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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 7887

Cosmotheism is a religion which positively asserts there is an internal meaning and purpose in life and in the cosmos. There is an essential unity, or consciousness that binds all living beings and all of the inorganic cosmos, as one. And what our true identity is this: we are the cosmos, made self-aware and self-conscious by evolution. Our undeniable human purpose, is to know and to complete ourselves as conscious individuals, and also as a self-aware species, and thereby to co-evolve with the cosmos towards total and universal awareness, and towards the ever-higher perfection of consciousness and being.

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Cosmotheism is a religious concept developed by William L. Pierce (1933-2002) in the mid-1970s. He expressed his religious philosophy in three pamphlets: The Path, On Living Things, On Society. [1] William Pierce was the founder of the National Alliance.
Cosmotheism is in effect a form of panentheism, a belief that an impersonal God is the animating force within the universe. Moreover, Pierce's salutation of the "life principle" adumbrates the Christian Logos, his professed agnosticism and his atheism regarding a Personal God notwithstanding.
Cosmotheism asserts that "all is within God and God is within all." It considers the nature of reality and of existence to be mutable and destined to co-evolve towards a complete "universal consciousness," or godhood. Cosmos means an orderly and harmonious universe and thus the divine is tantamount to reality and consciousness, an inseparable part of an orderly, harmonious, and whole universal system.
In his speech "Our Cause", Pierce said:
"All we require is that you share with us a commitment to the simple, but great, truth which I have explained to you here, that you understand that you are a part of the whole, which is the creator, that you understand that your purpose, the purpose of mankind and the purpose of every other part of creation, is the creator's purpose, that this purpose is the never-ending ascent of the path of creation, the path of life symbolized by our life rune, that you understand that this path leads ever upward toward the creator's self-realization, and that the destiny of those who follow this path is godhood."
His interpretation of cosmotheism developed from several sources: interpretations of George Bernard Shaw's play Man and Superman; strains of German Romanticism; Darwinian concepts of natural selection and of survival of the fittest, mixed with the related early 20th century eugenic ideals; and Ernst Haeckel's version of monism.
Pierce described his form of panentheism as being based on "[t]he idea of an evolutionary universe … with an evolution toward ever higher and higher states of self-consciousness," and his political ideas were centered on racial purity and eugenics as the means of advancing the white race first towards a superhuman state, and then towards godhood. In his view, the white race represented the pinnacle of human evolution thus far and therefore should be kept genetically separate from all other races in order to achieve its destined perfection in godhood.
Pierce believed in a hierarchical society governed by what he saw as the essential principles of nature, including the survival of the fittest. In his social schema, the best-adapted genetic stock, which he believed to be the white race, should remain separated from other races; and within an all-white society, the most fit individuals should lead the rest. He thought that extensive programs of "racial cleansing" (mass expulsion) and of eugenics, both in Europe and in the U.S., would be necessary to achieve this socio-political program.

WOAH REALLY? So Smiley is just following in the footsteps of WLP even more ardently than the rest basically?

This is the proper religion of the white man! It is like Hermeticism / Holographic Paradigm / etc.

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Depends on how you look at it

Afaik cosmotheism despises chaos and disorder, something which the grand astral wizard endorses to some extent (if i may recall it correctly, though i'm a bit unsure)

Chaos and order are the same thing like hot and cold are both heat.

For more information: Read The Kybalion

What's with all the "racial purity" stuff? One race can't just wipe out the rest and still exist, mankind has evolved to need a certain level of genetic diversity otherwise diseases would overrun the population

nationalists just have a hate boner for immigrants thats all

It's only a very small group of people on this board, but they post a lot. Honestly i just think they're trolls, there's no way anyone who believes anything on this board, with the whole "all life comes from the same source" and "everyone is literally equal" and don't forget "love is the only way up" stuff could still believe be racist, or even remotely supremist. I honestly hope they're trolling or humanity might be even father from evolving than i previously thought


I have no problem with inter-racial marriage so long as it is controlled and isn't forced in any way.

>so long as it is controlled and isn't forced in any way.


hey good point!

also, i think humanity is devolving (like DEVO said decades ago)

also, racist jokes can be pretty funny.

anyway here something i read on /x/ archive just now,,,

You were everyone in your past lives.

There is not a multitude of souls progressing forward through time, dying in one minute and being reborn the next.

There is only a single soul, the soul of God. You are God. God is reborn as every living thing, not chronologically, but in succession from the simplest single-cellular organism to the wisest of all men, Jesus Christ, who died the final death of all life.

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Why? Because it's nice? Because it's just? No. Because he IS you. You in a previous life, or you in a future life, it doesn't matter. You should not cause others to suffer, because that suffering is something you will have to endure, or something you already have.

Do not look down on the foolish, for that was you, long ago, before you grew and became wiser.

Look up to the wise, and take their advice, for it is your own.

>Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
That can still include harm of any sort. Do I not deserve punishment if I do something wrong? Would I begrudge a misfortune if it was for the greater good?

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The royal city was then besieged by ten thousand evil spirits who sought to prevent the Lotus-Born One from becoming a great and learned [sovereign]…. The gates both of the city and palace being closely guarded because of the siege, the Lotus-Born One considered how he might escape. And, putting off his garments, he placed on his naked body magical ornaments made of human bone, and, taking with him a dorje and a trishula, went to the roof of the palace and danced like a mad man. He let both the trishula and the dorje fall below; the prongs of the trishula, striking the breast of the wife of one of the ministers of state, pierced her heart, and the dorje, striking the head of her infant son, penetrated to the brain, and both died.

>What's with all the "racial purity" stuff?

Nice strawman, bud. Learn2biology before spouting innane libtard nonsense.

>One race can't just wipe out the rest and still exist,

Again strawmanning to hell and back.

>mankind has evolved to need a certain level of genetic diversity otherwise diseases would overrun the population

Citation needed. I'm not arguing against genetic diversity here, it's just the first time i heard that argument from anyone ever. Wud b kewl if you could elaborate on this a bit further.

>It's only a very small group of people on this board, but they post a lot.

This board wouldn't even exist without this "very small group" which "posts a lot", bud. This board also wouldn't be where it is right now if only boring mundane bluepilled libtards posted their "kewt kitten images xPP" and kosher shit like that every two days or so.

It'd be just another shitty liberal bluepilled dead site with no important topics at fucking all then.

The mix of active redpilled and greenpilled posters are what makes /new/, /pol/ and freedomboard unique and sets it apart from the liberal ZOG establishment.

>Honestly i just think they're trolls,

Way to be an ignorant and close-minded fool right there.

>there's no way anyone who believes anything on this board, with the whole "all life comes from the same source" and "everyone is literally equal" and don't forget "love is the only way up" stuff could still believe be racist, or even remotely supremist.

Fucking what.

>I honestly hope they're trolling or humanity might be even father from evolving than i previously thought

Your "one world one race" bullshit ideology is hostile to nature, the laws of the universe and human biodiversity as a whole. If anyone here works for the devolution of humanity then it's you.

Goshdarn revleft redditor plebeians, seriously.


I like that quote, thanks!

>What's with all the "racial purity" stuff? One race can't just wipe out the rest and still exist, mankind has evolved to need a certain level of genetic diversity otherwise diseases would overrun the population

You DO REALIZE that the world-wide population of humans just 10k years ago was only ONE MILLION and that the minimum required to avoid all inbreeding completely is 500 (250 female 250 male) breeding individuals and that for most species it's only about 50 individuals required.

A small village of 500 humans could continue on the species and everyone else could die off and it wouldn't matter.

Within a single race is enough genetic diversity to go on forever.

You are retarded if you think racemixing is beneficial, it causes outbreeding depression.

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>with the whole "all life comes from the same source"


>and "everyone is literally equal"

Bullshit. Coming from the same source and reality having a fundamental unity does not make individuals units of that reality equal. The All is equal to The All. Fragments are not equal.

>and don't forget "love is the only way up" stuff could still believe be racist, or even remotely supremist.

We believe in loosh which is emotional energy which is just as valuable be it sadness, hate, love, or whatever else so no love is not the only way.

>I honestly hope they're trolling or humanity might be even father from evolving than i previously thought

The things which you support cause degeneration. As for evolution, we are always evolving, even if the quality of a race is degenerating or not. Fuck your brainwashing techniques btw, it's literally straight out of some mind control manuals I've read. Equating your vision of the future with progress.

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I have a problem with you. You need ROPE.

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>also, i think humanity is devolving (like DEVO said decades ago)

Indeed it is. The portion of subhuman mud genetics making up the world-wide population is increasing. As such humanity is degenerating. Do your part to stop this process and kill all muds and mongrels!

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The fool is infinitely wise and suffering is pleasure. Deal with it.

The way I see oneness is that I can do as I please with other individuals for the health of the whole.

Would you cut away a bit of cancer in order to preserve the body as a whole?

Surely you would.

So rather than being a weak and stupid piece of shit New Ager bluepill libtard like you, I have no problems killing individuals who are a part of my body (society) who threaten the whole.

I also have no problem with killing inferior elements and ensuring that a bigger portion of this planet ends up being populated by superior beings.

I have a big problem with millions and millions of niggers being born who are all inherently inferior and will suffer.

Lets say I am to personally experience their lives – then better fucking kill them all now so I don't have several other millions of nigger lives to go through.

Kill also the weak and degenerate and miserly so all that's left over is the good.

Also if a higher being can kill me, it should do so, and then it should make up a bigger part of the whole.

Pain is fun and combat is fun. A life of drudgery, ineptitude, cowardice, etc. is not.

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killing is mundane, in my view (when it involves physical weapons, that is)

us fringe wizards will emerge in degenerate ages, as well as good times, so whatever

niggers and jews are now just something that distracts me from reality creation

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those little crossbows are weak, btw

hope you coat the bolts/arrows in poison or something

or even better yet, built a quad copter with a light weight .22LR mounted on it

and then build 5000 more

then set them loose in israel! haha

and killing with physical weapons would STILL be mundane and boring, and only a little bit funny, IMO

>not remote influencing random individuals into killing our enemy

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hell yeah

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