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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 7812
My imagination is fired up and I have sustained clarity from shrooms.

To topic , how to just move and manifest a home without dealing with fiat notes (matrix money) and corporate silliness? Third eye consciousness is sorta gently with me and I have that sense of Godly center, at times.

tl;dr how manifest home w/o matrix complications ?
That would take a LOT of work… never seen someone manifest a home before.

But that brings me to another thing, i HATE how physicality got so… "physical" to where its extremely hard to manifest something now. I want to learn how to destroy things (pyrokinesis) before i start manifesting things such as people.

you build it.

you sigilized it.

you 7principle it.

you return to your heart.

are you in pure darkness?
if you are on shrooms get into pure darkness, remove all light and sound from your environment, then you can access zero point fully.
darkness is all light, light is will for experience.

the game of forgetting to roleplay the fingerpuppets you created.

Anywhere to read about this? When i close my eyes its mostly flickering etheric shit , and depending on how i adjust my eyes/pressure it can be more clear in a way. At times its more brightness and lot more activity. If I really squeeze them shut I see something in the center, but its draining.

Don't spend a lot of time with eyes closed, and lots of tiny twitching going on. Can never really not twitch.

well did you take the full 5g dried or did you just take a recreational dose, under 3g is recreational.

Trip was 4 days ago, 2.5g

too low, 2.5 = good weed

Also I my energy is ungrounded, I see tons of etheric particles in my vision field, unless I'm really focusing and or in nature and shit. I just can't live in this house trapped. I don't wanna deal with 3D linear matrix shit, jajajajajajaa

Manifest it with your hands, like these Finnish men.


Read The Law and the Promise
tl;dr: imagine you fall asleep in your new home while you're in that trance state before falling asleep, the stronger you imagine the better
repeat for a while and opportunities will come to you

i have a meditation i guided up on my forum http://grandalchemy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=13&p=19&hilit=feels#p19

yup, after my 15th shroom trip it became permanent, now i can read people's vibes and energies, i can see particles around objects, the more an object gets attention or love the more particles, in the dark i can absorb those particles and with eyes closed i see all mater as blue electricity.

Are you talking about getting a home through SYNCHRONICITY as in arranging events in the timeline until you acquire a home or are you talking about creating a home out of materialized/solidified thought?

If the later – start by materializing … anything. Then work from there.

Zero Point Energy? Like in The Book of Knowledge?

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>Mfw this whole fucking thread

This is why you don't lurk while being high. Seriously kids. Heed the warning.

>consuming degenerate brain-destroyers

You're not smoking the herbal jew, are you?

>tfw I see similar things but without having ever done any drugs in my life… and not as constantly as you apparently see it.

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please give more info about 7 principle/ sigilization

>the game of forgetting to roleplay the fingerpuppets you created.

also what does thismean

>them fractals

a large dose isn't necessary if op is reasonably adept and had experienced a large dose before.
You only need enough to get you into the frame of mind even a dose so small it could be attributed to placebo.

When you recognize properly the frame of mind you should have no trouble calling it up at will.

I just link it to external stimuli like a particular song.
For me
As soon as it starts i drop right into the mindset, then I put myself in a dark quiet room and work on what i need to work on.

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Zero point Being, also 7 principles is found in kybalion

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