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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 8411
I was going to wait until I had finished my own but due to recent events I will provide the base I will be working with for others to use if they wish. I may come back to post my results though I won't guarantee it.

So, if you're unfamiliar with the concept, Celestia is representative of our planet's Sun. She is depicted as a white horse, with Pegasus wings and a unicorn horn. She receives letters from her students and sends messages back when guidance is needed. As an experiment in chaos magic, I (and others) have decided to send our own letters to her. The setup in the simplest form is to burn the letter once written, yet I offer a more fleshed out version. Some supplies will be needed.

Boric acid
Marshmallows and candy that looks similar to a jewel or gem
Red candle (for melted wax, to seal the letter before sending/burning)

Now, once you have finished writing, seal the rolled up paper with the wax. Take the first two ingredients mixed together and set them alight, they should produce a green flame. Take a candy gem (I aim to have a red one) and stuff it into a marshmallow, evoke Spike the dragon as he sends the letters, offer the sweet treat to him for his services. When deemed appropriate, roast the marshmallow and candy gem in the green flame. Your message should now be able to get through, so light the paper with the green fire and make sure it is fully burned up.

Await a reply (if you wrote expecting one).

Be warned, I don't know how this will end up playing out, Celestia is probably not to be trifled with, so sending her a drawing of some dicks may not get a positive response. It isn't my fault if you do so and end up getting sent to the moon. Good luck!

LOL WTF get out of here ponyfuckers

speaking of ponies, how do i make a pony tulpa???

I imagine the same way as any other, though I'm no authority on the tulpa phenomenon, I haven't done it myself. If you're interested, the characters from the show have sufficient energy to manifest in some way to you. I've seen Pinkie Pie before. A bit strange at first but I got over it.

I'm not even a fan of the show.

You know what. Fuck it. Go ahead. If you're successful, further proof that the world is just as crazy as we think it is.

Ima fucking do this and educate Celestia on her origins.

There has to be a difference between the manifestation of a character due energy given by thought and the existence of a character as a stand alone part of creation, correct? From what I understand, the mere ability to comprehend something dictates that it exist.

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A golden mountain.

Sense impressions -> copies of sense impressions (ideas) -> association/imagination -> complex ideas



Is this even still a thing?

I thought permanent-tier omega neckbeards and autistic 8 year olds were the only ones who still watch MLP

I don't even know how they got here..

I don't watch the show but I have seen and enjoyed some episodes, from season 1-2. Just a fun cartoon, with decent mythology.

I've been here since this board was created. People who pony are everywhere, you're probably one yourself and just don't know it yet.

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You can comprehend things that do not exist, however they will be based on experiences of things that do exist or internal experiences, for example you can comprehend a golden mountain without seeing one by connecting the ideas of Gold and Mountain. MLP comes from ponies+imagination. MLP tulaps are internal experiences of a complex idea.

>implying Celestia isn't already aware of her inception from the mind of Faust

Go for it anyway, I ain't gonna stop you. I just think it should be an important message if you do bother, maybe requesting some sort of assistance or whatever.

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>tfw making an aryan pony tulpa

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I have finished writing my letter, now I need to send it. It turned out longer than I expected but still only covers one side of A4.

If my message gets through, it should soon be known whether or not it was successful. I hope it works.

Does Celestia speak Klingon by chance?

Possibly, she isn't limited to English. If a language exists I bet she understands it, as long as you do too. I used English because it is the only thing I'm fluent in. I really should learn German. Is Klingon a written language though? I assume you ask because you wish to communicate with it.

Sure, why not? I've already written a scintillating tell-all describing the time I [redacted] with a [redacted] in [redacted] and burned that, so I'm sure if anyone's reading the stuff I burn I'm already going to Hell.

Hell doesn't real mundane. Only lower(hellish), higher(heavens), and normal astral planes with no god.

I'm sure if anyone's reading the stuff I burn I'm already (insert undesirable condition of your choice here)

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Celestia is kind, wise and benevolent. I'm sure she has it in her heart to forgive you if you feel true remorse for those redacted actions. Write a letter explaining your situation if you want. She won't be angry unless you threaten her or her pony folk probably, or take advantage of those unable to defend themselves. The Sun is Love, The Sun is Life.

People from all walks of life watch MLP. Gabe Newell is a brony.

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