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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 5019
Guys, I want to become a witch, I want to experience all this fantastical stuff you guys talk about for myself, I want to communicate with the dead and write research on magic.

There is just one problem.

How do you guys believe in this stuff? Were you just raised to believe in it?
If anything negative happens to you, do you believe it to be the result of a demon's work?
How do I know you aren't all unsuccessful or unattractive people who blame their shortcomings on things like demons and the like?
Does the concept of demons really only exist for things like that?

Okay, lets say for example your really lazy.
Would you believe that laziness is a demonic influence?
If so, who ever decided that laziness was a negative trait?
OR, do the majority of any lazy folks here think that laziness is a positive thing because they can't help but just act lazy all day?
Are you all just desperate people who just make up these excuses and lie to themselves to make them feel better?

Do you believe my difficulty in believing this stuff is because of a demonic influence?
Is the fact I keep mentioning demons supposed to be a demonic influence?
Demons demons demons?

Im not trying to be hostile.
I'm not sure you will be able to get everything you want, but get some mushrooms and weed

and start meditating on occasion and work on deep analytical thought and introspection.

I believe you are an incredibly shallow person and shouldn't dabble in the occult for your own sake.

Then for the sake of what else?
Everything on this board seems to be mainly how to "help" yourself.
For example that thread on how to change yourself physically in the astral.
Very little of it seems to be for the sake of other people.

Also calling me shallow is really just going to end up making me think the majority of the people on this board are generally unsuccessful in life

You could at least convince me otherwise you know.

Anyways why shouldn't I dabble in it for "my own sake"?
Is Dumbledore gonna come out of nowhere and give me the cane?

Just convince me that all of this isn't a pile of nonsense, order me to do something for a few good 10 years that will convince me.
Im obviously trying my hardest to accept it, but my mind due to the way I was raised is making it very difficult.

That's of zero importance to anyone here.
Spend a few years reconsidering your values in life.
Occult work would only exacerbate your mental issues.

>That's of zero importance to anyone here.

I know it isnt, I should have rephrased it to:

"Also calling me shallow is really just going to end up making me think the majority of the people on this board are generally unsuccessful in life and thus involving themselves with this sort of thing so they can use demons or other things as a crutch for their shortcomings, for example ive seen people on this board who want to leave this "plane of existence" entirely because its too mean to them. This is the sort of attitude I would expect from somebody who was a complete loser in life"

>Occult work would only exacerbate your mental issues.

Again, not trying to be hostile.
My mentality is I wish to deal with all these things you claim to be dangerous, just so I can see if it affects me.
If it doesnt im going to make the conclusion you are all nutjobs.
Im not calling you nutjobs now, am I? I wish to learn the things you people practice.


Because that's how the occult works. It amplifies all mental faculties and if they are tainted, the taint is amplified with them.

But go ahead if you wish, you will see your mental health detoriate further and your physical health soon following.

Okay, thank you for your explanation

If you seriously want to learn the occult, read the sticky first, and read the books. Then read some more on what you want to learn. Its your own path, don't take anyone's exact opinion, do it for yourself first.

>How do you guys believe in this stuff? Were you just raised to believe in it?
I was raised to be a skeptic materialist. I saw people posting about things I believed impossible, decided to put away my doubt for a moment and give it a shot, and now here I am.
Don't try to believe anything, just get rid of doubt for the duration of whatever it is you're trying.

>If anything negative happens to you, do you believe it to be the result of a demon's work?

Potentially, but bad things will happen anyways. There would need to be more evidence.

The rest of your questions I won't answer because you will know the answer soon enough.

Why so much about demons anyways?

It amplifies flaws to the point they become glaringly obvious, and you can take action to remedy them. It's not a big deal.

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>How do you guys believe in this stuff? Were you just raised to believe in it?

I certainly wasn't raised to believe in any of this. Rather I would say three things are responsible for me believing in this:

1. Deep scepticism which extended towards the sceptics as well and the apparent absurdity of anything existing at all.
2. A natural ability for astral projection which has been with me my whole life and has revealed a ton of strange phenomena.
3. Heavy philosophizing and endless research and just connecting it all together. Montalk was an especially big influence for me as well and very important.

>If anything negative happens to you, do you believe it to be the result of a demon's work?

No. There are very specific things I attribute to demons. I am aware of psychic pinging, like, I can tell when another entity is thinking about me or in my presence. I am also aware of when demons are in fact trying to put thoughts into my mind because I've observed over the years that there's actually another voice in my mind which sounds just like my voice but actually IS NOT my voice because I don't control it and if I am tricky I can say something at the same time it says something. Whatever entity was responsible for that has mostly given up though as I've defeated it at this point though it sometimes come back. I also experience very strange paranormal phenomena like phantom music (always the same song) and other weird things.

>How do I know you aren't all unsuccessful or unattractive people who blame their shortcomings on things like demons and the like?

That's now how demons work. Here I'll quote you something right out of IIH:

"Many human beings live under the erroneous impression that they are being pursued or destroyed by a black magician, whereas in reality they have simply become pawns to their own fantasy, victims of their own larvae which they themselves have created. These people usually do not realize this until they have left their mortal shell. There is only a very small percentage of human beings who are actually magically pursued. All we have to do is to think of the many innocent victims of our past that met with a terrible death through the Inquisition. There was of course a certain advantage for society in general that less and less importance and belief was placed on spiritual laws, due to changing times. But while people placed less belief in spiritual laws, they neglected to investigate the matter properly and did not examine the higher laws, in other words, they threw out the baby with the bath water."

>Does the concept of demons really only exist for things like that?

No. They are literal entities you can interact with, talk to, feel their influence, be tortured by, have sex with, feel them warp your mind, and engage in many other interactions. I have summoned a few and had them appear right before me.

>Okay, lets say for example your really lazy.

>Would you believe that laziness is a demonic influence?

It can be but it's more likely just bad metaprogramming, or the influence of archons, etc. and not necessarily the work of demons.

>If so, who ever decided that laziness was a negative trait?

Philosophers who understood it to be a vice that undermines the well-being of a person.

>OR, do the majority of any lazy folks here think that laziness is a positive thing because they can't help but just act lazy all day?

That doesn't seem like very sound reasoning to me.

>Are you all just desperate people who just make up these excuses and lie to themselves to make them feel better?

No. I have perfected emotional alchemy and don't have to do things like that to feel a certain way. I need only will an emotion into being, provided I have the astral energy to feel at all.

>Do you believe my difficulty in believing this stuff is because of a demonic influence?

No. It's because of the programming of this society as a whole and the collective influence of a humanity duped into materialism.

>Is the fact I keep mentioning demons supposed to be a demonic influence?


>Demons demons demons?

The biggest influence btw is usually other humans. Humans tend to keep each other in check and to engage in groupthink and all that. Demons and other higher entities become more of a problem for someone who falls way outside the normal realms of consciousness and who then are attacked because they are waking up and threatening the stability of the entire system.

>but get some mushrooms and weed

No DO NOT do this.

Meditate for hours on end and work with your thoughtforms.

Fuck using drugs. I never used them.

Anon do it for your own sake! LHP is best path!

Also see this: ( >>2735 )

That thread right there explains things better.

Fuck the moralfags! Power for those who can attain it!

>Just convince me that all of this isn't a pile of nonsense, order me to do something for a few good 10 years that will convince me.

1. Wait until Fringe Wizard's done his book.
2. Read stuff on here and stuff in the sticky in the meanwhile
3. Book eventually comes out.
4. ???
5. Profit!!

>Spend a few years reconsidering your values in life.

This is stupid.

>Occult work would only exacerbate your mental issues.

Psychiatry is bullshit. See: ( >>1933 ) & ( >>4031 ).

>for example ive seen people on this board who want to leave this "plane of existence" entirely because its too mean to them.

That's not why I want to leave this plane of existence AT ALL. I'm a recluse, therefore, how "mean" other people are is irrelevant to me as I am not actually around them.

I want to leave because the astral planes are so incredibly breathtakingly absolutely beautiful. They are the next level of being. Nothing in this realm compares to the pure majesty of life in the astral.

Being here in the waking, it's like everything is in a lower resolution all the time, and it's all static and not really so vivid. If you knew just how amazing it is in the astral you'd never want to leave as well.

Besides, as far as other entities being mean, the astral is full of hostile entities as well that will attack you and fuck your shit up. Yet I am willing to fight them for my own place there.

>It amplifies flaws to the point they become glaringly obvious, and you can take action to remedy them. It's not a big deal.

This. Also I personally don't care if a person wipes themselves out following the occult as I know that if they die in the pursuit of higher knowledge it was a worthy death. Nobody should be held back by fear, fear is the absolute worst mentality to have, and that particular emotion has a very limited range of use (there are some uses but mostly it's just garbage). Learning the occult = accelerated spiritual development.

Psychiatry is not bullshit in the slightest.

No it's complete bullshit. Psychiatric shill please go.

You guys ruin lives. I cannot tell you how many teenagers I've known perscribed Xanax, Prozac, amphetamines, etc.

Most psychiatrists are nothing but drug dealers with a legal license to sling pharmaceuticals (Another industry aiding the destruction and degradation of our collective intelligence, health, and consciousness as a race). There are better ways to deal with mental illness than taking drugs.

Pardon me, I did not mean to say that you yourself are a psychiatrist. I only strongly disagree with you.

Mental illness is a myth and any proper shaman could help people with those problems far better than some fucking kikes with their drugs and materialism.

Yeah, that's right, everyone is equal and all brains function the same.

>Yeah, that's right, everyone is equal and all brains function the same.

No absolutely not. However mental illness as psychiatrists understand it really is a myth. Different brains function differently, nobody is equal, etc. but the jew psychiatrists have no idea what they're dealing with or how to help people.

Mental illnesses are very real, the fact that the modern "treatment" is just a method of subjugation is irrelevant.

Most people will not have access to a "proper shaman" so that point is moot.

It is a very real possibility to get lost in your own delusions and stray from the path forever, as has happened to many occultists before.

>It amplifies flaws to the point they become glaringly obvious, and you can take action to remedy them. It's not a big deal.

No, just no. Maybe from other people's perspective, but the individual is unlikely to notice them before they are overtaken by them.

>Mental illnesses are very real, the fact that the modern "treatment" is just a method of subjugation is irrelevant.

Nope every mental illness is an arbitrary, vague, bullshit way to label a person and if we were to take it seriously we would have to consider everyone as being "mentally ill" in the entire society.

>Most people will not have access to a "proper shaman" so that point is moot.

So? It is better to die than to have those drugs wreck you.

>It is a very real possibility to get lost in your own delusions and stray from the path forever, as has happened to many occultists before.

Wow so you actually fear insanity? I don't one bit and don't care. If you're worried about delusion, then stay in your mundane reality, but don't bother us.

>No, just no. Maybe from other people's perspective, but the individual is unlikely to notice them before they are overtaken by them.

Oy vey what a terrible thing that would be! Not.

OP here, thank you for the various opinions and I am happy to hear lots of you were raised not to believe in these things.

Yesterday I began work on my Tulpa.
A lot happened in a single day, I saw it take a form I had not ever expected, and as soon as it did, it transformed my wonderland from a forest into a marble throne room.
I was gonna ask the forum at tulpa.info for help because that seems to be a lot for one day, but the site appears messed up.

That's right, proper functioning in the society is just an arbitrary social construct. Embrace marxism, downies and other broken individuals are just the same as we are, accept them.

>That's right, proper functioning in the society is just an arbitrary social construct. Embrace marxism, downies and other broken individuals are just the same as we are, accept them.

No anon. The thing I believe is we should just ignore these people not accept them. If you are too dysfunctional that you off yourself then good. It's these shills who want them to be drugged and kept around in some institution and crap.

Why are you saying we're all equal just because psychology is bullshit?

There's still physical illness.

If mental illness really existed it would be dealt with purely mentally no with drugs and crap.

>How do you guys believe in this stuff?
Originally I didn't, but through countless hours of research and personal trials I have found magic (the power of the mind/consciousness) to be true and real.

>Were you just raised to believe in it?

No, I was empirical agnostic before. (I'll believe it when I have proof.)

>If anything negative happens to you, do you believe it to be the result of a demon's work?

It could be, but usually not.

>How do I know you aren't all unsuccessful

I've seen the fruits of my labor.

>or unattractive people who blame their shortcomings on things like demons and the like?

Nope, even if something did go sideways for that reason I'd just try again (perhaps with a better/tweaked belief for said specific thing.)

>Does the concept of demons really only exist for things like that?

Daemons, entities with out a physical body (at least one that is manifested so that mundane senses can percieve it) while they are prevaylant, they don't just have free reign, see

>Okay, lets say for example your really lazy. Would you believe that laziness is a demonic influence?

It might be, but it really doesn't much matter because it's all a test of will any how.

>If so, who ever decided that laziness was a negative trait?

Sloth is one of the 7 sins.

>OR, do the majority of any lazy folks here think that laziness is a positive thing because they can't help but just act lazy all day?

You really just need to ask yourself what you want to be, and then try (have suffcient will) to be/experience that. Sometimes it's something as mundane as getting off your ass, sometimes it's more about the disipline to keep walking the path you choose.

>Are you all just desperate people who just make up these excuses and lie to themselves to make them feel better?

I doubt it, /x/ probably has more of the dabbler type that would fit that description.

>Do you believe my difficulty in believing this stuff is because of a demonic influence?

I understand where you're comming from, the main stream beliefs and lies. But demons aren't the end all manipulators, and really it's an umbrella term for a lot of things.

>Is the fact I keep mentioning demons supposed to be a demonic influence?

lol, no, your just curious from the looks of it.

To be clear, Demons are parts of your own mind.
Are they real?
Are they floating around making people doing bad things?
They are you/we, we are demons, we are the purest light made flesh. Lucifer falling from the sky didn't felt on earth. He become earth. The matter itself is Lucifer. And we an all the matter trying to clomb back to "heaven" to the purest form of energy existing, the unity, "God".

So yeah "demons" are what hold us back to the matter. They are the bad thoughts. Demons are fractionning us while we need to reach unity.

But someone said he can summon a demon?
Yes you can, you can summon the archetype of a particular form of thought to command him. You can summon an avatar of a fear to telle him to leave you alone. But it's just you manipulating your mind.

But someone said that he can use demons to make things?
Of course, and that's the essence of magic. You can make things happen with your mind. So if you're able to manipulate your thought, you can use this power to focus a part of your spirit to make things happen.

Magic is a technical way to deal with things higher than the material plane.

Some people will say something like"muh demons, you don't know shit about it they real"
If you think they are real and your magic works then yeah they are real. If you're a absolutly sure that you see dragons flying around and you can talk to them. It's also true. No matter the symbolism, you choose your own path.

But to make fabulous things you need to be fabulous. Everything you need to know is in you, it's just a long trip to reach it.

>To be clear, Demons are parts of your own mind.

…but anon, EVERYTHING is part of our mind.

>Are they floating around making people doing bad things?


They do go around fucking with people though and sometimes driving them over the edge.

>They are you/we, we are demons, we are the purest light made flesh. Lucifer falling from the sky didn't felt on earth. He become earth. The matter itself is Lucifer. And we an all the matter trying to clomb back to "heaven" to the purest form of energy existing, the unity, "God".

Wasn't that just simply god projecting matter as a thoughtform and then enthusing it with spirit?

>But someone said he can summon a demon?

>Yes you can, you can summon the archetype of a particular form of thought to command him. You can summon an avatar of a fear to telle him to leave you alone. But it's just you manipulating your mind.

Demons can also go bother other people you know.

>If you think they are real and your magic works then yeah they are real. If you're a absolutly sure that you see dragons flying around and you can talk to them. It's also true. No matter the symbolism, you choose your own path.

They have ways of hacking into our reality though even for people who initially don't believe in them.

Seriously a demon possessing one person CAN jump from that person to another. Happened to me when I was possessed for a couple hours until the demon just left me and found a better vessel in proximity to me.

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