered the whole area, you say, 'George - I am now going to start this investigation. Will you help me, George? Will you indicate "Yes" or "No" as the case may be?' Then (if you are right - handed) put your right elbow comfortably on the table and suspend your pendulum by its thread or chain, hold the thread or chain between your thumb and forefinger (the finger with which you point). See that the pendulum is about two inches above the X. Special note here - if you are left - handed everything will have to be reversed, but for the right - handed people in the majority - well, go by the instructions conveyed above.

Having got ready, and making sure that you are not likely to be disturbed, tell George that you are now ready to start work. Look at the map and put your left forefinger along the road on the map where you think Maria Bugsbottom may be living. Give an occasional glance at the pendulum. It may swing idly without any apparent sense, but if you get to where you believe your friend or enemy is living, then the pendulum will definitely indicate yea or nay.

It is a good idea to use a small - scale map first so that you can cover the biggest area, but when you get some sort of indication as if George was saying, 'Gee! This is a big area, I need to get closer than this,' then you get a large - scale map so that you can with practice locate any individual house.

After each test you definitely must replace your sheet of white paper by another, you can use it for writing on; write letters on it or anything else, but only one sheet of white paper to one reading because you have impregnated that sheet with the impressions of whatever you are trying to find out so that if you try to repeat a reading, then the second reading will be influenced by the first and - well, that's all there is to it.

But no, perhaps that's not all there is to it after all - because you've got to really frame your questions properly. George, you see, is a single - minded individual who can't take a joke and is extremely and exceptionally literal. So it's no good you saying, 'George, can you tell me if Maria Bugsbottom lives there?' If you ask a question like that the answer will be 'Yes', because George can tell you if Maria Bngsbottom lives there, he can. And that is what you are asking. You are asking with a question in that form if the pendulum can tell you. You are not asking if she is actually living there at the moment. So whatever question you ask must be framed in such a way that George is not in a state of confusion.

The biggest difficulty about the whole affair is framing the questions, so that they are fool proof, so that there are no double - meanings to them. In any question if you say, 'Can you tell me - ?', then the answer will be Yes or No to the question of 'Can you tell me?' The other part of the question, 'if Maria Bugsbottom lives there?' will be unanswered because the first question will have swamped George's interest. So until you are more practised at this how about writing out your questions first and looking at your words to see if there is any way at all in which the question can be regarded as ambiguous or as having a double - meaning or is unclear. Let me repeat in big, bold, black capitals - YOU MUST BE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE ASKING BEFORE YOU CAN POSE THE QUESTION.

Of course, when you have some practice it's quite easy to trace missing people. You have to have a small - scale and a large - scale map of the area in which the person is supposed to be missing. Then you have to be able to form some sort of mental picture of the person who is missing. Is it a big boy or a small girl? Is he or she ginger(rødbrun), blonde, or black - haired? What do you know about the person? You have to brief yourself as fully as possible, because, again, unless you know what you are seeking, then you don't know when you've found it.

It may happen at times when, for example, you are confined to bed, that you cannot stick your feet plunk on the ground. That is my trouble, so I have a metal wand (stang) about two and a half feet long, and I hold that in my left hand just like an antennae system to a portable radio, in fact that's what it is; it is an antenna rod from a portable radio. I pick up the wave from that in precisely the same manner as a more mobile person would with two flat feet.

When I am picking up impressions from a map or a letter, then I use a little propelling pencil, a metal one, and I touch the letter or the map and then the old pendulum starts to wobble and gives me an answer.

All this evidence, both from the ocean floor and from the continental margins, made it clear around 1965 that continental drift was feasible and the theory of plate tectonics, which was defined in a series of papers between 1965 and 1967, was born, with all its extraordinary explanatory and predictive power.

It was generally accepted by the time of publication in 1969.

Never, never, never let anyone else touch your pendulum. It's got to be saturated with your own impressions. You should have several pendulums, one of wood, one of neutral metal, that is something like type - metal, and - well, you may want a glass one or you may want a plastic one, you may even have one which is hollow so you can put a specimen inside instead of sticking it up with Sellotape. But you will find one pendulum is more responsive than all the others for personal things, and you can make it even more responsive by carrying it on your person, getting saturated (mettet) with your own impressions. If you do that and never let another person use it or even touch it, then you will find you have something as potent and as useful as radar is to aircraft on a foggy night.

The pendulum cannot be wrong. George cannot be wrong. You can. You can go wrong with the form your questions take and your interpretations of the answers. Now, with computers one has to use a special language, otherwise the computer can not make sense of what one is trying to get at, so pretend that your pendulum is a computer and frame your questions in such a dear one - way form that no possibility of error can occur because the pendulum can only indicate Yes or No. It can indicate uncertainty by doing a figure of eight. It can also indicate what sex a thing or a person is because most times for a man it can rotate in a right hand circle, clockwise that is, but for a woman it will rotate in a left - hand, anti - clockwise, circle. But if the man is very feminine then the poor old pendulum may go the wrong way, but it's not actually the wrong way, it is just indicating that the man isn't - he's more female and just has the necessary attachments, as one would say in the best circles, which would enable him to pass physiologically as a male specimen. All his thoughts may be female, so in that way the pendulum is far better as a judge than the best doctors!

Oh yes, I must be sure to tell you this; make sure your hands are clean before using the pendulum, otherwise, if, for instance, you have been gardening or stubbing out a cigarette butt in some poor plant's plant pot home, then you will get a reading for the soil content of the pores of your fingers. So be sure that your fingers and hands are clean. Be sure that your table is clean. It's no good, for instance, turning around and finding that a big fat cat is sitting on a sheet of white paper, and if it is then you have to use a different sheet of white paper!

With a pendulum and practice you can know how to dowse for minerals from a map. You go along looking for gold if you like, by having a little particle of gold attached to the pendulum. Then you let your finger go along the map to the location where you think there may be gold, and you think strongly of gold to the exclusion of all else. Or, if you are looking for silver, think strongly of silver to the exclusion of all else. All these things are very, very simple; until you get used to them you will be sure they are utterly impossible - they are not for you. But they are. It is only practice that makes a pilot able to take off in his aircraft and bring it down in one piece. It is only practice and faith in yourself, that will enable you to go to your table, produce a map and a pendulum, and say, ' There - there is water, floods of it,' and then go to the actual site and find upon digging that the water is at a certain depth.

You can get a good idea of the depth of a thing by the strength of the oscillation or movement of the pendulum. This is not a book on pendulums or dowsing, but practice will soon teach you how to shorten or lengthen the chain or string, and how to gauge depth. But remember again that you must very definitely and strongly concentrate on that which you want to find or know.

You can also find out a lot about a person by using a pendulum over the signature on the letter. It is quite a useful exercise. But, remember, you must be sure of what you want to know, you must be sure of what you are asking, because if you are asking a thing in two parts, then George is sure to answer the wrong one! And be very certain that you tell your subconscious - George or whatever you call him or her - precisely what you are trying to find out and what you expect the pendulum to do to indicate the information you desire.

Since writing the above I have 'tried it on the dog' because it seemed clear enough to me, but then I know it all, so I got someone who did not know it all to read it and now am going to give some supplementary information.

'Well, how does one hold this pendulum?'

One rests one's elbow on the table, as already stated, and it should be the right elbow for a right - handed person and the left elbow for a left - handed person. Then you bend your arm so that your hand is at such a height from the table that your pendulum, which is suspended at the end of its chain, rests about two inches (5cm) above the surface of the table. You actually hold the chain, string, cord, or whatever it is between your thumb and forefinger, and if you want to shorten the chain an inch or so in order to get a better swing - well, do so. Always adjust the length of the chain or thread between your finger and thumb so as to get the best swing or indication. Now, that should be clear enough - you just hold your forearm at such an angle that you are comfortable. You must be comfortable or you will not be able to do pendulum work. Similarly, if you have just had a heavy meal you will not be able to do pendulum work, or if you have something bothering you greatly unconnected with this pendulum, it will distract your attention. You must be in a fairly quiet state of mind, and you must be willing to work with the subconscious.

"Someone here is interested in pendulums… oh, it's our friend Shelagh McMorran. She writes, "would it be possible or likely for an elemental or somesuch to control the responses of a pendulum?"

Yes, its quite possible for mischievous entities to do almost anything, they could easily control the pendulum, for instance. In case you wonder how this can be, let me say that a man is driving a school bus; now, he's got a rowdy lot of school kids with him and after a time they might whisper together and gang up on the driver. Then one schoolboy, more foolish or more adventurous than others, would take hold of the steering wheel and try to control it in spite of the driver's efforts. It might even be that some of the other boys would even pull the driver's hands from the wheel. Kids nowadays will do just about everything so why shouldn't they do that? But that is a similar state to when a mischievous (skøyeraktig) entity takes over control of the pendulum. The user of the pendulum for some reason has lost control, or never had it, and that is why I always stress that you should make the pendulum yours and no one else's, because if YOU control the pendulum no other entity can possibly do so - so it all depends on how much control you have.

So we should be very clear of "the dangers" by trusting pendulums alone!!

Hmmmm ok then.

Back to the book Candlelight:

The Overself and the subconscious

Now, I am also told, 'You've got me all confused; you say the Overself is going to vary the current - well, what is the connection between the Overself and the subconscious?'

Let us try to get this clear for ever and a day or a bit longer; there is you who is just one - tenth conscious. You are bottom man on the ladder, or you might even be bottom woman on the ladder. Above you - you have your subconscious, and your subconscious is like the operator who controls the switchboard, etc., which is your brain. The subconscious is in touch with you through your brain - through your joint brain would perhaps be a better term - and the subconscious is also in touch with your Overself. So it's like you, the ordinary poor worker, who cannot get a word with the manager, you have to go through the shop steward or the foreman first.

So you sort of hang around, try to make yourself obtrusive (iøynefallende) in the hope that the shop steward or the one above you will notice you, and wondering why the (you - know - what!) you are not at work will come and see what it's all about. Then you have to get your point of view over to the shop steward (tillitsmann) or foreman, and persuade him to take up your case with the manager or whoever is above him. This is similar to conditions with the Overself and you. Before you can get through to your Overself -you have to enlist the aid of your subconscious, and once you can convince your subconscious that it's really necessary for your joint good (fellesgode), then the subconscious will contact the Overself and the pendulum will be varied according to the indications which you are 'perceiving'.

Incidentally, if you can get through to your Overself by way of the subconscious you can cure a lot of illnesses which you may have. The Overself is like the president of a company and he doesn't always know what minor ailments affect the lower departments. He knows it in times when conditions are very, very serious, but often he is in complete ignorance of some grievance, which the lower order of workers have. But if you can get your shop steward (tillitsmann) to take up the matter with the Over - self, or president, or general manager, then a grievance can be settled before it becomes serious. So if you have a persistent (vedvarende) ache here, there, or somewhere else, then keep on at George or Georgina, say clearly what the trouble is, what is this pain, what does it feel like, why do you have it, and will the subconscious please see that you are cured. The Overself is the unapproachable. The subconscious is the link between you, the one-tenth conscious, and the Overself which is all conscious.

Oh sure, of course the pendulum can help you pick the winner of a race if you phrase (formulerer) your question sensibly, but look at this. "Can you tell me who will win the two-thirty race?" Now what sort of a question is that? Look at it seriously and you will see that you are asking your subconscious to tell you this; can you, subconscious, tell me who will win the race? The answer, of course, would be 'Yes', and if you get a yes in answer to your question, you would think you were being fooled, wouldn't you? You can't do it that way at all.

Read back a bit to where I tell you how to locate things on a map. Now, in this case if you want to know who is going to win a certain race, you will have to get a list of horses, the horses who are going to run in that specific race, and you will have to think definitely, 'Will this horse win?' And you will have to bring the pencil in your left hand slowly down to each name in turn, leaving it there about thirty seconds and thinking about that horse for about thirty seconds, asking if this horse will win the race. If the answer is 'No', then go on to the next horse until you've got to the one that is going to win. You can do it with practice. It's not very moral, you know, because betting and gambling are bad things, but anyway that is your own responsibility. I am just trying to make absolutely clear to you that you won't get any satisfactory result unless you quite definitely phrase your question in such a manner that there is only one question involved, a question which can be answered by a plain 'Yes' or a plain 'No'. I suggest you read that bit again because otherwise you are going to be really cross (gretten) when you get a mixed up answer which really will be a mixed up questioner.

The last question here is, 'Yes, but where do I buy these pendulums?'

Actually they are fairly difficult to obtain because so many quick - money operators are out to make a fast buck and they are selling absolute junk, little things like key chain ornaments which they swear is a pendulum with your birthstone attached or something. But that is utterly useless. I am going to persuade Mr. Sowter to stock really reputable pendulums of a special type. There will be wooden ones and there will be neutral metal ones, and the metal ones will also have a recess or opening so one can place a specimen inside (such as a piece of hair picked up from a missing person's hairbrush or some - thing like that). In that way the missing person can be missing no longer. Mr. Sowter of Touchstones of England will also be able to supply you with books. I 'will give you his address later, at the end of this chapter. But I do repeat again that it is utterly useless to buy a cheap little junk affair, which is just a gimmick to get money out of your reluctant pocket. If you want a thing you have to pay for it, and a worthwhile pendulum will cost anything from $15 to $30, let's say in English terms from five to ten pounds (in 1973). But you would pay that willingly for a small transistor radio, and a good pendulum is by far more useful to you than the aforementioned transistor radio. With a pendulum you can find a fortune - if you read this chapter properly and if you do really seriously practise.

Practice is the key to everything. You cannot be a great pianist unless you practise. The more important the pianist the more he or she practises - hours a day of those silly scales going 'bonk, bonk, bonk'. It is the same with a pendulum; you have to practise and practise and practise, so you can do it by instinct, and you can practise with people's letters, with metals and all the rest of it, and that's the way you will make a success - practice.

Oh yes! There is one other little point which I should mention. I will mention it but, naturally, I would expect that the ordinary rules of politeness would apply; it is very, very important indeed that after you have used your pendulum you clasp (omfavner) it in your two hands to your forehead and then you solemnly thank George or Georgina for assisting you in this reading. 'Thank you' three times, do not forget that - because if you do not thank 'him' or 'her' according to the elementary rules of politeness, you may not get a response in two or three times hence, and - remember, your thanks must be repeated thrice just as your requests have been.

I am informed that there is some slight ambiguity in one part of this chapter (probably the whole thing is ambiguous (twetydig) but let's not dig up that problem). I am told that I do not make it clear how some poor wretch should stand when he or she is tuning the pendulum with a lump of gold or a crummy bit of silver between the feet. Okay, here it is again - you get your gold, silver, tin, lead, or copper and you put it on the ground between your feet. Then you stand upright with your spine straight and your left arm down by your side. Then you elevate your right hand so that your forearm is parallel to the ground and you see if that is a convenient method of doing it - because if you brace your right elbow against your side, you will not get undesired wobbles or squiggles in your pendulum but only what 'George' dictates. But the main thing, of course, is - hold your arm at any distance convenient for you and convenient for the pendulum. And that's all there is to it!

"we are here to learn"

Also most of this Rampa-book was about answering questions - and a lot was from some religious people - having their own picture of the spiritual things. Here he answers a question on the theme "forever returing to God after this life":

"….You don't return to God at the end of this life on Earth just as a small child returns to Daddy or Mummy. It is not like that at all. There are many, many things to be learned. There are billions, trillions of years to live in different stages, and I must tell you in this connection that I had a most offensive letter from two people in Australia. (in connection with the timeaspect on the development of the consciousness - the pleiadian contact person Semjase and Ptaah - told that the primitive man had to go thorugh a development of at least earth-years, before reaching the level of spiritual perfection. This should require a lot of incarnations - as the average time between two incarnations now are ap. 170 years - after what they told.

But so back to Rampa and the letter from Australia: A man and a woman claimed that they were 'in touch with the Gardeners of the Earth', and the Gardeners of the Earth were such wonderfully good people, and all I write in 'The Hermit' must obviously be imagination because the Gardeners of the Earth would never do anything to harm a human. My goodness me! These people in Australia - they must have a hole in their head or something! Humanity is not the highest form of creation, it is just another specimen the same as an ant (maur) is a specimen, the same as a tapeworm (bendelorm) is a specimen. A tapeworm is learning one thing, a human is learning another, or rather - correction - they should be learning, which is a different matter altogether.

But again, let me state definitely that we are here to learn - certain things and to do certain things, and life goes on and on in cycles. I prefer to regard it as the swing of the pendulum; we have a pendulum swinging, now it is at the top of its stroke and we are at a Golden Age where everything is wonderful, everything is peaceful - but where nobody learns. And then the pendulum falls and things become worse and worse, lower and lower. When we reach the lowest point of the pendulum swing there are wars and rumours of wars, murders, everything, the whole crime calendar rolled into one. But after that the heedless pendulum continues upwards and so we get a Golden Age again wherein no one learns for it is a fact, a sad fact but still a fact, that people only learn by hardship and by suffering, and when a person has all that he wants he sits back and enjoys comfort and does not do anything to try to help others or even himself.


Another person writes to ask: 'Can we ever meet our individual opposites?' By that, presumably, is meant the twinsoul, and if that should be so then the answer is no, you do not meet your twinsoul on this world, because if you did you would be complete and thus could not stay here. You can only stay here if you have an 'anchor', which moors you here, some defect; or some artificially induced fault, which enables one to stay here.

People who come from beyond the spheres are like divers, they have to wear the equivaient of a lead belt, lead boots, etc., in order to keep submerged in this dreary (triste) world. So if a person met his or her twinsoul there would be the nearest approach there can be to perfection, and you cannot have perfection in a world such as this. So you will have to wait for your twinsoul until you leave this world.

every person must stand alone

Now another person says: 'You emphatically declare that each one of us finds God alone through individual effort, and that we should not depend upon others for assistance. Do you mean that the ultimate responsibility for use of one's' freewill in committing oneself to God - rests squarely upon each individual's shoulders. No matter what kind or unkind things have been done to us by others - one consciously chooses the direction of his vision. Of course truth and justice or deceit and injustice can affect the course of our lives, either way towards - or away from the light, but isn't the application of the Golden Rule vitally important for each of us to practise, thereby helping others?'

I say quite definitely that every person must stand alone. It is silly to join cults, gangs, associations, institutes, etc., etc., and to expect 'salvation' thereby, because you won't find salvation in these money - making cults which are merely out to get your money! Look at it like this; a person dies - leaves this Earth for the astral realms - and that person is going to go to the Hall of Memories and answer to himself or herself for things which have been done or have not been done. There is no one else there except the newly arrived soul or entity or whatever you like to call it and the connection with the Overself. Now, I tell you quite definitely - quite, quite definitely - you answer alone. You won't get the secretary or chief tutor of the Hot Dog Society, or whatever you like to call all these cult things, to come and answer for you. You won't find the President of the Rednose Association coming and saying, 'Oh yes, Overself, you don't know anything; I told this person to do such a thing because the rules of our Association say that that is so, so he should take your place.'

You have to stand alone, then, naked and probably ashamed with it. And if you toss out all thoughts of these associations and cults on this Earth, then you will be in training to answer alone when you reach the Other Side. (Again - todays big number of near-death-experiences - seem so clear to confirm the statements that Rampa here did - many years before those "storys" came forth. R.Ø. remark.)

Of course, if you are going to answer to your Overself then you need to have some good answers, and the best way is to obey the Golden Rule which is, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This person who writes this question seems to be wriggling and writhing and doing anything to evade (unnvike) the simple truth, the truth which is - you have to learn to stand on your own two feet, no matter whether they are flat or not. You have to stand on them, you have to be responsible for yourself, and if you help others by adherence (overholdelse) to and obedience of the Golden Rule, then you will have much good in your astral bank account.

Let me again state that God is not standing there with a whacking great cane, and the devil is not standing there with branding irons either. God is a positive force, the devil is a negative force, they are not people who praise or torture. While down here on this Earth you cannot understand things which happen in many more dimensions. In the same way a sea slug sitting on a bit of slime in the bottom of the ocean could not possibly understand what people on the Moon are experiencing, it could not even understand what people in high - rise buildings are thinking or doing, nor could it understand the commotion which is caused when people turn their television sets full on. All that would be completely beyond the comprehension of people here in the third dimension to try to understand what people in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twentieth dimension are doing. So everything is relative. We might understand more or less what other people on Earth are doing, we might have a greater feeling that they are doing right or they are doing wrong, but how could we possibly attempt to understand what twentieth - dimension people are doing? You cannot comprehend the concepts of another dimension unless you have had some experience of that dimension.

Actually you can get an idea, a rough idea, from thinking that everything is vibration. One end we call 'feel', a bit further we say 'sound', higher up still it is 'sight'. Everything is vibration, on any planet, on any system, or any universe, so that gives us some faint illustration of other dimensions. It is rare indeed for a person to feel a sound or see a sound, yet they are all vibrations, all part of the same scale. There are entities who can see sound, there are animals who can hear different sounds, those which are beyond human range. Dogs, for instance, will respond to a whistle which is completely silent to humans. Cats see colours on a different spectrum; cats, for example, see red as silver. But to give another slight illustration which might help, try to work out this for yourself:

We have a person who was born blind. Now, you have the task of explaining to that person who was born blind the difference between red and pink, or between yellow and orange. How are you going to do that? You can't. There is no way in which you can explain to a blind person the difference between yellow and orange, or amber and brown. You could possibly explain the difference between red and green if the person was extremely sensitive and could feel the difference. But you work that out - you want to know what other dimensions are like, so cut off a dimension that you know, cut off sight. Then how are you going to explain to a person who has never known sight the difference between pink and red?

Supposing you have a person who is completely deaf; how are you going to' get that person to appreciate the difference between two fairly similar musical notes? Not so easy, eh? So unless you can give me answers to my questions I cannot tell you of the experiences of the ninth dimension.

>Cats see colours on a different spectrum; cats, for example, see red as silver.

Is this true?

right or wrong

Here is a question which will make your hair stand on end, so ladies, put on your bath hats; gentlemen, if you are bald, your hair will be standing up on your bald skulls! Here is the question: 'According to the Zen philosophers there really is no right or wrong thereby eliminating the need for judgment.'

Can you answer that? Well, I see the point behind it, and the answer is this: on the Greater scale of things 'right' and 'wrong' are completely different from what they are on Earth. Here there are certain rules or laws which have to be obeyed for what is commonly thought of as the common good. For example, it is not right to steal, so a man, in theory at least, should starve to death rather than steal money to buy food.

If a man is smoking and for some reason he puts his still alight pipe in his trousers pocket and sets his trousers on fire, then in theory he shouldn't pull them off - because then he would be naked and he would offend public decency, and he could in fact be charged with 'indecent exposure'. So, according to law, a man should be definitely hotted up in all the best places rather than expose himself to the lewd gaze when his trousers were on fire. Which do you consider right?

While on the subject of indecencies, in some places the lady must keep her face covered from the gaze of all mankind. She can leave the lower part of her body quite uncovered and still be decent. Yet in other parts of the world she can have her face bare but the lower part of her body must be covered, otherwise she is very much in disgrace. So what is right, in one part of the world is wrong in another. Right and wrong are man - made precepts, and these have no basis of stability beyond the Earth. At the same time, if one is judging oneself in the Hall of Memories - one has had to go according to the rules in force during One's lifetime. It would not matter in the least if you had transgressed (overtrått) against the purely artificial laws, for instance, if you had removed your clothes in public - that would not be an offence in the Greater Reality of the astral world. Anyway, Christians believe that Man is made in the image of God and yet they make an awful hullabaloo if a person appears naked, but why? Are they saying that God is indecent (uanstendig)? But anyway, that is just a personal thought of mine.

What does matter in One's 'judgment' is that you have to answer - - Have you harmed another person? Have you helped another person? As examples of this, a person had a job, which you coveted (begjærte). You very much wanted that job, you could see yourself exactly fitting into that Position, and so you made a little plot against the incumbent of that Position so that he was discharged from his employment and you took it in his place. Now that, of course, is a sin, because that is going against a law of the Universe, which is 'Do no harm unto others'. But if you told a little white lie in order to help a person get a job which he really could do, then that lie would not be an offence, it would be good!

I really can't agree with something like this.

basic truths, basic rules

Far away, above all the trumpery laws and regulations of mankind, there are basic truths, basic rules which we transgress only at our peril. The laws of Man on Earth are not made for the individual but for the majority, and so that the best interests of a majority can be served often a law will appear to inflict hardship upon the individual. Never mind, that is one of the things we have to put up with if we are crazy enough to live in communities because liberty is a relative term. If we were free to do anything at all, then we could go into anyone's house, take anything we wanted, do anything we wanted, and then we would be entirely 'free'. Actually, that would not be to the benefit of the community as a whole and so there are laws to protect the majority against the minority, and we break those laws at our peril, peril on Earth, that is; most of them don't matter the slightest beyond this Earth. What does it matter, for instance, if a person buys a packet of cigarettes in England after eight o'clock in the evening? What does it matter if, in Canada, a person buys a newspaper on a Sunday? All these are childish stupid things, but somebody had an idea somewhere even if nobody knows what the sense of the said law now is!

All life is a school

Here is another question: I understand that entities of the fourth and other dimensions are all very busily occupied in helping souls in this, the third dimension, and they stay exclusively helping us upon this world. What do they get out of it?'

No, of course that is not true! Let us consider life, all life, as a school - - of course somebody will write to me and say, 'Oh, you are repeating yourself, you've told us all this before. But obviously I couldn't have told it very clearly or people wouldn't still be asking me about it, so you people who want to write and complain, just be quiet for a bit, will you?

All life is a school, then. Different classes, different grades. We on this Earth happen to be in Grade Three (third dimension). People in the fourth dimension are in Grade Four. People in the fifth dimension are in Grade Five. Now tell me seriously, thinking back to your own school days, can you truthfully say that the students in Grade Five at your school were very interested in staying on and helping the students in Grade Three? More likely the Grade Five, students thought the Grade Three students were crummy little punks who were beneath even a contemptuous notice. That is so, isn't it? So let me tell you this: there are certain people who are teachers who are unfortunate enough to be persuaded to 'volunteer' to come to Grade Three to teach the crummy little punks in this class, and when they get down to Grade Three they find that the students are not at all anxious to learn (were you anxious to learn when you were at school?), so the teacher gets all sorts of nasty things said about him and eventually he gets really fed up with the whole procedure, and he says to the Headmaster, 'Well Boss, I can't stick all these punks, I have to go to a different class or I shall go, even crazier. Where can you move me?'

So take it from me, the teachers on the Earth - teachers from other dimensions - are trying hard to do something to help the people in Grade Three, help the people in the third dimension. And if the people in the third dimension would be a bit more appreciative (takknemlige) - they would get on much faster because there comes a time when even the best of teachers get sick and tired of continual persecution (forfølgelse) and wants to move on.

God - the manu - and the overself

Now I have been taken to task, not for the first time and not for the last, but I have had a comment: 'Oh, but you can't leave it like that!! People will not at all understand what you mean by 'God'. In some places you say that God is a concept and in other places you say that God is a person. How are you going to account for that?'

Oh dear, oh dear, troubles never come singly, do they? Well, there are Gods and Gods. The average person prays to his or her 'God'. Actually the prayers are going on the first - class route to the Overself, but if you want to get a bit higher up then you can pray to the Manu of the planet. Or, if you have 'connections' up there, you can pray to the Manu of this whole Universe. As I have tried to make clear in my books (apparently without any success!) the God - system is very much like a multiple store or a chain of stores where you have each branch manager as 'God' to his cohorts or hirelings. But all the departmental managers or branch managers look upon the President or Chairman of the Company as 'God'. So let's try to get this clear; one can pray to, a person whom one regards as 'God'. He may be the Overself, he may be a Manu, or he may be a Chief Manu, or he may even be the God of the Universe. But he is not the 'top God' by any means. The 'top God' is something completely different, something which one can only regard as a concept at the present time because, as I have already been telling you, you cannot discuss, nine or ten or twenty dimensional things in three - dimensional concepts. So go on regarding your God as a person or entity, but keeping clear in your mind that there is something very, very much higher than all this.


Answering a question on fear - what's the cause of fear?

"…lets go back to art - if we see something beautiful - we appreciate it, we like it, we get pleasure from it. But if we see something terrible - what shall I say? A picture of devilish tortures? - whatever it may be, if it is a terrible, beastly, horrible thing it depresses our vibrations and we get to thinking, 'Oh, suppose that should happen to me!' Then immediately it sets up a chain reaction in our vibrationary make - up and the unpleasant vibration, which we call fear - feeds upon itself and produces more fear.

You get the same thing sometimes when people pass a graveyard at midnight and something stirs. The hair on the back of their necks sticks up and there is a great temptation to start off at a run because the imagination lowers the vibrations so that one is susceptible to impressions from the lower astral of disembodied spirits, bodies in coffins and all the rest of it, and we think that such things could happen to us, we think that a ghost is going to come out and bite us behind, or some - thing. Well, we think about that and we fail to be rational about it, and so the fear grows and grows. In other words, the vibrations become lower and lower and we become gloomier and gloomier.

Fear is nothing but uncontrolled imagination. If you want to overcome fear just be certain that nothing is going to hurt you. Nothing can hurt you!! Tell yourself that you are an immortal soul and although it is possible for someone to temporarily damage your clothes or your body - that will not hurt the essential you. The less you fear fear - the less you will have fear, so that in the end you can discipline yourself so much that fear does not exist, cannot exist in your make - up. Then you will know contentment and satisfaction, then you will walk with your head up and your shoulders back (unless you live in a wheelchair!).

I don't fear anything at all. I struggle to produce fear.

Drugs and out-of-the-body experiences

Now, listen to this - 'You have described how drugs can do great harm to one's spirituality. Can such damage be repaired within a lifetime? You say, also, that one should never take drugs, but surely you will agree that many people have secured out-of-the-body experiences by the use of drugs, have secured spiritual enlightenment through the use of drugs. I believe you are wrong when you say that drugs are harmful. What do you say about that?'

Yes, ma'am, I do say that drugs are wrong. Drugs are the work of the devil himself because if you take drugs, then you are altering your vibrations artificially and are making it almost impossible (I said 'almost') to develop spiritually without the aid of such props.

Drugs are terrible things indeed and they definitely stain your astral body and impair your physical body.

Do you believe that athletes should be given drugs to make them run faster or jump higher? Do you believe that people should take Benzedrine tablets to keep them going longer? If you do - you should read some of the police reports. For an illustration I will tell you about long - distance truck drivers; these men drive vast distances every day and, naturally, they get tired. So many of them have been in the habit of taking drugs or, as they term them, 'goof - balls', and police records and insurance statistics quite irrefutably prove that the use of these drugs causes accidents, death, and mental impairment. Now if drug firms could do so with safety they would sell all manner of drugs, they are in the business to make money, but it is stupid to go on sernng stuff like - LSD, goof - balls, and the like, and then find that they are injuring the health of so many people. I say that drugs should be quite definitely banned.

But those who have taken drugs, what hope have they? They have every hope provided they most rigidly abstain from taking drugs any more, provided they eat sensibly and drink sensibly, and provided they do not go in for too many forms of abuse - self - abuse, that is. No one is 'beyond the pale'. Everyone can be helped if they want to be helped. So if any of you who are drug addicts really want to 'kick the habit', then you can 'kick the habit' and by the time you get to the Other Side, you will find that your astral form has recovered from the psychic shock of your physical drug addiction.

I do want to say something here about suicide because of late I have been shocked at the number of people who have written to me saying that they have been on drugs and they see no way out except td commit suicide. Well, my goodness me! Suicide is very very wrong indeed. You harm yourself, and you have to come back to much worse conditions if you commit suicide. If you have difficulties which make you think about suicide, then talk over the matter with a priest, or even with the Salvation Army, or look in the telephone directory and find some Association or Society connected with Welfare with whom you can discuss your problems. So let me emphasize as I have emphasized so often in the past - never contemplate suicide. Never commit suicide. You are hurting yourself if you do. If you commit suicide, well, you have abandoned help. If you stay alive there is always some way out of your problem. Suicide is not a way out because - I repeat - you come back to harder conditions.

I love his position on drugs. I don't understand his position on suicide still though.

Every person goes through every sign of the Zodiac

Now another question: 'How is it that some people come to one sign of the Zodiac and some to another sign? if we come as a Taurus person how can we appreciate the problems of a Cancer person or a Leo person or a Scorpio person, or something else? I don't understand this problem about how we come under different signs of the Zodiac. Will you tell us?'.

Yes, I can tell you. Every person goes through every sign of the Zodiac, and there are twelve signs. And every person has to live through each quadrant of the Zodiac. So you can be just entering the sign of Libra in one life, then in another life (not necessarily the next) you can be right midway in the sign of Libra, and in yet another life you can be just leaving the sign of Libra, or, of course, all the other signs of the Zodiac. So you have to live through every sign and every part of the sign - so that you get full experience of each of the signs.

>Lobsang Rampa was a supporter of the Tibetan cause despite criticism of his books. In 1972, Rampa's French language agent Alain Stanké wrote to the Dalai Lama and asked for his opinion about Rampa's identity. He received a reply from the Dalai Lama's deputy secretary stating "I wish to inform you that we do not place credence in the books written by the so-called Dr. T. Lobsang Rampa. His works are highly imaginative and fictional in nature." The Dalai Lama had previously admitted that although the books were fictitious, they had created good publicity for Tibet.


^ note actually reading this source gives a quite different impression from the bits quoted on wikipedia

Shitttt after reading that I seriously am considering dropping read this material now.

Should I persevere with reading through this or start just skimming through it all now and then look to better sources of information?

the darkest hour before the dawn

Question: 'Tell us about the future. Are we in the West all going to be "in for it", or will things suddenly brighten for us? Tell us, will you? I've just bought a place up in the Rockies in Washington State, I am having a house built there, and I am hoping to be free of all troubles. Will I be?'

Well, we have to remember that everything comes in cycles. Imagine that you are watching a great big pendulum. The pendulum is at the top of its stroke. Let us say you are facing this pendulum and it is up at the top of its stroke on the right - hand side. Then you release it, and it moves down and eventually it reaches its lowest point, and then it rises to go up to its highest point. Then it reverses and comes down to the lowest point, and up again. Life - existence - is like that. You get a Golden Age and then people are too self - satisfied so things get worse and worse, things get lower and lower just like the pendulum on its downward swing. And then, when it is nearly at the bottom of its swing, you get the negation of all liberties, you get Communism when people get horribly sick of being dictated to. After that they strive again for freedom and so, just as the pendulum moved to the upward stroke, people strive for more spirituality and they work hard at it, they put aside their petty bickering, they put aside their fighting, conditions improve. Eventually (omsider) life becomes quite pleasant, then it becomes exceedingly good, better and better. And so we come again to a Golden Age, an Age in which people get complacent, too self - satisfied, too content. So they sit back, they've got everything, there is nothing more to work for. And then the pendulum starts on its downward swing again, and so people find hardship coming, they find Communism comes again, and so we get the same thing cycle after cycle.

Now upon this Earth we are having a hard time. The pendulum is still going down, and it has to go down still further before it can go higher, but cheer up - the Communism the world will know - will not be so severe as that which initiated that evil cult or policy into this world, because each time conditions get a little better. So - we are approaching the darkest hour before the dawn, but after the darkest hour shafts of light will shine across the sky, the gloom will end, the day will dawn, and again we shall come to the Golden Age. But at the end of the day the night will fall again, to be followed by gloom and darkness until again dawn will burst upon the world and life will become brighter and brighter until, with increasing complacency and self - satisfaction, conditions will deteriorate. And so until the end of Time the Earth and all worlds have these cycles of good and bad, and good and bad. So be of good cheer because no one is ever alone or deserted. There is always hope, so keep that in mind. You can be as good as you want to be. You can be helped at any time if you really want to be.


I have just read this entire article in full. Lobsang Rampa says this man was legitimate. After reading all of the evidence, I am of the opinion that he must have mixed tricks with actual magic, if he did any real magic at all. If so – that was quite a blunder on his part and he should have not mixed up illusion with reality.

The parts which seem most genuine to me btw are some things involving the levitation of objects, POSSIBLY the lifting up of those tables, and most of all the visions he apparently received. The stuff that seems like tricks is the accordion stuff and other things of a more theatrical nature.

I have been skipping over parts at present but I am reading again and fuck me there is too much stuff of value in here. I find this information too useful, too informative, to just give it up even if a lot of it is dubious and perhaps he hasn't been right about everything.

I am reading this.
A lot of parts do seem theatrical. I'm not sure what to think of it.


This is an extract from Stanké’s book, where he interviewed Sarah Rampa. It is translated from French.

"As far as I know there is only one way to evaluate the declarations of my husband. It consists of reading all his books from the beginning to end. That’s where the truth is. I am a registered Nurse and as such have a lot of experience concerning the observations of people, their attitudes, reactions or changes. Therefore I declare that everything Rampa has said is true, as far as I know. One of the most unpleasant things is the fierce hatred felt by some of the press. Yet those who react so harshly have declared publicly that they had read none of the books. Didn’t a critic recently assert he had read one or two pages but did not want to continue reading it?

Surprisingly, he began a fierce attack against a book he hadn’t read! How, under those conditions can you ’reveal’ anything to one whose mind is so closed? When a person doesn’t want to believe, no proof in the world, or beyond this world would convince him. The belief has to come from the person himself. One thing is clear, several persons have without respite attempted to get rid of Lobsang Rampa and to prevent him from writing. They haven’t succeeded and they never will. As far as I know, Lobsang Rampa never was a plumber, and he is not today either…

When ’The Third Eye’ was published I made a declaration to the press. It was completely distorted. The press twisted my words and succeeded in making me claim that Rampa was an impostor. It is false, I have never thought nor claimed that he was an impostor. On the contrary, I assert, as I’ve always said that his books are true…

I am my husband’s wife, and when a woman is married to a man, she understands him, his moods, his peculiarities. If, suddenly, everything changes in him, if it becomes evident to the woman that she lives with another man, a really different man, we have to accept the reality of the way it is. It can’t be proved. I was in this situation. I saw a change occurring, I observed how the transmigration happened. However, I continued to live with him. But everything is different. We live rather like brother and sister, both making the best of the difficult situation we are in. But as I’ve witnessed all theses things, as I’ve experienced it, there remains no doubt it is the truth…

Lobsang Rampa knows the truth. He knows what he believes in and he is the person he claims to be. When the changeover occurred we had a very beautiful tabby cat with a silver coat and his attitude was surprising. Our tabby cat had extraordinary reactions towards the one I could call the New One.

He showed an unusual respect towards him and anyone who saw him would have been most impressed by the wisdom of one of these ’dumb animals’.


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lel I am skipping ahead and I found this:

Negroes and music

Argie has a second question, and here it is: 'Why do negroes rarely need tuition to play musical instruments?'

Negroes are a special type of people. Their basic vibrations are such that they are 'in tune to the music of the spheres'. Often a negro can hum music which he has never heard before, often he can just pick up a musical instrument and play it because that is his basic make-up.

You get certain classes of people such as North Europeans who are very cold and very analytical. They are very frigid in their attitude. That is their make-up. But if you get the Latin type of people, they are warm in their make-up, quick to smile, quick to pass a joke. They can see the funny side of things, particularly if the misfortune happens to someone else. That is their make-up.

Negroes, for many years, have had a hard life, a life of persecution, and the only thing which has sustained them has been their musical make-up, their ability to derive consolation and solace from religious music. As such it is part of their birthright, part of their heritage, part of their basic make-up. Negroes are usually very, very musical because their basic frequency is such that they sub-consciously pick up music from other sources in much of a way similar to the poor wretched man wearing a hearing aid who sometimes picks up transmissions from the local radio taxi cab company.

Making thoughtforms

"But you can make Thought. Forms which will do good, but make sure they are for good because a Thought Form cannot tell good from evil. It will do cither but the evil Thought Form in the end will wreak vengeance on its creator.

"The story of Aladdin is actually the story of a Thought Form which was conjured up. It is based upon one of the old Chinese legends, legends which are literally true.

"Imagination is the greatest force upon Earth. Imagination, unfortunately, is badly named. If one uses the word 'in - flation' one automatically thinks of a frustrated person given to neurotic tendencies, and yet nothing could be further from the truth. All great artists, all great painters, 'great writers too, have to have a brilliant, controlled imagination, otherwise they could not visualize the finished thing that they are attempting to create.

"If we in everyday life would harness imagination, then we could achieve what we now regard as miracles. We may, for example, have a loved one who is suffering from some illness, some illness for which as yet medical science has no cure. That person can be cured if one makes a Thought Form, which will get in touch with the Overself of the sick person, and help that Overself to materialize to create new parts. Thus, a person who is suffering from a diabetic condition could, with proper help, re - create the damaged parts of the pancreas which caused the disease.

"How can we create a Thought Form? Well, it is easy. We will go into that now. One must first decide what one wants to accomplish, and be sure that it is for good. Then one must call the imagination into play, one must visualize exactly the result which one wants to achieve. Supposing a person is ill with an organ invaded by disease. If we are going to make a Thought Form which will help, we must exactly visualize that person standing before us. We must try to visualize the afflicted organ. Having the afflicted organ pictorially before us, we must visualize it gradually healing, and we must impart a positive affirmation. So, we make this Thought Form by visualizing the person, we imagine the Thought Form standing beside the afflicted person and with super - normal powers reaching inside the body of that sick person, and with a healing touch causing the disease to disappear.

"At all times we must speak to the Thought Form which we have created in a firm, positive voice. There must not at any time be any suspicion of negativeness, nor of in decision. We must speak in the simplest possible language and in the most direct manner possible. We must speak to it as we would speak to a very backward child, because this Thought Form has no reason and can accept only a direct command or a simple statement.

"There may be a sore on some organ, and we must say to that Thought Form: 'You will now heal such - and - such an organ. The tissue is knitting together.' You would have to repeat that several times dally, and if you visuallze your Thought Form actually going to work, then it will indeed go to work. It worked with the Egyptians, and it can work with present - day people.

"There are many authenticated instances of tombs being haunted by a shadowy figure. That is because either the dead persons, or others, have thought so hard that they have actually made a figure of ectoplasm. The Egyptians in the days of the Pharaohs buried the embalmed body of the Pharaoh, but they adopted extreme measures so that their Thought Forms would be vivified even after thousands of years. They slew slaves slowly, painfully, telling the slaves that they would get relief from pain in the after - world if in dying they provided the necessary substance with which to make a substantial Thought Form. Archaeological records have long substantiated hauntings and curses in tombs, and all these things are merely the outcome of absolutely natural, absolutely normal laws.

"Thought Forms can be made by anyone at all with just a little practice, but you must first at all times concentrate upon good in your Thought Forms -because if you try to make an evil form, then assuredly that Thought Form will turn upon you and cause you the gravest harm perhaps in the physical, in the mental, or in the astral state."


Vajrakilaya is a significant Vajrayana deity who transmutes and transcends obstacles and obscurations. Vajrakila is the divine 'thoughtform' (Tibetan: སྤྲུལ་པ།, Wylie: sprul pa) that governs the kīla. Padmasambhava achieved realisation through practicing 'Yangdag Heruka' (Tibetan: yang dag he ru ka)[15] but he first practiced Vajrakilaya to clean and clear obstacles and obscurations.

Vajrakilaya is also understood as the embodiment of activities of the Buddha mind. Sometimes Vajrakilaya is perceived as the wrathful vajrayana form of Vajrapani, according to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Many great masters both in India and Tibet, but especially in Tibet, have practiced Vajrakilaya (especially in the Nyingma lineage, and among the Kagyu and also within the Sakyapas). The Sakyapa's main deity, besides Hevajra is Vajrakumara or Vajrakilaya.

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche and a significant number of lamas within the Kagyu and Nyingma engaged Vajrakilaya sadhana.

>Remember the old Jews, the very old Jews; they well knew that if they were bargaining they should stand with their feet together and their hands clasped because then the vital forces of the body were conserved. An old Jew, trying to drive a hard bargain, always got the better of the bargain if he stood in that particular manner and his opponent did not. He did not stand that way through cringing subservience, as many people imagine, but because he knew how to conserve and utilize his body forces. When he had achieved his objective, then he could throw his hands wide and stand with legs apart, no longer need he conserve his forces for the “attack” for he was the victor. Having attained his end he could stand relaxed.

You Forever page 88

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Oh lawd.

File: 1397399276992.png (340.2 KB, 499x583, 1340548293583.png)
That's specifically found on page 88?

>that synchronicity

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Not facts — but dreams of fancy shape our lives. She needed no compass to find her
brother, nor tools to operate, only the "Eye of Imagination." In the world of sense we
see what we have to see; in the world of Imagination we see what we want to see;
And seeing it, we create it for the world of sense to see. We see the outer world
automatically. Seeing what we want to see demands voluntary and conscious
imaginative effort. Our future is our own imaginal activity in its creative march.
Common sense assures us that we are living in a solid and sensible world but this so
seemingly solid world is — in reality — imaginal through and through.
The following story proves that it is possible for an individual to transfer the center of
imagining to some greater or lesser degree to a distant area, and not only do so
without moving physically, but to be visible to others who are present at that point in
space-time. And, if this be a dream, then,
"Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"
"Seated in my living room in San Francisco, I imagined I was in my daughter's living
room in London, England. I surrounded myself so completely with that room which I
knew intimately, that I suddenly found myself actually standing in it. My daughter
was standing by her fireplace, her face turned away from me. A moment later she
turned and our eyes met. I saw such a startled, frightened expression on her face that
I, too, became emotionally upset and immediately found myself back in my own
living room in San Francisco.
43"Five days later I received an airmail letter from my daughter which had been written
on the day of my experiment with imaginal travel. In her letter she told me she had
'seen' me in her living room that day just as real as though I were actually standing
there in the flesh. She confessed she had been very frightened and that before she
could speak, I had vanished. The time of this 'visitation,' as she gave it in her letter,
was exactly the time I had begun the imaginative action allowing, of course, for the
difference in time between the two points. She explained that she told her husband of
this amazing experience and he insisted that she write to me immediately as he stated,
'Your mother must have died or is dying.' But I wasn't 'dead' or 'dying,' but very much
alive and very excited by this marvelous experience." . . .M.L.J.
"Nothing can act but where it is: with all my heart; only where is it?"
—Thomas Carlyle

No that's something even more awesome! That's bilocation! Read about it in "The Invisible Influences". There's a monk who would do this before. He'd pull down the hood of his robe and then moments later appear before a congregation of people many miles away.

Statistics and Propaganda

In January 1981, two prominent Tibetan identities died in exile. Amala, or "Mother of the Nation", died after a long illness in Dharamsala, India. She had given birth to 16 children—including her most famous son: His Holiness, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Her two other sons had been recognized as tulkus, or reincarnations of high lamas. She was beloved by the whole Tibetan nation in exile, who mourned her passing.

In an emergency ward of the Foothills Hospital in Calgary, Canada, the famous author and mystic known as Tuesday Lobsang Rampa also breathed his last after decades of ill health. His 19 books about Tibet and the occult arts had sold in the millions and his admirers could be found on six continents. Despite his fame, however, there were no accolades or eulogies from the Tibetan community. He died unrecognized and unclaimed by the people of Tibet whom he had tried to help.
Lobsang Rampa was an Englishman with a Devonshire accent who insisted that he was a Tibetan high lama.

He claimed that in 1949 he had transmigrated into the willing body of Cyril Hoskin (born c. 1911) to perform his mission in life. Hoskin had already changed his name in 1948 by deed poll to Dr Carl KuanSuo, on the lama’s telepathic suggestion, and this surname was later shortened to Kuan. Rampa’s detailed recollections of Tibet and China, his wealth of knowledge about the occult arts and his disarming sincerity led many readers to believe in his authenticity.

Rampa’s critics claimed that he was a Cornish plumber’s son named Cyril Hoskin, and they were vociferous in their condemnation of the author—so much so that his first book about Tibet, The Third Eye, came to be considered one of the greatest literary hoaxes of all time. The critics included Tibetan and oriental scholars, many media representatives and members of the Tibetan community in exile, including many famous personalities.

Published in 1956, The Third Eye is the autobiography of a young Tibetan noble, Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, who was sent to a medical lamasery at the age of seven. At Chakpori he was taught medicine, religion, the martial arts and the innermost secrets of Tibetan esoteric science. His awesome psychic powers were facilitated by an operation called "the opening of the third eye", which stimulated the psychic centre of the brain. His patron was the Thirteenth Dalai Lama. Rampa witnessed many marvels such as extraterrestrial mummies and yetis.

Despite the critics, Rampa clung on tenaciously, writing his books and continually proclaiming his innocence and authenticity. After his death, his books were relegated to the New Age fringe and were shamelessly plagiarized by other authors. By the 1990s, Lobsang Rampa occupied a full page of The Guinness Book of Fakes, Frauds & Forgeries (Newnham, 1991) and most of his books were out of print.

The Internet has brought together many of Rampa’s loyal readers who had benefited from his teachings on the mystical arts and affirmations of the afterlife. The new millennium has revealed Rampa’s silent influence in such esoteric fields as ufology, astral projection, aura photography, alternative history and the immortality of the human spirit. His positive image of Tibet has been instrumental in garnering support for this beleaguered land and introducing Buddhism to Westerners. Ironically, The Third Eye remains the most popular book about Tibet ever written.

Lobsang Rampa’s personal motto was "I lit a candle". In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of The Third Eye, it is time to rekindle the flame of knowledge that Rampa first lit in 1955 when he started his writing. Overall, Rampa’s true identity is irrelevant, as it is his knowledge that lives on. It is time to recognise Lobsang Rampa for what he was: a true mystic and trailblazer of the New Age.


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