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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 12173
Hey guys I got redirected here by someone on 4chan/x
i mainly just lurk but im curious about a few events that have happened to me before.

Let me start off by saying, I have severe sleeping problems, I am restless. This has been going on since I was about 15.
Anyways, the other day I slept all day, not once do I remember waking up and talking to anyone. So later on at about 8pm, my mom tells me I was sleep talking again. She tells me that I i said that the people who will be moving next door in are going to cause problems.
Heres the thing, my sister only mentioned that to my mom during the day ( while I slept in the other room). 
How would I have known that my neighbor was going to move out and new people would arrive?
I tend to sleep talk alot, usually when ive been up for countless hours and finally crash.
On a different occasion, about 3 years ago when I was 20, I was having a dream. In this dream I remember hearing a loud pop, which was the tire of the car I was in. Right when I woke up my mom tells me that the car has a flat tire. Seemed odd but I payed it no mind.

Anyone got an explanation for this? Was it just coincidence?
sounds pretty normal to me.

So sleep talking about things that werent mentioned to me normal? I find that hard to believe

Completely normal. It's been proven that you subconsciously gather evidence, which disproves the psycics who claim to find evidence spiritually. You could've seen them doing something in your sleep which gave you the conclusion that they're moving. Completey natural, tl;dr it's just your subconscious gathering evidence.

Know of any sites I could read up on this? Seems interesting

I'm studying the Old Gods and writing in my grimoire then gonna meditate and do rituals plus I'm on my mobile with shitty internet… I can probably do some searching for you at 10am EST when I wake up lol

Sounds good, just a quick question about how the subconscious gathers the evidence.
You said I could of seen them doing something in my sleep right? By this you meant dreams? Or I might of woken up while being unconscious and somehow overheard something?

I have a history with sleep talking, 99% of the time it sounds like gibberish to whoever I talk to. This time, I sat up and my mom actually thought I was awake and conscious.

its crazy how the body seems to go into auto pilot while someone sleep talks/walks

Could be either. You could've gotten symbols in your dreams which lead to synchronocities of your neighbors moving (read montalk.net for more on synchs) or you could've woken for a short period without realizing it and gathered evidence from there.

I think its just synchronocities from dreams and acessing the Akashic Records in your sleep.

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