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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 10332
When I'm dreaming, I can pick up a book and read it as if I were awake. What I find curious is the words make sense to me in the dream, but as my brain starts to wake up they become more cryptic. Is it just my dream self pretending they make sense, are these words/books coming from my mind? I find it strange that in a dream I could conjure up a book that makes 'some' sense, whereas in my waking life I would take an hour to write a page.

I've had a few occurrences where I've become slightly lucid whilst reading in a dream, and I've thought to myself "I'm reading a book in my own dream, is this book a manifestation of my mind or something more?" and the book ceases to change, but is still somewhat cryptic.

They are usually in english (or at least that is how i interpret them in my dream) and sometimes they just seem to be exerts from something else, like a paragraph on philosophy, leading into a paragraph on animals, within a book.

in b4 akatosh
oops, i mean akashic. been playing skyrim lol

nice Tempel ov Blood edgy Satanic trips

I don't have this problem OP. I too can read books but they either make no sense in the astral and make no sense in the waking — or they make sense in both worlds.

I've encountered books and been offered books in dreams but something always happens before i get to read them and I'm just left with a sense of having messed up somehow.

I read a little about Kundalini in an astral book. From the index of chapters.

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