NOT ENOUGH CHAOS ON THIS BOARD!!! General chaos thread, be it Discordianism, Chaos Magick, anything. Tomorrow is Friday so be sure to eat a hot dog (with no bun, of course.).
Btw we need a board dedicated to Eris, maybe /discord/, /chaos/, /kaos/, /eris/, etc but keep it secret. It'd be chaotically awesome.
What kind Of information did you hope to find here? Not any kind I've ever heard Of, that's for sure!
One could argue that there is no information Of worth to a discordian, but such arguments are usually long, hard and full of tedious tiny letters.
Of all the things that could pop into your mind, this, Of course, is one Of the most unexpected.
Did you know that this article speaks Of it about 7 times. What do you make Of it? Oh, 8 times.
Also, 8+2 = 10, which is a multiple Of 5, which…. Hmm.. 9 times. Need to rework my math.
9 added to the number Of letters Of the word… Damn, is that 11 already?
I'm sure there is a mathematical relation to the number 5 somewhere in here…
Ah! The sentence "Eleven fine two-letter words!" is an anagram Of (oh dear) "Five Trolls Tweeted: 'Rent, Wow!'"
Oh yeah if we do get a chaos board be sure to make the anonymous users' name "Fnord" like 4Chan's anonymous.
I'll stick with Idun
come to think of it, I've never given Idun much thought.
is one manifestation of
about which
you learn more
and understand
are a tribe
of philosophers, theologians,
magicians, scientists,
artists, clowns,
and similar maniacs
who are intrigued
and with
I - There is no Goddess but Goddess and She is Your Goddess. There is no Erisian Movement but the Erisian Movement and it is the Erisian Movement. And every Golden Apple Corps is the beloved home of a Golden Worm.
II - A Discordian Shall always use the Official Discordian Document Numbering System.
III - A Discordian is Required during his early Illumination to Go Off Alone & Partake Joyously of a Hot Bog on a Friday; this Devotive Ceremony to Remonstrate against the popular Paganisms of the Day: of Catholic Christendom (no meat on Friday), of Judaism (no meat of Pork), of Hindic Peoples (no meat of Beef), of Buddhists (no meat of animal), and of Discordians (no Hot Dog buns).
IV - A Discordian shall Partake of No Hot Dog Buns, for Such was the Solace of Our Goddess when She was Confronted with The Original Snub.
V - A Discordian is Prohibited of Believing What he Reads.
I was born on the twenty third, in four months and twenty one days I'll be 23. 2+0=2 4-1=3
If you add every number in my birthdate it comes to 2023. I had this revealed to me during contact with the illuminati.
In 2023 I'll be 32.
My birthdate seems to be a significant discordian date.
My main childhood friend turned 21 on the mayan date 21/12/2012
i skimmed the wikipedia article on discordianism
reading anything else on the subject seems like a waste of time though
even reading crowley* seems more beneficial (from a fringe wizard standpoint of course)
*no disrespect to crowley, i just know that some people here dont like him
>>8341FUCK Crowley and FUCK Thelema.
>>8341Reading anything is good. Skimming wikipedia to find out about discordianism is like putting your head in a toilet to find out how to shit.
>>8344>>8344hey i actually read BIP a long time ago and liked it! im sure it had some impact on my current mindstate (in the same way that all past experiences brings the experiencer to the present experience)
>>8347usually i would agree, but i just read some chapters of 'magick without tears' and he certainly knows SOMETHING
also hes verbose as fuck so discordians should love him, lol
>also hes verbose as fuck so discordians should love himSometimes he writes like a pompous ass, othertimes he has wit and charm that withstood the test of time, other times he talks regularly like it was written yesterday like in book 4.
Personally I like some aspects of thelema, like liber oz, I think the concepts of true will and every man and every woman is a star are insightful and useful. I like how he uses nuit and hadit to represent infinite space and centers of awareness.
Then again I don't practise any thelemic rituals, I don't particularly want to eat a "cake of life" with semen and period blood in it and I don't like how half the people you talk to about him think he's some kind of child sacrificing pedo pervert.
Here's a nice poem he wrote though: You guys are going off track. Chaos, remember?
>>8355A chaos thread going offtopic is pretty funny lolirony.
Also thelema and Crowley are relevant to chaotes and better discussion than copypasta from the principia.
not being a dick, just sayin >>8356Make a Crowley thread, then. I just copy/pasted from the Principia because I was bored.
>>8357This thread is now about bananas.
Sire Liah!
>>8359Why the fuck did you say Sire Liah? Just say Hail Eris, idiot
>>8354No all of that is worthless. Takes what works and discard the rest. The chaos magic paradigm is the only good one right now besides Hermetics maybe but really… all the magic I do I just figured out on my own and absolutely none of it is out of a book. Books and sites just gave me words I could use to explain what I'm doing :\
I'm sorry I ever got involved with this crazy cult. I could have been happy in ignorance, a good goy. I could be in the herd, a dull mundane concerned with everyday life. Why must I do this to myself?
Am I the only who has fapped to Eris?
>>8369We are all the only one who has done so.
>>8364I'm the guy you're replying to.
>all the magic I do I just figured out on my own and absolutely none of it is out of a book. Books and sites just gave me words I could use to explain what I'm doing :\Same, save a few breathing techniques which are in a totally different category to real magic, and sigils.
>>8369After this picture, probably not.
>>8365If you care so fucking much about being happy why don't you master emotional alchemy? Then you can be happy all the time, if you so wish.
>>8369>that feel when only man on Earth not to fap ever at all >>8390Its okay, Smiley
we know you're the token of the bunch :^)
>>8396The SPECIAL person in the group, like one mongrel in an entire white group would be a token person, as he is one-of-a-kind but now its used to determine niggers and autists.
Get on /chaos/ while it still exists fagfriends.
I just made this image and I think it's sort of relevant. Even though I didn't quite have Discordianism in mind when I made it, but isn't Discordianism basically repacked Gnosticism with a pagan slant to it?