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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 7218
Over the past few years I have accumulated a large amount of hate and negative emotions from interacting with various people. I have never expressed it in any way, and successfully kept it from materializing at all.

For instance, I haven't screamed at anyone, I haven't cursed someone (swearing or enchantment), and I definitely haven't assaulted anyone. For the most part I've kept a happy face and brushed off any negative occurrence. I have ignored this feeling, kept the lid on, and basically pretended it is not there. I've maintained this "positive" attitude for quite some time, believing it is doing me good. And perhaps it has been, because admittedly, no negative events have taken place in my life for a long time, apart from the interactions I have had with people.

But now I fear this pent-up hate for people (in general, but some individuals more than others) is reaching some kind of boiling point. There is a large amount of energy in me due to this, and I feel like I must channel it in some way, even if only to get it out of my system.

Is there a way I can productively channel this energy? Can I channel it at these people who caused it? I don't want to kill anyone, but I would rather that these people change their attitude toward others, particularly when it's uncalled for.

Pic related. It's how I feel, and I doubt it will stop with a physical act of violence.
If you have all this loosh energy then channel it into a thoughtform and program the thoughtform to do whatever tasks you want and just feed it endlessly with that energy until you run out. All loosh energy can be converted into any other form btw.

I am a very hateful person and do my best to cultivate my hatred and bring it into manifestation.

Best regards,


Hey this is very good advice and it makes sense that this is the most productive way to use it (thanks for the name loosh, too).

Now I know what to search for regarding methods for "feeding".

File: 1398237423665.jpg (38.82 KB, 614x610, BLACKSUN1.JPG)
You're talking about the Jews, aren't you?

Technically speaking, I'm talking about people as in the nature of humans. Jews are lower than humans on the racial scale, so they are outside the scope of this post.

I basically use extreme metal such as death, blackened death, whatever to transmute negative emotions outta myself. I usually feel tired afterwards. Think of all of your negative emotions like a beast in a cage, what I do would be like making the beast really tired from thrashing around in its cage until it doesn't do anything anymore.

Not necessarily the best description, but I wanted to give you some kinda idea.

Would you recommend a lot of movement? I mean, when the music is moshing and screaming I can't sit still. Like when this rage boils up I feel like I need to stomp, punch, kick, smash, scream etc.. How would I direct this energy if I'm all over the room? I don't understand how to direct it, or is simply expressing the movements directing it already?

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