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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 7297
I want to share something with you and I need some help

but first I need to confirm that you really are what you claim to be and that you know what you're talking about
- no internet buddhists and magicians that quote old books but have 0 experience

so, do you have any interesting magic and/or meditation experiences / stories to share?


We're all meditators and magicians, read /fringe/ we all talk about it

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why should we help you.

you dont even have the decency to post a picture that isnt worthless

You can find my stories further back on /fringe/ as well as in the plebs archives I've done so many things.

Well, I lay down to relax one time. As I meditated my focus was shaped into a bullet, I became completely engrossed in the form of the slug. My mind constructed a firearm around me, then the firing pin struck and I was rapidly fired by expanding gasses down the barrel, spinning as I went. The speed and spin increased until soon I was not a bullet, just a jet of energy shot into white space in an instant.

Other times it has happened faster, without the bullet stage. I just close my eyes and am pulled at high speed though increasingly loud noises into the white space with frames of scenes passing me by.

I can't, however, consciously control it. Most of the time I can't keep track of what I'm doing and end up just falling asleep. I suspect I have a decent natural ability but the modern world has me too distracted.

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sage because shit thread

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