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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 10405

There exist no threads on this topic but we must gather all our information on it here!
Reich (the originator of the term orgone) had a technique for keeping the orgone you get through breathing in your body.

Lie down, when you breathe in push the energy down from your lungs to your groin, through your legs and then out into space.

This vid sums up some of his theories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPV-JExUPns

Here's a play/musical that robert anton wilson wrote about him being trapped in a bardo state awaiting rebirth which is insightful and done pretty well although the audio quality coulda been better, sometimes the music is too loud for the vocals to be heard.


I've only read one book by him which probably wasn't his best, it was called listen little man and was mostly his anger at the world. If someone can link pdfs to his books in this thread I'll make a section on him in my mega. Might do this myself later if no one else does in the next few hours.

A how-to on building orgone boxes would be pretty cool.

These orgone devices are supposed to work automatically right… or do they need conscious input?


The orgone boxes work by just sitting in them. In the first video above there's comparison pictures of mushrooms growing inside the box and not in the box and apparently the mushrooms inside the box did much better.

I don't know about any other orgone devices.

I'm trying to find Reich's books but so far have only found samples.

There's a torrent on TPB but it looks like its going to take ten hours to finish and they're only pdfs.

Set the two orgone related books to high priority fixed that.

Books here…


He was also jewish and a self-proclaimed anti-fascist


Orgones still reel.

And I'm still gonna upload the mass psychology of fascism when its done.

Know your enemy, fascist-friend.


all the demonstration videos i saw of his 'rodin coil' only demonstrated basic electromagnetics. Whether it's better than toroidal coils or not for motors etc I don't know … but I really am having trouble finding any serious testing of his design.

If you have any good proof with maybe comparisons to toroidal coil designs for electromagnets, or it being used in a motor( for "infinite energy" which I highly doubt) could you link them?


All Reich's books and several about him by other authors are now up, I moved the ones relevent to orgone into an orgone folder.


Maybe I'm too dumb to understand but I don't get what this has to do with orgone.

So far as I understand orgone=prana or life energy and Reich claimed to have discovered it scientifically, predicted the earth would have a blue tinge due to orgone being blue which was later confirmed etc… and made a box with alternating layers of organic and non-organic materials inside the walls supposedly increasing the orgone concentration inside the enclosure relative to the surrounding environment.

There's also his theory applied to psychology where we have "body armor"— deeply seated tensions and inhibitions in the physical body which causes a lack of orgone which causes neuroses and cancer amongst other things.


Didn't you watch the Ted?

the numbers 3,6,9 and their friends belong in a different dimension, or something and that supposedly harvest 'spirit', 'orgone' 'anti matter' 'subtle energy'

however, the coil is not the finished product, but the science is real, Orgone, Prana, whatever can be harvested.

Question is, how potent is it? Can it propel a vehicle? Can it outsource our current energy?

Is it dangers? Does it interact with people, is it beneficial?

3 is of spirit, it 'is' the component spirit woven into the fabric of materiality

and prana is of another dimension.

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<Jaden Smith and Kylie Jenner Explore Arts & Crafts-Based Sex Cult


<also Willow Smith reading Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh



tl;dr mix ~50/50 metal/organic material. You can put crystals in it (assuming your organic material shrinks upon curing for the activation of the piezoelectric effect). If the former is not the case, then it won't matter if they are inside, or just close, this is also the way for stones. It's just 1 thing to carry, vs a bunch.

Correct, automatic. Although I carry them around as sort of batteries and then I can draw/manipulate it.

>Question is, how potent is it? Can it propel a vehicle? Can it outsource our current energy?
Check out >>4600 it's more about the practical application of the energy. (Via conversion to electricity)

>Does it interact with people, is it beneficial?

Yes, and from what I've read it's beneficial since the boost in ambient energy levels allows your body to 'grab' more from the 'air' around you.

From working with my own personal orgonite I can feel and it's energies, but it's also much lower in magnitude than something like what would be needed for propulsion.

Orgone energy is a name for (the lower/more crude aspect/frequency of) nonphysical energy. Other devices like the QEG (in the other thread), or rodin coil's 'wrap through it' in a way that nets constructive interference to get an energy boost (from a strictly lower dimensional perspective)

i've been pondering this for about a week, just made a thread on /x/ but they're fucking plebs, i'll repost it here and hope for a discussion.

I'll tell the new guys in hopes of attracting someone who can answer a few questions.

Orgonite is a witches brews result, by stacking organic and inorganic materials Wilhelm Reich found strange properties attributed to the little box he had placed under a chair for people to sit on.

The effect was health and vigor and soon enough interests which Reichs inventions clashed with started to feel threatened.

His death in prison occurred two weeks prior to his parole hearing and probable release, at a time when he was anticipating freedom and being reunited with his loved ones, 1957.

His research and papers were burned in the literal tonnes in what people describe as one of the most atrocious crimes of censorship in modern history.

Today some 57 years later we have but pieces of his research, and most of it comes from men and women like Karl Hans Welz who have chosen to carry this torch of forgotten sciences, much like the name Tesla is whispered in schools but never talked of.

Karl Welz has improved the initial idea of Wilhelms apparatus and today we got a pretty good idea of what exactly is going on in these lumps of magical plastic rocks.

The components used are as follows

>Metal (Inorganic)

>Fiberglass Epoxy Resin, much similar to tree sap, which hardens into amber, translating to 'energy' in greek (Organic)
>Quartz Crystal
>optional; Metallic coil

amongst themselves they really are not much to spectacular - however as soon as Quartz experiences pressure it developes an electromagnetic field, also knows as the Piezoeffect
>Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials in response to applied mechanical stress. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure

Coupled with metal acting as antennae this little lump of compounds interacts with, and negates, excess radiation from microwaves, telephones & wifi - turning these swaying vibrations into heat through the metallics & Quartz picking it up, resonating and giving off heat, heat absorbed by the Resin and harmlessly released into the surrounding area.

I am intent on making a pendant which i can wear around my neck, in it i will add one stone/crystal of each chakra that also experiences the piezoelectric, together with some silver, aluminum, copper, a copper coil and maybe some gold filings - And a moldavite as it is eligible for such a pendant.

I want to know, is there a name for the effect of crystals vibrating and giving off heat, for the resin to absorb.

I have also pondered what would happen if i were to add different coils - currently the type used is a spiral (google it), this is said to distribute the energy (or something, wat)
What if i made a doughnutshaped Orgonite with a Tesla coil in it? (model of an atom, supposedly generates suble energies) Or if a pentagram is added, to resonate with the sound and sigil of planet earth?

Orgone is cheap and easy to make, it has been living in the areas of gifting, a gift to a friend or a couple, or a gf and is purely grassroots.

This has been surfacing since '04 or so, and the people who make these things (housewives and hippies) don't really know whats happening in them, they think they generate Prana/Chi/Loosh,m instead it simply allows for harmful vibrations to 'ebb' out through this device, allowing -KEYWORD ALLOWING- Prana to do its thing as there is no more (less) interference.

That was depressing. Every time I'm in a thread that's being slid, I ignore anything calling for an emotional response and acknowledge replies debating the legitimacy of whatever's being slid. Know your logical fallacies, point them out, and keep an eye out for consistencies

Or just ignore the shills and encourage other people to as well.

Most threads are slid, they're just bombarded by pseudo-skeptics. No need to pay people when there are plenty of people out there who want to show just how darn smart they are without even entertaining the ideas.


Government's pretty clear on its disinformation campaign. /x/ is probably a hub for pseudo-skeptics as well as shills, seeing as how it's a board for discussion on a relatively well known website.


You should post the plebs link each time.

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What's going on here?

Fucking false-flagging KIKES. Magic is pro-white and greenpilled!

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orgonite makes plants grow bigger and faster.


I wonder if orgonite weed would be a more spiritual smoke.

>that pots aren't even the same size

This has to be bullshit.


you re-pot plants as they grow bigger.

Ok so why does it say "planted at the same date"? There are 4 pots there, are they not planted at two different dates?


I'm guessing the two small pots were planted together on one day and the two larger pots planted together a week or two earlier.

Personally having planted many pots in my time I think you need more than one set of control plants, this experiment should've been done with at least 50 of each. You can clearly see the orgonite plant sprouting on the first day which could be up to chance, seeds can take 1-10+ days to sprout whch would throw the whole experiment off.

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Any of you orgonite guys have any ice test pictures to share? Seems like the clearest and easiest way to demonstrate some of its effects.

This is a problem I've had. I get seeds germinating at wildly different times.

Oh my is this real? I haven't been taking this orgone stuff seriously but if it effects ice like that maybe I need to get myself an orgone generator.

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Frozen water from a cloudbuster pipe.


Maybe I haven't observed enough ice cubes in my time.

Can someone tell me why it's impressive?

Same here. I'm not following how orgone correlates with the transformation of ice sculptures.

its about showing how the subtle energies move and affect its surroundings, to affect water physically is actually a big fucking deal.

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Orgone itself is the energy. The two types of orgone are known as POR (positive orgone) and deadly orgone (DOR). DOR is entropic (disorder), while POR is anti-entropic and therefore life-force promoting.

Orgonite is an object that attracts orgone, but unlike Reich's orgone accumulators orgonite has the ability to change DOR into POR. If you take a glass of water and freeze it with a piece of orgonite nearby you'll see that the water molecules will arrange themselves according to the flow of POR passing through the water. Typically what you get is a vortex, but other formations can occur depending on the specific piece of orgonite. In pic related you can see the ice on the left formed with much more entropy than the ice on the right that was frozen with orgonite.

What's interesting is that people have observed that to get an accurate before and after effect you must freeze the water without orgonite first. If you freeze with orgonite first and without second there may still be enough POR present to produce a formation in the ice.

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Actually, the experiment this photo comes from didn't use orgonite, but an orgone transfer diagram, which is actually more impressive if that actually works.

This pic was done with orgonite.

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>before and after effect

Should've said "comparison". "Before and after" makes it sound like you have to freeze the water without orgonite, then freeze that same glass with orgonite to get the effect. Just freeze a glass of water with the orgonite preferably far away from the freezer. Once completely frozen you can freeze another glass of water with the orgonite in the freezer. If you reverse the order of that then yes some residual positive orgone could effect the water that is supposed to be non-orgonized.

>you will never receive orgonite as a gift and start to experience positive changes in mood and health and overcome all your deficits and become a productive and healthy person


there is stilla subtle energy vortex in the area, or imbued in the cup, the water - you can't use the same items or places or it will effect the experiment.

prefferably we ought to use different freezers

bought an orgonite pyramid and it came with a necklace.

I'd say it works. Immediately upon getting it made my dreams much more vivid.

You guys ever notice how apartment buildings are just basically a grid of (inorganic) walls with (organic) people between the walls? Are large buildings being used to harvest orgone?

Where the fuck do you get these? ;_;

Also I do for now is visualize orgone pyramids… I just have thoughtformed ones and my visualization capacity is absurd, right as I'm typing this, I see one of my thoughtformed orgone pyramids as if viewing it in third density.

I need some physical ones though.

I've experienced this, too. I have a pyramid that has an amethyst at the top kind of like this pic. The first thing I noticed was that not only are my dreams more vivid, but it feels like I'm dreaming for a much longer time. When I take the pyramid out of my room then I lose the effect. If I use just a plain amethyst under my pillow it helps me remember my dreams, but it's nothing like what the orgonite does when it's on my window sill.

I already have dreams more vivid than anything I experience in the waking I wonder what having some of these around would do to me. It would probably fill me with so much power astral beings would manifest into physicality in my room.

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etsy, ebay, or just google around for different vendors. If you make them yourself you can end up with a bunch of them for cheap.


I got mine off amazon by some dude who hand crafts them in Thailand

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwxKB9IY3Js&hd=1 (Orgone Energy - A breakthrough that has already happened - GLOBAL BEM conference Nov 2012)

I really would like someone who knows their shit when it comes to orgone to tell me exactly what I need to know and what I need to do to utilize that knowledge in order to make the best use of orgone energy to improve my life condition.

don't have time or want to spoonfeed you, you can google it.

i read something about apache tears, as for coils, thers a dozen different.

Fuck you then. I have multiple tabs on the subject open and already fucking searched it before you suggested I use that shitty bluepilled search engine. I come here to get past the bullshit and get to what matters, as I've already spent hours researching it, and don't know what to make of it.

>spent hours researching it

its not so fucking had, m8.

you get some epoxy for 20 dollar/can, get some metal shavings and add some quartz crystals, with Apache tear and a coil of…



Just ordered the first pendant on this page.

The guy makes some very interesting pieces and accepts Bitcoin and Litecoin.

All made to order.

Theres tons of bs orgone info on the internet. His request isn't lazy at all.

Holy shit those are expensive.

The dude makes some truly impressive pieces.

Check out the "Sarcophagus Lid of Pacal Votan" under the "New and Unique Sculptures" link.

Ain't no small time shit, I reckon.

The process he describes for creating the pieces and the general air about it makes me think these may be very worthwhile.

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