REINCARNATION - The Cycle of Necessityby Manly Palmer Hall1. By Way of Introduction, Postscript
2. Definition of Terms
3. Reincarnation of Ancient India
4. Buddha - The Light of Asia; Previous Lives of Buddha
5. The Reborn Lamas of Tibet
6. Metempsychosis and Greek Philosophy
7. The Law of Rebirth in China and Japan
8. Reincarnation in Islam
9. Reincarnation Among the American Indians
10. Reincarnation and the Old Testament; the New Testament
11. Early Christian Fathers on Reincarnation
12. Rebirth in Modern Christendom
13. Modern Believers in Reincarnation
14. The Cycle of Necessity
15. Reincarnation in the Animal, Plant, and Mineral World
16. Reborn Nations and Races
17. The Divine Incarnations
18. Soul Mates
19. Memory of Past Lives
20. Shanti Devi
21. The After-Death State
22. The Laws Governing Reincarnation
23. Suicide
24. Fate versus Free Will
25. The Secret of Genius
26. Forgiveness of Sin versus Karma
27. Disciplines of liberation
28. Nirvana got all these chapters as individual PDFs. Will upload to megaupload. Anyone have any idea how to combine them all into one PDF?