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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

File: 1399219083384.png (107.63 KB, 350x292, aleister meowley.png)
No. 8708
Creation of an Occult Video

I brought this idea up in /illuminati/ before the password changed, but I think it would work better here anyway.

The basic idea is that we create an occult video with intent of spreading an occult current/having our sigils and chants charged through other people watching it, I have some ideas on what to include but other ideas are welcome. We also need someone who has skills at video editing.

1. Fire sigils, an effective way of using other peoples loosh to charge a sigil is by creating an impression on them using it. I've done this before on webcam. My method was, make a sigil the size of your thumb and first finger together at the tips, not the inner circle but rather the outside, along the top of your first finger. The sigils should be made from CHAOSVOID. Then poke a matchstick through the middle of it with the head of the match on the front of the sigil, move it toward a webcam that's recording, twirl it very slightly for effect, then using a lighter (out of sight) set fire to the matchstick head. The whole thing should go up in blaze of glory then burn itself out. Several people can do this and this can be cut into the video. The sigils can be charged before doing this for extra effect, just make sure that the sigil looks good and the video clip itself looks good.

2. Chaote chants that we've made and recorded for background music.

3. Gematric numbers to flash up on screen inbetween cuts.

4. Filmed ritual performed following the general intent of the piece in appropriate clothing and background, no point in adding it unless it is impressive and suitable.

5. Some crazy shit like painting a sigil on your shirt and then setting fire to your shirt while wearing it, we'd only need a few seconds of film for this to be effective, try not to end up in hospital if you do this. There's probably some flame proof material you could wear under teh shirt, have a friend with a bucket of water or fire extinguisher nearby.

5. Clips from movies, creepy gifs anything else that fits the theme.

This could take a long time to create or be done in a relatively short amount of time if we're lucky and motivated enough.

Once complete we introduce it to /x/ as an underground occult video (not through spamming or with chaosvoid as a name that'd be too obvious) and have the sigils charged and the chaosvoid current spread by them watching it.
Should I give out the sigil that's in process OP?


Sure. If we can get someone with art skills to fancy it up some we can use it in the video as a still shot for a little while in between the crazy stuff.

Other people feel free to add your own sigils too.

File: 1399219410815.png (7.3 KB, 500x250, CHAOSVOID sigil.png)
Okay, I was told the sigil is a little too vague so we might need a new one


We could probably use a whole bunch of sigils and have them flash up each for a half a second or a second or so, in this case the quality of the sigil wouldn't matter much, this could be the end of the video with a crescendo in the chanting to match it.

are you AVOIDCHAOS in the mibbit channel?


lez ch@

I put a lot of anger into that and I got immediate results, there was an argument between two people and I couldn't download anything.

What's the IRC info?

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