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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 8427
Techniques that WORK

Here's an easy and powerful breathing technique which will increase loosh quickly (less than a minute) and effectively.

First you wanna learn the difference between the three types of breathing. Do each of these as you read them. First is shallow breathing using the top part of your lungs, when you do this your shoulders move up and down. Second is with the middle part of your lungs, when you do this your chest expands and contracts. Third is with the bottom part of your lungs, when you do this your belly extends and contracts.

Now here's the technique. Do it sitting with a straight back.

Breathe deeply starting with the bottom of your lungs, then the middle then the top. When you breathe out breathe out from the top first, then the middle, then the bottom.

This gives you an increase flow of oxygen and uses your lungs completely which we rarely do. Using all parts of your lungs is done in yogic breathing and pranyama but this technique is different, less difficult and will get you results in less than a minute.

Do this often to restore and maintain loosh.

Another technique, this one from Wilhelm Reich is to lie down and breathe in, when you breathe in move the energy from breathing first to your groin then down through your legs and out into space. In and through. According to Reich this technique absorbs the orgone (his term for chi/prana) energy in oxygen and stores it in your body.

These methods are great mostly because they're easy and work well, pranyama for example is a bitch to do properly or for an extended period of time if you're not used to breathing techniques. Using these should give your lungs some exercise and make harder stuff like pranyama more accessible.

Post maor occult techniques that you've found to work well.
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just as i started reading your post i heard on the tv in the other room "BREATH" and then i started listening some more and now someone just said on the tv "ITS LIKE SOMEONE IS LISTENING TO WHAT IM SAYING" oh fuck


also the show is called 'psych'

maybe theres a psychic spy on my back

pic chosen at random i cant even read it . also if you want a technique that works then try reading this book, since i just read it (its about ULTRATERRESTRIALS, FREEMASONRY, SECRET MAGICKAL CODES, ASCENDED MASTERS)

also i just read magick without tears chapter 17 (about holy guardian angels)

so it really could be both.


ps i havent slept in 20 hours so maybe thats good too (for getting msges from the tv, aliens, whatever)

thats a technique that works, to stay on topic! now i will try some breathworks thanks OP


Sleep deprivation definitely works, thems some nice synchronicities guy.

>also if you want a technique that works then try reading this book, since i just read it (its about ULTRATERRESTRIALS, FREEMASONRY, SECRET MAGICKAL CODES, ASCENDED MASTERS)

You forgot to add the book name lol.

The idea in this thread is to post the techniques themselves rather than books containing techniques but nevermind.

The first technique I posted is a combination of Farber's FUTURERITUAL, where I got the three parts of breath from and some book called Sorcerer's Secrets: Strategies in Practical Magick which describes the breathing in from the bottom upwards and breathing out from the top down.

I heard about Reich's technique in a youtube video called "Colin Wilson The Occult" which goes into how to create peak experiences which is long but interesting.


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you know thats long but it has lots of upvotes so i'll download it, also i'll download part 2 (with youtube-dl for linux)

also i'll watch it since im sleep deprivated anyway

ps i linked the book


It doesn't get interesting straight away but it's worth listening to, he builds up the idea well.

One of the techniques he talks about in inducing a peak experience is holding a pen and staring/focusing on it to the point where you're aware of nothing but the pen, eventually you'll get tired and will want to look away but hold your concentration and fight through the urge to look away, this induces second wind which is related to peak experiences.

It's similar to forcing yourself not to move while meditating in asana.

Also derp about not noticing the book link I'm pretty tired myself.

Read this book OP your just skimming the surface of novice breath control. There are many more techniques within that WORK.


Thanks, I was hoping this thread would turn out more along the lines of individual techniques posted rather than books but meh.

Since books are being posted I might as well dump my occult folder here.


Here's a fairly exclusive video of RAW going through some maybe logic exercises:


Damn this is an amazing book, everyone should start with the complete breath as soon as possible, the applications are endless.
Also has fuckton of instructions for various breath powers, like converting lust to vital energy. Goodbye fapping.


Do you recommend reading the whole book or is just skipping to the techniques a good way to save time?

It is short but I'm pretty busy at the moment.

Fuck it I'll probably read the whole thing anyway

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mfw reading this while smoking a cigarette

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>yes goyim ruin your body inhaling smoke ehhhehe

>partaking of the tobaccous jew


I also occasionally smoke heroin, munch shrooms and use valium and adderall to regulate my sleep and awakefulness.

I such a slave. ;_;

At least Uncle Al said it was ok… before he died a heroin addict despite trying to give it up several times.

He was perplexed while OD'ing on heroin.

Get better at magic and also use this opportunity to fight an addiction as an exercise in will that will strengthen your magical capacities greatly.


Also this, despite my smoking, it's a great book and I've not even gotten to the exercises yet. I saw from the chapter it covers the three types of breathing mentioned in OP, it's most likely where Farber lifted the technique from.


My old technique to giving up tobacco is smoking weed instead which is easier to stop. But ever since my initiation by the luuminati weed activates thoughtforms and trances which are fucking annoying and not conducive to a relaxing get-off another drug drug.

I also started smoking cigarettes more when I stopped smoking heroin so often.

I guess I should cut down, I won't be using the valium or adderall once exams are over and in the summer break I'm going to be coming off anti-psychotics so my psychic powers should get stronger and shamanic visions should (hopefully) come back. - Need to spiritually prepare for this or I'll get raped by negative entities and thoughtforms.

Tobacco is the most pointless drug in the world, it gets you addicted, doesnt get you high and provides no real benefit whatsoever and kills you. Yet I still smoke it because I'm an idiot.

I should try giving it up. Doing the right breathing techniques properly gets you way higher than tobacco does, gets you higher than weed does too, and they're generally pretty easy…

loldrugs /blog

The whole book is worth to read in my opinion (though for a learned scholar may it seem a bit too elementary) but the exercises are worth reading many times, best yet; do the exercise while reading the instruction over and over. Give each exercise atleast 3-5mins before you get on to the next so that you don't just do it half-assedly a few times and forget about it afterwards. Concentrate on each exercise individually, even if it may feel ineffective at first.

I'd say you can skip to the exercises.

>Tobacco is the most pointless drug in the world, it gets you addicted, doesnt get you high and provides no real benefit whatsoever and kills you.

You mean cigarettes or tobacco? Cigarettes, specifically the filters and the anti-fire rings added to the paper are carcinogenic. They are also designed to pipeline the nicotine into your blood at a high rate that you couldn't possibly get from normal smoking, making the rush addictive and powerful.

Tobacco itself has a history of medicinal use and is a source of Coenzyme Q10, a well-known anti-aging and anti-cancer agent. You won't get it from cigarettes, their cheap pesticide-laden tobacco scraps and their adulterants though.

Cigars and loose organic tobacco are safe in moderation.

All this wild and zany pro-tobacco bullshit aside, learning how to breathe and control your breath is great.


I roll my own, the difference between smoking a cigarette and a roll up is huge, cigarette will stink out an entire room with shitloads of thick stinking smoke so it makes sense what you're saying while roll ups hardly do that at all.

I use golden virginia which I don't think is organic but I could switch to an organic type if any are sold near me.

Thanks for the info

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