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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 7345
Friends, let us conspire together.

Suggest ideas for group rituals, group projects like project chaosvoid and other illuminati style operations. Illuminati is as illuminati does.

What can we achieve?
From the greenpill facts thread:

>Washington crime study shows 23.3% drop in violent crime due to meditating group

Source: http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/washington_crime_study.html

Let this be inspiration for us, if it is truly possible we could be capable of all sorts.

Another idea: group publications, guides and/or magazine type project.

I have heard of chaos magicians using the same sigils and numerology leading up to a certain numerologically relevent date when the sigils will be spread, in that case, written onto black balloons.

Here is a pdf called Gathering The Magick Creating 21st Century Esoteric Groups which could be helpful to our purposes.


Another idea, this one inspired by Hagbard Celine in the Illuminatus! trilogy: buying business cards with mind-altering phrases or mini koans on them, in the novel he uses "there is no friend anywhere" and "there is no enemy anywhere", the trick would be learning which one is approprate to what kind of person in what situation. You could also buy or make a set of business cards laid out like the pope cards of discordianism. Or something completely different like "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" or for the guillable, illuminati business cards with the phone number of some demiurgi political office on them.

I'm working on developing my occult powers further, especially remote viewing, and I am going to do an operation to "unlock the subconscious" that will make me a fuckload more powerful once it's done. I also am prioritizing making videos now, instead of writing shit up for at thread, I think I'll just talk. We'll see how that goes I guess. /bed

We could take over the world with the Imperial Empire, led by King Ed G. and his army of wizardly associates.

Someone has to stop the zionists. If not us, who? If not now, when?

So apparently there are certain "occult dates" some of which human sacrifice is supposedly performed by the illuminati, what if we set up rituals on these dates to redirect the loosh being farmed by the illuminati to us? Not in the sense that we are an extension of it but rather that we're stealing the loosh from them, rendering their loosh harvesting less effective.

Here's a tinfoil thread with supposed occult dates on.


First step should be us learning how to project reliably so we can meetup in the astral.

That would be supreme. Imagine all of us wizards in the astral doing wizardly things.

We could go in public and red/green-pill people as well.

They will probably go after you if you interrupt them. Ever hear an always nice and innocent boy suddenly shooting up a school?

More like David Kike.

>hehehe look goyim! the illuminati is controlling us all! oy veyyyy!


Yeah if it actually worked they'd probably be able to astral backtrace us or something.

We need a goal first. Something a lot of people here are comfortable participating in, or something edgy?

This is a logistical pain.


This sounds like a good idea.

Does else anyone think that an /illuminati/ board would be useful? Having just one thread devoted to group work could be easily lost and filled with several different ideas, lacking focus. A board would allow us to have separate threads on AP meet ups, synchronised ritual, discussion on how we should function and what type of egregore to propegate and other group projects.

in b4 it becomes infested with shills & spies (pic related?)

jk though. make it! i will lurk there until im proficient enough to post


It could always be a hidden board… but that could foster elitism.

Or named /i/lluminati rather than the more obvious /illuminati/ which would attract the shills and infiltrators.

But then /i/ would attract the trolls who used to post on /i/nvasion boards, this could be both a good and bad thing depending on whether they can into fringe.

/discord/ could be a more surreptitious name, or some other discordian themed name like /eris/ /LDD/ (legion of dynamic discord) or /cabal/.

I'll make an /illuminati/ board for you guys if you manage to find me in the astral and slap me.

hidden board called /sphinx/

it will remind us of the 4 powers of the sphinx

also it sounds mysterious, because its egyptian and stuff

I just made a thread on /meta/ about an illuminati board.

inb4 there is already an /illuminati/ board that we don't know about.


Well I just derped pretty hard, somehow I ended up on wizardchan and posted it there. This site doesn't even have a /meta/


Deleted the post, hopefully our cover has not been blown too much.

>yfw you guys one day realize that I was never actually joking about being Illuminati and that the Illuminati is pro-white as fuck

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mfw /illuminati/ already exists

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got anything good planned for Walpurgis Night?

I don't plan, I just do, the divine spirit works through me and knows what is best. Its knowledge is infinitely greater than a shallow human persona.

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what you said reminds me of this


ps. i just asked cause a couple years ago it was osama, and decades ago it was hitler

More ideas on what we can do as a group:

Group sigil work, everyone creating and charging a sigil with the same intent.

Organised ritual to effect world events, could also be aimed at /x/ or say a specific politician or disliked public figure, for example everyone creating voodoo dolls of rush limbaugh to give him headaches.

Synchronised group rituals to get in tune with each other which could aid in the goal of meeting in the astral. Some kind of sigil for us to collectively focus on could help here.

Also more organised mass posting as CHAOSVOID. We could also create a collection of sigils to post on /x/ with the intent to farm loosh or to other effects.

No wonder there's so many Christian videos on Youtube talking about the evil Illuminati.

Thelema and agape = 93
(Will and love)

Discordians have 23.

We have loosh.


loosh in Jewish Gematria Equals: 218
loosh in English Gematria Equals: 414
loosh in Simple Gematria Equals: 69

Encorporate these numbers into your life, produce loosh. Add these numbers into your sigils.

Example: looking at the clock and seeing the time as 4:14/16:14, 2:18/14:18, for those with willing female participants: 69 for the loosh.

If you want to find the illuminati go HOME anon you're drunk.


Page 69 from the book of lies.

{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Xi-Theta}


This is the Holy Hexagram.
Plunge from the height, O God, and interlock with
Plunge from the height, O Man, and interlock with
The Red Triangle is the descending tongue of grace;
the Blue Triangle is the ascending tongue of
This Interchange, the Double Gift of Tongues, the
Word of Double Power-ABRAHADABRA!-is
the sign of the GREAT WORK, for the GREAT
WORK is accomplished in Silence. And behold is
not that Word equal to Cheth, that is Cancer.
whose Sigil is {Cancer}?
This Work also eats up itself, accomplishes its own
end, nourishes the worker, leaves no seed, is per-
fect in itself.
Little children, love one another!

Just remember they want to kill you and enslave the survivors


I'd recommend picking one of these and using it as either a name on /x/ or at the end of a post similar to 93 93/93.

This introduces it to the public consciousness as well as reinforcing the numbers in your own mind. With numbers that high expect synchronicities to be more powerful than the discordians 23.


There's a legitimate road here.


Which is why we must become them.

Nobody has to do anything.
The only limitations you have are those you place on yourself. All Illuminati are slaves to it. Those in power are often worse off then thse subject to it here.

Come slap me in the astral then.

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One day in the astral you're going to get slapped for every time you've said that. You also haven't specified where to get slapped. This could end up quite ugly, Vishnu has a lot of hands.

Whenever the slappenings begin I shall attain enlightenment so whatever.

Slap my face, sides, wherever you want!

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I will slap your groin with my tentacles.

Well at least you won't be slapping my ass.


Eris will probably have that covered, I hear she's into that sort of thing.

You should slap hands together at the palm. High five, rather than smacking someone across the cheek, a friendly interaction is more pleasant.

I think having a sigil or symbol of some kind to focus on could aid in actual astral contact. Even praying to a certain deity to make it happen could work so long as we're on the same wavelength, using the same deity.

What about that Minecraft projection idea?


Meeting in the astral is advanced work.

We need a PORTAL and means to communicate while in the astral, the best method I can think of is sigils and numbers.

The gematria here could be useful…

>using jewmatria


It might be jewish but it gives us numbers to work with which are vital to esoteric systems.

Let us say i have a sigil tattoo this is my sigil and more than likely no one elses. Could I use it to conspire and give me power?

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I think what you were talking about was one of the intended uses of the Ellis Sigil.

Point being to not use that, but that such has been done before and should be possible.

Why not use the Rosicrucian method?


What is the Rosicrucion method?

Smiley = 741
Lucifer = 741

…that one.


What's the method itself though? I've tried googling and couldn't find anything.


Nevermind found it, pretty interesting article.


>We are not saying that kabala is a Greek invention. There is certainly a Jewish kabala. However, there is a genuine Greek kabala that emerged in the New Testament and passed into the Gnostic scriptures. Subsequently, it merged into the Hermetic Revival of the Renaissance and together with Hebrew kabala, appeared in the Rosicrucian Manifestoes of 1614-16 CE. Today, kabala appears in Jewish form, but has a Greek substance. If we understand this principle, it enriches our ability to use kabala as a means to spiritual liberation because it opens up the whole wisdom and knowledge of the Mystery tradition.


Also this article goes into how kabala has Greek origins/influence, does this loosen your loosh sphincter jew haters?

Also I now get why crowley used the greek thelema and agape to get to 93. The greek method of translating letters to numbers is called isopsephy.

Using a greek calculator loosh comes to λοοςθ which is 379


>shrek in gematria equals 366, but when you add the 3 with 3 (points of the Eye of Providence) it becomes 666
<illuminati in gematira equals 720, but when you subtract the seven by three (points of the Eye of Providence) it becomes 420

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