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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 2502
I got choked out unconscious by some guy and dropped to the ground and while this happened I heard this really strange sci-fi like sound that I've only ever heard before while doing astral projection, usually before some demons or other astral entities show up, and for me previously this has always been a sign that really awesome stuff is going to happen.

When I got back up my whole body was shaking like my hands and everything shaking extremely hard like I was having a seizure.

It was really cool.

Is there a connection between going unconscious and astral projection?
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Well is there?

It's entirely possible. When I had my first seizure and became unconscious over a year ago, my mind was filled with empty blackness and all I heard was a strong white noise tone. Looking back on it, if I had spent more time unconscious, maybe that emptiness could have been manipulated to my whim. If I ever have another seizure, I would love to test this further.

Also, it should be taken into consideration that during sleep you are more or less unconscious and most astral projection is done during sleep.

Shit didn't go black for me but I couldn't hear anything at all. All noise was finally gone which was a relief for me because I hate noise… then that strange sci-fi noise started up.

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