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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 5030

I would strongly urge anyone to watch this presentation by Walter Veith.

He will demonstrate all the missing links you always felt are there, but never really where able to grasp. He will go into detail about freemasonic symbolism in the catholic church, history of the jesuits, the illuminati, freemasonry, gnosticism, mythologies and much more.

As a comment, not all he says is exactly well founded for example the list of organizations alledgedly controlled by the Jesuits, a list of alledged members of Knights of Malta, And the notion that a Jesuit wrote mein kampf, the later is probably not true, though it IS true and well documented that the jesuits where a strong inspiration for both Himmler and Hitler. And the jesuits may have had a substantial influence on Nazi Germany.

Furthermore i assume you already know this but just in case,
The Scottish Knights Templar - Scottish Rite Freemasonry connection has been well established.
Then it should be noted that Jesuits where around long before this Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

Other groups of Knights Templars allegedly fled to mountains of switserland, where they would become key figures in the establishment of the country. For this there is less evidence but makes total sense historically.
Switserland would later become the heart of international high finance. And a long standing military companion of the Vatican.

Also it seems strange that the Jesuit logo, which reads `IHS` somehow resembles the name of Jesus. Rather then the sun gods Isis, Horus and Seth.
Somehow the claim is made that Jesuit logo `IHS` is `the holy name of Jesus`, However they fail to explain how the letters have any resemblance to Jesus.
I began taking the Jesuit conspiracy theory seriously after realizing that Roman Catholics, and the Knights of Malta in specific, have been very influential in the CIA, one could almost say they run it, here's some intresting individuals.

William J. Donovan - Roman Catholic
>`Father of Central Intelligence`

James Jesus Angleton - Italian Mother, Grew up in Italy
>Chief of the CIA's Counterintelligence 1954 to 1975
>"In his day, Jim was recognized as the dominant counterintelligence figure in the non-communist world."

William Colby - Roman Catholic
>CIA director 1973 to 1976
>CIA operative under Nixon, Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush

William J. Casey - Roman Catholic
>CIA Director 1981 to 1987
>Casey was campaign manager of the successful presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan in 1980
>Hours before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress related to his knowledge of Iran-Contra, he was reported to have been rendered incapable of speech, and was later hospitalized.

All members of Knights of Malta, additionally,

Allen Dulles - CIA director 1953–1961, alledged JFK assasin
>Dulles was uncle to Avery Dulles, who was a Jesuit priest, theologian, a cardinal of the Catholic Church

Reinhard Gehlen - Roman Catholic (Knight of Malta)

Also because of the fact that Catholics seem over represented in the Obama administration. (Joe Biden, John Kerry)

File: 1396270902953.jpg (3.35 MB, 2425x1780, ihs2.jpg)

File: 1396271440206.jpg (27.45 KB, 340x172, german ducat.jpg)

The IHS monogram is an abbreviation or shortening of Jesus' name in Greek to the first three letters. Thus ΙΗΣΟΥΣ, ιησυς (iēsus, "Jesus"), is shortened to ΙΗΣ (iota-eta-sigma), sometimes transliterated into Latin or English characters as IHS or ΙΗC.

if it doesn't name the jew, the message probably isn't true

Ok ummm WHAT THE FUCK IF A JESUIT? I've never even heard of these guys before.

I have a limited knowledge but an order that was started to counter the reformation and kind of changed alledgedly since then. They have schools and stuff. Some claim they get up to more than that. PRobably some truth to it, but seems embellished to me.


Watch the video they almost certainly control Scottish Rite, which should ring some bells.

Read this page from beginning to end.

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