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File: 1402627955858.jpg (33.5 KB, 336x336, _75480368_72006605.jpg)
No. 2310
Jahi McMath: 'Brain dead' teen to get honorary diploma

A California teenager declared brain dead after a routine operation went wrong will receive an honorary diploma from her school, her family says.

The uncle of Jahi McMath, 13, told local media the school had decided to give her a diploma later this month.

It will be accepted by a relative at the school's graduation ceremony.

Jahi went into cardiac arrest after tonsil surgery last December, and the hospital in Oakland said they would no longer provide treatment.

Her family went to court to stop the hospital from taking her off life-support after she was declared brain-dead.

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland has argued in court papers that there is no medical treatment they can give to the teenager because she is "practically and legally" dead.

An independent paediatric neurologist from Stanford University supported that view.

In January, she was transferred to an undisclosed facility.

Before the school announced the move, her family had to call the Reems Academy of Technology and Arts, which Jahi had attended since starting school.

"Jahi should be graduating from the eighth grade this month but it may not be possible for her to make it to the ceremony, as she is fighting to recover.

"She deserves to receive the graduation certificate as she has completed most of the eighth grade work."

A Highschool Diploma = Meaningless

This is literally just a body, mere spare parts for organs to be harvested from, that in a sane society would be put down right away but this society LOVES weakness and vegetables and stupidity while shits on intelligent white males.

What absurdity.

A HS Diploma is meaningless really. But its nice the school gave her one as a nice gesture.

No it's not. It's degrading to those who actually work for diplomas and aren't retarded. It's like the special olympics, an abomination, or those "everyone wins even if you're a complete loser you still get a medal" sports leagues. This living corpse needs to be just be taken off of the lifesupport already. I hate this dysgenic society that worships the weak and defective.

File: 1402650528708.jpeg (12.96 KB, 255x248, NiggerDiagnosis.jpeg)
Niggers aren't they all 'brain dead'? think that somehow that magic machine or Jesus magic will somehow fix them.
So guess who has to pay to keep that dead ape on the machine for who knows how long? hint not niggers

That picture when I saw it on the front page literally made me laugh out loud and it's not time (5:44 AM) and I have to not wake others up. Good thing though my laughs are basically silent but this one was ever so slightly audible and I felt my whole stomach heave with it.


High school diplomas are meaningless now at least. Unless you're working for some high end ZOG investment bank nobody even bothers to check if you actually graduated or not. I suspect soon it'll be the same with Bachelors degrees.

They already demand a 4 year college education to answer phones or use Microsoft Word in most places.

Around here where I live things like having connections, being a hard worker and most importantly reliability matter more than a paper everyone has whether or not they worked for it.

That explains why you're not worshiped then, right smiley?

What are you getting at?

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