Hey /fringe/ have you ever considered that maybe there is massive conscious overlap as to what is being thought in your place and none of it matters because you're just watching things happen with only the illusion of being in control? Well, not quite… but let me try to explain this better. I have experienced in dreams being other people and going to other places and so on. What if those places were and are always there and time is the illusion created by our consciousness moving frame by frame through an otherwise static state that was already set by a causal chain…. argh I'm perhaps making this too complicated again but if you think about it that quality of conscious experiencer really doesn't matter. You and other people could have that quality absent or maybe as I am thinking now there is a massive overlap of conscious entities seeing from the same perspective as you… so you always say, do, etc. the same things but the thoughts behind that all are not… like… fuck how to explain this. You are just observing and so are a whole bunch of other consciousness all thinking their own thoughts all seeing the same thing as you overlapping. Does this make sense… and sometimes you vacate your body and watch others and you call it a dream because it seems so unrelated to the main life you have.
Are there many consciousness behind our bodies thinking different things but all observing from the same point and ultimately doing the same actions and speaking out loud the same things but behind it all there isn't just one consciousness but possibly an infinite or otherwise very stacked number of consciousness all experiencing what you are at once based on the branching through time which these conscious follow?
How do you know there are many souls dropping in and out of your body watching the same things as you thinking their own thoughts though (or maybe even thinking the same thoughts roughly)?
I shall try again to state this as clearly as possible:
How do you know you aren't the only one "in your head" and that there isn't a massive overlap of other consciousness seeing what you are doing, some of them dreamers, just like how you momentarily see into another life when you dream? Someone somewhere, lots of beings actually, must be dreaming of exactly what you're experiencing in your life at each given moment of it. So how do you know they aren't there too? How do you know your body isn't shared by a shitload of consciousnesses all overlapping and some dropping in and out for the ride and others along for the whole thing pretty much just like you with the occassional dropping out during dreams?
What if every moment in your life is the pieced together dreams of other beings put together into one coherent lifespan and likewise when you dream you are creating the pieces of other beings lives? What is this means that there's a shitload of consciousness all constructing all reality like a big web of dreams which are sewn together somehow…
>>747Maybe the thing which sews the pieces together into one continuously experienced life is the corrupted demiurge?
>What the Greeks and Gnostics called the “Demiurge” is a universal intelligence that fashions our world.
Sounds like it.
>>745>Have you ever considered this…Yes. I don't agree with it for myself. I am the only one here. I am always here. There are no others. I am me and I alone am me.
Because I know exactly who is in this head with me.
>>750>>751Do you? Can you say 'I know where this thought came from?"
In reality you don't even know what your thoughts are.
I am an Amalgamation of my difference aspects. The 'choice' I have is which aspects I choose to allow to be processed. If you pay close attention you can see you switch aspects depending who you are talking to.
>>752>Do you? Can you say 'I know where this thought came from?"Yes.
>In reality you don't even know what your thoughts are.You might not. I do.
>>752>>751>>750…but in my example you don't share thoughts with them. They're just there, overlapping, but you don't perceive them. It's kind of like MMI where there's many minds at each branch that represents a split in the reality.
>>745My life is far too mundane, far too lifeless. I'd hate to be the being subjected to looking through the eyes of someone that won't even experience the outside world. Someone who doesn't want to interact with the world around them.
Perhaps I should be more entertaining, if not for me, then for the endless amount of beings passing through my conscious at this very moment. I should, but I don't think I'll bring myself to it.
It is an interesting idea to toy around with, that is for sure. I feel as if I belong a lot more in some of my dreams than I do here, though that is of my own consequence I'm sure.
>>753You aren't getting what I was trying to tell you. Your response has nothing to do with what I was getting at.
You know how qualia are so subjective right? Well our whole mind-stream must be pretty subjective too. It doesn't have to be present for anything behaviour to change or be observed externally. So considering that who is to say that many mindstreams are taking place observing the same thing as you from the same body at the same time but thinking their own thoughts?
Ok I have thought of a proper example now to make it very clear what I'm saying. Have you seen the movie "Gamer" or "Surrogates"? It's a movie where people are remotely interfaced with robotic bodies and experience things through them.
Now imagine your budy is a surrogate. You are experiencing through it and doing all these things, watching it as if through a webcam. Now imagine that many other people are doing the same. They all have the impression of being in control of the surrogate because they all have the same intentions to do the same things (could also be ones with no intentions but just observing) and you don't know it.
How do you not know your body isn't being dropped in on in this way as if it were like a robot with a webcam and anyone can connect to it and watch? What if there are many consciousness all thinking and experiencing through your body, all overlapping, but not perceiving each other? Externally it makes no difference. Your actions do not change. However internally one must wonder if it's just you there or not. Now consider when you dream; you seem to be in a different place experiencing things remotely through another body. Who is to say that is not the life of another person which are you temporarily dropping in on because that's where your consciousness was meant to move to through time next? Who is to say that your life isn't stitched together from the dreams of others?
It seems entirely plausible does it not?
>>756You are getting it. Congratulations on being the first respondent to understand what I'm saying.
>>757Now link this to schizophrenia, and other auditory or visual hallucinations. Perhaps these are mere glitches in the mindset of the individual that allows them to interact with other entities inhabiting their bodies? Well, if you were to believe in such a thing. Surely there would be some kind of connection.
It doesn't even have to coincide with "mental-illness" does it? And I do not mean to speak too hastily or jump to ill-thought conclusions about this subject, mental-illness, I'm sorry if I've stepped on any toes by suggesting this. Merely an observation.
>>757It's the same thing, everyone everything is just an aspect of you. Everyone can connect with someone else and see through their 'perspective'. Perspective change is the only thing that separates. As long as continuity in the sequence is kept then it's indistinguishable.
Yes. I like this\. Yes.
This is why I hear foregin thoughts in my head. It's because other entities are seeing the world thru my eyes.
I believe i've opened myself up to thsi thru extensive hallucinogen use
>>745I actually knew precisely what you meant quickly, too often have I had dreams with an "alternate" past setting.
I've handed waved them as my mind and memory obsessing over trivial things that happened before, but it does cross my mind once in awhile that a "me" of sorts was experiencing that and like some sort of entanglement effect when our thoughtpatterns synced while I was asleep to the point I was able to indirectly observe things from his perspective since we more or less share everything else.
There's a theory I'm working on regarding whether it's possible entanglement can affect the mental as well as the physical in that if your thoughts approach harmony with someone else they become entangled and just just Q.E. regardless of distance it will be observed both objects experience any change the other would. So it makes me wonder whether that me could have experienced about a short portion of my past memory while tapping into my mind and equally waved it off as a dream.
So of course the first question is if such a thing were real wouldn't dreams be more accurate and less "dream-like", well first of all our memory isn't at all accurate in the first place so it's possible without context it could seem realistic but not exactly logical. Further more it is possible for two things in sync to gradually unravel which would probably lead into a re-interpretation of the thoughts. In others words unlike particles I think thoughts might be a tad more difficult to structurally regulate without monitoring their sync ratio to begin with.
After all while most thoughts start concrete, unlike the laws of physics for particles there's nothing stopping them from wandering into fantasy on either end. And if all you have to interact with is an entangled replica of their thoughts and not actual the experience (i.e. entering the person's body and taking over) you're not guaranteed accuracy.
Hopefully that's confused you.
>>762Also just so it's clear this doesn't actually rely on or confirm the parallel universe theory, it's more like existence is simply the observation of a reaction, time doesn't exist and therefore because you can observe more than one result you psychologically can even if it doesn't "happen".
This is actually a lot harder to explain than my previous ramble, but the idea is every other reality's "events" are a dream relative to an observer's perspective.
So everything is happening at once, you're just seeing it from one frame of perspective because of where your attention is. Which in turn influences the unique nature of your thought pattern based on what you're exposed to and observe further "entangling" you to that reality.
tl;dr It was all a dream, except it depends on your definition of dream. Also existential relativity.
Your idea is too imprecise and convoluted. Clarify it after your high, on whatever you maybe using, ends and retry.
>>764And the universe isn't just going to be spelled out for you, I didn't think the OP was being too vague or convoluted at all. High, maybe. But that is too presumptuous on my part.
>>764Fuck all that, I'm just going to dream about a reality where I explained it better and steal what he wrote.
Assuming of course such a thing is possible and therefore accessible to my psyche.
>>765You may be right. The thing is I am high too, and I sorta understood what he said, thus I imagined that to non-high people it wold be convoluted. But who knows maybe I'm wrong and it's quite simple really.
>>767I'm not high to my knowledge, and it seemed pretty straight-forward. I find reading things over again and even out loud helps with comprehension, though I'm not sure how much I'd really /want/ to comprehend something if I were high at the moment.
Enjoy yourself and your high fellow human being! :)
>>767>>768One moment, if it cannot be understood perhaps it can be experienced.
What say you to an experiment? A thought experiment in the most literal way.
Let's find out whether or not my theory has any plausibility, after all thoughts while originating from a physical source (the organism) aren't necessarily fixed in physical space. They can be shared, and it's even possible someone can have the same or similar thoughts as you under the right circumstances. That isn't to suggest anything supernatural, but let's not focus on that for now.
Let's agree on a day of the week and a schedule. Considering time differences it obviously doesn't have to be night time for everyone, but it does have to work for all involved conveniently. For example say the time someone would normally sleep anyway others could take a short nap long enough to enter a dream sleep without interfering with work or other obligations. With that in mind it would be best to try this on a weekend where we can put off any other activities we'd normally do.
So what exactly do we do you ask? Simple, we think. I'm going to start there as I could go into detailed experiments for the theory, but for now it would be best to test whether the foundation is stable.
So what do we think of? Anything. Preferably something simple we can all think of so we don't lose focus or pace. For an hour we should all think the same thing in near-synch and then go to sleep. I seriously doubt we'll all have the same dream or see each other, but if there is any result we should notice something in the dream collectively.
When we wake up note everything down. So not to affect the results of the experiment all of us should send ours lists to one credible individual (say for example xroom mods) who will see and announce if he found any real patterns.
Of course this wouldn't prove anything aside from mindfuckery, but it's just a test for a thesis. Real results will come after it's been confirmed.
What say you?
Well I've given it sufficient time to simmer.
I don't understand you [redacted], I see calls for experiences with the paranormal, demands for tests of the supernatural an the moment we have an opportunity to test the limits as a whole; you pass it up.
>>769[redacted]periments 2sppoky5me
>>769hey bbboi, it's a cool experiment, I thiiiiiink I get what you're saying, though I'd like to say that it's more a different waves of consciousness (rippled by those around you or close to you) than "thoughts" of different people. the different waves of consciousness affect your thoughts?
schizofrenics, etc, have different filters for that kind of stuff and so more information comes through?
question marks because I think i'm suggesting something different than what you're saying exactly, but I… think what I got from you I get somewhat.
I'm high too, drunk, god, HEY THOUGH smart people are big into drugs because sux world or something I LOVE PSYCHOLOGGOsouagy.
also, if you do your experiment and it doesn't work out at first, try adding the variable of IRL, it's easier to get on the wavelength of people your closer to both emotionally and physically
>>769I'm not sure how well this experiment would work out, simply because thinking before rest (especially at length about any particular singular subject) could just be self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be said about someone who wants to lucid dream or wishes to dream about something in particular as that is a technique to bring about particular dreams. Of course I could be wrong or too short-sighted on this subject. On the other hand, without the confirmation bias from the subjects and instead of an outside source, it might be more interesting.
I'm also sorry this thread isn't garnering more serious thought from [redacted].
>>771Surely you jest; we're talking of Quantum Entangled Consciousness, the closest thing to Scientifically Explainable Telepathy. Remember the psychic experiments done with twins? Ask yourselves why twins [redacted]. Why things that are similar?
Imagine what you could discover in a few hours of sleep you would never know in a lifetime of research? Life and the mind are a precious resource, and a terrible thing to waste.
You all eagerly await a change in your lives through the paranormal somehow or in the worse case the end of this world and society as a whole. Quietly following the norm while pleading for change will do nothing [redacted]. Action is required.
True, there is no guarantee of success but the same applies with all things in life. You could make changes to your life today, but there is no guarantee your life would change. At all times you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Here is your chance for a change beyond a simple difference in clothing or hairstyle. Something you can do by literally day dreaming.
The world of the unknown, often hidden from you and only briefly seen or felt by others, might open its doors if you leave your comfort zone and learn how to knock.
Or would you prefer to live and die an empty life, devoid of any purpose or reason? The fate of countless others before you now lying beneath us.
I will return in a few hours to hear your final decision and learn the true nature of those who dwell here.
>>769>>775Im diggin' the thinking. Let's start an experiment, folks.
How should we set this up? Give everybody a word and have a train of thought start from that word, trying to avoid personal details that one party wouldnt share with another? Let's write this shit up real detailed.
So from what I have read and comprehend. It was stated before that this is Quantum Entanglement or at least something very similar and loosely related. I normally lurk on [redacted] and laugh at most of the threads but this caught my attention because OP is the first person to describe things that I have experienced myself. There are times when I wake up from my sleep after a dream where it seems like I was someone else, experiencing the world through their eyes, and I'm all like "Where the fuck am I?"
Now, I am assuming to set an experiment like this up there would have to be some sort of sync. A word, a time, or something in common that would allow, hypothetically, our brain frequencies the same. Of course this is all hypothetical and I am down to try it and see if it actually works, but I also know that one experiment won't be enough and we would need a good control group if we are to run this "thought experiment."
I have returned and others have joined, excellent.
>>776>>778I have contacted xroommods to see if we can setup a controlled experiment through him.
As for the method I have some parameters in mind, but we'll start out simple and see what we can determine without overcomplicating things. The experiment will be repeated over two weeks to evaluate any errors or effects, so suggestions from the participants to improve or modify the method will be taken into consideration. After all your involvement, interest and cooperation are the most important factors here.
Since there are only two of you it should be easy to keep track of who’s volunteered for now, though I'd suggest donning a tripname or providing a form of identification to confirm your involvement. When I've finished with xroommods I'll let you know when and how we will proceed.
>>745find a vid with kryon.
he explain just this is extreme detail.
we really move through dimensions like frames in a movie.
everytime u move your hand or type on the keyboard you move through parallel dimensions, in witch your hand is in a different place. put them all together and there u have it, motion and life
>>779Yeah, I'd be willing to help out for the good of science. Hopefully xroommods will be very helpful with this. I'll make sure to screen cap the thread and keep it as an open tab.
>>755>but in my example you don't share thoughts with them. They're just there, overlapping, but you don't perceive them.Then this is an entirely irrelevant question and bears no further thought.
>>782yeah but even if you don't share thought you could share feeling, imagery, and motion.
>>759I don't think it's related to schizophrenia / third eye awakening as that lets you perceive separate entities in your area. If you could perceive the overlap it would probably sound like a lot of white noise or like many voices talking over each other saying the same thing but different tones.
>>746How do you know that you're the same consciousness from one nanosecond to the next? What if the the brain's method of firing neurons and creating memory merely gives the illusion that what happened years ago or even 5 seconds ago is the same continuous experience?
Without some sort of 'soul' concept, is the concept of self irrelevant?
>>764I've never done any drugs and haven't been doing any in this thread.
>>767>The thing is I am high too,…but I'm OP and I am not high and never have been high.
>>788fuckin square
do you even blaze it phgg0t
This is an interesting theory, but may I ask where it is coming from? I think it probably involves a lot of assumptions that are really unlikely. You need to be careful when steeping yourself in delusions. It's okay to theorize, but be reasonable with what you're saying and make you don't get carried away in expanding it. It seems you surely have gotten carried away. Perhaps I will be called ignorant due to not being totally educated on certain (and completely theoretical, whether you realize that or not) concepts, but this is just my two cents
Also, schizophrenia is a severe disorder of the brain, please do not fool yourselves, but instead educated yourselves. Good day
>>790Indeed. What's important is that a skeptic mindset must be taken while performing experiments with different methods. If we actually get an "ok" to test this hypothesis it will be with the intent to disprove. If on multiple trials it were to prove the hypothesis correct then more research must be done to make sure it's not some easily explained psychological thing. Of course, caution must be taken and research must be done before testing.
In other words, i understand where you are coming from. We really should keep a skeptic mind set on it.
>>789No because I'm am an ascetic.
I don't need drugs for these thoughts.
AP and sensory deprivation is all that is required.
>>790>This is an interesting theory, but may I ask where it is coming from? I think it probably involves a lot of assumptions that are really unlikely. You need to be careful when steeping yourself in delusions. It's okay to theorize, but be reasonable with what you're saying and make you don't get carried away in expanding it. It seems you surely have gotten carried away. Perhaps I will be called ignorant due to not being totally educated on certain (and completely theoretical, whether you realize that or not) concepts, but this is just my two centsIt's coming from dreams. You may notice that in the astral / dreamworld it's quite common to have a whole new set of memories and to watch and do things as if from an alternate timeline / life. It's really bizarre.
>>791Gtfo kike.
http://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/310.html >>792>Indeed. What's important is that a skeptic mindset must be taken while performing experiments with different methods. If we actually get an "ok" to test this hypothesis it will be with the intent to disprove. If on multiple trials it were to prove the hypothesis correct then more research must be done to make sure it's not some easily explained psychological thing. Of course, caution must be taken and research must be done before testing.>In other words, i understand where you are coming from. We really should keep a skeptic mind set on it.Fuck your reminder, everyone is so sceptical these days we're far more likely to deny truths than to believe lies. Scepticism is too heavy.
>>794Sounds like someone doesn't like taking a scientific approach to things that seem uncertain.
>>769You're describing a new attempt at Veelox basically here.
>>745OP's pic is a photo-negative image of FSP.
>>785Hey anon; how do you know anything?
>>795>Sounds like someone doesn't like taking a scientific approach to things that seem uncertain.No I'm just pissed off by the constant overbearing scepticism that has us rejecting everything and wondering if the sun will rise tomorrow or if one nanosecond ago we were the same person or not.
FYI I spent years in a nihilistic near catatonic mindset because I didn't believe anything.
It is far easier to reject everything as illusions and bullshit then it is to make even the smallest leap of faith and just play along and see where something leads.
>>797>OP's pic is a photo-negative image of FSP.What is FSP?
>>799I personally think you are taking what I say way too literally. In what OP is talking about skepticism should be involved because it could actually be something very trivial as opposed to the complex situation he is explaining.
I personally believe the sun will rise tomorrow and if the world actually ends tomorrow then oh well. I actually feel like OP has some truth to what he's saying and I am willing to test it out. So if you are angry at skeptics that don't believe in anything and can't take a leap of faith, then you are taking it out on the wrong person.
All humans have an undiscovered control for dejavu and are able to expand that experience to not only feeling the familiarity of the present time and minor details of the immediate physical vicinity but ascending to higher levels of detail for not only the present moment but to fine tune on a larger scale.
Currently dejavu is felt randomly, but we can enable our minds to lift its gift as a toggle or even an intensity 'knob' so to speak.
i.e. Use dejavu to quantum entangle every subatomic particle related to the history of your consciousness with the rest of matter in existence.
Humans are a part of nature who manifested technology to facilitate the increased contrast between our connection to the source and physical experiences.
This connection is accidentally felt via a normal dejavu occurrence but when it becomes the nature of your very being you become every aspect of existence… or quite possibly… every aspect of existence becomes a part of you.
Also, if you want a universe completely to yourself, you can have that because multi-verse theory. Remember, you are free to do whatever you please as long as you keep in mind that you are not your physical appearance.
>>783>feeling, imagery, and motion.That is thought. Does one share thought or not in your question?
>>851Someone watches Kaku videos.
>>852I actually have no idea wtf Kaku is. heh.
Pretty awesome coincidence though if it is similar.
>>853Yeah, that actually is pretty similar to one of his videos on dejavu and the multi-verse. It's always interesting when coincidences like these are found. Heh. Study physics or your own personal research?
>>854Connecting the dots that others have placed for me to notice. I try not to force the research or the seeking of 'knowledge'.
The closest analogy to uncovering metaphysical truths is to 'be like water'.
>>855Very interesting. I take a similar approach but always with a tinge of skepticism. Make sure I don't get too attached to an idea or else I won't be able to see the knowledge around me. Cool shit anon.
ITT: The mundanes are just starting to discover the astral planes multiverse.
>>851>Also, if you want a universe completely to yourself, you can have that because multi-verse theory. Remember, you are free to do whatever you please as long as you keep in mind that you are not your physical appearance.This explains LD/AP.
Slim, Tempir contact xroommods however you wish and inform him of your willingness to participate.
On that note, just so we're clear only the willing are needed and need apply.
If you're hesitant about anything, you have no obligation to continue and can make yourself exempt if you want. Unfortunately if you choose to do so once the first trials begin, no further volunteers will be considered until the experiment is complete, results analyzed and next stage determined. Depending on the nature of the results entry into the 2nd stage may be decided through a process of selection, not volunteering.
>>859The thing you guys plan on doing requires falling asleep at specific times right? My insomnia is way too fucking overbearing for me to control when I sleep. I'm always up for many days and nights before falling asleep at a random time.
>>858>“We know how many possibilities there are for dimensions and we know what the dimensions do. None of it correlates with things like astral projection.”>Ingo Swann provided a test of his alleged ability to astral travel to Jupiter>Swann's accuracy was "unconvincing and unimpressive" with an overall score of 37 percentIn no way, does that explain either. In theory, everything possible has already happened in different and infinite dimensions. I see no correlation between the two. In fact, I'm not even sure if the other one exists.
>>861Astral projection works better if you go to a different plane not this one.
>>860I've already taken sleep patterns into account, however if you're still willing to participate contact xroommods.
You may not immediately receive notice regarding your involvement until the first trials are complete, but you will be taken into early consideration for the second.
>>769I say we use a homonym, let's think about a train that we are riding on. Simple, but powerful and archetypal.
>>864We will discuss the specifics and take suggestions once we have our participants. Contact xroommod if you intend to be involved.
>>865Who is that and how do I do that? I don't understand the underbelly of this site.
>>866As you can see on his youtube channel he's handled several e/x/periments before. It would be best to mediate something like this through him.
Contact him however you like (youtube profile, e-mail, etc) as long as we can reach you when necessary.
>>746I think it's feasible, are you saying that people dreaming "set" down the path, so to speak and others flesh out that path in their daily life? Sounds like an example of the collective consciousness. Maybe even daydreaming, and other ways of thinking shape it too
I would absolutely adore to be part of such an experiment.
>>749So we are all the demiurge?
>>10924No that's not true. The way the demiurge works is like the way The Matrix works in the movie… namely, The Matrix uses part of the processing power of each person plugged into it to maintain it, likewise the demiurge has infected each of us with its program and forced us to maintain it but we can cause "glitches in the matrix" by overriding the demiurge programming we have and doing damage to the consensus reality.
>>10957but even if there were only one person plugged in surely it could still survive off that power, right?