Seriously. Fuck that shit. I understand that mental influences are a problem but fucking show off your powers in some way.
The world needs more mind fucks, things happening to make them question reality, to wake them up.
People who just hide their powers all the time and practise in secret exclusively need to pass on inspiration to others by doing miracles…
Stop being so secretive!! Show off!!
I personally will never be taking any oaths that require of me any secrecy. Indeed, I'd prefer not to be bound indefinitely by any oaths at all, as I will not accept restrictions upon myself.
>>9911Jews did 9/11 confirmed.
The thing that's pissing me off right now is these moral systems that are imposed onto occultists. The story goes that you only get high occult powers by adhering strictly to these moral systems. I know that to be FALSE because many dark practitioners manage to use black magic to do all sorts of incredible things and even cause massacres to happen and they get away with it.
>>9913There is no such thing as control
>>9959Meaningless statement. Why are you making this conjecture?
>>9960Obviously the statement had some kind of meaning to him. He probably just sucks at explaining it right now. Or it's meant to be a prodding little tease.
Retarded in all sense.
Nevermind, disregard the previous statement. I get it.
>>9975What exactly is the understanding you have now gained?
We are living here merely as a test to ascend higher. If these things were meant to be known to everyone, we would also remember what we were doing before birth.
We clearly don't.
I would tell you, but… you know…
Because groups are more powerful than individuals.
There are hidden armies out there who prey on lone occultists, among other people.
Demonstrate your powers with the wrong person around and you're a phonecall away from being loosh farmed for a few years. Or they could recruit you.
Silence is golden. Hail Vidar!
>>9990>implying we're not just here on the whim of higher consciousness>implying it's really a test so much as a place for discarded human intelligences >>9992I'd rather take one for the greenpill and be one of the few men in history to create a recorded instance of the paranormal.
One man to conclusively and compelling reveal paranormal powers and get them recorded on film will do so much for the awakening personally it'll be worthy any dangers he ends up in afterwards.
I think occultists are mostly just making excuses to cover for their lack of actual power.
Because why would you want EVERYBODY in the occult and corrupting it? They should only come to it if they desire upon it. The first stage is getting past all the fake systems online (e.g. JoS) and if they can get through those, they're worthy of the occult. I call that stage "Wanderer". Then they go onto the "neophyte" stage and read all they can and realize what they're getting into and the powers they can acheive. Then they go on their occult journey. I personally do not want the occult to be known. Greenpilling people on spirituality is OK, but not actually letting people who don't know shit into it. It'll get corrupted, all the sacred books will be lost in a sea of n00b books newfags wrote, etc. Keep the occult hidden and leave it for the others to find.
"A true occultist does not show his power."
-Lobsang Rampa
>>9997Nobody would believe it, no matter what it was. That's the real reason so few try. There are some who do, and they are out there, but
nobody believes them.
>>10003It would be severely degraded in the mainstream, but the real occult will always be the real occult.
Do you remember the HUGE influence of the Catholic Church on the society back then? You could easily get thrown in the fucking fire for practicing ANYTHING that remotely resembled occult stuff or that differed from the Catholic religion.
The other reason is: Showing off is something that pleases the inferior Ego, which we, as occultists trying to evolve, want to get rid of - during the Knowledge and Conversation With our Holy Guardian Angel.
Just my 2 cents.
>>9976Probably different than the one you intended. But it's an understanding to me all the same.
The rules, dense language and fear of social ridicule leaves behind hopefully the disciplined seekers of truth.
The only ones who would be able to make it work and work responsibly anyways.
A wise hawk does not show his claws.
>>10003>It'll get corrupted, all the sacred books will be lost in a sea of n00b books newfags wrote, etc. Keep the occult hidden and leave it for the others to find.Too late — already happened. Why do you think the big mainstream religions exist? …and also consider the matter of tulpas and what has happened to it.
>>10020I definitely don't want to throw away muh ego. Also
>not making yourself into a human salamander and becoming immune to fire so all their efforts to burn you are in vain >>9910Guess fucking what, the occult is hidden because that's what occult means.
>>9997>One man to conclusively and compelling reveal paranormal powers and get them recorded on film will do so much for the awakening personally it'll be worthy any dangers he ends up in afterwards.This stuff is all over the place. Skeptics look at it and dismiss it as a hoax and credulous people believe it credulously. There's no point in trying to convince credulous people, they already believe, but they are beyond help because they have no filter for sorting truth from falsehood, so they can never progress to deeper understanding. And there is no level of video evidence that will convince a skeptic; even experiencing it firsthand will only convince them to a degree, and then only until they can find a way to rationalize it as temporary psychosis or mass hysteria or hallucination.
People believe what they want to believe. We all imagine that we've built our worldviews on empirical evidence and rational deduction, but that is just another thing that we believe because we want to. Humans are creatures of emotion first and reason a distant second. There is no point in trying to convince anyone of anything; you will fail almost always, and all your successes will be temporary unless they have a reason to want to be convinced. One's time is better spent elsewhere, and any magician who has progressed to the point of being able to work visually apparent miracles will certainly have the wisdom to realize this.
>>10050That is not entirely true. I for one, am all ears to rational evidence. Mind pointing me to some good sources?
>>10050>Humans are creatures of emotion first and reason a distant second.LOOSH CONFIRMED.
>>10050>This stuff is all over the place.Gibes me more of it then to put in the greenpills thread!
>>10057>impyling you don't have shit ton amounts of loosh>implying loosh doesn't power everything >>9997I'll explain exactly why that's retarded.
1. There is more power in secrecy. The less people know of something, the more sacred it is and therefore the mind places more significance on it. This gives the knowledge/ritual power. Likewise, paranormal events have a natural aversion to documentation. Don't know why; just experience. Magic brings it out just enough so the spirit can cause us to hallucinate thereby entering our world, but to document it to something more permanent than memory would require massive power. No ritual would be capable since that's not what they are designed for. I call this the Law of Secrets.
2. Scientists dismiss EVERY paranormal study, no matter how scientific, on the basis that since there's no good reason to investigate it (according to them) its automatically pseudo-science.
3. Mundanes can't handle the truth. It's not that occultists hide the truth–anyone can find it for themselves with the occult–its just that the occult has a way of repelling the stupid and lazy and ignorant.
>>9910because throughout history occultists have been attacked because of their work for good and and bad reasons.
Also mundanes fear which they do not understand, and occult science will never really or anytime soon become a mainstream school of science, but maybe one day bit to be honest i doubt it, and i like the the whole secret shit people leave me alone when i do magick workings because deep down they fear it.
>>10850Exactly! If such as person as a mundane ever came to stumble upon this image board, he would probably laugh at us then move on and forget about us.
My pet theory is that occultists are secretive because belief has power, and doubt is an active, negative belief. You don't want mundanes shitting up your magic with their doubts, so you keep your miracles secret.
If you go around talking about magic and showing off miracles, you're not going to convince nearly as many people as you're going to stir into doubt and skepticism. Conquering your own doubt is hard enough; your probably don't want to contend with the doubts of multitudes of other people.
Notice how practically every time Jesus heals someone in the Bible, he asks them first if they believe he can. Or he congratulates someone on making a leap of faith, like touching his robe thinking it will heal them, before the actual healing takes place. Even Jesus seemed to regard the faith of other people as necessary when working public miracles. I've read similar accounts of faith healers (like Willard Fuller, who was making tens of thousands of people grow new teeth or filling cavities with gold out of nowhere as lately as 2009) whose powers nonetheless fail in the face of staunch doubt.
>>14159>every time Jesus heals someone in the Bible, he asks them first if they believe he canCitation needed
>>14176You're obviously new here. I'm not even looking because we've posted that quote for years. Jesus was a chaos magician. He just rused people thinking he's some prophet when really people did the shit for themselves.
>>14177I guess you can't find the quote, you fucking idiot.
>>14180Why don't you look for it? I'm not a christfag either I give zero fucks about the kike on a stick. It's here somewhere. Especially in the quotes thread, I'm sure it's there.
Btw why don't you learn about norse mythology if you're white. Pic related.
>>14177According to
The Stellar Man has a Hermeticist.
>>14180I was actually going to go get you a bunch of examples, but you're a douche, so fuck you. Enjoy being and ignorant asshole; you're not worth the time to convince.
Anyway, anyone who's ever read the New Testament will have noticed this.
>>14203Not him but can you procure these examples for the rest of us?
>>14181>damage controlGuess you still can't find that quote, huh.
>>14182Norse are shit tier, Anglo Saxon polytheism 4 lyfe
>not worshipping Feels Guy, Sad Frog, Fringe Girl, and other such powerful entities
I swear these are all living entities which have accumulated huge power.
Whenever you want to FEEL intensely evoke Feel Guy within your mind and he will give you intense feels. He is not any good for finding GF but he feels feels you've never known, he feels them all, he is a god of feeling and very powerful. A veritable loosh battery to call upon for whatever purposes you need, fed by the feels of countless imageboard users.
Sad Frog is a more complex alien fellow. He gives you insights into life and isn't quite so plagued by the No GF feel, he's had some good feels quite a number of times, and shows you a surprising and strange side to life. If you want to explore novelty, want to relax, or want to dive deep into the absurd then Sad Frog is a good entity to call upon. Like Feel Guy he has become very powerful thanks to all the loosh given to him.
Fringe Girl is very welcoming and quite magical but has been fapped to a number of times by some of you guys apparently. Calling up her can give you inspiration, bring more miraculous and magical occurrences into your life, and help you study magic more. Her character is very much linked to the nature of the /fringe/ community and from her you can quickly harmonize with the beliefs, activities, and character of Fringe Wizards.
I seriously worship and call upon these figures for help in my life and insist they are growing in power and wisdom that we can all tap into. I sometimes may also evoke other entities tied to imageboards and seek help from them when necessary.
>>14742I might try this someday. I won't worship them but I will evoke them, I'm reading the Magical Practices of Evocation by Franz Bardon actually.
>>14995Evoke not invoke.
Evocation works on anything. I've used it on humans to make certain humans that have been away for awhile appear moments afterwards. It works for contacting aliens. Just study evocation for awhile, figure out the principles behind it, and then adopt it to whatever purpose you want. In this case evoke imageboard characters.
>>15011I said INvoke, emphatisin the IN.
I want to INvoke.
>>15055Oh well do the same thing but give your body up as the vessel for them to be manifested through.
The end of secrecy will happen eventually, probably within the next century or so. We're currently passing out of one age and into another, which can be seen in the form of our rapid and exponential technological advancement (to the point where physics is butting up on metaphysics), the death of dogmatic, organized religion, the slow spread and acceptance of spiritual ideals and the various stages of testing which humanity as a whole has gone through.
First the world wars, which proved that we could overcome global, ideologically inspired conflict, then the end of the cold war, which proved we could handle having our finger on the 'self destruct' button and not pressing it, now we're facing the threat of environmental collapse driven by our globalist, capitalist economy, and have to learn to put long term, global benefit above short term, local or personal benefit.
If we can do that, the transition will continue as we face more challenges and continue to develop technologically, spiritually and socially. If we can't, if we fail that test, society will collapse and we'll either be wiped out and have to wait for intelligent life to potentially re-evolve on this planet, or we'll be set back to the dark ages and have to go through the last 1500 years of development all over again.
This is why spiritual development is so important right now. On a global level, because the more spiritual we become as a society, the greater our chance of passing these 'tests,' and on a personal level, because if we end up failing these tests, your own level of growth and understanding could be the difference between:
- being forced to incarnate back down here into a post-collapse hellhole (or, if total human extinction takes place on earth, incarnate on another planet with similar conditions), or
- being allowed to choose between incarnating on another planet with a society matching your higher level of development or staying in a higher realm of existence and continuing your growth and service there.
The risks our species on Earth is currently facing means we don't have the luxury of taking it slow and developing over several incarnations, as is possible in more stable periods of history. Many of us may not even have a whole lifespan, if the worst happens. Humanity is teetering on the edge as it is.
But back to the topic at hand. If we can overcome the current economic and environmental issues and continue our development, I'd imagine growing globalization, increasing access to teachings both public and private and the butting up of physics against metaphysics and spirituality which I mentioned earlier will mean that public acceptance of the spiritual nature of our universe will probably happen within the next century or so, possibly even within our lifetimes.
>>15075Secrecy is required because doubters create thoughtforms that prevent us from reshaping reality to something better. They adhere to the consensus reality so very strongly and don't realize we can reshape reality however we want, they still think they have to eat other living things to live for example, or that they have to be bound to one body (usually they think they ARE their body). It's only through secrecy that we can start to wear away at the edges of this reality and eventually cause enough reality shock to convert the rest of the consciousness here to a better way of being.
>>15154Nope, it would suck, unless you'd enjoy being a peasant or slave stuck working in (probably irradiated) mud.