>>9090(Samefag): To be honest I can only see this really working in its own thread, we need clarity and little to no tangents for ease of collecting data and sharing experiences. It's also a new method which I developed/discovered on my own so I guess it kinda counts as a personal experience thread too, but I want to see other people get the same results as me.
I'm gonna cross post to 420chans /spooky/ and then advertise in /weed/ to get more stoners to try the method out, /spooky/ is slow enough to not have it 404, /weed/ has a high population of faggots who'd probably be interested… don't worry I won't be linking here but I might link to the stonerchan threads so you can spread/recieve more info.
The more people who we have data on the better; we can figure out which kind of psytrance (there's many kinds… or even other music, although I remember trying the methods with music other than psytrance and them being
very underwhelming in comparison) works best,
how we go from just listening to music to synestheia and how to make the leap into an astral projection type exploration of the musical realm where you can navigate your center of conciousness through vivid orbs and snowstorm visions each with their own level of intensity and type of vibration as you pass through them.
We can also go into statistics, like success rates after x amounts of experiments, comparing results while high to results while sober etc
Note if you try this If you achieve synesthesia, try to
explain the process of how you shifted from just listening to
feeling and
seeing it. It's very subtle but there
is an element of active manipulation of your powers of perception. If enough people try to put this into words we could end up making it much easier to do for other people, which eventually I'll turn into a free pdf guide to distribute wherever.
Post practise visionsThe visions of entities usually show up after a successful, or just passive session (ie not entering the "musical realm"… but during a period of semi-regular practise), when you open your eyes to a dark or dimly lit room (dimly lit works best) and lay still, by this point the music should have turned itself off. If you've been developing synesthetic vision then you are likely to see vivid etheric energy EVERYWHERE. The entities I saw were distinct, made of light, acted as if they were alive and displayed traits of innocent curiosity in how they moved. It is possible to communicate with them and I'd suggest doing so and reporting back here if it happens.
If you're smoking weed and doing this…expect weed to become more hallucinagenic to you, for example I once saw a dancing man made of bare tree branches on the rooftops of houses across the street, he stuck to the center of my vision so I could move him around at will, I believe this only happened due to using weed in an occult context. I also managed to do other things such as willing a stronger high, willing visions of etheric energy as well as more frequent spiritual experiences like feelings of weightlessness/floating, golden bright lights over my left shoulder and esoteric insight and increased bliss.
However this is not ALL positive, there can be a dark side to it and you may end up ruining your ability to smoke weed witout negative thoughtforms showing up, so you need to practise your wizard skills and do banishing rituals or grounding/white light visualisations before the experiment.
Grounding and white light Is popular with the new age crowd but it's much easier to remember and perform than LBRP, first you visualise roots going deep into the earth, grounding you to the earth, then you visualise a pure white light coming from above vitalising and protecting you. Do each of these for as long as you feel like.