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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 7332
This is a thread on loosh generation and farming.

As I am not experienced with the farming of loosh I will give some of what I do to generate almost uncomfortable amounts of loosh.

>Be relentlessly positive no matter how many times you get smashed and beaten down stay positive until it becomes second nature and it is your default state.

>Get unreasonably excited about anything in your life or coming into your life. (stop and smell the rose and lose your shit over the bio-geometry and anything you can think of that is cool about what you are experiencing.)
>When you are low on loosh and feeling blank smile whether you are happy or not I have found forcing yourself to release those feel good chemicals into your brain makes it much easier to start generating loosh again.
>talk to people friends, strangers and family. Just get a little perspective on your third density life relax build social skills and capitalize on the fact that we are social creatures.
>Think of what you are working on and studying like you would a middle school crush. (get excited, invent wildly imaginative schemes about what you are working on, obsess over it and get excited for any amount of time you can spend on your project.)

Some of these things take time before they become second nature, however this is entry level generation and you should be able to exercise these techniques with little effort.
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do you find yourself mentally arguing with yourself? or mentally arguing in your own head with people that you know? you keep yourself in a low vibration because of this

you are digging your own grave because of this

now you can mentally revise the arguments, and imagine that the person you are arguing with is now no longer arguing with you, but instead they are saying exactly what it is you want them to say (feel it to be real = raise your vibration = attract the situation you imagined/mentally revised, if you harbor no self doubts that is)

or you can keep silent! pic related.

more info



p.s. i have a good psychic vampirism story that happened earlier today, but im regretting doing it. i'll post it up in >>6666 later

it is much funner to be tranquil and meditate in the state of the wish fulfilled, than to debase yourself by succumbing to duality (master/slave. predator/prey. etc)

in this moment there are no "mundanes"

I am SOOO not a social creature.

The fact that you are posting on an imageboard proves otherwise. Go a few days without the chan and see how you feel.

Why can't I go around hating everything? Anger is an emotion after all.

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Take cold showers. They have three benefits:

1) you already shower as part of your daily routine (I hope!) so taking a cold shower doesn't have the effect of using up additional time like a ritual might

2) The cold water is shocking to your skill and gives you a heightened awareness of the surface of your physical body. Consequently this helps to purify and strengthen your "etheric body".

3) Actually forcing yourself to get into a cold shower is not easy; taking cold showers help to strengthen your willpower.

I support this.
Also obviously increases your cold resistance.

Pardon my ignorance, im new here, what is loosh?

Its short for "emotional spiritual energy". There is a definition in the sticky. Don't worry about asking questions, ask away as long as its in the question thread or in >>>/ask/

I am very fond of anger and find it very useful the thing is to get yourself into a very emotional state and then at the peak of it suddenly focus all that emotion into a thoughtform.

reviving a bread thread.

What are some other means of replenishing or preserving loosh?

I have a hunch that sun gazing helps but the physical body itself can only absorb a small amount of solar loosh force through the eyes at a time. still though, if you do it for short times almost daily like Hiram Manek who reportedly lives without food, it may be worthwhile.

also breathing and concentrating energy in the chakra just below the navel.

is there a means of fapping or utilizing sexual activity to collect loosh as well? obelisk monuments resemble an erect phallus and are sources of masculine energy. surely the appendage it's based on commands some kind of etheric energy, even if it's not a great source of energy to some here, it's connected to the most earthly chakras.

The only other way I've seen to deal with sexual drive is to transmute said energy which manifests as lust and divert it to other chakras. IMO the penis can be a rod for collecting or discharging energy, hence the benefits of sexual acts such as karezza. el33t wizards may beg to differ, but I believe that if you use your dick wisely it won't matter.

in this moment you are enlightened by your own intelligence

the idea of arguing with oneself is that of weighing opinions and perspectives, if anything this should raise your vibration as it raises your mind above that of an emotional beast, asserted in his comfortable world of lies.

I would like to add to this. In addition to cold showers, you could practice tummo meditation while in one and increase your cold resistance; kill two birds with one stone.

Go the Astral and make a thoughtform there in a plane that is both abundent in energy and allows it to be freely collected.

Make that thoughtform collect that energy for you from that plane

Go back to the astral (if the energy collection worked) and create another thoughtform that does something for you, like give you info, or manipulate people/objects.

Use the energy from the first thoughtform to power yourself and your second thoughtform.

I would not be passing college right now if it were not for this method.

how do I release feel good chemicals into my brain

>inb4 that long fringechan post about emotions

I've read that but I don't recall any practical information from it

gahh. I wish I could go to the astral.

tryptophan converts Vitamin B6 into seratonin

go eat a turkey and some bananas

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i am not OP but I found something else out about loosh since I stopped fappin about 24 hours ago and had some interesting thoughts while dozing off and couldn't fall back to sleep without writing this.

I know most if not all of this is not new. I just need somewhere to spurt these thoughts from my restless mind before I go to sleep.

>women are loosh batteries.

>think about it: they carry extra life force (fat on breasts, hips and buttocks) in order to create and nourish offspring. they store energy, so it's not far off to imagine they store a lot of loosh too.

>curvy and healthy women (meaning not OBESE and with a healthy waist-hip ratio and BMI, etc.) are said to be more fertile, that is, they are most able to create new life with their body.

>when men give up their loosh through onanism (ejaculation with no discretion), they become less attractive to women in an energetic sense.

>but if a man is "overflowing" with loosh, she wants to "suck you dry," so to speak. the risk here is that you are more likely to get sucked dry.

>not that women are necessarily energy vampires or anything. women are meant to give back (complete the circuit) in the form of nourishment and new offspring.

>remember, females are like batteries or reservoirs, and are the negative terminal to the male's positive. their subtle goal is to receive and carry this loosh with them.

>therefore they become attractive to men as a place to deposit loosh. this is what happens when we lust, we need somewhere to put this "extra" loosh if we aren't doing anything with it.

>now what happens is when men give up their overflowing loosh to stupid things like porn or video games instead of creating with their hands or exercising their bodies or minds, then they lose that energy, and with it some of their drive.

>this loosh offset is utilized by tptb to drain more loosh from the wimminz in the form of shitty television and media and advertising.

>women are considered more "emotional" or must discharge the loosh they get in this manner because they do not ejaculate like men, hence they are most vulnerable to this kind of drainage.

>this is why most advertising and modern media is targeted to women. men have been drained enough to the point that they are not the big fish in terms of loosh sources, and haven't been relevant since the 80's which was the heyday of high-testosterone sexually charged action movies and bodybuilding.

>everything is more soft and faggoty and effeminate now since masculinity has been sucked dry as a loosh source. this drainage occurred exponentially with the advent of internet pr0n and the acceptance of fapping (fap-ceptance)

>women are going nuts and becoming unruly since they no longer have strong sources of loosh. they begin to hate men for failing to live up to their traditional role, just as men are beginning to hate women for failing to live up to theirs.

>anyway, my next thought is that sex magick (which I am admittedly not very familiar with but just inferring based on its name) is when the loosh positive (male) and negative (female) polarity circuits are connected without overloading, they can harness an unprecedented amount of loosh.

>sex magick (or similar disciplines) are how you cultivate and store your extra loosh into a female without discharging it, and how you "withdraw" that energy from her as you need it.

>Also if you cultivate and hold onto that loosh or use it in ways to accomplish your goals, women want you and your loosh even more.

>traditionally women relied on men to be the providers, the ones who act and do. the symbol of the vajra I think embodies this.

>the men relied on the women to utilize the energy the men harvested to take care of the home. the yoni embodies this.

>men and women in the "good old days" did not have as much sex (focused on ejaculating), nor did they focus on it as much as we do today.

>today it's like an exxon-mobil scale leakage of loosh into the great abyss and everyone's running around like the sky is falling

wut u think Fringe??? am i off the mark or am I onto something?

I'm looking everywhere for what I previously wrote about loosh in-depth and can't seem to find it. Fuck. It was all really well laid out and pretty sensible what I wrote before. I may just have to write it all again from scratch.

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remember the supreme gentleman? his intials were E.R. because thats where he sent the bitches and whores.

women are succubi. but maybe the loosh goes to the moon. you ever heard of this movie called 'lifeforce'?

if not then check out a summary of the plotline real soon. its rich in subtle symbolisms, and the bitch who stars in it will definitely make you wanna spill some jizm.

any enemies step to me i be like please you gonna go down in flames like 6,000,000 led dirigibles. im the unscrupulous fringe wizard with no principles. i smash all governments from cosmic to municipal. the strange spontaneous magician who dont need no rituals. the alpha flow master who always eats his vegetables.

chilling in realities holographic, mental, and virtual. and yet my handwriting barely legible

true agent of chaos here. if you cling to anything then surely it is your loss, when eventual separation will occur; just try not to fear. just remember that i am the boss. also know that emptiness is the foundation and the essence of everything, you hear? this rap style is sucha blur. like my kitty cats purr, or an army goyim saying yes sir yes sir. have i by now not yet made myself clear? i am the lord. this post really belongs on the random board. i cross over cuz im the true metaphysical rhymesaying alum.

all the extravagant pleasures in life i can afford. all my loosh comes from the one, and the one came from emptiness. out of nothing to infinity (ex nihilo ad infinitum)

Holy fuck this rapping nonsense is spreading everywhere. It's getting into all threads and isn't just contained to /chaos/. Damn.


I told him to hit up the chaos thread here >>11111 but he didn't obey the pents so I'm gonna have to replace his eyes with my two cents.


You should quit rap and the herbal jew before you snap from all the dirt that I threw at you, you're whack as fuck and it's a certitude that you're just crap floating in the oceans that we're surfing through, your weak aura ain't protecting you, you should go buy a dog and some curtains too, thats a shoutout to oldfags if they're lurking dude, stop blurting out rhymes before I really get to hurting you.

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