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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 8613
Exercise one
While you are reading these lines your attention was probably closely
glued to the words, to your inner voice, and to the inner sights and
feelings that were stimulated by the text. Now we will move attention
into the outer universe. Make yourself comfortable. Take a few deep
breaths. What are you aware of right now? Begin by speaking aloud. Say
what you are perceiving with your senses. You might start with touch,
for example. This might sound like: well, I feel the book in my hands and
how myfingers are holding the pages. Ifeel my body resting in the chair, and my legs
are crossed. One ofmyfeet touches thefloor… Ifeel my belly moving as breathflows.
. . and the motions of my mouth… and the sensation of air on my skin. . . and my
body is swaying lightly. . . And so on.
Go into this experience deeply: there is a vast wealth of sensual
awareness if only you bother to recognize it. All of these sensations
came through the sense of feeling. Now move to another sense and
start speaking what you sense. For example: and as Ifeel my breathflowing
… I can hear the words that come out… and I hear the voices of children on the
street and the chirping of the birds… and I hear my breathflowing… in and out.
.. there's a carpassingthe house… now thefridge is beginning to drone… and there's
music in anotherflat. . . ' And move to the next sense: I see the sunlight. . .
bright spots moving over the walls. . . shining on the pictures. . . and rays of light
coming in. .. I see the dust particles dancing. . . and the rich green of the plants. .
. as they soak in the light… and the brown spots at the edges of the leaf… and the
curve of its growth… and the deep colour of the earth… and I see my body… my
hands are resting… and when I look carefully. ..lean see thefine lines on my hands.
. . and the little hairs. . . and so on.

Repeat this practice for a while. I know it may seem primitive, but
unless you really try it out, much of what will be offered on the next
pages will be lost.
What happened? Most people who try this practice report that
much of their attention moved 'outwards', into the world of external
sensory perception. This, in itself, may be a useful ability. How many
occasions can you remember, how many times when you were so
focused on inner troubles, hopes, dreams or whatever that you simply
lost contact with the world around you? When you will yourself to
move your attention from the inner to the outer world—which can be
difficult in times of crisis or depression—this practice can help you to
Another advantage is the ability to 'go into' a sense of your choice.
When you have spoken and perceived and spoken some more in a
sense, you will find that this sense gets amplified, and that you perceive
it more intensely. The more attention you give to a sensory channel, the
more intense will the experience be. Amplifying all sensory channels at
once tends to produce mind expanding experiences. Another vital
issue is learning to speak freely, with few inhibitions or attempts to
control. This is going to be useful later on.
Have you tried the experiment a few time and in a few varied
surroundings? You may have learned which environments you like to
experience deeply and which settings should be experienced less

Exercise one - variations
Now we can experiment with some variations. First you could learn to
change your voice.
1. Change the modulation of your voice so it sounds friendly—make
it the sort of voice in which you would like to be spoken to. How does
this change your experience?

2. Try to speak fast. Speak in a loud and excited voice, and allow
yourself to become faster, and more excited, with each sensation you
describe. What happens to your experience?
3. Try the 'ceremonial magick' voice. This sounds sonorous and
serious, and vibrates the words in a certain droning manner. Try to
sound important, as if each of your words would have a world-shaking
4. Speak slowly and become slower yet. Give yourself a lot of time.
Speak very slowly in a soft and gentle voice, calm and peaceful.. . and
if… you say… only two… or three words… with each breath… you
may find… that your mind… is calmed… and awareness… gets richer.
. . more intense. . . and vivid. . . and you. . . can relax. . . and allow. . .
the experience… to lead you… gendy… and easily… into a pleasant.
.. and restful. .. natural. .. trance state.. . and you may.. . enjoy… to
be slow. . . and calm. . . to give yourself. . . all the time. . . to sense. . .
deeply. .. as it pleases. . . all of you. . . and you are free. .. to move. ..
as you will. . . from sense. . . to sense. . . from thought. . . to thought.
.. and word… to word… flows gendy… as you sense… the fullness.
. . of experience.
5. When you can produce a lot of interesting changes in your awareness
using these methods, feel free to change the loud voice into your inner
voice. Allow your voice to calm. Let it become a whisper, a gende,
barely audible, running flow. Then continue in your inner voice. What
does your inner voice sound like? Is it a friendly voice? Do you like to
hear it? A good many people have awful inner voices which nag and
complain and criticize most of the time.
Perhaps they would like to listen more closely to their inner voice
if that inner voice sounded more friendly. If the inner voice wants to
be listened to, it would do well to sound so friendly that the conscious
mind likes to listen to it. We can tell our innervoice how we like to hear
it, and allow it to become an inner voice which is a pleasure to hear.

Probably the first insight will be that changing the modulation and
the speed of your voice can change your awareness. It has done so all
of your life, only you were unconscious of it. Speaking in an excited
voice is a wonderful way of becoming excited. We can find a use for this
when we are tired and feeling apathetic. Think of what the sport's
reporters do on radio. Somehow these professional blabbermouths
manage to speak so excitedly and fast that the audience imagines
(hallucinates) fast and exciting events, and experiences genuine tension,
relief, joy, pride etc.
Using the excited and fast voice you can make the sensory experience
of a pleasant day in the woods an event as exhilarating as champagne.
Using slow and gende speech, on the other hand, you can soothe
yourself and allow yourself to float into a gentle half-sleeping trance.
Many trance states involve a movement of awareness inside. If you use
this method—and I can't emphasize just how important this practice
is—you will find that at some time your eyes will want to close, and that
your mouth wants to be calmer, so that your voice becomes a whisper,
or continues internally. This is quite all right. Allow it.
Though your mouth may be closed, the inner voice can continue in
its slow and calming fashion. Though the eyes may be closed, one can
still see with them, and describe the darkness, and the motion of light
on the lids.
When the awareness moves from the outer to the inner senses, you
are still free to describe what you sense, and to amplify it. There will be
inner vision once the eyes close, although you may not believe this is
possible. Don't expect too much. What do you imagine inner vision to
be? Can you day dream? Can you remember the house you grew up in?
Can you imagine what people see who are really good with inner
visions? What do you see in your dreams? What is your favourite
colour? What will you look like when you have mastered these
practices? What colours are the clothes you are wearing? What would
you look like in fur and earth colours? Are you really quite sure that you
don't see images with your inner eyes?
This talent can be improved.
Exercise two
The next experiment may tell you how much you can perceive if you
want to. Try this out with a tree or a plant, as these are living beings with
complex forms which are mainly unknown to most minds. First you
ought to find a good tree. Walk around it, see, listen, feel, taste, smell
that tree. How much detail can you perceive? How much of your
awareness can be expressed in words? Give yourself a lot of time and
keep speaking.
Did you find this practice difficult? Beginners sometimes try to
make their description perfect, or precise, or even poetic. And when the words run out, or the phrases get tangled, they begin to worry, and
worry about words, which is miles away from the tree experience they
began with.
If you are not used to improvising speeches, prayer or hypnodc
poetry you will certainly require practice to become fluent. Beginners
often lose their rhythm, or forget words, or halt, or pause, or get the
wrong phrase, and repetitions are common. All of these are typical and
quite natural. Right now, nobody gives a damn for perfection. Say what you like. There is no right or wrong in these matters—the
only vital issue is that you open your mouth and keep talking. If the
words make convoluted dancing movements, this is their own affair.
Repetitions are very useful. If you find nothing new to say, say what
you said before until something new comes up. Even if you repeat
yourself a dozen times you are doing well—it may not be very original,
but it will work to intensify what you are speaking.

Pauses can be equally useful. A moment of intense silence may clear
the senses for the next sensation. If you are using the slow, hypnotic
speech method, you will find repetitions and pauses useful to amplify
the trance. In the long run, the practice of free speech will help you to
learn that you can trust your deep mind to find the right words.

blah dee lee blah dee lah dee lah

tl;dr talk about your senses out loud. Feel, hearing, vision, taste, smells, etc and they will become increased. Good for astral projection so you don't have to visualize the numbers, rather just enhance your senses. Because you know fuck visualisation.

I already do this you know.

Without having to read about it either.

gud 4 u

Some people can't and this is better (in my opinion) than visualizing numbers as mentioned in the AP thread.

Oh but I never talk out loud. I hate to waste my breath. I don't even really know what my audible voice is like and have a different inner-mental voice from the one that speaks. Also if I ever speak, well, a different consciousness handles that. I haven't the awareness of what is said when spoken out loud.

…but this is literally the same thing as visualizing numbers just using a variety of other subjects besides numbers as the focus of your visualization. Also the numbers thing was expanded upon later on in the AP thread and in the meditations thread and I think in one other thread.

There's a difference between enhancing senses and visualization.

Ummm no not really. One deals with more senses, the other only deals with one sense, but whatever. My point still stands – the initial thing described in the AP thread has been expanded to incorporate more senses (including some senses not even mentioned in your text here such as the sense of space and motion).

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>you will never fuck one of your cousins


>why would you fuck your cousin


The global human population 10,000 years ago was 1 million.

A human population requires 500 breeding individuals to avoid inbreeding depression.

10% of all marriages world-wide are between 1st or 2nd cousins & this gets as high as 50%+ in some countries especially around the middle-east.

A deCODE genetics study in Iceland found the optimal mate to be a 3rd or 4th cousin.

Iceland is a highly homogenous society which was founded by a bunch of Norse men who took Gaelic wives with them.

Even within a single European ethnic group there is a great deal of diversity, never mind the whole of Europe.

Ethnicmixing leads to higher rates of autism even inbetween whites.

Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.

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you both are after the same thing (total immersion in the feeling of the wish fulfilled)

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>you will never blow up a large quantity of propane in front of a jewish synagogue one day


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