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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 7057
Greetings Friends, first time to /fringe/ and I am interested in beginning a journey into the world of both Alchemy and perfect health. Well advanced on the journey of Human health but lacking all the basics of Alchemy. Could you please recommend a series of texts to read to get me started? If possible a collaborative text between Biochemistry and Alchemy?
Have you read The Book of Aquarius?

Also, read this: ( >>5995 )

Regarding human health, do you have any ideas on how to heal sores and say apply magic to remote warts and moles and other problems with the skin? Also what about something like fixing bone deformations?

Are you familiar with this OP http://www.sacred-texts.com/alc/index.htm ?

>Well advanced on the journey of Human health

Gibes knowledge. I want to see what you're doing to heal and compare it with my notes and understanding I already have of the various processes used.

As far as Worts goes are concerned its real easy. They are a papillomavirus. Getting rid of them you just make up a paste made of Castor oil and baking soda. Usually their appearance is a sign that your immune system is not optimal. Use the paste to get rid of them, and then start taking Vitamin C. Cuts are easy. Sanitise the area with Iodine, cover. To increase regeneration take hemp oil. If it is a deep-tissue wound then Vitamin A helps to form scar tissue, B1 (thiamine) deficiency can interfere with collagen synthesis and B5 (pantothenic acid) accelerates the healing process. Vitamin C promotes the formation of collagen and elastin and deficiency can slow the healing process, vitamin E aids in the healing of skin grafts; zinc stimulates wound healing.

General problems with skin, I need more detail. What problems are they? Rash? Dryness? Each symptom tells a different story.

When it comes to the body, direct physical can be for more powerful.

The bulk of my knowledge of health is based on Naturopathic medicine. Understand the cause of all ailments is the key to permanent healing and long-term health.

real alchemy is spiritual alchemy

spiritual alchemy is the process of a mundane goy (you) transforming yourself into a fringe wizard (me)

any tips on muh diabetus?

Daily doses of Chaga mushroom powder in organic juice.
Avoid processed foods completely
Avoid processed sugars
Eat raw fruit and vegetables, with game meats and white meats.

If you want to speed up the process of reversing the condition then you should also take Stinging nettle on a bi-weekly basis.


Is there anybody that can give feedback as to the effects of consuming the Philosophers stone?


I am reading it right now, than you.
But I guess what I am saying is there seems to be, at least in the common circles, very little talk about this stone. It is described almost as magical. Immortality, not needing to breath, creates gold etc it's either an elaborate troll or something that I need to dedicate all of my time studying and creating right now.

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its seriously retarded


alchemy is really an allegory about turning your spirit from lead to gold.

even the law of attraction (which at its core is just about transmuting your inner thoughts) has more to do with alchemy than the book of aquarius

real alchemy = spiritual alchemy = emotional alchemy = mental diets


also read this




^ I think this one is the copy I personally have and read.

This copy here: http://www.world-mysteries.com/PhilipGardiner/BookOfAquarius.pdf

^ is out of date and lacks about 20 pages the other copy has

All of you niggers need to read this: ( >>5995 )

The Philosopher's Stone is condensed etheric energy and as such can reconfigure matter according to the users wishes.

>real alchemy is spritual alchemy
Go back and read some of the real alchemic texts and try to apply this metaphor to them. It fails, hard.

>muh chemistry

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i was searching 'paracelsus meditation', i found a really reaally cancerous site (on the eyes) but it had some decent info…


"I got into Meditation because I was inhibited. Turns out I was inhabited!"

Paracelsus von Hohenheim (1490-1541) was the outstanding medical therapist of his time and, perhaps, the greatest mystic in the history of Western medicine. He devoted his life to research in the healing arts. Paracelsus visited Constantinople to acquaint himself with the secret practices of the Dervishes and the Sufis.

The following is an excerpt from Paracelsus - His Mystical and Medical Philosophy, by Manly P. Hall, published by the Philosophical Research Society:

[According to Paracelsus]…the elementary energy blockage is an artificial being, created in the invisible worlds by man himself - and some of the guys who do this are really bad people. In harmony with more recent findings, Paracelsus noted that most elementaries energy blockages seem to be of an evil or destructive nature. They are generated from the excesses of human thought and emotion, the corruption of character, or the degeneration of faculties and powers which should be used in other, more constructive ways….

Bad habits, emotions, addictions, irritation - all from energy blockages.

Man is therefore a creator, not merely in terms of the perpetuation of the species, but especially in terms of the imagination. Man is creative in the arts, sciences, and philosophies, but his creative powers are not only external, but also internal. Because he lives, man bestows life, and he can generate creatures from his thoughts and emotions….The power to create is the power of vibration, by which anything is set into a peculiar motion….

The invisible progeny of man include thought-forms and emotion-forms energy blockages . These are like infants or inner children, especially in their beginnings, for they depend upon their creator for their nutrition and survival. Later, however, if the forces which generate continue to operate, these thought and emotion-forms gain strength, finally attaining a kind of independence….Having thus become even stronger than their creator, these thought and emotion-forms energy blockages will turn upon the one who fashioned them, often causing in him a terrible habit or addiction and destroying his health and happiness.

We know that the human psyche can become ridden with pressure centers or pressure-patterns which we call fixations, complexes, phobias, and the like. We know that these negative psychic formation energy blockages are nourished by the continued repetition of the attitudes which caused them. We say that negative attitudes become habitual energy blockages, by degrees taking over and destroying the mental and emotional integrity of the individual.

A fixation energy blockage, well nourished by attitudes suitable for its perpetuation, intensifies, becoming actually avaricious and resolved to dominate or possess the entire life of its unhappy victim….

Modern thinking therefore, sheds light upon the concept of elementaries energy blockages, extending beyond the basic research of Paracelsus…[He] used the term obsession to signify possession by an entity. Today the term is used to signify possession by an abnormal attitude….Is it possible that the abnormal attitude has gradually become an entity?

…Many persons under psychological obsession energy blockages resist treatment, as though some foreign creature were fighting for its survival in them….

Out of his philosophy of elementaries energy blockages, Paracelsus came to the conclusion that a very large part of what we consider to be disease, results from psychic parasites energy blockages generated by wrong thoughts and emotion - Energy Blockages of this particular type.


so why would paracelsus (most famous alchemist ever) meditate?

feel free to boil and drink your own piss, though, m8

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actually pic related. 2 of the most famous alchemists ever

your 'self' becoming the stone = highest art
needing an external/physical stone is redundant
I am the Philsopher's Stone

Why do you reply to one post 3 times like that?

…and yes you can be the philosopher's stone but if you want to make a stone which you can give to someone else say or you just like the idea of putting all that etheric energy into a stone you can.

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