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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 8155
I have the feeling that there are two evolutionary trends in humanity: the autistic trend and the schizophrenic/psychotic trend.

The autistic trend has recently emerged due to many different factors, some known and some not. They are valued due to their ability to focus very well and use and manipulate restricted axiomatic systems, however this is at the expense of their spiritual, social, emotional and imaginative abilities. It seems as if autistic people cannot think outside of their set paradigms/systems, and cannot be on the receiving end of any real spiritual visions/insight.

They aren't entirely challenged, however. Their ability to focus makes them very adept at meditation, and indeed many of them practice it. But few, if any, of those who are seriously autistic venture into the unknown that is the hidden side of the truth of this world.

The other trend is the schizophrenic/psychotic. In general, those who are a part of it are very imaginative to the point of near-genius, and are very much in tune to the natural chaos of the world that strives to become ordered. However, they can't focus worth shit, and they usually have to depend on drugs to really do anything that doesn't come to them naturally. Despite their inability to really do very much, they lead rich spiritual lives (if they are not in denial of what they perceive, real or no), and many receive visions that are vivid and at times highly informative. Ability to interpret and act on such information will vary from person to person. Of course, being psychotic often ruins a person's life at least moderately, and most will be too confused to know how to use their abilities.

This is just a theory. Tell me what you think.
Well, i feel this is pretty accurate, but I've seen a few examples of High autism/high schitzo, like Einstein, Tesla, etc

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OP here. I am a person who was once diagnosed with Asperger's, but now is considered to be Schizotypal.

I am not sure if it is possible to have both conditions. I believe that Einstein and Tesla are cases where they were able to perceive the greater picture in spite of being autistic, or are cases where they were able to still focus intensely despite being psychotic. People tend to diagnose people with both, even though it is basically an unwritten rule that you are not supposed to. This may be because professionals have an over-simplified idea of what both conditions are, and thus misdiagnosis runs rampant (especially with autism).

From my personal experience, it does seem that the two conditions are diametrically opposed (but not "the exact opposite"; more like an inverse). A person with both autistic and schizophrenic genes/brain structure would probably end up being simply severely or profoundly retarded. But again, who can say? I admit to being biased, since being misdiagnosed as autistic when I wasn't was a very traumatic experience.

My theory – psychology is bullshit.

I was once diagnosed with aspergers, then more recently diagnosed with schizophreniform psychosis, which would've been a diagnosis of schizophrenia had I not kept quiet about my experiences.

I think the "experts" on both sides are generaly full of shit and narrow minded and can't think outside the boxes their training put them in. My initiation experience was apparently a psychosis and didn't actually happen, the results of the initiation weren't psychic insight they were schizophrenic thought patterns. All this is completely useless to me pragmatically unless I want to bury my head in the sand instead of working with my new mindstate - which I do on my own.

Schizophrenic master race.

Aw yeah welcome to the third eye awakened schizo master race!

I knew a Schizophrenic girl called Emma
She spat at everybody and carried around a bottle of her own spit which she would routinely spit into, she was unable of interacting with people normally, socially retarded somebody might say

I knew a boy with psychosis called Rhys, he was followed around by various children, one of which was called Toby (I think?)
Toby treated Rhys as if they were both "GTA Characters" as rhys put it. He told him to kill/harm others, steal things and at one point set himself on fire. Which he did.

I knew a girl called Hannah with psychosis, she was incredibly suicidal, had 0 self worth, and she was also followed around by various people, spiders too.
She threw herself in front of cars too which is probably why her nose was bent at a curious angle

I somehow doubt all this shit is fun.

Schizo is shit-tier. Everyone who really has it is suicidal, voices tell them to an hero, which isn't bad. Its a different plane - a plane where all the bad shit goes and it comes to haunt you forever

there is nothing special about being shiczo, everyone says it sucks


>>8306 here, my experience wasn't exactly "fun", but I needed to go through it to get to where I am now.

It also wasn't technically schizophrenia, it was a powerful mindfuck pulled on me by various people with powerful connections in a discordian half joke, half serious fashion.

It was more of an initiation than a psychosis. There was a serious death and rebirth factor involved. The results of it were constant daydreaming (which I could tell were daydreams), which led to psychic phenomenon from the daydreams, which led to developing psychic awareness.



jesus fuck this website is talking to me.

Stop feeding the artificial synchronicity. See through your own vision


>Stop feeding the artificial synchronicity

Can you expand on this?

I'm pretty sure I've already moved past that point, or am at least getting there.

I dunno if you get that synchronicity , that conspiracy mystical shit feeling fuck i dunno just calm yourself and be conscious of it snap out of it . Fuck , they still control every aspect of your mind and their fucking holistic allseers shit I mean just see this is what happens


It's all cool. You just gotta roll with the punches. As long as you don't freak out over it it's no problem and people who are aware will generally respect you if you react in the right way.

It's basically an occult current, you're being swept along by it, the key is keeping afloat and not getting dragged under.

>that conspiracy mystical shit feeling

I know those feels. They're unsettling at first but when you get used to it it's ok.

I've accepted it, absorbed it and have a new worldview because of it, it's just part of growing up really.


Also, know that this is part of the process of becoming like them. You're becoming aware of new phenomenon, don't get caught up in it to the point where you're obsessing or paranoid but don't entirely reject it either as eventually you will pick up on other peoples thoughts and other magical skills.

schizo bro here, i gotta say, i don't really like having it. I always see people posting about "schizo master race" and i gotta, say, not really as people make it out to be.

Mentions Shakespeare time being accepting of schizos, doesn't realize that Shakespeare was almost tortured to death in an asylum



It was more of an initiation than a psychosis. There was a serious death and rebirth factor involved. The results of it were constant daydreaming (which I could tell were daydreams), which led to psychic phenomenon from the daydreams, which led to developing psychic awareness.

Explain this shit.

>wanting to be a mundane

Who fucking cares if they tell you to an hero? God I just want to be fucking schizophrenic.


They made me question reality by pulling an intense mindfuck on me over xbox live shortly after I started remembering repressed memories which themselves were on the edges of reality. I asked some friends about the memories and then a little while later the xbox mindfuck happened.

They started off with some girl talking in depth about my life, they read out a list of mind control trigger words which had a weird effect on me, some of them made me blank out, later on famous people and old friends joined the conversation, they were able to play audio clips, like a rewind sound when I said "hold up go back a bit". They had cheesy actors make death threats, they had clips of alien voices who were suppodesly laughing at me.

They even somehow managed to have robert anton wilson say "there's not just one big maybe out there anon" using my name in a perplexed sounding voice I've never heard him speak in before but it was distinctly him, he'd been dead 3 years at this point and sounded like he was in his 50s or younger. There were a lot of coded messages given to me, they kept using one line metaphors with no context which later made sense. They put me on trial for crimes they wouldn't specify which I'm guessing was a Kafka reference. They also gave me numerological information about my birthdate which I wasn't previously aware of, see that info here >>8320 They also taught me pranyama which I wasn't aware of at the time. I was mostly amused and laughing or annoyed by them throughout this, eventually I just turned the xbox off.

I'm assuming I got disconnected from the party I was in and put through to some microsoft illuminati line because everyone else in the party were silent the whole time.

This was the only "psychotic" experience I had, the friends involved acted weirdly afterwards and moved country.

A little while after that was over I had a nagging feeling in my head to just sit and think, this is when the daydreaming started, I intuited things like hand signals, eye signals, etc as well as building up a whole mythology in my head. One time I had an intuition to go out and stand by a specific car, then this guy comes out of the house I was standing in front of asking if I'm a taxi driver he's waiting for who's late, I say no and a second later the taxi driver shows up, one example of the many synchronistic events that happened during the daydreaming phase.

The process took about 3 years to go from madness from the uncertainty about how much was actually real (which left my mind in a truly open intuitive and receptive state) to integrating it fully and developing my own abilities and understanding of psychic processes that work in everyday life. Hint-it's to do with hierarchy, respect and changing opinions of people.


Also the friend who turned 21 on 21/12/12 was involved in the mindfuck.

The whole damn thing seems written in the stars.

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yup sounds like ultraterrestrials to me yup

>They can induce a girl to embroider a tapestry, or initiate a political movement to culminate in a world-war; all in pursuit of some plan wholly beyond the purview or the comprehension of the deepest and subtlest thinkers. -BEAST666

(more info on their kind in the "techniques that work thread, 2nd post. the link)


Is this the first time you've told this story?


Nope. I don't tell it often though.


I've seen your story before, posted elsewhere, and don't find your story very legitimate.


Where did you see it?

I don't have any proof but it definitely happened, whether it was a psychotic episode or I dreamed the whole thing up I still experienced it.


Possible /x/? Would make sense…The RAW bit in particular struck my remembrance. You speak a bit as a Discordian would; in the slightly mocking, slightly dissociated tone of a storyteller.

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diffrent person here (the one who posted the cat gif)





I am quite dissociated from the experience these days, for years I wouldn't mention it and could barely even think about it. The experience itself was very discordian, it was kinda like wilhelm reich in hell, a play which RAW wrote which you can watch here… >>7007

I am a writer at heart who doesn't actually write, so that might come into it too.

But as for legitimacy, just check the numerology I linked to, couldn't make that shit up, not without a huge amount of time finding the "right" birthdate. It's also a strong indicator for me that it wasn't just pure madness, there was something "more" going on, I'm still not sure what to make of it all.

I posted it on 420chans /tinfoil/ once and mentiond it on /x/ a few times without going into much detail.


It's almost written the exact same way, only with slight changes in details each time.



So what was it about you that drew their interest? Have you had any further contact?

Street theater is a weird one - their actors aren't very good, so you know somethings up, like a 'be careful here' response, thus it leaves one unwilling to participate.

xbox illuminati guy: did you make the 'techniques that work' thread?


It was mostly me remembering the repressed memory which I went into on /x/ here >>8522

They had been monitoring me and leaving subtle messages for years, only after the repressed memory though.

I think its most likely because I was a straight A student (so there would be value in recruiting/ruining me) who dropped out of school due to insomnia and when I was forced into that youth psych place I mentioned on /x/ I played anonymous off as being the illuminati which led to irl illuminati consequences.

Mental health services are pretty notorious for playing mindgames with people so I wouldn't be surprised if it started there.

The whole xbox thing was likely an attempt to bring me into a reality where what I was remembering was true but it was ok and just a joke, not anything too sinister, which is why they came across in a jokey "we're going to kill you" way. They likely wanted me "awake" or some shit I don't really know it might just have been fun for them.

No further contact other than being aware that others are aware.


Yes, I also made the ERIS NEEDS YOUR HELP. thread


How did you guess? :O


I should probably add, there was some in person and online contact but nothing as legit as the xbox experience.

There was non-physical, mental-psychic contact though.

well i had experiences JUST FROM READING THAT THREAD yesterday (i posted about it)

so the illuminati may be fucking with me too, through you and your posts

maybe the real illuminati (cosmic consciousness ultraterrestrials) foresaw that fringe would make an /illuminati/ board, and started fucking with us? (you 5 years in advance)

im gonna go into a trance and listen to the goy-box for more clues.

p.s. plz tell me about the guy who taught you pranayama, and his techniques. unless theyre the same techniques in >>8427

tl;dr, perhaps were being fucked with by illuminati ET troll spirits who may or may not be our holy guardian angels in disguise

cause of the discordian image of said thread, also he mentioned pranayama and the other thread OP is about a breathing technique

describe everything in detail



Sounds likely, I am a psychic conduit to some extent, it's like being a tor node, my dad mindread information about my online friends and general understanding of chan culture once and said "what a wonderful window I am".

The guy who taught me pranyama was a snobby brit who sounded a bit like Peter Carroll, it was just the basic in 4 count, hold 4 count, out 4 count, hold 4 count. I remember asking if I could base it off my heartbeat and he was like lol no heartbeats aren't regular like a metronome or clock are.

I've got no doubt they had real occultists involved otherwise they wouldn't have been able to tell me about the numerological significance of my birthdate.

I believe these people might be the genuine illuminati. They include influencual musicians like eminem to reach out to people/impress them, I wasn't very impressed having only listened to his recovery album at the time, wasn't a real fan, this was about the time his recovery album had come out so he wasn't in evil mode he was pretty nice… when he asked me to rap I insulted/referenced his dead friend "you couldn't find truth even if you had Proof" I forget what I said before that though.

After that he said "you're bringing shady back" - I said I didn't know who shady was, which was true at the time (another indicator it wasn't all hallucination) and that's when things turned darker, the childhood friend I mentioned laughed and said "em's raping your wife", which I'm hoping isn't some kind of threat/promise/transtime reality.

I'm sure they must do this shit semi-regularly if they have all these sound clips prepared and the ability to patch so many people into an xbox live mic-set up.

is your dad in the illuminati

or any secret societies


Not as far as I'm aware but he's into new age shit and has picked up on psychic information before, his brother gets paid to do psychic readings and runs workshops on tarot/psychic/othr stuff.

His dad was in some kind of occult group though, he left the group and fled the country for a while because of it, apparently they had people knocking at their door asking for him over it.


I should add I never knew my grandad he died before I was born, during the xbox mindfuck they had him allegedly talk to me, but I can't remember what he said. They also offered to have me talk to Crowley which I declined.

Maybe they actually do have the ability to channel dead people through electronics, either that or voice replication tech or actors.

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wwell i only asked because you sound very similar to me. in fact everyone on this board does

>tfw we were all guided here by occult forces

your dad and granddad sound similar to mine too…

anyway im gonna nap. if i were you i would 'meditate on the wish fulfilled' aka go into deep meditation and try to relive that xbox night, only this time inside your own mind, only this time you should ACCEPT their offers

also i would do this for a long time til it felt real

ps anyone remember that pic having art of john the baptist's severed head on the wall? or was that a different, but similar, image


Good idea, will try that… might help reorder the occult current they created in my favour, although these days it already is, but it could increase my powahs. For quite a while all the psychic shit was negative.

>you sound very similar to me. in fact everyone on this board does
>implying this whole board isn't the work of just one person

I've seen nothing to convince me otherwise, even any replies I seemingly get.

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At the calculator I typed in my first name and got 156, then my first and middle and got 462, finally my whole name and got 822.

822=prophet Sean

My mind is blown.

Put my first name for proof but I'm not doing more

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Interesting story.

I had an incident where I was fucking balls crazy and just had delusional thoughts in my head.

As I was recovering from my madness. I heard "ILLUMINATI ALERT" "ILLUMINATI ALERT" on my Dad's computer. I went downstairs and the computer was shut down but I could distinctly hear the sound. I turned off the lights and the sound eventually faded.

Wasn't scared at all but very confused.

Well obviously. I'm the only poster here and I'm replying to myself right now and everyone else on this board is also me.


self centered piece of shit cunt cake

Thanks for the loosh.

>inb4 denial of loosh-giving

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humans have lots of loosh tho, especially if they eat food, have money, and manage their time correctly

i respond to trolls on 4chan seriously, to give them loosh (and i dont lose any because i know theyre just pretending)

also im not the guy youre responding to

also, next time you take a piss go HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM while focusing on your heart center. feels good man

>implying you aren't gibbings of loosh by merely directing your conscious focus their way

Are those Freemason wizard robes?

It was some meeting and everyone chimped out because "MUH ILLUMINATI IN MAH BREN"


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here's an example


>their breed
>chinks and whites
>same breed

I didn't make it.

not giving, and they arent receiving (unless you respond to them)

you can just as easily say someone loses loosh from directing their attention at _anything_

and by losing loosh at directing your attention at something, you also sutbly magnetize that thing to your awareness

like a passive law of attraction at work

is that also why JoS are prohibited from looking at jews?

this is all just theory btw
means the illumined vs the mundane

chinks are more (d)/evolved than whites, thanks to the experiments of greys (also "celestial" was old time slang for a chinese person. haha)

this is all just theory btw

To hold something in your mindspace would involve an expenditure of loosh.

true. but you can win it back, and then some, by willing it back [ aka fringe wizardy ]

also you can increase your loosh by having sex or fapping without cumming

There's a big flaw that none of you seems to have pointed out. High-functioning autists are pretty much the opposite of what he describes. They tend to be imaginative to a point that's detrimental to their mental health and have a higher empathy than most people - which tends to end up with them being "overloaded" and unable to exress anything. Particularly wrong is this:

>. It seems as if autistic people cannot think outside of their set paradigms/systems, and cannot be on the receiving end of any real spiritual visions/insight.

Nope. The exact opposite. I don't know abut the spiritual insight, but they tend to actively question set paradigms. Their own routines not so much; they get attached to them and changing those is a slow process.

…also if you don't believe me on this, find a subject to meditate your senses upon, and compare how well you can do it while in a state of emotional numbness vs one of exhilaration.

…but the act of willing expends loosh.

>Raw emotions, like raw energy, can accomplish tasks in a brute force manner. But when information is added, the effectiveness dramatically increases. For example, 10 joules of energy put into opening a closed door by means of a battering ram will work, but .5 joules used to turn the doorknob will also. The second is more complicated and subtle, but in the end accomplishes the same goal. Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done. Aleister Crowley and Blavatsky have written much about will.

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but then you take a break, eat some food, take a nap, and then will more things into existence! silly

>tfw you lose loosh just by thinking about your own loosh levels (unless youre laughing at how much you got)

Einstein wasn't autistic you mong, stop perpetuating this dumb myth.

Everyone has this mental image of Einstein speaking slowly in a monotone, when really, he was having difficulties speaking English because HE'S FUCKING AUSTRIAN.

It's probably hard to believe this but young Einstein was actually quite the lady's man.

Tesla wasn't autistic either, he had extreme OCD
Autists tend to be obsessed with numbers, but never show much competency with them (dyscalculia is pretty common with autism).

>implying laughter doesn't involve an expenditure of loosh

>having any legitimacy

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