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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1400134307208.jpg (576.73 KB, 2272x1704, Dermatographic_urticaria.jpg)
No. 9965
Hey dermographics! Have you ever tried inscribing sigils on your arm or other meaningful areas?

I've only casted a few, and you would probably want to keep it simple, but it goes away pretty quickly and you still get the melodrama of putting a mark on yourself that then recedes into you.

Just wondering if this is stupid, I'm fine with it being so.
I'd do but my body has the annoying habit of very easily forming scars on it.

Btw, I never cast sigils, but all day while I'm reading and doing shit I keep seeing complex magical sigils (usually red or blue in colour) just appear in my vision briefly and go away.

Weird eh?

You should definitely try to remember the next one and see if you can get it id'd

Would be pretty cool if it turned out to be a signal or something

I see a few each day but it's so brief it's really hard to commit such a complex form to memory.

One time though with eyes closed I saw a more simpler form which I have remembered, imagine a blue electrical donut form that looks like something out of Kirlian photopgraphy, then imagine a bite out of the bottom part of the donut, then round the edges… and you get what I saw.

Like pic related.

I see so much crazy shit all the time though it's doubtful much of it is meaningful other then these strange and complex sigils that keep appearing to me during the day as I do stuff.

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