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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 7962

Hail once again to all of our listeners! We are delighted to have so many new people coming on stream all the time, and we encourage you to continue sharing our broadcast with your friends and with anyone that will listen!

This episode is the capstone of our shows on meditation. Before the beginning of April when I went on my months hiatus, we did an episode about true meditation on the Runes and some of the different ways a person can do that. On this episode we want to take a look at the highest form of meditation which we just alluded to in that episode, and talk about some of the techniques that you can use to achieve the "non-thought" state that that type of meditation entails.

"Non-thought" is not what you think it is! What a person today in our modern world hears the term "meditation" many times they have a vision in their head of someone sitting cross legged on a mat chanting a mantra. True, a person can use those types of techniques to help get themselves into a state of "non-thought", but the common idea is that this state of "non-thought" is a state of empty mindedness. This is not the case at all as you'll see as you listen to this broadcast. "Non-thought" is really about using the parts of your soul complex that are not tied to the 5 senses of the body. In other words learning to communicate in a different type of language if you want to call it that. English people speak English and understand English for the most part depending upon their level of education. Germans speak German to one another and can communicate. A modern English-speaking person speaking modern English to a German who has had no schooling in the language of English has a "hit and miss" chance of success in communication. The universe itself has its own language, and achieving the state of "non-thought" is not about not thinking, or being empty minded, but about learning how to speak the language of the universe and understand its response. This is the language of the gods and goddesses; the language of the ancestors long departed and yet still here; the language of your Fetch or your higher consciousness. Very importantly for those who follow the esoteric path, it is the language of the Runes themselves which are the very creative powers of the universe itself. It is the language of your subconscious mind as an individual human being as well. This is a far cry from empty mindedness! Learning the techniques that you will hear in this broadcast and disciplining yourself to invest the time in yourself will open doors to power an understanding along with wisdom and presence that may have been close to you up until now. Many places that teach meditation understand the concept of silencing the inner voice which is what "non-thought" is all about, but never tell you what to do when you get to that stage and lead you to believe that it is empty mindedness – – like a canvas waiting for something to be drawn upon it. This is a great disservice to humanity as if you understand the keys to what this language of the universe is all about (and it is a never-ending learning process) there is no limit to what you can accomplish or create in the world.

It is my dearest hope that you will take this to heart. Next weekend this and the 1st broadcast on meditation before April will be transformed in the video input into a playlist on YouTube so that you can watch them together if you wish. Remember to subscribe to our newsletter which is weekly and quarterly. Subscribe to us through PayPal if you can, although we do not require that of anyone it does a great help to us as well as any donations. Very soon you're going to see exactly what that has been able to do for the quality of the Northern Runes Radio! Hail to each and everyone of you! Until next time…
They shouldn't use a term like "non-thought" when really you're just switching into a new medium of thought.

This is really cool man I like what they're doing. It's a good combo redpill + greenpill.



The Power of Daily Practice
May 6th, 2014

As mundane as this name may seem for an episode on the NRR it is one of the most important things that we could ever discuss. There is an article in the weekly newsletter that I hope you get the chance to subscribe to, you can find a link on the Northern Runes Radio Facebook page pinned to the top where you can subscribe to the newsletter. It does not matter whether we are practicing just the religious path, or the esoteric (magical) path or both, if we do not practice things on a daily basis and live our religion all we are our armchair theorists and spectators not participants in our own life story.

There are many practices in our religion that are very in tune with nature, the remembrance of the gods and of the ancestors; the giving of gifts to the wights that live in our home or perhaps out on the farm where we may be that where you are. Even in the city there are things you can do that show your thankfulness for what has been given you through the Providence of your hard work and the help of your guardian spirits. The Disir and the other female ancestors that watch over us deserve remembrance.

On the magical or esoteric path there are different practices that one does in order to build the strength of their will. Things that are done to forge connections with the runic energies and with the more seidhr like practices if that is the direction that they are going. Daily practices… Without them we are theorists and spectators. It is our dearest hope that this broadcast touches your heart and your soul and inspires you to read the lore of our ancestors and to become the star of your own saga! Each and everyone of us has a saga to write and that's saga is called our lives. What are we going to do with it? This is a broadcast you'll want to listen to multiple times and share with your friends who are serious about the religion of Asatru, and are serious possibly about the esoteric path or both.

>tfw this stuff is actually worth reading and considering

Personally, I like the description of meditation as "non-thought". When you meditate you want to leave your problems and the world behind, you want to leave behind the mundane and the everyday and just experience a pure state of being or consciousness.

It is very hard to do though.

No non-thought is a TERRIBLE descriptor because meditation is intensified thought. It just draws your focus away from what is irrelevant and puts it all onto one thing but the result is far from being empty or "non-thought", the result is a very deep experience.

Damn, I guess I've been doing it wrong all of this time. What you're describing to me sounds like that feeling of flow or being in the zone.


I'm having difficulty silencing the "inner chatterbox" and avoiding tangents of thought.

>that feel when I have deliberate and silent mind


I swear though, every television and radio is a serious threat to the calmness of my mind, I turn them off every chance I get and do my best to avoid them but the mundanes keep turning them back on and each one is a threat to get stuck on a loop in my mind and it takes a lot of focused effort to the invasive thoughtform that infects my mind like a virus out of my mind.

Truly, the mass media is a tool of mindcontrol.

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