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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 13253
Can we have a thread on grimoires?
I've been thinking of starting one but writing it in runes or Sumerian or some form of cuneiform maby.
Any ideas on that?

And what do you guys use for your grimoires? Like handmade leather and handmade paper or does that even matter besides making it look nice?
The content doesn't matter, as long as it looks the part people will be convinced of the arcane knowledge hidden within. Use papyrus for the pages and human skin for the cover. Ink it with blood. Leave it on an altar surrounded by candles in a dark room to be found by intrepid explorers. Also try and infuse some sort of scent into it, so the essence lingers. Maybe incense could do the trick, it needs to give off the aura of mystery.

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dont you guys wish you had photographic memory so you can just memorize your entire diary?

i wish for a lot of things

Why the fuck would you needlessly complicate and mystify your grimoar?

Mine is just straightforward practical notes and observations.

Also I use my fucking computer to write my grimoar but I also do have a really long scroll of paper that is also decades old and thus has become really aged that I originally acquired as a child for drawing on. If I want to record stuff with more drawings and not just pure text I'll do it on there.

Yeah. Right now I have to keep re-reading certain important texts to try to burn it into my memory. I wish I had eidetic memory.

I want to make my own grimoire and upload it. I need to have a talk with anybody who can teach me how to make my own magick like shamanism or something and I'll spend my time making spells and shit.

If any of you are interested I will explain spellcasting:

For spellcasting to actually work the words you use don't fucking matter.

Mundanes who observe wizards doing rituals and saying certain things start thinking there are certain phrases that can be uttered and that will make the magic work.

They may even do it and in fact experience results — but then they may find also that others, perhaps talked to in their correspondences with persons more removed from them, when applying the same rituals or utterances of words do not get any results.

A great mystery indeed?

Well I'll explain to you why this is. The magic isn't in the words. Merely saying words only results in the saying of that word. There is something more at play – a wizard who is spellcasting does so in a trance or special state of consciousness which they cultivate through intensive meditative practise, imbuing their words through the akashic principle with their intentions.

In this way you may make your spells work. Whether you are spewing meaningless babble in the meanwhile, speaking in plain English, talking in a foreign and perhaps "mystical" sounding language, etc. it doesn't actually matter. You should just do what feels best for you and has the most impressive effect on your intended targets, entrancing them with your voice.

So yeah that's how you spellcast.

Same general idea for rituals, the magic isn't in the movements, pronouncements, garbs, accessories, etc. it is rather all symbolical and the actual force comes from consciousness manipulating the akashic principle in these things.

OP could chant, shout out, or otherwise express what he is saying here and literally say "Cockyz Extenzus" and actually cause his dick to get hard or get bigger or whatever but only if he really is focused, really resonates with the intent, and imbues into his words / impregnates the air with his intention and makes it the carrier wave then for the change he is bringing about through conscious influence.

Subconscious belief is also very important. It's why for example someone could witness the magic of a wizard and mimic them and possibly get results, simply the power of their belief, spurred on by the events they witnessed… combined with a bit of natural talent they may not know they had. When talking then to persons who haven't seen this done for themselves and who hold doubts, they will surely fail, and perhaps proceed to mock that person who suggested the ineffective spell or ritual.

I know how all that shit works. I just want do design rituals. I know it contains symbols, phrases, and theatrical movement but I need to know the shamanistic shit. I conducted a rain ritual in early spring and I wanted rain so bad, so when I was planning out the ritual ( was going to use water tattva and invoke Zeus etc ) it started raining and rained for a week straight. I know this is because of my will and intent but I just love rituals and prefer ceremonial magick than all others. I'm an intermediate at willing energy ( I can push people with energy and put pressure on myself etc ) and shit.

Tl;dr where can I learn shamanism.

>Tl;dr where can I learn shamanism.

Contact spirits, ???, profit.

You could also check out the Way of The Shaman book in the fringe mega folder.

I've never worked with spirits anymore. I have a natural instinct to make my eyes water when in contact with entities. I've never had a significant contact with any deity besides minor ghosts.

>water eyes

I wonder if that has something to do with salt secretions.

Salt supposedly prevents demons or bad spirits from entering your vicinity. I put salt around my house while chanting and I know shitta (Wicca) uses salt for magick circles.

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