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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 86
Hey guys I proved the legitimacy of astral projection & remote viewing to /x/ and I'm just so happy, check this out: boards(dot)4chan(dot)org/x/res/12788525#p12789012

>at first they mocked me and didn't believe

>then they realized the amazing truth

I noted all the details I could of this aircraft I saw out in the astral planes then it was later proven in the thread that everything I saw was accurate.

>T58 is the name of engine components

>N21 is Naval Air Systems Command Washington, D.C. 20360

Every detail lines up. Even the colour of the craft (navy blue) and it having a number which associates it with the Naval Air Systems Command.

I know nothing about planes and have no interest in them so nobody can say it comes out of my own knowledge, this is some very specific technical knowledge with a very small probability of me getting it right at random or being exposed to this material and "remebering it subconsciously".

I've been telling people for quite awhile now the astral reality is no less real than this waking, now I have proof.

Fuck yeah!

It was even suggested that the aircraft I saw is maybe "linked to the 1952 washington d.c. ufo incident".
You all should save a copy of that thread btw. I saved it both in notepad and an html copy. You can use it to prove to astral noobs remote viewing can be done.

Ah fuck the scepticfags are still in denial after all that. God damn it. They will never believe…


You cannot wake up people who are pretending to be asleep

Well at least I can get Hitler dubs.

Amazing, well done OP. I'm hoping they don't decide to monitor you, or pester you on the astral plane

How exactly do you perform AP when you want to? Steps would be greatly appreciated


So you found a number that corresponds to a real jet? I fail to see how that proves anything.
Sorry if i come off as harsh. I just don't see how you can claim proof from seeing a number that is also on a real jet.

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It shows that the number was not random, that this vehicle may very well be associated with high-level paranormal military, that the colouring of the ship makes sense because it has to do with Naval Air Systems Command, etc.

It might not be total proof but if the number was just random garblegook concocted out of ones imagination it would not likely have matched up so well with what the military actually uses to apply numbers to planes and such.

The probability of seeing that specific number and it turning out to make total sense is not very high.

You are making a lot of correlations between the actual us navy and your "astral military"
Why would they have the same number anyways? An "astral jet" has nothing to do with a real jet, if it exists, so why would they make it the same color with the same number?

Well, if the government works with the Astral Realms, which is extremely likely, then they would probably have similarly labeled jets.

Well astral jets definitely do exist as you can observe them in the astral planes.

>Well, if the government works with the Astral Realms, which is extremely likely, then they would probably have similarly labeled jets.

What this guy said in regards to using same colouring & numbers.

Extremely likely? Why?
Also, why the same numbers/colors?
You provided no details or reasons.
Also, proof can NOT rest on the word 'probably', so check yourself before you use the word proof.

So we have an astral military…the world..or the US? Or is it the first world nations?

Anybody wanna fuck with them?

I will once I can astral project.

I think I see one of their bases.

I put a giant sign up that says fuck you.

Nicely done, you should try infiltrating one of their bases too and vandalizing the insides of the place.

I made it into one of their hangars it seemed like. I saw one of their jets, it had T78 on it I think.

I was only there for a little while, as soon as I opened the doors and rushed inside the hangars I had a group of guys surround me from the behind.

Dropped out of the plane then.


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OP you make me want to astral project on some warships somewhere and verify the info

But I can't astral project. Yet.

But I can post pictures of nice warships.

Half way there, private!

were all gonna make it anon

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