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Esoteric Wizardry
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 16238
Thoughts on Islam?

I know this is probably going to get a lot of /pol/-esque "durr sandnigger" responses, but Islam seems very compatible with /fringe/ though.

Plus I will say, off the record, that every Muslim I've ever met has been totally bro tier. Nothing like the media portrayal of them.
I like Islamic art and culture. There's been but little speak of Sufism, a mystical branch of it. Qur'an also has its own mystical texts (and beautiful prose).

I am sorry that I cannot offer any further perspectives, I haven't read much about Islam.

Genuine Mohammedans are anti-zionist so I have no real problem with them. Sadly, most people calling themselves Muslim these days are not actually that. See, 'Islamic State' good goyim kosher boogeymen to replace Al-CIAda.

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I'm afraid that one day i'll met a mohammedan qt which converts me to her faith and will be the perfect woman for me, making me abandon the old norse germanic pagan ways of the ancestors and embrace oriental mohammedanism instead.

That's quite unlikely though lel

It's possible. I think it may be happening to me.

It is incompatible to white culture. Then again, so is Christianity.

I don't think Islam is any better or worse than any of the other Abrahamic religions, but how is it "the way of nature"? It's about as connected to the natural world as the other Abrahamic religions (that is to say, not at all - Abrahamic religions are a huge part of the reason the natural world has taken such a huge beating over the last century).

If it allowed alcohol in moderation I'd convert in a heart beat.

Oxymoron. 90% of the scientific progress we take for granted every day was made possible by the philosophy of Jews, Muslims, and Greeks.

I have a degree in political science and a minor in history. If you've been in college for 6 years like I, you'd know almost all culture comes from white Europeans.

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cry more BarBar scum

>Islam seems very compatible with /fringe/ though.

As far as I know, magic is forbidden just like in Christianity. And Islam is not the way of nature.

Islam is against anything that is not Islam, in the Qu'ran it even mentions how people like buddhist, hindus, pagans ect should die.

>implying magic is forbidden
>what is Kabbalah
>what is Sufism

There are Christian mystics too, but Christianity is still, for the most part, against magic/spirituality.

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Daily reminder

lol, you wish.

So? Since when does "fringe" automatically have to mean you practice magic? Magic is for losers with a power fantasy. Feel free to scuttle around in the shadows while I embrace the world.


Sure, they're against magic and the occult. They would rather have their followers put their "faith" in Jesus Christ and "let him take care of everything".

That being said there are Christian occultists throughout history, and even the book that I'm reading now by Rudolf Steiner suggested that you keep it a secret and make it so that no one can guess that you changed.

Honestly I think that either the Gnostic religions or Hinduism/Buddhism would be more compatible to this board, although they seem to advocate the right hand path, whereas most of us want to go down the left hand path.

I would count Paganism, but that religion is focused on the mundane and the ordinary, not the supernatural.

All semitism and Abrahamic religions need to be removed from history and every follower needs to be roped, and we need the old pagan traditions to be reborn.


Taoism and Hermeticism are probably the two philosophies most compatible with magic. They're also incredibly similar.

Also RHP/LHP is a false dichotomy.

>So? Since when does "fringe" automatically have to mean you practice magic?

It says "Esoteric Wizardry" at the top of the page. This isn't a board for spiritless shells that praise Yahweh/Allah for everything.

Its a damn shame nothing of the old pagan faiths were written down. At least we would have something to work with instead of stumbling around in the dark.

I think our best bet personally would be the hermetic and/or gnostic traditions. Mainline Christianity just isn't worth it anymore.

I don't understand why we need to go back to paganism. Christianity seemed to do a good job. If it was good for my ancestors to follow the faith then its good enough for me.

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>No music, no depictions of people in art
>No drug usage, meaning no entheogens
>Not allowed to own a dog
>Can't wear yellow, can't pee standing up
>Can't pee in holes, or on buildings
>Can't use your right hand to hold your dick while peeing
>Can't pee facing Mecca
>Have to recite a special phrase before and after peeing

Fuck Islam. It's an extreme totalitarian religion that is completely incompatible with human life- to the point where there are countless fucking rules for something as simple as taking a piss.

Abrahamic religion needs to be wiped from the face of the Earth, but Islam most of all.

Well, Christianity is mostly a butchered religion and it distorts Jesus' teachings heavily. The Bible has been translated so often (and manipulated more often!) that it gives you but a broken image of the real Jesus.

Gnostic Jesus is more accurate than Christian Jesus, (the REAL Jesus), and I recommend you to read Gospel of Thomas to get to know the true Christ.

Gnosticism has its own 'Eastern vibes' akin to Buddhism, really. I really recommend reading the Nag Hammadi texts.


Yeah, I agree with you. I'm actually very interested in Taoism.

I'll say. I will have to study it.

You must have a pretty juvenile mentality if having to pee sitting down is such a dealbreaker for you.

I'll look into it, I always knew that there was a bigger picture that the Church wasn't telling us. Probably best to start with those books and go from there.

The whole thing with paganism that I find suspicious is the fact that a good majority of them are liberal's that brought their political ideology into the religion, making it a cesspool of degeneracy. An other thing, didn't the ancient pagan's also practiced human sacrifices? I don't know if I would be down with that.


I think everyone even remotely interested in spirituality of any form should own a copy of the Tao Te Ching. It's not specific to a certain belief system or cosmology, just a small book with a load of wisdom packed into it which can be applied no matter what you believe.

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الله يلعنكم

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Quran 5:51
O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

I don't think I ever really believed what the Church taught me. However, I hold Jesus in high regard because of his wisdom, just as I hold all other great mystics and sages and prophets and occultists before me in high regard.

Here's the gospel for you: http://gnosis.org/naghamm/gosthom.html

Islam just like Christianity used to be a religion formed to keep societies intact but has long been corrupted, I've worked in Jordan, Bahrain and Egypt and most of the youth watches porn, drinks whiskey and follows NWO brainwashing media.

What's your job like?

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As long as you read the sufi texts.

With any religion its true nature is revealed with the mystics, and the rest is concealed in dogmatic texts that have just enough truth so you don't deny it while having just enough nonsense to mislead you.

The greatest story is of the sufi mystic Mansur Al-Hallaj.

He was put to death for his "heretical" views. Everyone came to yell insults at him and to throw rocks at him. But, Mansur just laughed and laughed. When someone asked "Why are you laughing?" he answered "Because you all think you can kill me!" "Don't you get it? You are just killing my body!"

You can kill the Aryan body but you can't kill the Aryan soul.

Sufism is intriguing me, it seems to be such a beautiful system. I will need to study Al-Hallaj and Rumi, and other Sufi writers as I find them.

This man really inspires me.
> Mansur was cut into many pieces because in the state of ecstasy he exclaimed Ana Abrar-al Haq "I am the Abrar of truth". He was executed in public in Baghdad. They cut him into pieces and then they burnt his remains. He kept repeating "I am the Truth" as they kept cutting his arms, legs, tongue and finally his head. He was smiling, even as they chopped off his head.

Yup. Mohammed and Jesus were /fringe/ as fuck, but Islam and Christianity are a perversion of what the prophets stood for.

Personal Trainer

>implying Shia martyrdom is not the best
>whole country ready to die for their God
>it's like Warhammer 40k but then real life

I wouldn't even entertain such thoughts, you both disgust me.

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>Magic is for losers with a power fantasy. Feel free to scuttle around in the shadows while I embrace the world.

Taoism is just oriental alchemy, Book of Aquarius says as much. Asians should embrace Taoism and Europeans should embrace Hermeticism and Africans should embrace Voodoo.

>adopting stupid religions like this of foreign people

No religious affiliation but study everything and take the best from it all master race reporting in. My only "religion" is the perception of truth.

Lobsang Rampa, The Book of Knowledge, Joy of Satan, and many other sources attest to Jesus being no more than a thoughtform or a parable for the 33 fragments of the spine or other such things.

There probably was no original Jesus.

Fuck Christianity, it is out-dated.

>lol if you disagree with me ur a fat nerd

Great counterargument.

>Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed, and most biblical scholars and classical historians see the theories of his non-existence as effectively refuted.

>The Christ myth theory is the proposition that Jesus of Nazareth never existed, or if he did, he had virtually nothing to do with the founding of Christianity and the accounts in the gospels.[82] The theory that Jesus never existed at all has very little scholarly support.


I'm no Christian but Jesus probably did exist. Joy of Satan is a shitty source.

>Joy of Satan is a shitty source
So is Lobsang Rampa. Really have no idea why that guy's stuff is "required reading."

That doesn't even make sense, the fedora meme is about hardcore antichristian atheists. Someone who practices magic is more likely to fit the "lol fedora" stereotype than a fundamentalist Muslim.

You do realize that there are willing disciples that get turned away from esoteric mystery schools because they are not worthy of the teachings? Why should we throw pearls before swine like you, going out of our way to convince you to take up practises to attain perfection of mind and body and spirit? You should convince us to teach you magic not the other way around.

>Someone who practices magic is more likely to fit the "lol fedora" stereotype than a fundamentalist Muslim.

How so? I've never seen a fedora-like magician before.

He's a fedora for being materialist, he obviously doesn't recognize the existence of a mental universe and the reality of thoughts as things.

I don't think Lobsang Rampa is in the Fringe Essentials folder at all, therefore he's not require reading.


It seems like the best way to be taught, is to get to the point where you no longer need a teacher.


That's pretty ironic, since Joy of Satan ripped a good number of their practices from Bardon, who revered Jesus as one of the greatest Adepts in remembered history.

Islam was founded by a certifiable con-artist pedophile. Muslims have ritualized the sexual mutilation of children. Every Muslim country on the planet is a degenerate shithole where the men fuck little boys and drape the women in tarps.

Say what you will about Christianity, but it has at least one very solid tenet: "Ye shall know them by their fruits." The only fruits Islam has produced are variations of shit.

Don't be fooled by the moderate, westernized apologists who attempt to paint Islam in a prettier light for the cause of multicultism. In the real world, Muslims are the scum of the Earth, and everyone who has been around them knows it.

what the fuck

Good goy! Those anti-semitic muslims are the problem. Genuine Mohammedans may not be the best of people but at least they are not jews.

learn to read


False dichotomy, Abdul. But I guess they don't teach basic logic in Medrasa.

>implying I am muslim

Nice try, rabbi.

Islam is probably the last resistance against the modern world. It's the religion where the tradition is best kept, that's why many traditionalists approach Islam latter in life, after years of study.

And the whole western magical tradition began in Greek and Egypt, but passed through islamic lands and was kept there before going to the rest of Europe. Just look at the first known sources for the Emerald Tablet and the etymology of the word "alchemy", also the arabian parts in astrology.

Not all tradition is good

There's only one tradition.

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>the way of nature
What bullshit.

>implying there were not genuine Mohammedans fighting for Hitler, the Third Reich and National Socialism

Of course, the natural religion IS NatSoc, though anyone of any faith can feasibly act noble.


Here's a full and proper reading of it.

Sufi Biography: Mansoor Al-Hallaj

The most controversial figure in the history of Islamic mysticism, Abu ‘l-Moghith al-Hosain ibn Mansur al-Hallaj was born C. 244 (858) near al-Baiza’ in the province of Fars. He travelled very widely, first to Tostar and Baghdad, then to Mecca, and afterwards to Khuzestan, Khorasan, Transoxiana, Sistan, India and Turkestan. Eventually he returned to Baghdad, where his bold preaching of union with God caused him to be arrested on a charge of incarnationism.

He was condemned to death and cruelly executed on 29 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 309 (28 March 9I3). Author of a number of books and a considerable volume of poetry, he passed into Muslim legend as the prototype of the intoxicated lover of God.

The wanderings of Hallaj

Hosain-e Mansur, called Hallaj (“the Woolcarder”) first came to Tostar, where he served Sahl ibn Abd Allah for two years; then he set out for Baghdad. He made his first journey at the age of eighteen.

Thereafter he went to Basra and joined Amr ibn Othman, passing eighteen months in his company. Ya’qub-e Aqta’ gave him his daughter in marriage, after which Amr ibn Othman became displeased with him. So he left Basra and came to Baghdad where he called on Jonaid. Jonaid prescribed for him silence and solitude. He endured Jonaid’s company for a while, then he made for Hejaz

He took up residence in Mecca for one year, after which he returned to Baghdad. With a group of Sufis he attended on Jonaid and put a number of questions to him to which Jonaid gave no reply.

“The time will soon come,” Jonaid told him, “when you will incarnadine a piece of wood.”

“The day when I incarnadine that piece of wood,” Hallaj replied, “you will be wearing the garb of the formalists.”

So it turned out. On the day when the leading scholars pronounced the verdict that Hallaj must be executed, Jonaid was wearing the Sufi robe and did not sign the warrant. The caliph said that Jonaid’s signature was necessary. So Jonaid put on the academic turban and gown, went to the madrasa and endorsed the warrant. “We judge according to externals,” he wrote. “As for the inward truth, that God alone knows.”

When Jonaid declined to answer his questions, Hallaj was vexed and without asking leave departed to Tostar. There he remained for a year, widely acclaimed. But because he attached no weight to the prevailing doctrine, the theologians turned envious against him.

Meanwhile Amr ibn Othman wrote letters regarding him to the people of Khuzestan, blackening him in their eyes. He too had grown weary of that place. Casting aside the Sufi garb, he donned tunic and passed his time in the company of worldly folk. That made no difference to him, however, and for five years he vanished. Part of that period he spent in Khorasan and Transoxiana, part in Sistan.

Hallaj then returned to Ahwaz, where his preaching won the approval of the elite and the public alike. He would speak of men’s secrets, so that he was dubbed “Hallaj of the Secrets”. After that he dressed himself in the ragged dervish robes and set out for the Sacred Territory, accompanied by many in like attire. When he reached Mecca, Ya’qub-e Nahrajuri denounced him as a magician. So he returned to Basra, then to Ahwaz.

“Now I am going to the lands of polytheism, to call men to God,” he announced.

So he went to India, then to Transoxiana, then to China, calling men to God and composing works for them. When he returned from the distant parts of the world, the peoples of those regions wrote him letters. The Indians addressed him as Abu ‘l-Moghith, the Chinese as Abo ‘l-Mo’in, the Khorasanians as Abu ‘l-Mohr, the Farsis as Abu ‘Abd Allah, the Khuzestanis as Hallaj of the Secrets. In Baghdad he was called Mostalem, in Basra Mokhabbar.

The passion of Hallaj

After that many tales about Hallaj began to circulate. So he set out for Mecca where he resided for two years. On his return, his circumstances were much changed. He was a different man, calling people to the “truth” in terms which no one understood. It is said that he was expelled from fifty cities.

In their bewilderment the people were divided concerning him. His detractors were countless, his supporters innumerable. They witnessed many wonders performed by him. Tongues wagged, and his words were carried to the caliph. Finally all were united in the view that he should be put to death because of his saying, “I am the Truth.”

“Say, He is the Truth,” they cried out to him.

“Yes. He is All,” he replied. “You say that He is lost. On the contrary, it is Hosain that is lost. The Ocean does not vanish or grow less.”

“These words which Hallaj speaks have an esoteric meaning,” they told Jonaid.

“Let him be killed,” he answered. “This is not the time for esoteric meanings.”

Then a group of the theologians made common cause against Hallaj and carried a garbled version of his words to Mo’tasem; they also turned his vizier Ali ibn ’Isa against him. The caliph ordered that he should be thrown into prison. There he was held for a year. But people would come and consult him on their problems. So then they were prevented from visiting him, and for five months no one came near him, except Ibn ‘Ata once and Ibn Khafif once. On one occasion Ibn ‘Ata sent him a message.

“Master, ask pardon for the words you have spoken, that you may be set free.”

“Tell him who said this to ask pardon,” Hallaj replied.

Ibn ‘Ata wept when he heard this answer.

“We are not even a fraction of Hallaj,” he said.

It is said that on the first night of his imprisonment the gaolers came to his cell but could not find him in the prison. They searched through all the prison, but could not discover a soul. On the second night they found neither him nor the prison, for all their hunting. On the third night they discovered him in the prison.

“Where were you on the first night, and where were you and the prison on the second night?” they demanded. “Now you have both reappeared. What phenomenon is this?”

“On the first night,” he replied, “I was in the Presence, therefore I was not here. On the second night the Presence was here, so that both of us were absent. On the third night 1 was sent back, that the Law might be preserved. Come and do your work!”

When Hallaj was first confined there were three hundred souls in the prison. That night he addressed them.

“Prisoners, shall I set you free?”

“Why do you not free yourself?” they replied.

“I am God’s captive. I am the sentinel of salvation,” he answered. “If I so wish, with one signal I can loose all bonds.”

Hallaj made a sign with his finger, and all their bonds burst asunder.

“Now where are we to go?” the prisoners demanded. “The gate of the prison is locked.”

Hallaj signalled again, and cracks appeared in the walls.

“Now go on your way,” he cried.

“Are you not coming too?” they asked.

“No,” he replied. “I have a secret with Him which cannot be told save on the gallows.”

“Where have the prisoners gone?” the warders asked him next morning.

“I set them free,” Hallaj answered.

“Why did you not go?” they enquired.

“God has cause to chide me, so I did not go,” he replied.

This story was carried to the caliph.

“There will be a riot,” he cried. “Kill him, or beat him with sticks until he retracts.”

They beat him with sticks three hundred times. At every blow a clear voice was heard to say, “Fear not, son of Mansur! “

Then they led him out to be crucified.

Loaded with thirteen heavy chains, Hallaj strode out proudly along the way waving his arms like a very vagabond.

“Why do you strut so proudly?” they asked him.

“Because I am going to the slaughterhouse,” he replied. And he recited in clear tones,

My boon-companion’s not to be

Accused of mean inequity.

He made me drink like him the best,

As does the generous host his guest;

And when the round was quite complete

He called for sword and winding-sheet.

Such is his fate, who drinks past reason

With Draco in the summer season.

When they brought him to the base of the gallows at Bab al-Taq, he kissed the wood and set his foot upon the ladder.

“How do you feel?” they taunted him.

“The ascension of true men is the top of the gallows,” he answered.

He was wearing a loincloth about his middle and a mantle on his shoulders. Turning towards Mecca, he lifted up his hands and communed with God.

“What He knows, no man knows,” he said. Then he climbed the gibbet.

“What do you say,” asked a group of his followers, “concerning us who are your disciples, and these who condemn you and would stone you?”

“They have a double reward, and you a single,” he answered. “You merely think well of me. They are moved by the strength of their belief in One God to maintain the rigour of the Law.”

Shebli came and stood facing him.

“Have we not forbidden thee all beings?” he cried. Then he asked, “What is Sufism, Hallaj?”

“The least part of it is this that you see,” Hallaj replied.

“What is the loftier part?” asked Shebli.

“That you cannot reach,” Hallaj answered.

Then all the spectators began to throw stones. Shebli, to conform, cast a clod. Hallaj sighed.

“You did not sigh when struck by all these stones. Why did you sigh because of a clod?” they asked.

“Because those who cast stones do not know what they are doing. They have an excuse. From him it comes hard to me, for he knows that he ought not to fling at me.”

Then they cut off his hands. He laughed.

“Why do you laugh?” they cried.

“It is an easy matter to strike off the hands of a man who is bound,” he answered. “He is a true man, who cuts off the hands of attributes which remove the crown of aspiration from the brow of the Throne.”

They hacked off his feet. He smiled.

“With these feet I made an earthly journey,” he said. “Other feet I have, which even now are journeying through both the worlds. If you are able, hack off those feet!”

Then he rubbed his bloody, amputated hands over his face, so that both his arms and his face were stained with blood.

“Why did you do that?” they enquired.

“Much blood has gone out of me,” he replied. “I realize that my face will have grown pale. You suppose that my pallor is because I am afraid. I rubbed blood over my face so that I might appear rose-cheeked in your eyes. The cosmetic of heroes is their blood.”

“Even if you bloodied your face, why did you stain your arms?”

“I was making ablution.”

“What ablution?”

“When one prays two rak’as in love,” Hallaj replied, “the ablution is not perfect unless performed with blood.”

Next they plucked out his eyes. A roar went up from the crowd. Some wept, some flung stones. Then they made to cut out his tongue.

“Be patient a little, give me time to speak one word,” he entreated. “O God,” he cried, lifting his face to heaven, “do not exclude them for the suffering they are bringing on me for Thy sake, neither deprive them of this felicity. Praise be to God, for that they have cut off my feet as I trod Thy way. And if they strike off my head from my body, they have raised me up to the head of the gallows, contemplating Thy majesty.”

Then they cut off his ears and nose. An old woman carrying a pitcher happened along. Seeing Hallaj, she cried, “Strike, and strike hard and true. What business has this pretty little Woolcarder to speak of God?”

The last words Hallaj spoke were these. “Love of the One is isolation of the One.” Then he chanted this verse: “Those that believe not therein seek to hasten it; but those who believe in it go in fear of it, knowing that it is the truth.”

This was his final utterance. They then cut out his tongue. It was the time of the evening prayer when they cut off his head. Even as they were cutting off his head, Hallaj smiled. Then he gave up the ghost.

A great cry went up from the people. Hallaj had carried the ball of destiny to the boundary of the field of resignation. From each one of his members came the declaration, “I am the Truth.”

Next day they declared, “This scandal will be even greater than while he was alive.” So they burned his limbs. From his ashes came the cry, “I am the Truth,” even as in the time of his slaying every drop of blood as it trickled formed the word Allah. Dumbfounded, they cast his ashes into the Tigris. As they floated on the sur

face of the water, they continued to cry, “I am the


Now Hallaj had said, “When they cast my ashes into the Tigris, Baghdad will be in peril of drowning under the water. Lay my robe in front of the water, or Baghdad will be destroyed.” His servant, when he saw what had happened, brought the master’s robe and laid it on the bank of the Tigris. The waters subsided, and his ashes became silent. Then they gathered his ashes and buried them.



He seemed like a good man.

One thing one must realize is the only thing you will hear on the news are the bad things, never the good ones. Also, the poor behaving ones are "deviants" of Islam, not Muslim.

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What do you consider "poor behaviour"? What you consider poor behaviour might be the exact reasons I'd be attracted to Islam. For example, I consider religions that preach pacifism to be stupid and would never want to be part of one, I want a religion that is for warriors who are ready to kill in the name of god and fight for their ideals. If you're going to tell me Islam is a religion of peace then that would be a reason for me to avoid Islam and seek out a different religion instead.

Then become a waHaab, nothing's stopping you

Do waHaab's prevent the practise of magic or have some other stupid shit?

There is absolutely no reason or benefit for me to convert to any religion where I live.

In real life Europa would have a beard and be in 'her' underwear.
Submission to Allah is the only way to save the world.

What. I don't even… are you saying Europa would be a bearded male in underpants and sissified by Islam?

Muslims confirmed homosexual deviants.

Europa is the daughter of zeus you sandnigger.

She is the mother of all europeans through her father and thereby the mother of our race.

Take your shitskin barbaric witchcraft religion back to the desert where you and your jew overlords belong.

>Islam seems compatible with fringe
>magic is punishable by death
>polytheism is punishable by death
>"if you believe what a fortune teller has told you, then you have disbelieved the Quran"

Yeah no. It's just another bluepill Demiurge religion like Christianity and Judaism.

I learned everything I needed to know about Islam on 9/11.


I don't think the majority of the CIA/US government is Islamic kiddo

Good goy, Muslims are evil and they did 9/11! Never forget the twin towers! March on over there and destroy the enemies of the chosen people!

>The only fruits Islam has produced are variations of shit

The Islamic world is responsible for a lot of advances in medicine, mathematics, and astronomy.

Granted, their golden age was like a thousand years ago, but there's that.

christian mystics are forced to swear a vow of silence over their practices, also the bible forbids the use of much

Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verses 10:11

9"When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. 10"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead


all moses's books are fucking garbage though since hes a kike rat

many islamists of shia and sunni think sufi are heretical and hate them.

also im unable to find a single pope speaking of kabalah at all on the internet.

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>Thoughts on Islam?

Yes I have some.

Modern society has set the bar so low that Islam now seems a viable alternative for the budding traditionalist.

and that's thanks to orthodox christians tutoring them…

Islam is shit; I only refer to this man's work to throw facts in the faces of muslims who try to feign ignorance and say "you know nothing of islam£. On the contrary, I know more about it than they do.

that will happen when you inhale cheap crap made in china.

So… you refer to a man who studied all religions and decided to convert to islam?

which makes him pretty knowledgable on the subject of islam, wouldn't you say? Doesn't mean I don't think Islam is shit.

I personally think that all Abrahamic religions are corrupted to some extent; Islam is simply the one that is the most overtly skewed right now.

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>Islam is simply the one that is the most overtly skewed right now.

No kidding.

I think the Prophet was contacted by a higher being, but not necessarily "god", which revealed some higher truths to him which were afterwards completely butchered and turned into a steaming pile of dogmatic shit.

Praying towards some space rock? Sounds like idolatry to me.

Other shit that doesn't sit right with me:
>archaic as fuck shariah law
>ridiculous dress codes for women. for fucks sake, a dozen girls burned to death in a school because the religious police DIDN'T LET THEM LEAVE THE BURNING BUILDING because they weren't dressed properly
>our religion is right, kill all infidels attitude
>other ridiculous and arbitrary rules(you have to face the qabaa while taking a shit)

>Absolutely NO alcohol whatsoever, completely haram.

Deal breaker right there.

This is what I think about it too. In fact all of the religions are pretty much like this, some mystic have some revelations, gets too popular, then the mundane masses corrupt his teachings and fuck it all up and create a cancerous religion.

Btw, I don't think you are truly religious if you don't think you religion is right and want to fight for it and kill your enemies…

How does it feel to be the most autistic wizard in history

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