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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1398688202698.jpg (93.08 KB, 500x486, autism overload.jpg)
No. 7900
If Nordic Aliens are time travelers from the future, how come they are letting all the Nordic countries (especially Sweden) go to shit with destructive cultural marxist policies?
because the jews exist, and they serve the demiurge

and the demiurge is more powerful than the nordics

but thats just my IMO

(someone else will probably say the demiurge lives in us all, as infinite imagination, and that the jews serve some other cadre of miscreants, but ehh. someone else will say to take your meds, and i will say take your green pills)

File: 1398690261997.jpg (13.06 KB, 256x345, Ashtar Sheran.jpg)
Oh OP you made me think of my random story / theory I thought up of after reading some aliens thread on /x/ a few days ago…

>for countless cycles, the various iterations of humanity have been seeded onto this planet and destroyed repeatedly

>in the 1940s that all changed
>the National Socialist Germans were the first to successfully wage a war against the aliens for the survival of humanity
>to this day they continue to fight outside of linear-time against the reptilian/grey/etc. menace
>we were meant to be destroyed entirely but that fate has been averted, humanity is on the path to ascension, thanks to the ascended Nordic man

Also maybe they're letting it go to shit in order to weed out all the people that are easily influenced by propaganda, have a propensity to betray their race, etc. until all the degenerate filth ends up being blended out and then they will come in and clean up the mess later or more likely they're still fighting for our place in the galaxy and they're trying to do their best but they are rather restricted in their range of actions and perhaps have to be very covert and in the shadows about things in order to avoid detection and elimination by a much more powerful enemy.

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