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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 6470
>Ragnarok–Religion & Magic Part 3″

April 13th, 2014


Welcome to all! We appreciate each and everyone of you are listeners and appreciate the fact as well that you continue to visit this site which is why we resurrected it and linked it with our main website!

This is our 3rd and final episode on the "Religion and Magic Series" which deals with the subject of Ragnarok from the Voluspa. There is also a reading at the midpoint of the show just as in the 2nd episode, only this one appropriately deals with an area of the underworld called Nifhel.

In this episode we delve the deepest into the difference between the religious path and the magical path and how one can look at things from an apocalyptic viewpoint, or from a cyclical viewpoint. This episode was made prior to the alignment of 2012 which you QUITE quickly when you start listening to the episode. You will find that the things that I talk about and that Glen (Tyrsson) talks about have an alarming accuracy as to what our world is involved in today, and how mythologies are stories that are not true, but through their imagery contains truth that tells us about the cycle of birth death and renewal!

For those of you that are subscribing through iTunes or through another RSS feeder you will have this episode immediately once it's released. Those of you that are on the Facebook page or who have subscribed to the newsletter that is described there will also receive the broadcast when it is released along with RSS information which is very easy to find on the main site through the RSS symbol on the right-hand side. Our network site is being cleaned up to be more simple as that is a work in progress LOL! Our main focus with the network site is being able to promote those people who have a podcast whether it be in the realm of our religion or news and media, and even entertainment that the best and the brightest content can be provided to you folk from various sources through a single gateway.

Maybe I should go to the astral and search out more knowledge there about Norse Paganism intentionally.

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