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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 9856
tl;dr of all the magic books ever

Have a very strong imagination, imagine a way for something to be done, and it will be done.

There, saved you from having to read hundreds of books just to realize that truth.

The one and only greenpill that is truly necessary is this:

"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental."


–the imagination is not impotent, it is UNLIMITED in power.


–all things are imagined.

From there it is only a matter of imagining into being – or transforming – or banishing every quality that you don't like until the exact experience you really want to have manifest is being had by you.

Knowing the above is very important because what works for others will never work as well as your unique approach to imagining things. It's awkward to follow the various examples other give, and I've read hundreds of them, but it becomes apparent from reading so many examples that ALL of them are just different ways to imagine shit being done.

You do have to be fairly clever in how you imagine things. Some ways are more efficient than others, others take a lot of raw force. I suggest building up a permanent thoughtform that you can program with any functions you need it to have to perform operations on your reality.

All hail the powers of imagination!
Note: We are indoctrinated into believing that our imaginations are limited and can't effect reality. Do away with that thought and begin imagining things very intensely today. Start with the form and appearance of something – then proceed with giving it more properties. There is nothing you can not give to a thought. Proceed with testing it, it eventually will do as you imagined. It can take up space, it can physically interact with you, it can unlock new avenues of experience that have been previously closed off to you, it can do the impossible.

I think we should have a purge of the sticky and start taking fringe's development in a new direction and look for more enlightened sources that recognize this fact of unlimited imaginal power.

How do I will something?

by getting ebic trips

Now go out and will what ye will.

Levitation (siddhi/occult ability)

"Known as "tumo" in Tibet, You have got to hold fast the imagination of your body being filled with air by each breath in such a way that is resembles a balloon. Combine it at the same time with the imagination that your body is becoming lighter, as light as air itself. The sensation of lightness should be so intense that finally you do not feel your body at all. By constant practice of this experiment, adepts will succeed in producing phenomena of levitation such as walking on the surface of water, floating in the air, displacement of the body and many more, especially if one concentrates on one element only." –(Initiation into hermetics by Franz Bardon)

Occult abilities are mere side effects; you could consider them a compass for spiritual development, designated for noble purposes only, and as aids to your fellow man; that is why they are reserved only for the true adepts/masters.


The Hermetic Hour - The Magick of Franz Bardon

The Hermetic Hour presents a lecture on the magick of Franz Bardon, the 20th century European alchemist and magician. Bardon was the author of three books on magick, and one semi-autobiographical novel. His Eastern style methods of training, owing much to raja and tantric yoga, have had a considerable influence on modern Western practice. We will discuss each of his three books in sequence; where his information came from, and what his philosophy was. You will learn about "fluid condensers," "volts," "elementals," magnetic and electric fluids, and magick mirrors. His debt to P. B. Randolph will be mentioned. We will discuss the origins of his myriads of spirits, the way he derived his sigils, his unique concept of Kabbalah. Bardon's background as a professional hypnotist, alchemist and healer will be compared to his mundane life and problems. The Master was an over-weight chain-smoker who died after eating a bacon sandwich—but he was still "The Master," and we should appreciate him all the more for the faults that made him human. Tune in find out why Simon, King of the Witches kept saying "Magnetic-Electric," while having fun with the D.A.'s daughter.


Meanwhile in currynigger land…

The Primary Siddhis Powers Swami Sri Nabuji

The ten primary Siddhis powers are explained by Swami Sri Nabuji using speech Thann and word codexing. A must see for the advanced mystical student and yogi.


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