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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 11194
some people just can't see it. they just can't see the that the structure of "facts" given to them in a very strategic and measured way constructed so that people only arrive at a set of stock conclusions.

if you arrive at anything other than the stock conclusions via intuition or just by a holistic understanding of the facts, you're decried, outcasted or mocked for not regurgitating the "official" view. not that I am proselytizing the worldview, it's just that interactions with them are seldom constructive.

/fringe/, how do you interact with mundanes and people with lesser spiritual development?

how do you make these interactions more constructive or at least neutral?

pic related, it's the header banner that was at the top of the page just now. synchronicity made it click.

p.s. i am on 2 days of nofapping. not sure if this sudden surge of loosh is causing me to have all these feels. must learn how to discharge it constructively. tips there are welcome.
Everyone has justification up to that point in time to believe what they believe, because everybody sees something from a different view than someone else. What may not seem justifiable to you may seem entirely justifiable to them, and vise versa.

"And if any man think that he knows any thing, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know."

I just talk to them normally but wish I was a hermit… I'll be doing a ritual then a mundane will barge the fuck in yelling "LOL what r u doin silly??? :DDD" I just want PEACE and QUIET!

I just hypnotize them by exploiting the akashic principle as a carrier for my intentions. e.g. I may start talking about anything but at the same time I am very focused and am imbuing an intent and some hypnotic commands into the words which I know their subconscious will pick up and act on. Then I just distract them while still subtlety sending these commands to them and they become very vulnerable to my magic and end up in a trance and that gets them to stop bothering me. It's more difficult if the mundane is not relaxed and is hard to distract though, an angry mundane seems harder to hypnotize.

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That feel man. It's a feel I feel every single day and night.

When needed, I try my best to interact with them with kindness, lightness and humor.

Social situations help you to develop compassion and love. Isn't that constructive?

You should answer and speak when spoken to, but you yourself might try not to 'force' any speech.
Only speak in season and in reason. If no one asks you your opinion, do not give it.

Remember Buddha and Jesus - they were wise and wanted to help, and still they got mocked and were considered 'outcast'. What did they do?

They lived among the people because they wanted to help them. They wanted to help people to rid their ignorance.
And all the deeds they did, they did them while being among the people, interacting with them.

Surely monks and hermits can become giants in their spiritual growth.
However, it is not impossible for us - those who live among the people - to become giants like them. It is difficult to be either, a hermit or social being, but with compassion and love and practice, nothing is impossible.

Many here want to be hermits to escape other people, but we should instead face them. They will mock you and spit on you.
However, can you really hate the ignorant when in fact you could love and help them to see through their ignorance? I think the next quote sums up these ideas nicely:

"Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

I've spoken.

I know that feel bro.
But in my travels i find that a wizards aura attracts mundanes, they can feel that mystic vibe and love it.
but yeah if they find you do a ritual they are either scared or just think you're silly, go with it, i use it to my advantage people think you're mysterious thus interesting.
Mundane are alright

That feely feel that feels feelsy…. it's a terrible feel.

Check them trips!

You don't get it faggot. Too many fags trying to help everyone without working on themselves first. A lot of the best monks who really healed and helped a lot of people were hermits for awhile, they withdrew, and there's a reason for that – we have to practise and develop our abilities. Without power you're worthless, you can't do any good or evil in the world, first you need the skill. Mundanes get in the way of us getting power.

Hours and hours of preaching shit to the mundanes but not being to back anything up won't get you anywhere when a single miracle will change minds way faster.

Work on yourself before you go and act stupid around mundanes.

Also the most powerful people never even show their faces and aren't known. Imagine if you get skilled enough in remote influencing that you could go be in a cave, basement, or something like that and just influence the world without ever physically leaving your place. You'll be a lot more powerful that way then putting your body out there.

This is true, you need the experience. Some people have read themselves stupid.

How can I remotely influence people and situations? If you feel this would derail the thread then make a pastebin.

>When needed, I try my best to interact with them with kindness, lightness and humor.

What good's that for? Someone really concerned with the advancement of humanity ought to give them exactly what they need to experience to grow and not just limit themselves to those expressions.

>Social situations help you to develop compassion and love. Isn't that constructive?

They absolutely do not. Meditation will develop those far more. Social situations wear you down and make you hate others more easily. If you want a bunch of compassion and love practise emotional alchemy and/or look at the buddhistic teachings on the matter which involve everything from meditating on corpses and learning to see women as disgusting rotting fleshbags in over to overcome lust and have total self-control over how you perceive reality.

>You should answer and speak when spoken to, but you yourself might try not to 'force' any speech.

>Only speak in season and in reason. If no one asks you your opinion, do not give it.

…mundanes are insufferable and only hold you back in your development unless you're already developed enough to start practising various magic on them efficiently and subtlety.

Nah there's too may people who are doing drugs and think "that's it, I'm enlightened". In fact the moment you think yourself enlightened seems to be the moment many people's spiritual growth stops. There's quite a few "spiritual" people who refuse to practise and who refuse to read books because they think everything is just going to fall in place for them if they keep up a certain attitude.

We need more reading (which is a solitary activity that you easily get interrupted from by mundanes) and more practising both.

The point of my post was:

Everything in moderation.


You guys are no better than the tinfoils calling everyone sheeple.

Mundy detected

lol mundane detected

it's not just us:
lacking interest or excitement; dull.
"seeking a way out of his mundane, humdrum existence"

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Mundane sheeple detected.

Holy shit OP, I came here with the same question and also on 2 days of NoFapping and no weed. I feel the surge of loosh and increased irritability, while I get accustomed to it and learn to use it constructively I guess I'll discharge the excess tension with physical exercise, meditation and lots of reading.

Nice synchronicity BTW.

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They're fucking soulless matrix agents, see their aura for what it is. They're not genuine souls like you and me anymore. Regardless they're just a distraction in your life, its clearly toxic so get rid of them. Artificial synchronicity, create your own reality (… to some extent)

Why do people assume magical names in occult societies?

To help keep their personalities separate.

You are not an "I" you are an "us", if you are not an "us" you are not developed enough and this is why mundanes are a problem for you.

This is also why occult tripfags all seem to have names like Frater XYZ and Soror PMS. It provides a sense of uniformity and monasticism.

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u just described shamballa
jews have their goyim
witches have their cowan
tinfoilers have their sheeple
snipers be poppin melons from the top of church steeples, or should i say bell towers
riders have their horses. gardeners have their flowers
queens have their bees; turnin your family into human resources aka batteries.
i have fun and get slack, bustin spontaneous flows - never whack. nigga plz. i got no remorses, thats for stupid jerks. these rhymes be throwin your cognizance asunder. more green pill info than deep bases buried 2 miles under - u can call me skunk works

>gardeners have their flowers

You mean weeds.

>riders have their horses


Oh this is some stupid rap, yet another one. Should've known something was up seeing that music flag.

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riders = invisible influences (how they say voodoo spirits ride humans like horses)

god/demiurge = the gardner

flowers = the ascended

weeds = mundanes, and the things i smoke

Why does rap always have to promote degeneracy?

Check this out and imagine if it was a rap:

I am the Hermetic King resurrected from

the sepulcher of the Nigredo.

My fire has been drawn out of the darkness;
purified and exalted.

My expansive fire is Solar by nature and
I am called the Son of the Sun.

I am the purified and exalted
fire of your soul. I am the solar radiance of your consciousness
and the true Gold of the philosophers.

Blessed are they who
have assimilated the inner most nature of this most adorable Fire!

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>Soror PMS

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its pretty kool. reminds me of this


my favorite part>

Man should not stay a man:
His aim should higher be.
For God will only gods
Accept as company.

>that pic


Where is the staff?

How does stuff like this even get made?

I don't even–

I used to hate mundanes and myself and life kinda sucked.
I looked inward for a few years and dedicated myself to fixing the problems i had with myself (fears and neurosis by the dozens) 3 years later I am without fear and I love myself whenever something bears down on me i reflexively take down that obstacle.
I have since become relentlessly positive and happy.
This drew in mundanes.
They found me interesting for the personality I developed being a corner kid reading redwall/and random youngster fiction all through school.

Don't get me wrong.. I do not cater to these people and i have no problem telling them how small they are to me. I love myself it compounds within me and flows out into the world.

I tell the odd mundane about the /fringe/ stuff I do and i've gained 3 young disciples and a healthy rival.

Just sort yourself out and the world will sort itself out in response.

Well, first you'll have to drop the superiority complex.

How did you fix the problems within yourself?

That's what Buddha did; sometimes he told people not to meet him when he wanted to meditate.

How come you're being bothered? Why won't you lock your door or go outside? You can meditate outdoors, I've done that.

Or just say you don't want to be interrupted for a while, or make some better time when you are sure you won't be bothered.

People can't know if you don't tell them…

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A number of ways different problems required different methods. I can go over afew.

The most common and useful method is simply making yourself do what you don't want to do in manageable pieces.
>Used to have panic attacks when taking pills and eating food i didn't chew for long periods of time.
>used to be able to take pills like a champ.
>Get strep throat, parents force me to take a pill till i throw up on said strep throat.
>get so scared of swallowing barely eat couldnt have ice in my drinks etc.
>Start with pretending to swallow small things/washing down food.
>all in an effort to control panic.
>start swallowing grains of rice like a pill then dry lentils. Eventually work up to the pill that fucked me over. (pic related of all pills had to be some of the easiest to swallow)
>fear gone. Feel euphoric as shit for overcoming biggest fear.

Apply that same method to other things. It is all about controlling panic and rational arguements about how it will improve your life.


My next big thing I overcame was breaking out of my NEET shell as a youngster and come out of the metaphorical social butterfly closet.
You see I always loved being social I get crazy amounts of energy just being around people.
I had a problem where if i was talking to anyone or in a group of people I would overthink responses till the conversation moved on or I would say words I never wanted to say in the first place.
I realized thinking was toxic to my social existence and vowed to never think before I spoke.
>blurt out random nonsensical shit all the time, keep to my vow strong. (this was a time when being random was "cool" in weeaboo circles anyway so timing was good)
>after close to a year of this my words start making actual sense and I can flow with conversations and speak very well.
>get a job in the media, do lots of interviews and talk too all kinds of famous people.
>get even better at talking because I now trust myself.
>become fully realized as the social butterfly I always wanted to be. Unrestricted by shyness and overthinking.

I credit mushrooms for getting me over my intimacy issues and all manner of random fears, the only time i did them I was ravenous in my attempt to do things that were all around bad news and scary to me. It was quite the terror ride but before I came down I controlled myself in the void I fell into and when I awoke the next day all the feared I boldly faced that night left me.

Holy crap, the amount of self importance…

Every single person on this planet is on the same path of enlightenment. Most are stuck at the finish line and some are actually running backwards but that doesnt make them inferior swine to be manipulated.

But to answer the OP question, I generally dont give my opinion on things unless asked. When it happens I give my real answers but done in a very sarcastic way so most people just think im being funny. Once in a while I come across people who seem brighter than the rest and I try to leave subtle hints in my conversations hinting at something greater than the materialism that pervades this dimension.

But so far no one seems to have picked up the hints.

I agree that we all have the potential to become enlightened.

I cannot understand why people here can hold such hatred towards their brethren.

>You can meditate outdoors, I've done that.

If I did that I'd come back in with hundreds of mosquito bites and probably a case of West Nile Virus.

>Every single person on this planet is on the same path of enlightenment. Most are stuck at the finish line and some are actually running backwards but that doesnt make them inferior swine to be manipulated.

That instant self-contradiction.

You do realize this thread isn't even about "enlightenment" faggotry right? It's about actually practising magic, getting results, and dealing with mundanes. You can shove your enlightenment off.

I really hate you faggots that spend all your time talking about enlightenment but can't even manifest siddhis.

>How come you're being bothered?

The mundanes I live with hate me and make my life hell whenever they can.

>Why won't you lock your door or go outside?

Magic a full-time practise not something you can do for a short while then forget about it the rest of the day, you have to maintain a certain mindset all day, and going outside is even more problematic for me as there are even more mundanes outside making even more noise + lots of heat + more problems.

>You can meditate outdoors, I've done that.

It's not practical to do everything outdoors. Another issue is reading. All my books are pdfs and I have to read it at the computer and I can't move the computer.

>Or just say you don't want to be interrupted for a while, or make some better time when you are sure you won't be bothered.

I never want to be interrupted or bothered though every day. Magic isn't a once in a week thing, it's a daily practise.

>People can't know if you don't tell them…

People do not have to respect my wishes just because I voice them. It's generally a bad idea for me to talk at all as I always attract trouble to me regardless of what I say to any of these mundanes here evne if it's not magic-related.

>Well, first you'll have to drop the superiority complex.

Go fuck yourself egalitarian.

>taking pills

>being a weeaboo
>no longer NEET
>taking mushrooms

rope rope rope

That would be poetry.

Could not poetry be rap with maybe a few modifications and the right voice and beat being applied to it?

Maybe they hate you because your an asshole. B-b-b-b-but muh magic.

Do you do anything else but practice?


Kings in England, and probably other countries, used to have court jesters and poets doing rap battles called flyting, occasionally the King would join in.

Well I told my parents they should have aborted me or drowned me in a bathtub. I am the only one in this house that cleans, the only one that cares about his health, and I keep to myself all the time and just want to be left alone. They are hostile to me but if I wasn't around none of the house would be clean, the garden would have nobody to plant and care for it, and these fat wastes of flesh would rot in their own filth.

They yell at me all the time and cause a lot of trouble for me and I don't want friends, I don't want anything from them, I just want to be left alone in quiet. I live with really shitty people that watch television all day, eat unhealthy food, start up dramas and fights over every little petty stupid fucking thing, are extremely emotionally volatile, etc. Imagine some of those people depicted in the America memes and that's basically what I've got living in my house, they are the worst bluepilled mundane filth imaginable.

Their lives are just:


>stupid dramas
>wasting money on stupid shit

I am a complete anomaly that is nothing like the rest of them for some reason, you'd think I wasn't related. Makes me wonder if my mom was impregnated by a Nordic alien one time to produce me and impregnated by my dad to produce the rest of the family that's all fucked up.

I hate them very much and they hate me too but fuck you as well.

tl;dr Say that to my face not online see what happens fucker.

>Do you do anything else but practice?

EVERYTHING I do is part of my practise.

Cleaning the house and gardening are literally part of my meditation in much the same way it would be for monks.

Eating food or drinking water is another chance to practise magic (read the beginning of the practise section of Initiation Into Hermetics).

I spend very long periods of time meditating, doing trances, thoughtforming, and conducting random magical experiments.

The rest of the time I am studying by reading my magic books, reading these threads and posting on here, etc.

I also practise martial arts and do lots of stretching / yoga but the esoteric magical aspect of that should be obvious.

I want to become a perfect being with extraordinary mental capacities, perfect health, highly psychic, etc. while mundanes around me just wants to distract themselves with mindless bullshit their whole lives until they die. I despise mundanes with good reason and you would too if you had ones like the ones I have to deal with around you every day. It's easy to tolerate mundanes when you don't live with them and they're kept a distance but it's another thing when they come into persona conflict with you — just like niggers chimping out in Africa isn't a problem for us but when they come into a white society their jungle behaviour is not longer acceptable.

>Kings in England, and probably other countries, used to have court jesters and poets doing rap battles called flyting, occasionally the King would join in.

That is so epic sounding.

I see. It is wise to apply practice to everyday situations; it is even advised that one should meditate even when not sitting still.

It sounds your life has its own challenges; as does ours, too. To live is to suffer, but not always and not forever.

Remember to maintain a positive and constructive mindset even when it is difficult; even in great anger, it is useful to not let it control you, but instead watch its birth, growth and decay.

I wish your suffering and your family's suffering will cease one day, dear brother.


Druids used to do something similar, although more extreme.

They'd have magic based rap battles back and forth where the loser would end up sinking into a swamp because of losing the loosh required to stop them from sinking.

Reminded me of Kalevala; Väinämöinen sings a person into a swamp.

Druid or wizard bard, I wonder…

I thought you were talking about the people you were sharing a house with…not your parents. Jesus. Why don't you just an hero if you cant move out.

>Remember to maintain a positive and constructive mindset even when it is difficult; even in great anger, it is useful to not let it control you, but instead watch its birth, growth and decay.

Why? I'm not going to have a "positive and constructive mindset" unless it's useful to my goals. I'm one of the very few humans that doesn't see happiness as an end in itself or I'd just be sitting around all day being relentlessly happy. Emotions are nothing but a tool for me to achieve certain effects. I'd only use happiness for possible healing effects and other such things.

>Why don't you just an hero if you cant move out.

I'd rather just struggle on. Even if everything takes me 5x longer because of these adverse shitty conditions, one day maybe, I shall free myself and take my revenge…

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>reading facebook
>overhearing ANYTHING on television
>listening to your professor

Hermits got it good man. I tried only a few times to break the programming from some people and I was not effective at all. I even tried to be super subtle and of course people just think you're being edgy or high on drugs.

They will learn. Time is running out for the mundanes.

All of those feels man. The mundanes around me read facebook, keep the television going all day, etc.

I don't have to listen to a professor at least.

> Time is running out for the mundanes.

Is it though? How?

A lot of people tend to say this but it seems they say it only to justify their eccentric ways

Possibly some million years from now.

At some point either transhumanists will win or occultists will win or maybe someone who is both an occultist and a transhumanist. Both are in a major war for the future of humanity right now, one made possible by the massive amounts of previously inaccessible and rare information being brought to light, available for everyone through the internet. At some point a new form of humanity will be developed that will easily exterminate the previous forms of humanity that wasted their time in mindlessness and distractions. Technology can propel you forward to greater heights of achievement or it can destroy you. For the majority of humanity, it is destroying them. For a few disciplined individuals it is being used wisely to overcome all weakness rather than feed it.

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What if the 'elites' already have the next couple hundred years already planned out? what if they are showing (and influencing) the future on the mass media?

movies like ELYSIUM (i watched it with a semi-mundane friend last week. tl;dr; LOTS OF MUDS ON EARTH. white people live in space like gods. think beverly hills floating through space. then the muds come and fuck up the end. i dont wanna talk about it any more)

also movies like Transcendence and Oblivion. i havent seen those but i watch the local news at night because its death death death (edgy as fuck) and because i wanna keep track of the latest government psyops; so i see the commercials for these movies

also i live in hollywood. belly of the best. hollywood culture is american culture. american culture is the worlds culture (trickle down effect)

also while thinking of how to end this post, i realized that the chinese dont like the west making movies about them (latest Red Dawn). chinks are very clever. someone needs to write hollywood scripts where china gets exterminated by fantastical weapons. or, taking it to another level,…what if the writers of these scripts are exploited by invisible beings. tldr… jews are possessed. big surprise)

sorry for the ramblings. i stay noided


Are you serious kid? Propagating ignorance and other bullshit is ridiculous, especially on a board where we want to enlighten and lift the chains of ignorance. Racism and nationalism were tools designed to divide us for easy conquer, propagating it, even after you know this, is fucking idiotic.

On your other point, i see the future as being Elysium for all, everyone, even those who remain on earth, will live in a utopia. My field of study is AI exactly for this purpose.

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i dont like the chinese. they torture animals. have you seen bear bile farms. or how they boil dogs alive. i could go on. check liveleak

death to all those celestial chinks from the moon. or are you objecting to my use of the word muds? mixed race people are easier to conquer. FACT. either that, or mixed race people are the result of conquest (like how the conquistadors raped indians and made modern day mexicans)

i am nationalistic online because why not? my country is number one. easier to defend it[and criticize it too]. im lazy, like most people.. especially today with all this tech around

i hope google, or some other cadre of jews, wants Terminator 2 (the beginning scene where those robots kill everyone. awesome.)… either for the chinese or the whole world. whatever.

also why are you so mad about my online typings? i am talking about how imagination/thoughts influence reality./ this holographic reality where emptiness is the core. also i share the mindset of this guy… >>11260

tl;dr please use your AI knowledge to help the #1 world hackers (NSA) destroy the celestial, dog eating race. dont even send them all to live on their own planet because they would just continue the suffering. actually the invisible govt. probably has it all planned out by now, so dont worry about it

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but maybe rape, conquest, killings, and even miscegenation is ok

on the aforementioned mexicans and chinese: i had tacos and nachos today. and dim sum the other day. delicious!

tl;dr: ship them all back or rope them, just be sure to steal their recipes first [but im lazy so let the robots do it. or .. even better: nanobots]

>Racism and nationalism were tools designed to divide us for easy conquer, propagating it, even after you know this, is fucking idiotic.

It's actually the opposite. You don't attack/conquer easily a united nation. But when all the individuals inside are divided, which you can achieve, for instance, by forcing immigration and creating a chaotic multicultural/multiracial society, then you can easily manipulate the population because they have no nation or culture to protect because it's all gone.

I'm a classic mixed race "beige" human with no roots, no culture, no community of my own, like everyone will be in a few centuries if the powers that be have their way with this planet so you can keep for yourself whatever stock insult or godwin point you were going to formulate.

You need to understand that the utopia that you're defending is actually the new world order. You're advocating the neutralization of cultures and nations in the hope of living in a marvellous disneyland-like fantasy but you're being extremely naive. You're paving the road to hell with your good intentions like everyone else in the developed world. Kid.

>no roots, no culture, no community of my own

This is bullshit, you only believe this becasue you were told to, or are an idiot.

Ultimately the human race is your roots, the world your culture, earth your community. I'm guessing you don't live in america, because american tradition and culture is rooted in some ridiculous concept like race.

If you are american, i suggest you study american culture, because you're likely gonna reply "america doesn't have a culture" or something along those lines, and in that case youre just pure wrong, and should study it.

Not >>11705, but I have to say that you're seriously fucking retarded if you think that a global world "culture" or "community" exists in any meaningful sense. If a "culture" encompasses any culture one can pick out, I have another word for it: non-existent.

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they supported jews against germany in ww2,and then mutilated all the baby penises afterwards for a few shekels

american culture is a tv commercial


pic related. small fragment of american culture. but im an absurdist so i really love this shit.. in a way

>Ultimately the human race is your roots, the world your culture, earth your community.
not him but I want nothing to do with nigger rap and irresponsible ghetto trash culture

>This is bullshit, you only believe this becasue you were told to, or are an idiot.

Well then I guess I'm an idiot by your standards ;_;

>Ultimately the human race is your roots, the world your culture, earth your community.

This is a great para-new-age concept, just like "everyone is beautiful", "everyone is equal", "FREE ENERGY FOR EVERYONE NOW", etc. but it's not based in reality and thus has no practical use. Before I can perceive every human as my brother and earth as my home or mother or whatever perception you're trying to describe, I must build myself as an individual. Even if beliefs, religion, politics, culture, communities or even families may have to be left behind at some point on the path of an individual, they still give him a efficient framework to grow during the early stages of his life. A direction. Something.

People like me are only presented with the work/money/status/instant gratification paradigm, and when we wake up from it you face a huge desert with no signs, no map, nothing.

>I'm guessing you don't live in america

I'm french. I have friends from all "races" whith a representative sample of every religion/belief/world view you can imagine and yet I'm telling you that what you're defending is the freemason/zionist new world order.

You can find good, intelligent people everywhere, but people need something to strive for beyond buying the new iPad or a new car or whatever, that's almost always family/culture/community.

I know that some communities, especially religious groups can do evil, can hurt individuals and stunt their growth, etc. but I can also observe that many individuals I know owe part of their success and physical/spiritual health to such social frameworks.

"Healthy" nationalism is like an immune system.

But after all, this is probably a natural progression, civilizations die like everything else in the universe. It most likely "can't be helped" as they say.

>This is bullshit, you only believe this becasue you were told to, or are an idiot.

You've got to be shitting me anon. SCHOOL - MEDIA - JOB - ADVERTISEMENTS - EVERYTHING PUSHES THE EGALITARIAN MULTIKULTI AGENDA and says to accept that bullshit.

You're the one who is "only believing because you were told to" whereas all of us here are literally forming beliefs in opposition to everything we've been told all our lives.

>Ultimately the human race is your roots, the world your culture, earth your community.

This is absolutely ridiculous. You are such a globalist NWO kike shill.

>tfw the badass pinecone thrower died in a car crash
rip in piece, you will live in our hearts forever

i always thought he looked pretty cool


>"Healthy" nationalism is like an immune system.

Nationalism is just glorified tribalism. It's primitive and divisive. Two highly patriotic nations can and have been used like puppets to fight each other.

Multiculturalism is used to divide and conquer because they can pit people of different races against each other. So identifying yourself with a race will definitely accelerate this conflict.

The groups that are defending their culture and race are the tools being used to bring in the new world order.

>Two highly patriotic nations can and have been used like puppets to fight each other.

Kinda like how the Axis and Allies were both funded by Jewish banking families.

Multiculturalism and racism are just two sides of the stupid-coin, and they don't even contradict eachother. Most Jews are racist as hell.

An ideal society is a meritocracy which benefits those who are beneficial to the society at large, regardless of what race they are. Yeah, 99% of niggers might be worthless vermin who need to die, but 99% of white men might be strong hard-working aryan supermen, but what about the other 1%? Don't be so naive.

wouldn't have to defend it if someone wasn't assaulting it

>The groups that are defending their culture and race are the tools being used to bring in the new world order.

No you faggot the New World Order already exists and have existed for decades now and it's the world we live in RIGHT NOW. It's not something coming in the future, it's racemixing, degeneracy, mass surveillance, no free speech, overpopulation, environmental degradation, jews, no privacy, chip implants; everything existing RIGHT NOW.

You are a proponent of the NWO and tribalism and nationalism are the very things which stand in the way of the a NWO. You want everyone "united" into one big globalist fucking NWO.

How can you be so daft as to not see it? YOU ARE THE NWO!!!

File: 1402459488325.gif (3.8 KB, 452x523, 1300226536644.gif)
Fuck off shiksa.


"Shiksa" is a yiddish term for non-jewish woman, specifically for glorious, Nordic women who look like the opposite of jews, and for whom all jewish men lust rabidly behind the backs of their own hook-nosed harridans.

No shit and that poster is a good shiksa in the making.

If mundanes living with you are holding you back, you gotta move or at least find somewhere else to be part of the time. Don't be limited by your own laziness or fear. If you really are going to reach your potential, you should be able to handle a challenge such as this. Try not to hate them.

The rest of you, read what you wrote here. Are you one of the people arguing or telling others off?

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