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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 9835
Is Transhumanism greenpilled?

inb4 moved to /grave/
No transhumanism is materialist and the opposite of greenpill. We can enhance ourselves bodily and in mind and achieve anything we want through magic. Hell, I even have a "computer interface" over my my vision that I thoughtformed into place which works really fast and processes information for me.

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hehehehe silly goyim, transhumanism is the future!

I was told in a dream that if I join the iluminati my children would be immortal

Come home illumined man.


more info / description on computer interface please. i wanna do something like this eventually

also have you seen the show 'Sherlock' ?

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Guys check out this movement;


Basically it's redpilled transhumanism, very related to this thread

>more info / description on computer interface please. i wanna do something like this eventually

It's just a GUI that appears over my vision and hilights and processes information for me.

>also have you seen the show 'Sherlock' ?


Hmm, can you gauge the power level/potential strength of a person with this technique? I always wanted a scouter, this might be the only workable option until technology catches up.

If you can imagine it, it can be done. Just program it into the interface. Whatever it is, it's very intelligent, I didn't really think too much about it – it just knows what information I want and displays things very beautifully.

please respond

Fuck transhumanism.

Would you say that folkish ideology and transhumanism are mutually exclusive though

Imagine a world where all niggers are still niggers except they've stolen the mask of the nordic man, having now blonde hair, white skin, and blue eyes. That would be a shit world.

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>transhumanism is materialist
Is it, though?

It seems to me like materialism would be clinging to your material flesh-and-blood body. Becoming a cyborg, altering your body to your liking, having multiple bodies, etc., is like admitting that the body, like all matter, is disposable and merely a tool. To me that seems like the opposite of materialism.

Of course, to be truly greenpilled, the transhuman technologies would have to be open-source and available to all, otherwise it just becomes another corporate product, essentially we'd all be transformed into walking iPhones.

And so, my suspicion that nobody in this board knows the meaning of "materialism" is confirmed.

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>"you don't know what materialism even means!"
>doesn't explain what it means


>implying electronics / computers can even hold the consciousness

Okay. People here mean it as attachment to the matarial world. Anywhere else it's a philosophical theory which says everything that exists is composed of matter, and that everything that is possible is a consequence of matter. In other words, nothing separate from the physical exists, and some hard materialists even deny the existence of consciousness and such.

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