Hello, eveyone. I have noticed an increase of newcomers, and thats excellent. Instead of making an entire thread, lets keep the questions in one, shall we?
* Read everything in the sticky.
* Look it up either online or in your books.
* Just look as hard as you can until you find an answer. If not, drop a question!
Feel free to ask anything /fringe/ related.
>pic unrelated, I just cleared my pictures ;_;
How many newcomers are there OP
Shouldn't questions just go into
>>>/ask/ ?
>* Just look as hard as you can until you find an answer. If not, drop a question!
They should also post the answers they found here and talk about their research and their findings.
^ all three of these threads should just be asked in here, since they're simple questions
Well I am very, very new, but id like to ask how do I get a feel for any energies around me?
How do I sense things like that? Perhaps even sensing the energies people give off.
What various forms of energies are there?
And finally, do individual people give off individual auras/energies that can be mentally tracked so I can tell if this individual is close in proximity to me?
Another general question, how do I generate heat or coldness at will?
If things such as this are possible, would one be able to perhaps boil, or ice a cup of water?
>How do I sense different kinds of energies
>How do I burn things
>>5234>Well I am very, very new, but id like to ask how do I get a feel for any energies around me?Meditate. A really, really, long time (like days, non-stop). Not just any meditation too, make sure you do the right ones. If you don't end up experiencing some really crazy shit like fractals and really complex and vivid stuff you're probably doing something lame.
There are a variety of meditations. Eventually you will understand how it works basically and be able to do and make up your own ones.
I suggest starting off with tummo meditation and deity meditation. Search back further through here and you'll find the relevant threads.
>How do I sense things like that? Perhaps even sensing the energies people give off.What various forms of energies are there?
There's orgone energy and etheric energy and astral energy. All 3 can be converted into each other. Orgone energy is just crude etheric energy present in the environment in general. Etheric energy is life energy and is more refined than orgone energy. Astral energy is emotional energy and is a more refined version of etheric energy.
Montalk told me personally he'd be updating his site this year with a lot of new stuff. I think he'll be answering questions like how to see etheric energy structures.
>And finally, do individual people give off individual auras/energies that can be mentally tracked so I can tell if this individual is close in proximity to me?There is a type of psychic pinging where if an entity is nearby you, you can detect its presence by a sound that you'll hear in your ear, due to the distortions in the etheric field around you. There is also an aura and you can see it with kirlian photography. I think what you want to know about though is the unique signature that each spirit has. Everyone has a unique signature and it can be tracked to find that person wherever they are in the multiverse. I am still researching how to do this though, there's a text I'm reading
right now about exactly this, and once I figure out how to do it and successfully find someone in this manner I will tell /fringe/ about it and I'll try to meet everyone in person in the astral.
>Another general question, how do I generate heat or coldness at will?Oh this is an ability I have! Tummo meditation lets you do this. Just practise tummo meditation and you'll be able to do it all. I'm rather disappointed the snow here is beginning to melt and it's getting warmer because I like to practise tummo meditation a lot and it's going to get hot… Here is the thread about tummo meditation: (
>>2193 )
>If things such as this are possible, would one be able to perhaps boil, or ice a cup of water?Yes. Also, if one were to take it to a great enough extreme, they'd probably be able to set things on fire.
>>5235Thank you very much for your help.
There is a bench in my back garden that I believe may be a good place to start meditation.
At night times I sit down there and im able to spend near enough the entire night talking to my Tulpa without feeling cold.
>>5239>Thank you very much for your help.You're welcome.
>There is a bench in my back garden that I believe may be a good place to start meditation.It's probably not a good place. I just meditate in my bedroom all the time for the most part. You want a place that's silent, preferably of dim or no lighting, with nothing to distract the eyes.
See this post here? It is good advice: (
>>4879 )
Another thing for you to know that is important is meditation is not yoga. Yoga is a good idea to practise because ideally you should be able to comfortably meditate in any position imaginable. However, I just want to stress that the typical idea of meditation one gets in the mind of a person sitting in the lotus position, ain't what it's all about. You can meditate laying down. There's even walking meditation, where monks walk non-stop in a trance, and fall into meditation. Meditation is about more than just the mere position your body happens to be in. Some idiots who fail to understand that waste their time sitting around in the lotus position and just waiting for things to happen without understanding the inner-processes they're supposed to be going through with their mind.
>At night times I sit down there and im able to spend near enough the entire night talking to my Tulpa without feeling cold.Well maybe it will work for you then. If you have a persistent tulpa btw, then you are very advanced already, as you've basically created a permanent link to the 4th density.
>>5197There has been quite an increase of neophytes in the past week or two.
>>5200They could, I suppose.
>>5201Yes! That would be great, I'm currently planning a thread on something.
>>5235>Meditate. A really, really, long time (like days, non-stop)How do I do this? The longest I've been able to meditate for is around a hour.
>>5245Not the other guy, but he has helped me. I found my own way of meditating for longer, by fantasizing a situation. Then, at the end of every fantasy, I fall off a never ending cliff or something, and if I did it at the right time the time in real life goes by hella fast and I also go in another state of consciousness.
>>5245I started doing it during a period where I was suicidal and just wanted to die and go to the astral and not come back here. You just meditate until you fall out of your body, and make sure you don't get alarmed by all the weird shit that happens, then you go do whatever you want while completely out of body.
I have tried to study Discordianism but I still don't understand it. What is it? How do they pray to Eris and stuff?
Hey guys!!!! I'm interested in astral projection. I have no idea what I need to read/do to do so could you push me in the right direction?
I got a odd request for anyone who has been to a equestria from my little pony fim. Whats unicorn/Alicorn magic/how does it work? I'm a devout Christian and don't want to fuck around with bad shit that could cost me my soul, but I have alot of unicorn/alicorn tulpa and I myself would take a alicorn form in the astral and would like to be able to do something with my horn….. How would you go about possessing a pony without breaking any of Gods law or any other good conduct? Would you have the faculties to read a book in the astral without becoming physical? By that I mean would you be able to pick up a book and turn the page..
I heard it's really hard to become physical in the astral plain….. So could you and would you tell me how to become physical… I mean I cant even project yet but I might as well start reading up on how to become physical, seeing as that's part of my plan….
One more thing is I'm starting to write hypno scripts to make tulpas…. What's your opinion on that?
>>5255Obvious troll or just stupid. Read the sticky for astral projection.
I know that the last questions have been pretty stupid, and i'm sorry that, by association, mine will be considered bothersome and annoying.
But still, i have to ask, is there any stuff about emotional self-control? Particularly getting rid of lack of will/desire/motivation (pls don't judge, it's a NEETfeel that isn't easy to get rid of by just manning up or something like that).
After some searching, i found this montalk article:
http://montalk.net/matrix/64/emotional-managementWhich IS pretty helpful, but i'd like to know if there is something else about this subject that i might have missed or not been able to find, even in mundane sources.
>>5261 There are many different meditations for help with that matter. It is very possible to control your emotions. For example, martial artists have to control their emotions to stay focused during fights. There are many ways to do this, so its all up to you on how you want to do it. Due to that, I suggest you do some more research on it and/or get a book that could possibly help with your situation.
Hope I helped and best wishes.
>>5255Are you serious
Come back when you're done with mlp bullshit
Is LBRP pretty much a safe ritual to do?
I'm getting mixed opinions from what I've been reading.
>>5267It is safe, its intention is to REMOVE bad shit. But there are many other banishing rituals, if you don't like it. Personally I don't do LBRP unless unwanted entities are present, which there never is because I don't summon anything. I use the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual before meditation/yoga,
I just want to say if you see nothing new on /fringe/ at the moment then take the time to read and experiment then when you're sufficiently inspired by your experiences or research share stuff on here. Don't expect constant activity on here, use the time when there isn't much activity for your own good.
Alright ive been looking around this board for a good few months.
I tried to get into a few books, watched a few Montalk videos, asked my mother's friend who is involved with things such as witchcraft and so forth but to be honest, I can't understand jack shit.
Here are my questions, I have a million im sure, but I will limit myself to five short ones:
I am asking these questions on this website because on the entirety of the internet, I feel like I am able to trust this site more than others.
1. How do I into meditation, and what is the goal of it?
2. How does one develop psychic abilities such as clairvoyance? If it is through meditation, how?
3. How do I train to see the auras in other living beings? And how do I make sure the aura that I may see in myself is a positive one?
4. What actually is the Occult? Is it just a term for all things that are spiritually "evil?".
5. How do I cast various kinds of spells? My mother is always in a horrible state mentally and I was wondering if there are any ways I could perhaps help her through the aid of spells. As there would be not much else I could do for her.
Mainly my difficulties with getting into this stuff revolves around the fact im autistic as hell and I find it very hard to follow explanations through text.
>>5315Oh shit, an addition to question 5:
Do I need to be spiritually prepared for the casting of spells? Or can anybody grab the right materials, sit down, chant a few words and then have a spell successfully take effect?
It seems as if this is the right place to put this.
First, you want to think of a subject to write about. Do research on it or share experiences. Then you want to type it all out. It should be eye-catching and intriguing. Example, "Aliens; Could They Exist?" is better than "aliens". Also, use the format stuff like italics and bold to make it look good. Make thread several paragraphs instead of one big paragraph. Once you finish, fix errors and go over it, and add/delete stuff as you go. Finally, post the thread with a cool picture.
Format settings:
on each side for italic''
on each side for bold'''
on each side for bold italic'
on each side for spoiler**
on each side for ==Big Red Text
fug screwed up format stuff
'' on each side for italics
''' on each side for bold
' on each side for bold italics
** on each side for spoiler
== on each side for big red text
>>5255I don't have any problem at all with reading books in the astral and turning their pages and so on.
Why the fuck would you do all that pony stuff though wtf's wrong with you?
>>5261I have total control over my own emotions. The only emotion I really have difficult producing is fear. I'm not sure how to fear anymore.
>>5315>1. How do I into meditation, and what is the goal of it?Depends on the type of meditation. Practise a wide variety of meditations like I do, to enhance and accomplish different things. There is meditation to clear the mind, meditation to enhance thinking processes, meditation to warp time, meditation to gain control over aspects of the body that are normally not under conscious control, meditation to astral projection, meditation to create thoughtforms and see them more clearly, etc.
>2. How does one develop psychic abilities such as clairvoyance? If it is through meditation, how?Stuff like meditation will be a first step. How you get the various psychic abilities depends on the type. They all take practise and involve the creation of persistent thoughtforms that enable you to do them.
>3. How do I train to see the auras in other living beings? And how do I make sure the aura that I may see in myself is a positive one?The aura can be seen with kirlian photography (I think). This post here talks about it: (
>>4864 ) I think you're able to see it automatically if you get very good at astral projection and establish a constant connection to 4th density as your normal / default state of consciousness.
>4. What actually is the Occult? Is it just a term for all things that are spiritually "evil?"."Occult refers to secret or hidden knowledge, usually of a mystical nature."
>5. How do I cast various kinds of spells? My mother is always in a horrible state mentally and I was wondering if there are any ways I could perhaps help her through the aid of spells. As there would be not much else I could do for her.Spellcasting works in various ways but by a few basic principles. It involves the use of astral energy (emotions), will, thoughtforming, and synchronicity. Have you read much of montalk? A lot of the stuff on there will help. I guess I better make a proper thread about this at a later time.
>Mainly my difficulties with getting into this stuff revolves around the fact im autistic as hell and I find it very hard to follow explanations through text.:\ you should drop that belief by using meditation to clear your mind so you don't think like that anymore and that stops being a reality for you
>>5316>Do I need to be spiritually prepared for the casting of spells?Yes.
>Or can anybody grab the right materials, sit down, chant a few words and then have a spell successfully take effect?Definitely not.
I have to ask, is magic against God? I mean all the shat I'v heard its wetting my curiosity…… I Dont want to go against the one true God.
>>5357A lot of magick and the occult is Christian Mysticism. Fringechan is open to all beliefs and we do not mock anyone's belief unless it is nonsense. But to simplify your answer, yes there is lots of christian magick in the occult.
what do you listen to when you are trying to astral project specifically?
>>5361Most people suggest nothing, because even thinking something can fuck up the process. Guided meditation for AP'ing could be possible, or pure white noise like light rain or a big fan. Experiment until you find what suits you. Hope I helped!
>>5360Any suggestions On what to look up? I know nothing of magic and don't want to screw up and lose my soul.
>>5364Ok will do thanks!!! I'v heard tulpa can do/help with magic, how does that work?
>>5365Tulpa, basically, is creating a lesser god. You then give it power, be it your own energy or loosh. You will learn about this stuff. Loosh is basically emotional energy. Tulpas have nothing to do with spellcasting but I guess they could if you made one for that purpose. I have never made a tulpa so I don't know for sure, I know it requires practice and lots of energy. Glad I could help.
>>5366Oh…. Now I'll probable make a red Mage (from Final Fantasy) tulpa lol… But anything a tulpa could do that only a tulpa could do or anything along those lines? Oh and what can magic do anyway? I mean why practice? Besides practice makes perfect?
>>5365Don't do this.
You need to be able to judge yourself and have excellent control over your thoughts.
You can easily be consumed if you are not ready.
>>5369You're talking to a guy who claims to have over 80 tulpas.
>>5368Don't create a tulpa as of now, wait until you are spiritually ready for it. Just start with meditation for now, try them all and do them for long periods at a time. Practice astral projection and read a lot of stuff, my entire library I got for free so don't worry about paying for anything besides tools. Go to
http://www.sacred-texts.com and they have a lot of christian mysticism. Don't ask me where to start, look for yourself.
>>5370Who the fuck makes 80 tulpas?!
>>5370…80 tulpas?
What the fuck am I reading?
>>5372A guy who wants to see the limits.
He never seemed particularly mentally 'stable' to me, I don't really know what to think of his claims, but ultimately, why not?
>>5375I'm going to have to hear more of this
How do you have 80 tulpas and not know the answer to
>But anything a tulpa could do that only a tulpa could do or anything along those lines?They're probably all really weak.
>>5372>>5373>>5374I guess it should also be mentioned, they're all cartoon characters from various kids' shows.
>>5377That why I included 'You need to be able to judge yourself' in my warning, but it seems this guy lacks judgement altogether.
Well, whatever happens, it will be amusing.
>>5376>But anything a tulpa could do that only a tulpa could do or anything along those lines?He comes from a community I frequent, where tulpas are (for the most part) considered a purely psychological phenomena. His question is about magic, which he probably has no knowledge of.
>They're probably all really weak.He has a few that he proxies for, but I've gotten that impression as well.
>>5368Dont decide a form or a personality, thats a dick move.
Ive already talked about this in another thread.
When I created my tulpa I visualized it as an egg, so I would have a form to talk to.
I referred to it as a female, and told it once it is ready deciding on a form, she should hatch.
See, I had expected the egg to hatch into some middle aged lady who could be my friend.
What did hatch was a being who looked a lot like Michelangelo's David. He transformed my forest wonderland into a giant marble throne room.
He was pissed that I referred to him as a female, he even said he did not wish to be my friend when I asked him. Still, it only took me two days work to gain his forgiveness.
I find that placing myself in my forest wonderland and walking to the giant marble temple is a good way to be able to contact him.
>>5377Yes yes they are……
>>5376I didn't know if that carried over to magic
>>5379Like you said I have no magically knoledge, and yes by astral energy standards most of them are probable really really weak, but they can contact me whenever they want because they all have pretty clear auditory imposition, for whatever that's worth.
>>5378Trust me I'm going no where till I'm ready.
Oh I'm thinking of making a astral weapon before I get to the astral, you know just in case, and wondered A. How to do it B. How to keep from losing it once I get to the astral C. How to empower it in a Godly way and D. If you can even make a astral weapon, without being in the astral.
>>5381You don't need a weapon. Don't worry about antagonism and you won't find it, generally.
Is tulpa discussion allowed here? I know a lot of people don't like it because of the people or things it has been associated with…
>>5386It is allowed, be sure to look and see if there is a tulpa thread first. Or post your experience with it, etc.
I researched loosh and I didn't know how to obtain it, so I asked 4chan to see if I can feel the loosh because I know they will call me a faggot, etc. Somebody did and I felt a rush on energy. I felt refreshed and powerful. Did I obtain loosh or was it placebo?
>>5380>Dont decide a form or a personality, thats a dick move.To each his own. If your tulpa is okay with being given a form and personality, they're okay with it. How often do children choose their own names?
Once you have given something, you must let them choose though and not try to retain control against their will.
>>5380I chose my tulpa's form and name and asked him if he liked it, and he said he loved it. Interesting how things work out, I thought he might hate it.
>>5390>actually asking if something is placebo when placebo is fucking real and magical >>5386Thoughtforming and tulpas are of high importance to us just don't be a faggot about it and try to understand how thoughtforms in general are made and not just tulpas and you will have a better understanding then.
>>5390Can you feel feels? Then you have loosh. You can use your loosh to create and power thoughtforms. You will know you're out of it when your feels and your mind goes numb. It's that simple.
>>5396So all loosh is emotion? I've looked at some hateful comments directed towards me and I feel great all of a sudden.
Individual Creation of Entities in Western Hermeticism
This method of deliberate creation of Entities was described by Sadhu Mouni in his book Tarot: The Contemporary System of Hermetic Philosophy. Sadhu Mouni was a mystic pseudonym of an occult author and disciple of Ramana Maharshi. His books significantly influenced the occult milieu of Europe and America in the second half of the last century. He wrote in English and many believed that he was an Englishmen who immigrated to Australia toward the end of his life. Actually, he was Polish, born in 1898 in Warsaw. His actual name was Miecezyslav Sudowski. After the Second World War he immigrated to France and changed his name to Michael Sadau. He experienced a deep mystic conversion when he visited Sri Ramana in his ashram in India in 1949. It was then that he changed his name to Sadhu Mouni. He published seven books, which earned him a significant reputation. He spent the last years of his life in Melbourne, Australia, where he led a local theurgic group. In Tarot, he elaborately described a procedure for deliberately creating an Entity that can serve as a means of demonstrating desirable traits towards which the Entity can direct man.
The more components an Entity has, the stronger it is and the more powerful its effect. Those components can be: thinking component, which is an idea or decision that constitutes its basis, astral (which comes down to invested emotional energy) and ‘material’. Since it is difficult to create an Entity’s visible material body, practitioners tend to be satisfied with the ethereal body they create for it.
An Entity can be created with the purpose of influencing others (for instance, if we create it for a depressive person, the starting point or decision may be “X is calm, in a good mood, and full of optimism”) or with the purpose of affecting oneself, that is, the operator herself (to give an example, “I am persistent. Whatever I start, I complete owing to my persistency”).
You can create an astral body of such an Entity in the following manner. You can do it while seated, but it is more effective to do it in a lying position. Concentrate on your starting idea –or decision, which constitutes the backbone of your Entity. While you are concentrated in this way, contract all the muscles in your body powerfully, without moving any part of your body. Then imagine the Entity in the shape of a small thick cloud or of a ball of condensed fog above you. Gradually loosen the muscle tension and simultaneously visualize that neuromuscular energy flowing out of your body and into the Entity. Do this for about ten seconds, until you become completely relaxed.
One of the laws of creating phenomena in our subjective universe is that our energy automatically flows and pours into an image we keep in mind at the moment when energy is being discharged. You should repeat this process from time to time, for the Entity’s energy depends on the energy you invest in it.
In order to provide it with an ethereal body and by doing so make it more efficient, keep a glass of condensed milk or honey by your side while you are performing the previously described operation of pouring energy into it. The life energy of these fluids will serve as the basis for creating the Entity’s “ethereal body”.
>>5398Loosh is a general term for astral energy (which is emotion) and etheric energy (which is life energy) and orgone energy (which is etheric energy in a more crude form found everywhere). Each type of energy can be converted into each other type with astral being the most refined and orgone the least refined. All astral energy is useful btw, it's merely a matter of converting the form of the energy, so you can feed off of hate and turn it into love for example.
>>5400(sorry for so many questions, I'm confused on loosh)
So, where do I store it once I have loosh?
>>5398I want to feel this. I haven't properly noticed before.
Someone feel some emotion towards me and make a post about it.
Maybe you can be angry at me for basically begging for free loosh.
>>5403Wait, no, fuck it, I'll make a thread on /edgy/
Where do I start with all of this?
>>5405Read the sticky. Then, research every kind of magic system and see what you like the best. Then get books on that subject and read. Once you've read enough and understand everything, put it into practice and share any weird/awesome experiences with us.
>>5372My wife made… over 400 tulpas I believe. She knows the exact number. She can make a new tulpa in less than an hour.
>>5409Bullshit, it takes a month at least.
>>5401>So, where do I store it once I have loosh?In thoughtforms.
>>5410>Bullshit, it takes a month at least.No for her. She is constantly in 4th density / a state where it's like she's dreaming even though she's awake. She can't drive a car as such.
Her first tulpa she didn't even create and appeared to her when she was very young.
>>5411How do I make a thoughtform? Is it pretty much a tulpa?
>>5413>How do I make a thoughtform? Is it pretty much a tulpa?By thinking in such a manner as to give your thoughts form.
Imagine a number or a basic geometric shape say and you've created a thoughtform.
Making it more persistent, complex, etc. requires more focus and energy.
A tulpa is merely a sentient thoughtform of a higher complexity.
>>5414..so if I wanted to make a thoughtform of a number I just think about it? And so how does the process of giving it energy work?
>>5415>..so if I wanted to make a thoughtform of a number I just think about it? And so how does the process of giving it energy work?If you don't put emotional energy into a thoughtform it CAN NOT manifest properly. The process is quite automatic. Very simple and vague thoughtforms can be formed and then dissipate very quickly but better ones will require more effort. If you were for example to make a tulpa and not invest yourself in it emotionally it will be stunted and retarded.
Okay so I'll ask this again.
Hi Fringe,
Is there any kind of magic I can practice that will be used toward saving the White race?
>>5560I seriously need your folder of 14/14 white women. Wow she is beautiful as well.
>>5561Sorry but that's all I have. I don't really save pictures on my computer.
>>5560>Is there any kind of magic I can practice that will be used toward saving the White race?All magic potentially could be used towards that end. Here's some examples:
1. Manipulation of synchronicity to arrange events in the timeline towards manifesting the 14 words.
2. Healing yourself and others and doing it for whites only obviously.
3. Using remote influencing and various mind control related techniques to turn people militantly pro-white and make them adopt all sorts of virtues.
4. Using magic to inspire and obviously our new pro-white religion we're creating will stop people's fears and make us into a race of brave and noble men.
5. All kinds of esp powers you can use for spying, combat, and all sorts of other things. You could time warp for example and use your extremely heightened speed and processing time to kill everyone in a room before they can react.
I don't know how familiar you are with the very wide variety of magical abilities. We've recently created a wiki and I think we'll start listing them there. Pretty much anything you can imagine is possible including really extreme things.
There is endless possibility to use magic to save the white race. Once you're familiar with the material it shouldn't take all that much effort for you to think of its myriad applications and uses on a personal and on a group level. You can absolutely use magic to help your race.
Also if you look into the Norse or other European cultural heritage you will find much magic and in this way also preserve your heritage if you're into that though personally I feel culture should be a living thing and that while we should understand and take inspiration from the past, resonate with the same racial soul as them, etc. we will inevitably force a new spiritual tradition as we come into contact with new entities and resurrect ancient knowledge.
>>5560What do you have against brown folks and other races?
>>5639Not him but how about our birthrate collapsing and our every nation being invaded by non-whites who don't belong here and expect everything handed to them?
so whats the consensus on masturbation?
>>5662You either do it; or don't.
>>5639I think the better question is why do you automatically assume that he has something against other races?
>>5640>our every nation being invadedTalk about over-exaggeration. None of "your" countries are being invaded. There's no grab for power by the immigrants nor are they suppressing your political powers as a born citizen. On top of that, the entire Western Hemisphere is made up of immigrants you fuckin right wing nationalist tool.
And what the fuck do you mean they don't belong here? We all are allowed to have equal opportunity as humans on this earth regardless of race.
>>5662Just don't do it. It wastes your loosh and your vitality and everything.
>>5416Thats whats happened to me, my tulpa can't even speak properly
>>5698>Talk about over-exaggeration.Name one white country that doesn't have muds moving into it.
>None of "your" countries are being invaded.No all of them are. The demographics are changing and becoming less white. It's an invasion.
>There's no grab for power by the immigrants nor are they suppressing your political powers as a born citizen.Except that's completely wrong and they are acquiring all kinds of special powers and privileges and suppressing us in many ways.
>On top of that, the entire Western Hemisphere is made up of immigrants you fuckin right wing nationalist tool.If you want our lands you must conquer us to have a right to it. You have to kill us like we killed the previous occupants. We are being incredibly fucking stupid just letting you move in without a struggle. Do not expect the less brainwashed of us to just give up our land and future to you entitled shitskins.
>And what the fuck do you mean they don't belong here? We all are allowed to have equal opportunity as humans on this earth regardless of race.No there is only power and the will to use it. If you can destroy and you have to will to do so only then does our land belong to us. Otherwise it is a contested issue and we will fight for their survival of our race against yours.
>>5702Read the emotional alchemy article I just wrote up. Good thing you now understand the importance of astral energy personally.
>>5703>Name one white country that doesn't have muds moving into it.All of the Eastern European countries and Russia. All of the Middle East if you consider them white.
>No all of them are. The demographics are changing and becoming less white. It's an invasion.They are becoming less white because your people are having kids. That's entirely your fault and not the fault of immigrants.
>Except that's completely wrong and they are acquiring all kinds of special powers and privileges and suppressing us in many ways.We are acquiring that power because you are taking away from your own power and giving it to us. So again, we are not grabbing your power or suppressing you. Your people are doing it upon themselves.
>If you want our lands you must conquer us to have a right to it. You have to kill us like we killed the previous occupants. We are being incredibly fucking stupid just letting you move in without a struggle. Do not expect the less brainwashed of us to just give up our land and future to you entitled shitskins.loool what is a white ass pussy boy like you going to do. You can bet on it that we will be taking back our land which was originally ours :)
>No there is only power and the will to use it. If you can destroy and you have to will to do so only then does our land belong to us. Otherwise it is a contested issue and we will fight for their survival of our race against yours.So edgy.
>>5706*They are becoming less white because your people are not having kids.
>>5706>All of the Eastern European countries and Russia. All of the Middle East if you consider them white.This isn't true. Their demographics are changing and muds are coming into them and they must be expelled. Every last one of them must die. Also the Middle East is racially diverse as fuck and is a shithole.
>They are becoming less white because your people are having kids. That's entirely your fault and not the fault of immigrants.No they are becoming less white because of three things:
1. Non-whites moving in.
2. Collapsed birthrate.
3. Racemixing.
ALL THREE OF THESE THINGS COUNT. Our nations are overcrowded as fuck and but non-whites moving in and taking more jobs and so on is making it even harder for us to get by. Immigration contributes to a lower birthrate for the native population. Regardless, I'm having 14 minimum pure white children, and killing as many muds as I can to fix this.
>We are acquiring that power because you are taking away from your own power and giving it to us. So again, we are not grabbing your power or suppressing you. Your people are doing it upon themselves.No you are grabbing for power with the help of white race traitors. The white race traitors must be the first to be killed. We need to purge all the degenerates and traitors from our race then purge all you muds.
>loool what is a white ass pussy boy like you going to do. You can bet on it that we will be taking back our land which was originally ours :)Yours? What kind of mud are you? An Amerindian? Chances are you're just as much an invader to whatever country it is you've decided to shit up with your mudness… and if you're not, you should be glad we didn't exterminate you all while we had the chance.
>So edgy.Rope! Rope! Rope! Rope! Rope! Bring on the race war, try and take away our claimed lands, keep pushing and exterminate the weak whites that don't fight back, in the end white power shall prevail as only the finest of our race will survive the purges!
welp this thread got derailed pretty quick
>>5740It can't be derailed, it's just a questions thread.
>>5742>Any other methods for AP besides the number method?Yeah read the emotional alchemy and meditation thread.
>Also can binural beats help you AP? This is what I have been listening to.No they don't help at all. I feel they do the reverse of what they're supposed to do actually.
Lets say I'm in a crowded environment, like a concert or a electronic music festival.
What are the consequences of absorving all the energies being liberated around me?
Can that be considered energetic vampirism?
>>5936Yeah it's energy vampirism but who cares? They're giving it up freely and it's just going to go to waste if you don't lap it all up.
>>5945Anything that anticipates a new age ascension where we a new kind of man is created.
It's essentially what National Socialism was all about.
Is there a symbol that all fringe wizards are united under? A symbol that represents everything we can agree to believe in?
Is there a guide to colors and what each color represents?
I've noticed the color maroon surrounding me a lot lately and I want to know if that means anything.
>>5991It means you see a certain colour a lot and pay attention to it a lot.
I see gray around me a lot. Roads are gray, concrete is grey, lots of vehicles are grey, etc.
I also see green a lot. Pretty much all foliage is green.
Does anyone else get pissed off when some tard brings up the "left-brain right-brain" dichotomy? …or when they say we only use 10% of the brain? These two statements are stupid. Just came across the first one in a book I'm reading and felt a massive urge to just drop the book there.
>>6164Left brain deals with logic and mathematics whereas right brain deals with emotional context. They crossover but each have their prominent roles.
Sources: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology 4th edition, The Bible
>>6169>implying that shit isn't holopgraphically distributed across the entire brain So why don't we make a permanent recommended reading list? We have a few books in the sticky, but i mean actually compile a "must read" list like 4chan has.
>>6164Beyond The Tenth, was it?
>>6262What? Doesn't the sticky do that?
Are chakras legit and important or are they bullshit?
I'm not sure chakras are legit.
I want a breakdown of the essential practises of magic so I know everything I need to do for all the occult powers to fall into place.
Hello /fringe/ so recently I had a very spook indulged experience
Let me share it with you.
>be me
>be walking home one late night
>walking on the sidewalk near a long street listening to music
>As I was listening to the music I had a feeling my mom would check up on me too see if she would need to pick me up (Pretty long walk)
>Usually when my phone rings it would play this ringtone
>This feeling of knowing that my mom would call me any second just became stronger and stronger until finally my phone started to ring
Now, after this had all happened I came home and was very spooked. Was this my intuition or what? I kinda surprised myself as I had different experiences with having weird feelings and knowing things that are going to happen.
>>6284Yes they are legit, they are your energy points and you need to keep them aligned and clean in order to have energy for magic(k).
>>6262Because there is so many topics on the subject. The average neophyte has 20+ books for philosophic views and how magick works, 50+ books on how to practice magick and others' views on magick, and thats just the beginning. I have over four GB of books, the list itself would be gigantic.
>>5991Yes; but each system of magick usually has different meanings, pic related.
>>6289So many of them. I guess I'll list some.
>WiccaPopular and bullshit. Deals with the horned god and the moon goddess, and is a matriarchy. A lot of herbal/crystal use.
>Chaos MagickReally hard to explain, its pretty much a philosophy. You go from one paradigm to another, testing and recording results. Probably best for beginners and is a very good philosophy.
>Hermeticism/ThelemaMost popular form of magick, deals with ceremonial magick and The All, and True Will. Very interesting history.
>SatanismVery broad subject, could go from the sinister and edgy Order of the Nine Angles, to the atheistic LaVeyan. Usually about self knowledge and knowing thyself, worshipping thyself with the help of Satan, be it a mere symbol or a real deity.
There is a shit ton more, those are just the most popular forms and examples of the systems. Just look it up.
>>6325you were "imagining from the wish fulfilled". your results are not surprising
http://freeneville.com/neville-goddard-simplified-essential-keys-to-mastering-neville-goddard/“All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow. If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is your shadow, forever bearing witness to your inner imaginal activity.” – Neville Goddard
>>6330>So many of them. I guess I'll list some.NOOOOOOOO I was NOT asking about magical systems! I was asking about the basic practises which effective metaphysicians actually use!
and whatever else.
Tell me what the basics are all about!
>>6332Read the sticky, read books on whatever you want. No two magicians use the same techniques, they develop their own from other systems of magick. You need to focus on making a good banishing ritual, meditating, astral projecting, and other beginner things. Just read, we don't really tell people there is only one true way of doing things. Experiment for yourself, use those techniques, make your own. Simple, but takes a lot of practice and dedication (and time!).
>>6333Fuck yeah trips.
>>6332Also, beliefs are up to you. We all have different beliefs. Some here are Hindu, Christian, Atheistic, Agnostic, and some even make their own religion. I think most of us are Chaotes, since that fits more with our purpose, experimentation and posting results and findings.
>>6333truth. the most important thing i think is to banish distractions and drowsiness from your life. also to tame your own consciousness, of course…
In the Kathopanishad 1-3-3 to 1-3-9, Dr. Radhakrishnan's translation from The Principal Upanishads, we find:
"Know the Self as the Lord of the chariot and the body as, verily, the chariot; know the intellect as the charioteer and the mind as, verily, the reins.
The senses, they say, are the horses; the objects of sense the paths (they range over); (the self) associated with the body, the senses and the mind - wise men declare - is the enjoyer.
He who has no understanding, whose mind is always unrestrained, his senses are out of control, as wicked horses are for a charioteer,
He, however, who has understanding, whose mind is always restrained, his senses are under control, as good horses are for a charioteer.
He, however, who has no understanding, who has no control over his mind (and is) ever impure, reaches not that goal but comes back into mundane life.
He, however, who has understanding, who has control over his mind and (is) ever pure, reaches that goal from which he is not bom again,
He who has the understanding for the driver of the chariot and controls the rein of his mind, he reaches the end of the journey, that supreme abode of the all-pervading."
>>6333I have been reading though. Reading endless texts… and I just want a breakdown of the basics. I don't care about specific texts, just the principles, the very basic stuff that I can put into practise.
>>6334>Also, beliefs are up to you. We all have different beliefs. Some here are Hindu, Christian, Atheistic, Agnostic, and some even make their own religion. I think most of us are Chaotes, since that fits more with our purpose, experimentation and posting results and findings.No you aren't understanding me again! I mean believe as in the mechanism of belief and its importance to getting magic done.
>>6347If you read all that, you should know. There is no principles, nothing is true and everything is permitted.
>>6348What the fuck do you think I wrote? BELIEF IS UP TO YOU! Everything you read is nothing unless you put it to practice and believe in it. Belief has nothing to do with magick unless you want it to.
>>6350>There is no principles, nothing is true and everything is permitted.…except this is bullshit or I'd be slapping you right now to test it. Do you feel any slappings? Nope.
I'm just going to go meditate since you're not being helpful.
>>6350>Belief has nothing to do with magick unless you want it to.…except it does mundane. If you don't believe in what you're doing, if you harbour doubts, you sabotage your work. That's why you got to do the Q-MM (Quiet Mind Meditation) so you remove thoughts like that which undermine your ability to do magic.
>>6352What do you think I said? If you want it to. Of course you have to believe in your magic or it won't work. He is just being difficult and I have no clue what he is trying to say, he asks a question, and he tells me he meant something else like I'm supposed to read his mind.
>>6351>asks questions about something>says its bullshit and goes on about like he knows what he is doing>asks a question, then says that wasn't what he was saying, although its exactly how he worded it>denies everythingLol what?
>>6352>asks questions on beliefs and practices on magic>tfw you make that shit up yourself>calls others mundanes>says that "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" is bullshit, when thats how everything works>my>fucking>sides >>6355i fucked that up terribly
what am i doing
why must boredom strike me like this??
>>6354>>6355>>6356I don't know how you can repeatedly misunderstand me so much and ramble like this.
Look man – wizardry involves basic practises and I just want a summary of them all.
Here's the ones that come to mind for me.
- Prayer
- Mantra
- Invocation
- Evocation
- Meditation
- Thoughtforming
- Energetics
- Belief/Faith
- Focus
- Synchronicity
- Trance
What else? Help me complete this list. We don't just sit around all day and say "do whatever you want", we have actual stuff we do.
>>6357>We don't just sit around all day and say "do whatever you want", we have actual stuff we do.But magick is all about doing what you want, what's so fun about not doing what we want? Your list is fine, don't take our shit for it, find it yourself, don't do what we do just do you. You could do yoga (really good), hunting (try and find your target spiritually; use the remains for magic, food, or donation), i mean really there is endless amount of things you can do. There really isn't any
basic or
things you need to do we just find them and do them. really only things you need is meditation. its like a hobby, we all have our own
stop being difficult mane >>6357All of those practices can't be described as beginner, as there are advanced techniques for those, too. Can't really list things to do, you just do them
>>6359>All of those practices can't be described as beginner, as there are advanced techniques for those, too.Doesn't matter if they're beginner or advanced, they're the basics, the actual things we DO. I'm tired of reading through tons of irrelevant fluff and just want a bare bones magical system that describes only what one needs to know do actually DO magic.
>Can't really list things to do, you just do them…well fuck man you make me do all the work.
>>6358Only good suggestion you made for me to add to my list there is
yoga. >>6362>Doesn't matter if they're beginner or advanced, they're the basics, the actual things we DO. I'm tired of reading through tons of irrelevant fluff and just want a bare bones magical system that describes only what one needs to know do actually DO magic.Its really hard to give the 'bare bones' of magic and the things/systems you do in it, I try ;_;
>…well fuck man you make me do all the work.Most of us got ahold of the stuff before the internet/fringechan, we know the feel
>>6363Like I said, there is countless things to add. I suggest making a thread on it and others can add on to the list, making a giant list, that'd be pretty handy
I want to make a tulpa but the one thing holding me back is giving it a suitable name ;_;.
I've been trying to make a tulpa for 2 years now and its just not working
can someone recommend me a guide they themselves used?
>>6405There are a lot of name generators online, look it up. I know that feel, its kind of hard to name stuff.
>>6407Ignore tulpa guides (which have been corrupted by ponyfags and materialists and so on) and instead read up on thoughtforms:
>>6300 >>6407What is your current practice, and how far have you gotten?
Does your tulpa speak, can you see him, etc.
Do any of you do magic with plants? There's such an incredibly wide variety of miracles you can do with plants… you can influence their growth, make them produce special substances for you, etc.
>>6537You could if you want, I'm sure. Personally I don't and see no point of doing so.
>>6539>have plant in my room>could spend days meditating on it and influencing the growth of one of it's newer leaves>force it to have a pattern or image show up in its leaf>document the whole thing for /x/>instant greenpilling (after like a month of intense meditation though…) >>6541>>document it on /x/ What? No-one will believe you, just post it here along with you techniques. A lot of us would like to know.
>>6542Shamans and others have been doing this forever and also The Invisible Influences mentions it. Hmmm I should post The Way of the Shaman…
Pic related. (this book has a HUGE filesize btw)
>>6545Go for it. How big is the filesize?
>>654591.9 MB in total filesize btw.
>>6547Damn. Guess I won't be downloading it, I keep a 4GB flashdrive with over 100 books so far, not even over the 1GB limit yet. I also have music and a shit ton of pics on it too. I'll have to download it straight to my kindle.
Do any of you know how to use tarot cards for something other than divination, I read something about tarot magic somewhere but cant remember exactly where.
>>6550A lot of us use divination, its helpful when casting a spell so you can avoid certain outcomes and get the best out of your spell/sigil.
>>6548Meh there's plenty of other books on the topic that are probably better.
>>6559Disregard this, he's pretty much the #1 authority on shamanism.
If aliens can manipulate time, how would we ever be capable of surpassing them?
When I look in the mirror it seems like I'm looking at a different person… Is it a good or bad thing?
>>6810Who cares? Your body is a vessel and your mind is ephemeral. You decide what you wish to regard as an extension of your self or not.
Everyone list the questions that haven't been answered yet.
>>5251>>6718I think thats all.
>>5251Don't try to understand it, just flow with chaos.
>>6718Our higher selves also manipulate time and also there are alien factions that try to help us and which counter the alien factions trying to harm us.
does /fringe/ visit any other sites besides here for their mystic knowledge?
>>6867We keep our knowledge here. We spread our knowledge everywhere. Put on your wizard hat and robes and join our cause.
>>6867The ones listed in the sticky, yeah, and also we get knowledge straight out of the astral planes too. Mostly we are all about spreading the knowledge and applying it ourselves. Other sites we make pilgrimages to so we may greenpill them all and steal their loosh while we're at it and sow chaos.
>>5251Read the illuminatus trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea, SERIOUSLY.
Anyone who identifies as discordian without reading it are missing out on key features such as forming counter-conspiracies that actually get shit done. Which is a subject that this chan will inevitably come to face at some point, the process has already started with project CHAOSVOID.
The book may seem like a load of nonsense but every so often it drops some serious knowledge.
Here's a pdf and audiobook version of it:
https://mega.co.nz/#F!n04F0QAS!IKfuQjABVlxwp2G49PQyjgthe audiobook is in the illuminatus folder.
And here's the full mega full of occult material, mostly focusing on videos and mp3s from the private occult tracker theoccult.bz
https://mega.co.nz/#F!C5wQ1JqZ!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqwAlso read
Moving into counter-conspiracy is something which anonymous has already done in the past in the form of /i/nvasion boards (which were a major source of loosh back in the day) and lulzsec but we are currently lacking any real counter conspiracies.
The idea of an /i/lluminati has come up in the past but as far as I'm aware it has not yet taken form, I feel that it has major potential. Merging the occult and anonymous's leviathan like power could yeild great results.
Here is a relic from 2010 for you guys, it was dropped on an /i/nvasion board as a jpgrar.
http://pastebin.com/Fw5SWMv9Being armed with occult abilities is one part of the equation to becoming a powerful force both online and each of us individually in our own lives. For those who've read the illuminatus trilogy, become Hagbard Celine.
>>6890Lulzsec worked for the FBI, as the leader was an FBI agent. All the others got arrested or some shit
>>6891Not really surprised, one time the canadian royal mounted police tried to get 420chan's /i/ board to raid jihadist websites for them.
But what I'm proposing is a more esoteric/occult less hack/griefer-centric counter-conspiracy.
>>6892What does Discordianism have anything to do with counter-conspiracies? Even in Principia Discordia they were joking about Illuminati.
Place eye here for automatic enlightenment!Damn that book was great. Both funny and interesting
>>6893In the principia discordia they also said if you think this book is just a ha-ha read it again.
There are legitimate discordian cabals which pull very well planned headfucks on people in order to spread a unique form of illumination. They have already (in some sense) "infiltrated" the media and most likely have infiltrated various intelligence agencies, similar to how the brotherhood of eternal love did, although in a less extreme way. A discordian who joins an intelligence agency is instantly a double agent, a discordian on one level and an intelligence agent on another.
The illuminati is an image, a powerful one, which we can adopt and subvert to our own aims opposing the subgenii notion of "the conspiracy".
There was a similar project called project 89 a few years back who proposed that "they" have been working for us all along, this sort of concept is an example of how we can subvert the powerful image of the illuminati to our own ends.
If you read the illuminatus trilogy you'll see how it's done, although in an exaggerated way.
If we 'become' the illuminati then all sorts of doors will open for us.
>>6893I should probably make clear that the illuminatus trilogy is "about" various discordian societies opposing the illuminati.
It's also likely that the principia was written by the same authors "after" the illuminatus trilogy was written, check the introduction by RAW.
http://www.principiadiscordia.com/book/1.php Anyone have any advice on how to heal my face? I've got really fucked up cuts and sores all over my face and want to just heal them all. How to do this rapidly with magic?
>>6916First use every possible mundane solution you can.
Entry into a properly energised state will make you appear more attractive and turn not so attractive features fall into the background. It's all about how you hold yourself.
Positive mindset reinforced by magic promotes healing, try a sigil (I assume you already know the method) and magical fash wash including herbs for healing. I have no information to offer on specifics to use but you can probably find it by googling or someone else with more herbal knowledge can provide some.
I've heard hash oil can do wonders with healing.
>>6919Fug it I'm just going to experiment with a combination of ritual and random substances. I'm also going to intentionally avoid reading about whether the substances are considered effective by the consensus reality so I can take full advantage of magical effect (so called "placebo"). Might as well try piss, ashes, dirt, oils, and whatever else I want then combine it with trance.
>>6923I could do some bible-tier miracles too like putting mud on my face and having faith that when I take it off then my face will be fully recovered.
>>6918You are my role model I swear.
>>6918Good work illuminatus.
Also that video is hilarious in how they've twisted him talking about the reptilian brain, sounds like Barrack's been reading some Robert Anton Wilson or Carl Sagan.
I'm going to just name my Tulpa "Kate" based on the Linux Text Editor by the name same; is this a good idea?
I'll change the name later if the tulpa suggests a new name.
I suppose I have heard of worse sources for names… the name itself is okay though
Good luck
>>6989My tulpa will help me grow spiritually and maybe let me escape this realm too, she can possess me later on and do whatever she wants with the body, I just want out… unless I can reach a level of power that I can be god-like in this world.
Just starting with Initiation into Hermetics and in the first step I noticed an importance on observing the thought train. What exactly does this mean/emcompass? When I attempt this I think of the thoughts rather than merely observing them. What I mean by this is I'll observe a thought and almost provide commentary about the thought internally. Any thoughts on this?
so fringe, what is the best way to cure depression/anxiety?
>>7074A therapist. Do everything you can in the real world first, then do magick. I suggest a sigil saying "I am happy" or something. There is a quote that says "Don't flail your arms around and shout magical words when a club and a rock will do." Everyone remember that quote.
>>7074I'd suggest a simple breathing technique. First you wanna learn what it feels like to breathe with the different parts of your lungs, when you breathe shallowly with the top part of your lungs your shoulders go up and down, when you breathe with the middle part your chest expands and contracts, when you breathe with the bottom part your belly moves out and back.
Sit with a straight back and fill your lungs up from the bottom upwards, when your lungs are full breathe out gently from the top first then work your way downwards. It shouldn't take more than a minute of doing this to get noticable results, at least it doesn't for me anyway. Do it often and for how long as feels comfortable, it should produce a kind of high which should have an anti-depressent and calming effect.
>>7075BULLSHIT. Do MAGIC FIRST then … you know just don't fucking waste your time with therapists at all.
People are depressed because lack of spirituality and no drugs or talking to some kike will fix that.
>>7074Become a skilled wizard, achieve perfect health, realize you are an eternal being safe within the mind of the all, connect to the divine, and you won't be fucking sad anymore.
>>7075Fuck your quote so hard.
>>7081Lets say I want to make a sandwich. Would I use magic first to make it? Hell no. Using magic to cure depression is a waste of loosh. I got rid of my depression by studying the occult; it gave me things to do. Don't waste your loosh on silly things.
>>7087Depression is a form of loosh though.
>Lets say I want to make a sandwich. Would I use magic first to make it? Hell no.Crowley would say you did.
>>7094Crowley is a retarded queer.
>not blessing your food before you eat it
I remember a long article all about how to bless food and make it bestow more health upon you by doing so. You should always use magic for food preparation.
>>7096There are many blessings and shit, but really sounds like a waste of loosh to BLESS your goddamn food, thats just pointless.
>>7097Nope it's a good use of loosh because it then makes your food healthier for you. Using some of your loosh to maintain a healthy body is a worthwhile use of one's loosh.
>>7098Should we bless our excrement too? Or does that count as already blessed if we are blessing our food?
>>7107No why the fuck would you do that? Do you want the Earth to be more fertile or something?
>>7111I was being fecesious.
feces facetious Geddit. So, I kinda figured out yet do not quite understand it;
What is the difference between the physical, etheric and astral plane?
Physical is material, astral is spiritual, but what is the etheric? Is it some kind of one-time-use spiritual link up system for an astral spirit?
>>7148Etheric is remote-viewing, so you go anywhere in the world.
It usually only lasts seconds I think.
So, I just meditated for the first time in around a year using binural beats. I never got so far untill today, but a couple of things happened;
1) My feet felt very warm and almost unfeelable at a moment
2) I could hear myself breathing in echo (two times) hard to explain, but I heared myself inside breathing
3) A car alarm suddenly woke me up and I felt very tired and weak for a couple of seconds
How come all of these?
>>7150>1)Your foot fell asleep most likely, mine do too.
>2)Because you had headphones on, it does that.
>3)Because you meditated.
Sounds like an average meditation. Btw why are using binaural beats? They ruin the effect for me.
>>7153Oh. I tried iDosers, custom beats, etc etc but its just placebo for me :/ you can attain the same effect through meditation or hypnosis though.
>>7154I see, I guess that it differs per person. One guy I knew couldn't meditate without B Beats, so yeah
hey, I forgot, I meditated a year ago and had this strange feeling that I grew and I suddenly had some kind of very, very, very weak illusion that I went into a tunnel in a downward spiral, any idea?
>>7159>I see, I guess that it differs per person. One guy I knew couldn't meditate without B Beats, so yeahYeah, usually complete silence is best for meditation. And as for your other question I have no clue so somebody else can answer that.
>>7160Thanks for the tip bro, and bless you!
>>7161No problem friend. May you be blessed also.
>>7154You do realize placebo has the same effect as … non-placebo.
>>7148Etheric is the "energy scaffolding" of the physical.
What is the best way to open the chakras?
>>7205There is no "best way", this is from my grimoire,
Simple, really. While meditating, bring a golden light starting from your toes up, and let the golden light cleanse the chakra, bottom to top. You should be able to feel its healing and good energy. Starting with Muladhara to Saharara, concentrate on the balls of energy according to their color. Inhale, make the chakra bigger; exhale, removing all bad "dirt" from the chakra. Be sure to get the colors and details correct for best result! You should feel energy or heat when the chakra is activated, also be sure to spin the spin the chakra after you have done the inhale/exhale exercise.-Straight from my grimoire
>>7208Also when you activate and cleanse them all you will be very energetic and feel great, I cried tears of joy the first time I did it. That is just a personal technique I've learned, and sorry if I didn't describe it well I never post from my grimoire.
>>7208>Be sure to get the colors and details correct for best result!Why does this matter also what do they mean "spin the chakra"?
>>7205I don't know. I personally just did roughly what it says in The Book of Knowledge… or just focus on those points the chakras are at and try to create as much heat at each point as possible.
HAve any of you gotten any results using Nevile Goddards imagination techniques?
I've been reading the Law and the Promise and I believe it can work. He just make it seem so easy and I dont realy believe in the stories he provides in his books (knowing that by the time they were published bullshit stories were added to this type of books by publishing entities)
>>7226yes i have. also i believe those stories since he had a pretty huge following for his time
>That is, do not discuss your ambitions or desires with another for the other will only echo your present fears. Secrecy is the first law to be observed in realizing your desire.
straight from neville himself
p.s. heres more info about how it works
http://montalk.net/notes/reality-creation-redux >>7228Thanks dude, much appreciated
>>7212For the colors, to determine the different ones, each color is something different and needs to be in the right place. As for spinning, to put the energy in motion, spin them as fast as possible.
When I began meditating early this year I had a feeling of sudden happiness and I cried tears of joy.
Once when I was meditating inside on my bed (sitting), my breath became heavy and I felt very hot. I thought I'd astral project but nope.
These have been the most colorful meditation experiences I've had… sadly, I feel I can't get into 'the state' anymore…
Anyone else had these experiences? Also,
I have trouble shutting down my mind. I cannot seem to be able to stop the sounds and the images. What should I do?
>>7258>When I began meditating early this year I had a feeling of sudden happiness and I cried tears of joy.Once when I was meditating inside on my bed (sitting), my breath became heavy and I felt very hot. I thought I'd astral project but nope.
I've had the same exact experiences, though it is unknown to me. Some say its a touch of enlightenment, others say its just your mind realizing how good it is to practice.
>I have trouble shutting down my mind. I cannot seem to be able to stop the sounds and the images. What should I do?Why would you stop? The most suggested meditation technique on this board is mindful meditation, which is accepting the thoughts, thinking about them, paying attention to certain parts of your body, etc. If you truly would like to stop, try Q-MM (Quiet-Mind Meditation)
>>7259I get distracted by my thoughts, and thus get distressed; then my meditation interrupts.
And when I try to pay attention to my breathing or body part, I start thinking. "I wonder how late it is- Oh! No thoughts! Quiet, focus… Maybe it's half o'cl- I did it again!"
Now I know that the Demiurge projects logo into physical parts, and that the Demiruge has become corrupt, but why has it become corrupt? I mean, isn't logos superior to the Demiurge? Then how could it get a free will?
>>7261I get the same feel, bro. Have you tried lighting incense/candles before or stretching, perhaps yoga before you meditate? It is definetly hard to have quiescense sometimes.
>>7226Yes, I get immediate and clear results when I don't intend to get results. When I intend to get results, it never works; I end up anticipating and fucking it over. I have more practice to do, I guess.
I would recommend the book, it's as simple as sigils but more direct.
>>7258>When I began meditating early this year I had a feeling of sudden happiness and I cried tears of joy.I had this too, only once, then never again.
>>7261More practice, that's all.
A couple of questions…
1. Is anything possible?
2. Does a person's Will have the potential to achieve any and all of their desires?
3. If both these things are true, then why is it so hard for us to achieve what we perceive to be impossible? How does one manage the Will to achieve anything?
>>73211. Nothing is true, everything is permitted. As above, so below; As below, so above. If you don't understand the second part read The Kybalion.
2. Will has everything to do with magic since magic is placebo.
3. I can't explain this one, I'm sure someone else can, sorry.
>>7321>3. If both these things are true, then why is it so hard for us to achieve what we perceive to be impossible? How does one manage the Will to achieve anything?Imagine you can do it, and you will find that you can. If your own imagination is working against you, no matter how much will you put behind it you will fail.
I've read fringe knowledge and some other stuff from the sticky and I have a few basic 'goal' oriented questions.
Could I use a sigil for weight loss? Would it be something like "i want to lose weight"?
What are the limits? And will i ever attain practical abilities like feeling what people I'm talking to are feeling/thinking?
Can my magic be based in nature? Manipulating plants, control of water or heat (I've read up on tummo but am not sure of the limits)
In a hypothetical situation could magic ever be used for self defense in reality?
Thanks, I've been completely uninhibited with those questions and I will continue to study.
>>7334Shit, forgot. Psychic abilities and there relation to the occult? Mind reading, influence on others minds (as weak as communicating a message like 'look at me')and knowledge of future turmoil for certain people that can be avoided if I am to know. Can this be nurtured and learnt.
>>7334Yes, you can make a sigil but be sure to exercise to help the process. DO NOT USE "I WANT", USE "I WILL LOSE WEIGHT" OR "I AM NOT OVERWEIGHT".
>Can my magic be based in nature? Manipulating plants, control of water or heat (I've read up on tummo but am not sure of the limits) That was the very first form of magic ever created, look up shamanism.
>In a hypothetical situation could magic ever be used for self defense in reality?Not really, martial arts is kind-of magical in a sense.
No prob about the questions, beginners always have the most interesting theories and questions.
>Not really, martial arts is kind-of magical in a sense.In the words of Bob Wilson martial arts reprograms your bio-survival mechanism, just make sure when you flip out you've learnt something that'll actually do damage or disable your opponent not just sparring kicks and punches or they'll stand there taking what coulda been a real beating totally untouched by it while you look like a weak idiot.
>>7341the best fighting style is kind of like drunken monkey style, but less drunken and more cat-like in the agility and reflexes
i saw it in a movie where some little chinese dude fights jean claude van damme
i was like DAMN.
p.s. if anyone knows the name of the movie let me know (it takes place in some kind of secret city full of fighters)
p.s.s. if anyone know of any better fighting styles also let me know
>>7342Training yourself to do a hard punch to the face or solar plexus could be enough really, it would just be a matter of re-imprinting yourself by ritualising it like what's done in martial arts.
I think it's interesting to note that the first kata you generally learn in martial arts (at least in taekwondo, i'm not sure about others) is laid out like a banishing ritual, a punch to north, east, south, west ending in a loud vocalisation as you throw the final punch which could be interpreted as closing the ritual vocally.
>>7313Yesterday I meditated twice and had it much easier. I've been doing this since January - little by little I learn; but it takes its time to master.
Thanks for help, fellow! I appreaciate it. I will remember you in my metta practice.
>>7334The only limitations are mental ones. Those are your limits. Nothing beyond that can hold you back.
>>7321>How does one manage the Will to achieve anything?This is where loosh comes in man.
From the Montalk Synchronicity article:
>Emotion coupled with pattern, direction, and focus is called "will." Will power means applying emotions in a directed manner to get things done.Notice the extreme importance of EMOTION which is ASTRAL ENERGY which is LOOSH.
Do this:
"I will rapidly attain a healthy weight".
>>7341>>7342>>7349I actually do martial arts and have read into combat magic and done my own stuff with this. Do not be fooled, magic can make you a killing machine that wipes out entire villages single-handedly, it IS useful for combat.
Let's say that the Creator inflitrated the physical world with an incarnation called Jesus. How could the Creator with his Logos and Nous then be physical and bypassing the Demiurge in our world?
Meditated just for opening my third eye, and this is the first time something "really" happened during my meditation
1) I felt like a line was drew around my head at the height of the third eye
2) I felt suddenly very very very warm
3) The light in my room flashes brighter and then became dimmer, lighter again etc
If anyone can explain what these three things probably were very thanks
How legitimate is the Kybalion? I'm half way through and someone said that it was just New Thought concepts hiding behind Hermeticism to add a sense of antiquity and importance.
>>7444Its definetly legit. You should read it through all the way, its pretty much how the universe works.
>>7444Fuck the source or whatever, everything in The Kybalion is true and is repeated over & over again in all other occult texts.
>>7450>>7460What would be some good literature/websites to build upon the concepts presented in the Kybalion? I found something called Summum, is it of any value?
Is it a correct thing to think of the four elements fire, wind, water and earth as the four states of matter: plasma, gas, liquid and solid?
>>7515I've read somewhere they are the same, so yeah its good
>>7515It's a correspondence, one of many. Not incorrect, just a small part of the picture.
>>7372Do you have a source for this "Combat magic"? Is it a specific type of magic, or any type of magic used for comabt?
>>7517>>7518It's little connections like these that help me see the bigger picture. Or at least make me feel like I'm getting somewhere.
>>7515It also represents the four things necessary for human survival: Earth (food), air, water, and fire (heat).
>>7530Feeling is a part.
It's about the elevated being to inhabit a new, high energy state.
It requires centred being and understanding, with energy being utilized to test boundaries and environment, in physical reality and interpretation of experience.
Gotta gitgud.
Also loosh and shit.
>>7523There was a whole bunch of texts I read on the subject and posted on /test/ on 4chon way back in the day. I think some are from the czech grimoar site.
>>7515No. Read
The Book of Aquarius. The elements are actually
Solid, Liquid, Gas, and
>>7534Together we have fire (sun), water (moon), wind, and earth. These are the 4 elements. Everything is made through the actions of these four elements as they act on and move between one another (in the same way the yin and yang are always pulling back and forth.) The ancients did not literally believe that everything was made of these four elements in the sense that everything is made of H2O, mud and air, as history books might try to tell you. These are the states of matter: earth, water and wind are solid, liquid and gas, and fire is heat. So it is actually saying that everything is made of solid, liquid, gas and heat. These are the states of matter on our physical level, with counterparts on the other levels.
(excerpt above from
The Book of Aquarius)
>>7468All other occult texts "build upon" the concepts in The Kybalion…
>>7535In this instance, heat would still be plasma.
>>7567Well they reference the same concepts.
>>7616That is true. Why is /fringe/ so anti-materialism. Yes, i see that escaping the matrix is our priority, but having a few million in the bank wouldn't hurt.
I'm very new to all of this, and recently started meditating(in a dark room, with black sweatpants& sweatshirt and a blindfold.) I've worked on my visualization, and I've visualized the numbers, the alphabet, and various basic geometric forms and forms of sacred geometry. I've also worked on my mental hearing, which I've already had developed to an extent because I think by talking to myself in my mind. I've worked on hearing louder and louder sounds in my mind while levitating. I've also worked on the sense of motion and balance, imagining sitting up and standing while I lay down and meditate(this leaves me quite disordered when I get out of meditation.) Recently I started to take myself on tours of familiar places, my house, school, etc. However, many people describe after a while of this deep meditation 'falling out of their bodies' and into the astral, and while my visualization exercises and other sensory exercises are attempts to practice for the astral plane, I've not yet been able to project. Am I doing something wrong here, with my meditation?
>>7820Money is actually… immaterial. You know that right? It's a quantification of will. It's got freemasonry symbols all over it. It is "nothing".
>>7841Try meditating upon water (in globs, freezing, sprinklers, gushes, torrents, etc. any way imaginable until you're dashing mental water all about your room) and light… and then also heat and pressure and solidity, like say make a ball and keep pushing it around until you feel as if when you touch the ball it really has weight and form and everything and that it's an actual ball. Eventually it should be fully materialized and you and you can throw it around to knock stuff over in the room and whatever.
just trying to astral project and not succeeding(I will eventually mind you) is not really satiating my desire to learn more and more about the true nature of reality. What can I do in my daily life as metaphysical experiments and practice to learn, in an experiential and tangible kind of way?
what is the purpose of disinformation?
What are examples of disinformation?
>>7845Ok here's something I'm going to do in the next couple days anon:
>>7860 >>7846Do you even COINTELPRO anon?
Methods of DeceptionSome paths are more circuitous and painful than others. Knowing what to watch for can save you lots of unnecessary trouble. This comes down to matching enthusiasm with discernment and seeking out the wisdom needed to navigate a clear path.
Here is a list of pitfalls I have encountered on my path to higher understanding:
• Accurate prophecies are no guarantee of positive intent. Deceptive sources may make successful predictions solely to win blind devotion, induce feelings of doom, or create self-fulfilling prophecies. When positive sources give prophecies, they respect freewill and present probabilities without macabre coloring or undue fatalism.
• That a body of material contains identifiable truths does not necessarily make it valid. Deceptive sources may pile a heap of lies upon an otherwise factual basis, while the sloppier cases simply slap together fragments of existing material. In contrast, positive material is always more than the sum of its parts and presents extra information that is novel, practical, and verifiable.
• Preoccupation with lower truths can distract from the pursuit of higher truths. For instance, obsession with exposing political corruption can distract from gaining necessary spiritual empowerment, which is a popular tactic employed by hyperdimensional entities and their human agents. Positive sources prioritize by framing lower truths in their higher context.
• Just because something contains convoluted trivia, complex jargon, and voluminous pages, it does not necessarily contain profound truths. The illusion of profundity sends people on a wild goose chase for grand truths better found elsewhere. Positive sources are complex only for the sake of accuracy and conciseness.
• The alternative to a fallacious belief system may not always be a better alternative. Rejecting something and seeking its diametric opposite could simply be going from self-deception to self-destruction. Positive sources do not subscribe to this mechanical binary thinking and instead present balanced solutions that transcend such false dichotomies.
• Deceptive sources win allegiance by stroking the ego and playing upon insecurities. We are all special and here for a reason, but these dark forces diminish humility and cater to self-importance by assigning one grandiose titles, messianic roles, and outlandish past life histories. Positive sources help you achieve a humble understanding of your place in the universe without exalting or repressing who you truly are.
• Sometimes an action toward balance can overshoot equilibrium and become a new type of imbalance. For instance, removing harmful contaminants from your diet can bring a healthier balance, but removing too many foods without proper substitutes can lead to nutritional deficiency. To avoid this trap, corrective actions must always be gauged relative to equilibrium.
• The right method for the wrong person can give detrimental results. For example, the Fourth Way methodology aims to grow souls within those who have none; if people who need soul awakening rather than soul growth limit themselves to such a system, they will assume they are less than they truly are and spiritually suffocate. By knowing yourself, you will know what is right for you. [By Fourth Way, I mean the system of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, which is incomplete and skewed. For a more balanced and complete treatment, see the system outlined by Boris Mouravieff in Gnosis].
• Gifts are not always given with sincerity. Alien abductees are frequently given psychic powers and even healing abilities, but to the aliens these are worthless trinkets they don’t mind trading for spiritual and biological ownership over the abductee. Gifts are only sincere when given unconditionally and selflessly.
• Being under attack is not always a sign of being on the right path. Attacks can sometimes serve as false confirmation in order to cattle-prod the paranoid into clutching more tightly onto their deceptive belief system, such as devout Catholics receiving demonic attacks because they are easily herded this way and fed upon. For those on the right track, attacks are far more sophisticated; they seek to undermine faith and pressure one into committing self-sabotage.
• Astral deceivers often impersonate impressive characters such as historical figures, ascended masters, archangels, Jesus, or aliens. They do this in order to form a parasitical bond with those who believe this deception, and they go to great lengths to build up their characters. Material should always be evaluated on its content, not its source, and deceptive sources will give cunningly flawed or empty material regardless of their self-proclaimed credentials.
• Noble intentions can be diverted onto quixotic endeavors. Those with good hearts can, due to a lack of knowledge or ungrounded idealism, be led onto a primrose path demanding much time, energy, and resources in order to keep them spinning their wheels thinking they are making a difference when in the big picture their talents could be better applied elsewhere. Discernment requires not letting subjectivity and wishful thinking mask the warning signs that one is pursuing an inefficient path.
• Group consensus is a double edged sword. While conferment and agreement between multiple individuals lowers the risk of personal bias, if the entire group can be entrained into agreeing upon a false idea, then any individual dissenting on the side of truth will be rebuffed on the rationalization that an individual is far more likely to be wrong than an entire group. Personal communion with one’s heart and mind should always take precedence over group consensus because the truth is within.
• Anything good can be shown in a bad light; anything bad can be shown in a good light. By taking the best promises of a deceptive path and comparing it to the worst risks of a productive path, the deceptive path may falsely seem like the optimal choice. Only by examining the totality of each option can one make an informed choice.
• That a method or system “just works” and produces visible results is no guarantee that the system is ultimately beneficial. What results you see may be matched by greater amounts of detriment you cannot see, which is especially true of systems that emphasize substituting technology, ritual, or formula for spiritual practice, self-determination, and discovery. The best one can do is consider the benefits but hunt for the potential shortcomings of a system and guard against them.
• Deception seeks to emulate truth as closely as possible while propagating just the opposite. It shares the superficial characteristics of a positive source and hopes the target audience does not look past the shallow mimicry. Ultimately, something always tends to feel “off” about these sources despite surface appearances indicating nothing out of the ordinary; once intuition alerts you, it is the job of reason to help you zero in on the problem.
http://montalk.net/matrix/118/methods-of-deception I just asked someone today about their astral form and it apparently matches their physical form all the time.
I personally have an astral form which just does not match my physical form, I also lack a clear mental image of self, I just don't know how I look.
Any speculation you all may have on why this is? I haven't intentionally molded my astral form to be different but it is.
>>7844>Eventually it should be fully materialized and you and you can throw it around to knock stuff over in the room and whatever.I have seen this posted many times. Are you talking out of your ass, or have you ever done this?
Hello friends
I have one question for you
How do I find a group of occultists in my city? (NYC) Preferably Gnostics/Hermeticists
>>7931A group really isn't wise now-a-days but whatever
I think there might be a Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in NY, I'm not sure. Did you try searching it?
Does this have any relation with magic, and could you elaborate on what you think about it?:
http://wizardchan.org/v9k/res/90900.html(in case of 404)
This. has. cured. me. of. my. depression.
I have been depressed and bedbound for so long. I am ugly, short, small penis, diagnosed Autism, NEET, never had a gf, no friends and a shutin
I spent ages trawling the back of my mind, finding all of my insecurities and admitting them to myself and also finding all the possible reasons why I am depressed and what things I feel are holding me back
I dug deep and was honest with myself and wrote them all down onto a piece of paper
I then stared at myself in the mirror while imagining the list and staring at the list and told myself "It's all a load of bullshit, you're great, you're powerful, you're happy, you can do whatever you set your mind to. Your mind is the a cage. You have taken all your limitations out of you and they are now on this piece of paper, ready to be removed from existence forever." I kept repeating that and staring at myself until I was in an almost trance like state and I believed it.
I then set fire to the piece of paper and chucked it up in the air and watched in disintegrate. I blew the ashes on the floor and they scattered everywhere.
I then went to bed and slept.
When I woke up, I was totally different. All the thoughts and feelings which usually keep me bedbound with crippling anxiety and depression were no longer there. They didn't enter my mind.
I got out of bed and it was almost like it was removed from my memory. I didn't even remember it. I only remembered it when I saw the ashes and my former insecurities and problems didn't bother me.
I feel free.
Please, try this. It might work.
>>7933He used the power of forgiving himself and using subliminal messaging to cure himself, yes indeed that was magic.
I can't seem to get that visual/imaginative or meditative "mmph" or "kick" if you know what I'm saying. I can certainly meditate and get into deep concentration, but I cant seem to go much farther. Any help or suggestions?
>>7933Yes that was straight up magic right there.
>>7873You realize the level of paranoia of people who are at that level of magic and what they can bring down upon themselves if they make it too obvious and undeniable that they are doing such things?
I'd say just go along with it and see what happens… then be careful unless you want to become a martyr.
Do any Fringe theories explain whether or not Psychedelics and other hallucinogens have an effect on Will or other etheric forces? (Generalizing)
>>8011Montalk says they create false emotions which lack the metaphysical power of actual emotion and that they're not good. I agree with that assessment.
Is there anyway to kill yourself with magic? I'd like to do it, but I'm too afraid and i would prefer to die of "natural" causes so my parents aren't as depressed by my death.
I was thinking affirmations like
I am dead, and I am happy but i don't know if affirmations would work that way.
>>7075although you might not be able to do it (assuming you don't have any magical powers and aren't into the occult) the most humane, natural, and painless way is the one listed on
http://wizardchan.org/suicide >>8149so i should kill myself with a club and a rock?
How does /fringe/ feel about the kundalini?
So would learning anything about Kabbalah, as a non-white, non-Jew, help me in my magical studies?
>>8169We study everything, really. Then, we take what we want then add it to our daily practice. For instance, Thelema has some Qabalah in it, I'm sure we've all done the LBRP.
>>8169Kabbalah is extremely useful as a way of generating symbolic associations. Frater Achad in Q.B.L calls it, metaphorically, magical filing cabinet, and it's so widely spread in western occultism because pragmatically it's a very workable model as a sort of skeleton to base a magical system after. Given that a large portion of magical working is playing with symbols and associations, it's not hard to see why having such guidelines to work with would be useful.
Of course, the map is not the territory, and it certainly is not the only such map. Use what makes sense to you and resonates. I would say it is certainly worth looking into though.
>>8169yea. tantrism = inner spiritual alchemy = transmutation of your thoughts & feel energy into your true will = fringe wizardry
thats just my view though
>>8156the kabbalistic middle pillar meditation is ok, i guess. if you dont like saying the jewish words then replace them with seed sounds
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C4%ABjai dunno shit else about kabbalah tbh, but i keep hearing that the book "wang qabalistic tarot" is fantastic
>>8173>Kabbalah is extremely useful as a way of generating symbolic associations.explanation and examples please
you have me interested even though im wary of jewish things. also i keep hearing that the kabbalah isnt even jewish! also i keep hearing AND seeing the word Achad lately so i will investigate that book you mentioned, thanks
>>8148I've been trying for a very long time and all it did was lead to astral projection which I eventually returned from. I don't want to return….
>>8152>>8151>>8149Fuck off with your therapists and doctors and shit. Suicide is GOOD and should be ENCOURAGED.
>>8174No, kundalini, not kabbala
>>8175Probably the most we'll known example would be Crowley's 777, which is literally a large table of symbolic correspondences and associations, using the kabbalah as a sort of indexing system.
A basic example of this would be the Tree of Life as it is typically mapped to the tarot or planets. Essentially the practitioner uses this as a map and, as his knowledge of symbols grows, he's able to innately Understand and work them to his Will.
And of course, any system could be used in such a way, but the symbolism behind Kabbalah, i.e jewmyths, are often worth at least a cursory study, practicularly the Tree tree of life as a map of consciousness.
Wouldn't casting at any time be the most and least efficient. What does 3rd density time have to do with anything? Also every hour it is 23:23 somewhere. Does this mean your physical location actually effect the outcome of your metaphysical spells?
>Does this mean your physical location actually effect the outcome of your metaphysical spells?Most likely, yes. Just as astrology can be used to determine when is best to work a certain type of spell. I'm ignorant of both however.
>>8778Maybe the sleep/wake cycle which is controlled by the Pineal Gland and melatonin levels in the body has a role in this?
Any books/articles on invocation of Greek entities? Pan, Zeus and such.
>>8788Geosophia by Jake Stratton-Kent.
Sort of a guide to the Mystery Cults.
are humans really just slaves for aliens?
and are aliens just slaves of the demiurge?
is everyone mundane except us?
how long until someone genocides the chinese people?
are asian people more closely related greys? is that why theyre so good at homework and acting robotic?
>>8858>are humans really just slaves for aliens?Mostly.
>and are aliens just slaves of the demiurge?No. Aliens have mostly transcended physicality and thus the demiurge is their bitch and not the other way around.
>is everyone mundane except us?No. There are a lot of wizards besides us.
>how long until someone genocides the chinese people?I hope to do it myself as soon as possible!
>are asian people more closely related greys? is that why theyre so good at homework and acting robotic?Possibly.
I want to fix my shitty eyesight with magic and attain perfect eyesight so no need for glasses or anything. Please nobody recommend a mundane method, I specifically want to do this for spiritual reasons, so I need a magical way. Anyone have an idea how I can fix my eyes with magic?
I had a series of meditation experiences that I haven't been able to place. I'm a novice and have been cutting my own path for some time so my knowledge of terminology used is rather small.
As I was meditating I began to feel a lightness in my chest that felt as though I was being pulled forwards and up at a 45 degree angle. As I concentrated on it I became totally lost in it until I had focused entirely on the sensation. I felt pulled through it as an alarming speed until the brightness overtook me. My entire existence became something akin to rubbing your skin against a soft fabric at the apex of the experience and it was followed soon after by a rapid fall, a tensing of muscles somewhat like when you realize you were leaning too far backwards in a chair and a burning sensation on the bottom of my feet.
I have been unable to replicate it and was wondering if this lines up with anything any of you have experienced or know about.
I've been curious about nature spirits for a long time but never talked to anyone who has ever gotten into contact with them. Any grizzled vets here wanna share an experience?
>>8862Try doing a sigil for it. Write it out in a sentence in the present tense, "MY EYESIGHT IS 20/20". Remove the vowels and duplicate consonants or characters, "MSGHT2/0" and then fit the remaining characters together into a glyph. Simplify and refine that glyph until it looks magic-y and it's something you can easily visualize. Then forget what that glyph represents; the best way is to make a batch of them at once for different things, and wait a few weeks without looking at them. Then deny yourself orgasm for a few days, and then jack off and, at the moment of your orgasm (which is more intense because you went a few days without), visualize your sigil as clearly as possible. Then immediately put it out of your mind, assuming implicitly that your goal is already accomplished and that no further effort on your part is required.
>>8861that's really racist, brah
I found /fringe/ a few days ago and have read almost everything (books/articles excluded)posted on here, probably 80% of it. Very fascinating stuff. I'm having some problems fitting in though.
I've had a magical/occult/wiccan upbringing, I'm not unfamiliar with magic/astral/meditation/ect. but my parents have both given up their magical practices, and I don't know what to do. I know the basics of a few things (sigils, astral, chi) and not too much more. I used to astral travel frequently as a child, but once I moved out of my second house (13 or so years old) I forgot about it completely. I've read the sticky and more about astral travel/magic/LHP/RHP but I can't seem to do it anymore. I can imagine numbers without saying them in my head, I just look and know them, and I count up to 20, and back down to 1 over the course of 10 or 20 minutes, sometimes I count to 20 twice before I feel something, my heart beat starts racing and I just "wake up." What should I do? I was thinking about trying either making myself pass out by altering blood pressure via hyperventilation like somebody mentioned here, or also trying to induce sleep paralysis and moving out of my body that way.
Is astral energy/loosh an inside joke here? I see people talking about storing it, and using it on things, and getting it from other people. How do you "check" your loosh?
Can someone explain how masturbation makes you lose your astral energy?
Why does everyone talk about LHP and RHP? I understand them, but it seems like neither matter. If both are equally valid wouldn't everyone be LHP? Becoming a god and doing whatever you want with magic sounds infinitely better than having to follow strict codes. Why would anyone choose RHP?
Chaos magic is impossible to understand because everyone just says "chaos magic is hard to describe because it's whatever you want it to be." or something like that, but if that's true then how do you use it? Is it really too abstract to put into words?
What would you say your beliefs are? How do I put my beliefs into a word.
I guess my final question is about aerokinesis.
I've seen some talk about it, and some videos, but nothing on /fringe/ about it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? It sounds like such a beautiful thing to be able to do and all of the youtube videos I've seen are either bullshit, behind a paywall, or conflicting with other people's ideas on it.
>>8881i feel hollow inside when i jack off. (if you know something about chi then you know about jing energy too yes? my knowledge on this subject is lackluster)
chaos magic is syncretism focused off results
RHP is striving towards the magnum opus (all power)
checking your loosh is knowing how you feel. knowing the voice of your heart
>how do i put my beliefs into a wordconvictions, instincts, opinions (what beliefs actually are, according to aleister crowley and me)
these are all just play words, though…( and this whole post is just my big opinion )
were the akashic records built by the demiurge?
if no, then who built them?
if yes, then are humans just thought slaves for interdimensional E.T.s who farm human thoughts to fill the akashic records with… thought?!
also, are jews emanations of malevolent alien spirits? do they start wars because they are puppets? (remember how many inventions came out of WWII??)
are humans just tulpa? and is the demiurge the tulpa master?
kind of like pic related…
>>8883Maybe the demiurge built them for humans to find.
>>8870wouldn't mind banging a sexy wood nymph
>not summoning an undine
>not getting dubs
>>8872I don't want to have to use sex though.
>>8901Then use trance. There are other ways to charge sigils than orgasm
>>8877Switzerland needs more dievershitty to enrich itself with then.
>>8881RHP is for pussy faggots that want a code of ethics and the approval of others.
Checking your loosh is a matter of assessing your emotional potential at a given moment (lets say you're acting and you require a great display of emotion, if you can't actually get yourself into it, then you're low loosh level and feel emotionally numb).
Masturbation wastes astral energy because you're just giving it off in a non-constructive manner without using it yourself. Also cum is full of etheric (life energy) and you're just letting that go to waste.
Chaos magic… well go read /chaos/ then.
My belief is that we live in a mental universe and that if you can imagine something it's possible to manifest.
>>8883>>8885No not possible as the demiurge is just an artificially intelligent program for physicality itself which is an astral construct.
The demiurge only presides over the laws of physicality, which we can bend…
>>8881If you read montalk's Hermetics section he talks about how the LHP is STS, or service to self, which makes you reincarnate again. He says RHP is STO, or service to others, which allows you to reincarnate higher, this instance being a astral spirit.
How can I get into contact with some helpful spirits or rapidly create a tulpa, I really need a familiar…=
>>9037Sit and be silent in a relaxed and receptive state, ask for a spirit guide, wait.
Try this a few times, if it doesn't work try fasting, meditating more often or going into a deeper trance.
Two mundanes have appeared in my house and are stirring up trouble… young adult females.
How can I banish them from here? I don't want them around making all this noise and invading my space.
Also besides banishing, what are some other works of magic I could test out on them?
>>9044Don't use magic where a stick will suffice.
>>9041I want one that stays around. I've evoked entities before BUT THEY ALWAYS LEAVE. I so far haven't even got to have a proper conversation with them yet, indeed, I haven't spoken a word to any entities that have appeared while I'm awake. I want one that sticks around and is reliable and can assist with daily wizardly activities.
>>9045Are you sure beating them with a stick would be a good idea?
One is a mud too and it fucking pisses me off that she's walking around in here.
If this were my own house, I'd chase the mud out right away, but right now I got to wait for the actual owners of this house to get rid of them. Argh.
>>9050>invocation…but I want to evoke them not invoke them.
>>9056I'm pretty sure the book covers evocation too, I'll check tomorrow.
Should I trust any channeled material, such as Seth or Ra? Montalk seems to support Ra and older Cassiopaea, but I'm always wary when it comes to channeled material.
>>9269cayce predicted stuff that turned out to be true
also ingo swann (he worked with the USGOV remote viewing)
also that parravinci drawings predicted 9/11 attack before it happened
also all of these guys talk about E.T. spirits in some way
here are the drawings.
http://www.edicolaweb.net/nonsoloufo/pav_proe.htmingo swanns PENETRATION is worth a skim, because of the cover alone
also this book has a TON of info about… them…
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/men_in_black.htmmy fav parravinci quote:
>"The atom will go so far as to tyrannize the world, the world will be atomized and will go blind. It will fall storms caused by the incursions of the man in the atmosphere, new diseases, sex changes, collective madness, general absurdity. The world will go dark". (year 1934)P.S.!!!!!!!!!!
>>9146At least flies don't have stingers.
>>9291nice pic. look up the plot to the movie Lifeforce and see how it relates to the info i posted about
also nice flag. i wish i had the pass to the illuminati board again
testing the Shrek flag This is a little hard to explain, but whenever I meditate and try to focus on my chakras and the flow of energy through my body, everything feels aligned slightly to the left. Is this the meaning of "unaligned" chakras? For example, I consciously direct energy up to my heart chakra, but I feel it travel slightly on the left side of my body and end up slightly on the left of my chest rather than the center. It's really frustrating. Should I just accept this pattern?
>>9270So what about the popular channeled material, like Seth, Abraham-Hicks, Ra, Bashar etc.
I want to heal a loved one undergoing dialysis(due to weak kidneys) for 2 years. Can anyone suggest me something that I can do indirectly to help? Is this alright or am I violating a person's free will?
I don't want to to it in direct means because my family isn't really into spirituality/occult stuff.
Also, sorry about my bad english
>>9335Read this: (
>>6558 )
Also fuck freewill, our wills are violated every day as is by the demiurge.
heard there's magic for shaping your appearance (changing eye color, height etc.), could anyone expand on that or link to something dealing with such matters?
>>9375Yeah do you know about stigmata? Start there. Listen to the holographic universe lectures and that book, it will help you understand. Hell I'm going to go re-read the book right now I think.
question: once you go beyond does the line between human and inhuman disappear?
Someone tell me ways I can use magic to fuck with other people / use it offensively. I don't give a shit about banishing and defence and all that shit, I want to find ways to hypnotize people and send shit after them that's actually going to fuck with them in some way.
ingenious invisibile intelligentsia invade imagination's infinite imperium
>>9401psimagination aka psiballs, psychic vampirism, and imagination
dont get mad if your prey becomes your predator, though. "sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you"-big lebowski Does a vegan diet help at all with astral traveling? What foods do help if any?
>>9447No it does not, not in in my experience.
The only thing that helps it seems to consume a combination of depressant and stimulant types foods at once.
Has anyone here gotten to a point in their visualization where they can read books and they can see everything happening vivid as fuck, almost like real life. Is such a thing even possible?
>>9462My visualisation skill goes way beyond that. I see the minute details that aren't possible for even 20/20 human eyes to see. Everything is more vivid, more clear.
>>9466How did you get to that point?
>>9468I'm waiting for a chance to film and I'll tell you about it then, right now there's noisy mundanes around, otherwise I'd be in a trance again doing my magic. I actually kept trying for awhile but first a fucking hair-dryer broke me out of trance then a fucking blender. They make so much noise…
So I know "visualization" is a big thing around here, and is necessary to practice magic. Well, I have a couple questions. Recently, i have begun testing my visualization skills, and to my dismay, it seemed i was not very good at it. I would try looking at numbers in my minds eye, and nothing would materialize. I couldnt even subtract numbers in the hundreds in my mind. That was until, while looking at a forum, i was told of a different approach: visualizing without closing the eyes. So i tried visualizing without closed eyes and it worked! I was able to do it a lot easier. So my question is, is visualization with the eyes open viable for magickal work?
>>9475You can visualize with eyes open or closed.
I prefer with them closed.
>>9475you can do both, i guess (sleepy eyes style like buddha)
but dont take my word for it, im just a random internet poster!
>>9478>tfw a filthy thelemite was posting near me WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO GO ON IRC? (GOING BY THE TIME STAMP OF FRINGE)
>>9479>tfw testing flags
>tfw thelemite symbol is one of the coolest>>9482I'LL GO TAKE A BATH AND THINK OF WHAT TO SAY FIRST
>>9481I personally never go into the IRC unless summoned there. You'll have to do an evocation ritual to make me appear there and also whenever I appear so too does this other entity that has a connection to me.
>>9489Suit yourself.
You're missing out.
>>9494No I am not. I know what IRCs are like and I hate them, they waste my time massively, and I feel that I have been held back in my mission in life when ever I dwell in them. Also I'm idling in the IRC anyways for the last 2 days and I see nothing but shit in there and will be leaving gladly soon until I am summoned again.
>>9613He might mistake them for green pills and eat them
I but some of those in last night to attempt to AP didn't AP woke up and the foamies were gone.
How do I access the Akashic Records? Is it advanced? Tied to the astral?
I haven't read through everything yet so sorry if I ask something that has already been answered in the sticky or somewhere else. I'm guessing gnosis is at least one of the ways.
>>9627Take enough mushrooms to go catatonic.
>>9627You have to dream big, sonny.
>>9630I'll give this a listen, thanks.
>>9628Eh, not a fan of doing stuff like that. Hope I'm not missing out.
>>9638My dreams tend to be very big, yes.
So breaking tabboos used to be a big thing in magic back when tabboos still meant something and were a strong influence.
Now tabboo is pretty much meaningless save for extremes, what techniques can we use to break out of consensus reality?
Conspiracy theory and red pilling seems to be one method.
>>9693Madness, so called "mental illness", and the stigma around it is quite taboo in this society. Embrace schizophrenia.
>>9694And yet in my experience as a schzophrenic (as a person who got loosh farmed while also being turned on spiritually because they weren't complete assholes about it) most people seem to be aware of the phenomenon of thoughts, or more accurately information, which may or may not be correct leaking from people like me.
This is one of the reasons I doubt people are as mundane as most assume.
Of course it could just be paranoia or delusons of reference.
>>9695It seems to me even skeptics accept some 'paranormal' occurrences subconsciously. I've seen mundanes casually blurt out what would be astonishing insights if they only consciously recognized it.
Dont know if this is more of a question or a request, Its a cry for help really. The last 1,5 year few things have gone the way I wanted them to go, from time to time I have been feeling a negative influence on me and it has ruined alot of things for me. Now I only have a short period of time left, I need a cleansing and I need to find a job. If I wont succeed within the coming weeks everything will turn to worse and the outcome will be crushing for me. I need to get my economy straight, my life and I NEED a job. Please, if there is any way to assist me in this, send me a thought or a energy vibe. You can imagine that things are desperate when you post a request like this online.
Blessings to you all and godspeed.
>>9733I will do a spell for you, anon. The last time I did this spell, I was in a similar position to you; I needed a job by a certain day, or I would basically have been homeless. The offer came on the last hour of that last day (when I had finally given up hoping and lusting after the result, incidentally); it was literally my dream job, everything I had ever hoped for and needed. It completely changed my life.
Try to stop feeling anxiety and instead feel the peace you'd feel if everything you needed was already in your life. This is a type of magic talked of in the Bible, which you can do yourself.
Whether you know it or not, you do magic every day. Every thought is a prayer, and every word is a spell. I will do my spell for you now, but be aware that you are not by any means powerless of affecting supernatural change in your own life, too.
>>9735>>9735how do you craft your spells? also more info about where the bible talks about it plz
not the person youre responding to btw
>>9735Can you do the same spell for me?
What I need right now is the clarity of a spiritual guide from the astral, a tulpa, or the likes. I really need help with acquiring one. I must know how to do magic and at what price and how to cultivate a virtuous and ideal path towards higher attainments.
>>9469Hows about that video sonny.
>>9737>how do you craft your spells? also more info about where the bible talks about it plzAs far as I know, the way the spell is crafted is less important than the person performing it. A novice can work a complicated ritual and achieve minimal results, and a master can work miracles with a simple ritual (or even a word spoken aloud). I couldn't tell you exactly how I craft my rituals, because it's so personal and dependent on moment-to-moment intuition. My rituals almost certainly wouldn't be as effective as those that you create for yourself, guided by your own intuition. There are certain fundamental principles of a good ritual that most magicians seem to agree on; you probably can't go wrong adhering to those. You can find them in almost any book on the subject in the Sticky.
The passage from the Bible I was referencing specifically was Mark 11:24, in which Jesus said, when asked by his disciples how he was able to kill a fig tree with a curse: "Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye have already received them, and they shall surely be thine."
>>9742I will do that, Anon, because sometimes a spell done for you by someone whom you don't know and who has no lust for the result can be particularly effective. But, if your life isn't going in the direction you'd prefer, it's most likely because you are steering it that way unintentionally. My experiences lead me to believe, and I've heard many famous authorities on this subject agree, that everyone does magic all the time, whether they know it or not. One spell I might work for you may only be a cross-breeze against the prevailing winds you create for yourself.
I'd recommend listening to this and seeing if it applies to you:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNloJT8-pfw >>9762Thanks alot Anon. I will watcheth the video tommorow, as I am currently going to bed.
At the moment I've been struck by skepticism towards all of this. I feel my practice has been empty, without seed - and maybe I haven't really taken all this that seriously.
I wish something would occur that would make me know these things to be true, and something to strive for. I want to know that this is more than self-hypnosis, placebo and mind-tricks.
I am tired of my blind faith, fellows. I want to believe, but I cannot make my beliefs into 'knowing' if I cannot experience it myself.
TLDR: I am skeptic about all this and tired of it.
>>9854Truly knowing these things to be true can be a heavy burden.
It might not be the right time in your life for shit to work for you.
Also, fuck blind belief, you don't need belief for magic to work despite what some chaotes say, what they're talking about is a kind of investment in it, immerse yourself in it, become it, emotionally charge it, whatever, "using belief as a tool" is a useful metaphor not a dogma.
>>9866>Truly knowing these things to be true can be a heavy burden.Yeah fucking right. I'm ready to die after I know this to be true, because my goal in life will be complete, and I'll be so fucking happy.
>It might not be the right time in your life for shit to work for you.Nah fuck that.
>Yeah fucking right. I'm ready to die after I know this to be true, because my goal in life will be complete, and I'll be so fucking happy.Depends on whether you're just seeing the light, there's a lot of darkness too.
>Nah fuck that.I think magic naturally comes in waves, although it
is mostly determined by our own actions.
Also are you the same guy I'm replying to?
>>9854>>9854I have video evidence of a whole bunch of magical acts including:
– women being run over by trucks multiple times and dragged under the vehicle in a way that should have absolutely killed them, then getting up after that and still running off despite massive injuries, AND the very day after having what injuries they did sustain completely gone and they're fully recovered. They also have several other strange powers including mental telepathy though that fact isn't quite so obvious from the vid.
– an example of a tumour being willed out of existence, magical healing actually taking place, and you see this shown on monitoring equipment in this hospital which confirms the changes have really taken place.
– an example of a guy taking poison then using tummo meditation to reverse and put an end to its effects.
– an example of a guy who made himself completely immune to all scorpions everywhere such that even the most deadly scorpions can sting him multiple times and he isn't effected by their poison.
– a 96 hour timelapsed example of a person who has achieved Inedia and thus shows no signs of dehydration or hunger after a considerable amount of time has passed all in a hot humid climate that anyone else in the area rapidly dehydrates in
– a few video examples of extremely vulnerable parts of the body being attacked and yet sustaining absolutely no damage in a way that runs contrary to any assumptions physics makes
I also have TONS of other greenpills that unfortunately lack the video evidence – although some have photos.
Also please be aware that hypnosis is not bullshit. With hypnosis you can unlock extreme magical powers, it's not a "trick", it's not impotent. You act like "self-hypnosis" is nothing but it can literally unlock anything for you. You can know the full contents of a book you've never read through hypnosis, you can change the form of your body with hypnosis in any way conceivable, and you can become invincible to attacks.
What have you been doing so far that you've been failing? I have a very simple task for you that will confirm objectively the reality of magic with instantaneous feedback.
My guess is you got caught up in some stupid shit that didn't really resonate with you so you're not having success.
What sort of practises have you been doing?
I know that many practises people do are terribly shitty and unlikely to bring the kind of enlightenment people need but there's something you can do with candles that will dispel any doubts you have once you succeed.
>>9870>Also are you the same guy I'm replying to?No I'm not the guy with the dharma wheel.
I'm puzzled by "visualization." By visualization, does this mean imagining within the mind's eye? I can rather easily create mental images and "see" this way. Or is it supposed to mean literally "seeing" something before you, like an image impressed in the blackness of your closed eyes? All I can ever literally "see" is blackness and random lights and colors.
>>9880I have no idea what the difference is between the supposed two different kinds of seeing you're talking about.
Are you talking about imposing a visual into relative space as opposed to it just being out there somewhere in the void?
Like having an imagined form appear in your room?
>>9881I think he means the difference between being able to have a visual mental picture, think of a tree, you get a faint image of it - the other being actually seeing stuff vividly with your eyes shut. I'm not skilled in visualisation so if I shut my eyes and try to see a tree I can't but I can picture a tree in my mind, but not in my visual field with no effort.
>>9871I am aware of some greenpill facts, and wonder why I can't be amazed by them. It is as if the truth is standing before me and speaking, but my eyes are closed and my ears are shut.
I've been meditating, even reached a state where my body temperature rose very high, my breathing became intense, and I felt spasms all around my body. My mind was running around, though.
I've tried to AP, felt the vibrations but haven't got anywhere. Some people tell me to visualize, and the others tell me to shut my mind.
Also, I've been doing the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual as a visualization practice.
Oh, and I've done sigils; some have worked, though not exactly as wished.
What is the task you're speaking of?
>I am aware of some greenpill facts, and wonder why I can't be amazed by them.Materialist brainwashing, break it down. Become the beast. I'll quote from the book of lies at the end in relation to this. This is also referred to in some chaos magick books as the "psychic censor" which blocks out magical workings so we can function as "normal" humans.
You need to
digestUniversal law: intake → digest → transmit
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Xi-Theta}
This is the Holy Hexagram.
Plunge from the height, O God, and interlock with
Plunge from the height, O Man, and interlock with
The Red Triangle is the descending tongue of grace;
the Blue Triangle is the ascending tongue of
This Interchange, the Double Gift of Tongues, the
Word of Double Power-ABRAHADABRA!-is
the sign of the GREAT WORK, for the GREAT
WORK is accomplished in Silence. And behold is
not that Word equal to Cheth, that is Cancer.
whose Sigil is 69?
This Work also eats up itself, accomplishes its own
end, nourishes the worker, leaves no seed, is per-
fect in itself.
Little children, love one another!
>>9885I've heard people have been mentioning a being called an etheric parasite. Could it be that I have attached to me?
One night, I woke up and felt really confused. I heard this sound, it was like a spaceship. My body felt as it was shaking, trembling; and I felt as if my consciousness was rising from my body. This whole event took about 5-10 seconds, and after it I quickly fell asleep.
Ever since that I've felt 'materialistic' and angry…
I thought it was a dream, but then I heard somewhat similar story here on fringechan - it had happened few days earlier.
>>9871Whats this task you speak of.
>>9880It's the former. Eventually imagining becomes seeing but it's not necessary.
>>9889Put himself in a trance and hold his hand in fire and record it and play back the recording to himself later anytime he thinks this world is anything more than a mental creation.
He must use his imagination again & again to find a way to make his hand not burn.
He gets instant feedback in the form of a sensation of heat each time he fucks up, so he knows he's doing it wrong.
When he eventually ends up doing it right, then he will not burn.
Hey /fringe/, newbie here. I stumbled upon this place under the impression that it was /x/ with less shitposting. I saw some of the political stuff but it didn't seem too different from typical 4chan /pol/iticians. However, reading the sticky I saw something about figuring out aryan mens' place in the universe or something. So my question is this: is this basically Magical Stormfront? Are the texts and information linked here from that perspective? As someone who does not subscribe to theories of ethnic superiority, would I be out of place here? I just wanted a place to talk about the occult without the conversation being derailed every few posts by dick-swinging atheists.
>>9916I'm personally a spiritual racist. Pic related essentially captures my views on the matter. If you want me to elaborate in great depth I can do so as well. If you do not care for truth or can not see past differences (how ironic I'm saying that eh?) then you will be denied much knowledge. You can be an anti-white and still benefit from the teachings here but I think you should see purity as a virtue and defend the preservation of the races rather than seeking to completely destroy them ethnically, culturally, and otherwise.
There's no materialists/atheists/etc. here unless they happen to just be stopping by momentarily to troll before they get banned or inevitably converted when they see the truth.
>>9926I suppose I should at the very least learn what this place has to offer and spare my judgements. I'm not anti-white (I am white), but I don't personally see my views on race changing any time soon. Perhaps that's close-minded, we'll see.
I was mostly concerned about being attacked if I did not share other members' racial views. I hope that is not the case, just browsing through the threads it seems like there's some fascinating conversations to be found.
>>98803 ways in 1: visually, audially, kinesthetically
>see a person you know while hearing them talk to you while you feel yourself sitting in surroundings you're used to
>use smell and taste if you're hungry i guesstl;dr immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled
>>9946>I suppose I should at the very least learn what this place has to offer and spare my judgements. I'm not anti-white (I am white), but I don't personally see my views on race changing any time soon. Perhaps that's close-minded, we'll see.That you are white doesn't spare you from being an anti-white. The biggest and most common threat to the preservation of the white race is simply whites destroying their own race in acts of ethnomasochism and xenophilia… rejecting their heritage and their kindred and letting other races stamp all over them and destroy them. Whites are their own greatest enemy.
>I was mostly concerned about being attacked if I did not share other members' racial views. I hope that is not the case, just browsing through the threads it seems like there's some fascinating conversations to be found.This site allows free speech and doesn't hugbox anyone so you can be attacked for any belief you hold or temporarily hold (chaos magicians keep shifting beliefs).
I'd say our primary concern though is greenpilling and spreading spiritual knowledge, making people question and reform consensus reality, and pushing the boundaries of physical and mental limitations in order to achieve a perfected and exalted state of being.
Skeptic guy here,
yesterday I concentrated upon my psychic block; it felt like a clockward-turning spiral. I turned it into an orb that I pulled out of my ear. I also tried to push myself into a higher mental state, which I succeeded at.
And I prayed a higher entity to take the 'leech' away. I also meditated.
I saw some vivid dreams, and in the morning I felt much better, more light.
>>9895Thanks, will read.
It could be that the entity is still in me, so I need to make sure all of it will be banished.
>>9899Will try this.
I do not want to give up. My mind might tell me to stop, and so my body, but there's something telling to me to go on. And I will.
This might repeat, but now I know what to do! I will not crack!
Thank you all, I appreciate it.
>>5194This image is amazing. Who made it and where is the one on complex maths?
>>9871does anyone have a library of hypnosis videos for achieving different goals?
>>9871also if hypnosis is so powerful, why dont we just entirely focus on using that to leapfrog ahead, and make our own videos?
>>10081I have a large occult library but I am short on time at the moment, when I have time, say about 6 hours from now I'll scan through and upload anything on hypnosis to my mega for you.
>>10082We should definitely make OC. download macromedia flash and make animations with subliminal messages to meditate on would be my suggestion. I might do this myself, again when I have time, make suggestions on what subliminal messages to put in and what kind of video or images to include inbetween them.
What to do when your visualizations move of their own accord? Stuff like doors opening and slamming constantly. I don't even have control over my own mind.
>I don't even have control over my own mind.Of course not.
>What to do when your visualizations move of their own accord? Stuff like doors opening and slamming constantly. Try to walk through them and not get hit in the face.
>>10091If trying to project or thoughtform for a ritual this can often be a good sign. If you're trying to meditate on a particular image and this is disturbing you, control it. Don't give up until you do. It's good practice.
is biokinesis possible or just bullshit? im new to this place
>>10122Didn't know what you were talking about until I looked that up and read
http://psi.wikia.com/wiki/Biokinesis .
Yes biokinesis is possible and is on the record. Many people have changed hair and eye colouration, changed body structures, regrown lost limbs, etc.
>>10124that's interesting to hear, would you recommend following the steps on that wiki page or could you tell me of a good place to start getting into biokinesis bychance?
>>10131Start with meditations, thoughtforms, yoga, trances, etc. and create a thoughtform that reprograms your body eventually.
Look into the Holographic Universe lectures and the book itself and pay attention to what is said about stigmata because that's how you make changes in your body.
Also ignore that wikia article, people have been changing their bodies in strange ways before they even knew what DNA was about, so knowing about DNA isn't necessary obviously.
i have had this idea of something ive wanted to.but, I havent gone through with it. So now someone i know is going to do it…
>>10124personal note, yes legit - only used it to fix my spine, posture, lungs, breathing, average physique coupled with some training - great results - but still not five inches taller, and you talk about regrowing limbs?
Sauce up or finger yourself somewhere else.
>>10196>finger yourself somewhere else.wtf?
Right now, it seems as though a reality is being collaborated in "my" brain that consists of sensory stimuli and "my" subconscious beliefs which impose meaning on the stimuli.
If this is the nature of reality, it would imply that there is no concrete reality separate from what is believed to exist.
This then seems to imply that whatever you subconsciously believe the "truth" to be, is.
Thereby, changing your subconscious beliefs alters the reality you experience.
>>10196do you think its possible to even grow taller using something like that? i believe you can fix parts of your body but idk if its possible to grow taller
>>10258Yeah pretty much. The objective reality is timeless, eternal, unified, absolute, etc. and nothing like the way we experience reality.
The Holographic Universe.>>10279Why do you want to be taller? Do you want backpains and to not be very comfortable sitting in your computer chair hunched over all day? 6'4" here…
>>10286Are you a jap? If so go ahead. Even if you're not… well I hope you're able to speak with the demon.
Could I view my past incarnations while lucid dreaming? I have a serious hunger to see who I was and what bodies I posessed in previous lives and am currently far too novice in meditation to astral project and cannot find any means to get hypnotherapy for past life regression
>>10292I don't know I have several books dealing with that subject which I all need to read including Many Lives Many Masters, War in Heaven, Reincarnation: The Cycle of Necessity, etc.
>>10281I am just short for a male, i don't want to be a giant or anything like that just want to be a few inches taller, sorry about the back pains.
I've done the first set of physical exercises from the Book of Knowledge and a few hours later my period started. Bear in mind that my periods are irregular, plus the last time this happened was when I tried Tai Chi, am I messing up or doing it right?
>>10314I have no idea, I don't know fuck all about women, and assume everyone here is male.
>>10314Maybe the exercise is doing something on your hormones? Or maybe it's making your period regular?
Are you guys familiar with the name Abnael? The name suddenly comes to mind when I was reading something about angel meditation. I've never heard of this name before. The name does sound like an angel tho but I can't find anything on google.
Any thoughts?
>>10315>>10335It was the exercises regarding the Tan Tien/Hara line, but I don't understand why it would have that effect on my hormones? I started sweating doing it, but it has resulted to the most painful period of my life.
Thanks for the input anyways.
How to greenpill my friend? I don't have any powers and I don't think I'll make him AP or meditate or anything else because if he doesn't believe it it won't work. Today I introduced him to some thoughts i got from books, sites, threads about the reality and how you are not your body and how you are part of the God ecc. but I need a more powerful thought to make him think. Advices?
>>10357Introduce him to the Holographic Universe.
Also acquire magical powers.
>>10358what if you reject harmony with god/the universe/ the one/creator etc and want to exist in solitude and aloneness?
My studies have led me to the tentative conclusion that one of the bigger obstacles to using magic effectively is the set of limiting, subconscious beliefs you have.
Does anyone have any ideas how to change your underlying subconscious worldview? Outside of going to a professional hypnotist/ NLP expert.
>>10386One thing I've done is to record myself stating a belief that I'd like to have subconsciously, and then listening to that at a very low volume all day while I work. Usually I'm listening to music or Netflix or something over the top of it, so it's too low to hear. Basically like a homemade subliminal message; does this have any merit, do you think?
>>10364It's impossible reject The All but you can definitely reject individual gods, this specific universe, and certain creators.
Fuck the demiurge etc.
>>10386>>10387Just focus on a specific idea and don't let any other thoughts disturb you (including the idea of "I want to focus on this more", that can actually interrupt it) and a feedback loop will begin that will reinforce it until your trance is broken.
>>10401so you're telling me I have to ACTUALLY fucking embrace Lucifer to be free and alone? I don't want to be anything of light, I want to be by myself and at rest. I guess sort of like nirvana but i'd like to actually experience things not just blank.
>>10459Actually, Lucifer rebelled against the demiurge in order to free us. not sure if turning to him will make you alone.
>>10459I never said anything about Lucifer. Can you stop thinking in terms of characters out of jewish fairy tales?
So essentially, anything is possible, I can literally become something of a God?
So essentially anything is possible, and I can become a God?
>>10487You're not a human you're an overblown sperm cell with delusions of grandeur.
This should answer your question. >>10486>>10487Yeah but in the meanwhile you should set your sights lower and see if you can transcend your physical body and manifest real magical power.
>>10490How does that answer his question?
By making him look in the opposite direction.
It's too cryptic/intuitive to explain more than that.
What is the significance of fapping to the picture/memory/thought of someone?
>get things going with grill
>fap over her fb images
>suddenly its ded
Erry time, like a charm.
So what actually happens here, Loosh is lost, attention is given to a person, is that loosh or those emotions given to said person?
Does she get the Loosh?
Losing Loosh = Less strong aura = Less attraction power through LOA
in;b4 mby u just lost interest
No, i still want to bone her.
>you had impure intentions regarding her, you only wanted her flesh, releasing such thoughts and feels through fapping will give her an instinctual feeling that you don't want whats best for her, or what she wants
>>10279an inch or so, but only because snapping into place puts your spine into proper.
last couple of weeks i've been forcing forth that tingly sensation of intense growth, havent noticed anything though but i suppose it might come soon..
Its summer, by will you should be able to induce it if you're under 25, as in, still growing.
>get things going with grill>fap over her fb images>suddenly its dedMaybe they realise you're fapping over their fb images because fb tells them you've been viewing them.
>>10501no this is not it.
try again.
i used FB as in general terms for social medias where there are pictures.
>>10499help me with this and i will tell you a secret.
>>10503Make a sigil to imrpove the relationship before you start fapping to them, then when you come look at/visualise the sigil.
Secret plz.
>>10505Ok but only because i know how sigils work and because it seems like good advice.
Got problems with your skin? Acne? blackheads?
Forget all kinds of jewish cremes; The oil your nose excretes is to be rubbed violently across face and dry skin, works like fucking magic.
>>10506Snot cures acne? I'm guessing thats not what you mean by nose oil.
>>10505I have a another question, i know how they function, but little of them.
I know that therepresentation of a vibration, the right frequency, manifested into the physical on paper or through item resonates in the ether depending on how perfect the crafting is, resonating to the energies, frequency/vibration..
really thats the best i can put it in words as i've never tried before, i just know how it works, resonates.
I don't, however, what sigil represents what, what frequency is that of love, how many points of the star?
Please, teach someone who understands what you teach?
>>10508Write down a statement of intent in capitals. Remove all vowels and duplicate letters. Take the remainder of the letters and arrange them into a magical looking symbol, this is the sigil representing your intent. Make some letters small, others big, add horns or anything to make it look more magical, drawing a circle around it and cutting it out usually works well for me.
Ejaculation charges the sigil, causing your intent to come to fruition.
>>10509Also after its charged forget about it, don't think about whether its going to work or not.
>>10509>>add horns or anything to make it look more magicalnot sure i should trust you about the subject, aren't sigils supposed to be 'perfect'?
>Ejaculation charges the sigilYes i suppose it would, loosh into the paper, emotion attached to a lower dimensional representation of a frequency, but surely your description of a sigil is not proper..
I'm thinking of finding the symbol for the frequency of love, and doing this onto that - thoughts?
>>10510I know it'll work, i intend to burn it as fire connects the material to the source.
polite sage.
Anything i should think of?
>>10511What I described is how chaos magicians use sigils, the process works.
>I'm thinking of finding the symbol for the frequency of loveJizz on one then eat it.
I just want to humbly make an additional statement to my request, i have totally ignored women for almost five years, never found the right one and the ones i found were not 'right', however, i met the one.
I can't allow this to go wrong, i willingly accept whatever the pendulum throws at me because of my actions, sigil, desire, want.
If this did not truly mean something i would not misuse this knowledge.
polite sage
>>10513>the process workas compared to my suggestion which i believe to be the 'proper' way?
Lets discuss.
>>10514no you dofus, this
>>10516Atleast i think that's it, but might not be upon further inspection..
I'll look into it and report back.
>>10515You know that "no lust of result" thing? Well I've never given a shit about love and yet willed it to be and achieved amazing success all while not giving a fuck and it's been quite effortless.
Its strange, you people say "visualize yourself in the situation, immerse yourself in it and you attract that reality"
Every girl i visualized having sex with ended up a failure.
It could just be though that i felt like 'been here done that' after flirting them up and masturbating to it and later just not put any effort in it.
Did i not want them enough?
>>10499If you lose semen, it can affect how other people view you in their subconscious.
>>10521Why is this?
Is there a way to fap and get pleasure without losing semen?
>inb4 succubus I know semen is immensely powerful, creation energy, massive losh etc -
Is it the act of ejaculating and thinking of someone?
as described by accounts here and now, you fap to get you aint getting no poontang, got something to add?
can you fap to someone and have them think positively of you (how?)?
please expand
>>10522Sorry, I cannot really help you with romance but wish someone here can.
I have read that celibacy, even for a week or two, will increase your confidence, awareness and energy. You might want to try that, just to see results - strengthening those attributes can be beneficial.
>>10525Great advice I'm taking it to heart and starting now.
So I'm looking for
>Law of Magical Names
by some 160th century Germoneyian priest.
>>10526It might be difficult, but you have to resist the urge to masturbate.
I myself were a porn and masturbation addict before, but I am getting over it by practicing celibacy.
>>10529i'm fully aware im addictd to porn, two or three times a day is not considered normal by any standards, even by the disgusting society in which we live - but im not going full celibacy.
im considering making sunday a fap day.
What if we were to make that collectively and use the loosh for something?
>>10520Try not masturbating, and try again.
can i charge a sigil without fapping to it?
>>5333are meditations really that different from each other?
>>9466I'd also like to know how you got to that point and if you did any special exercises, etc. Did you always have really good visualization or did you have to work on it?
>>10113Definitely the latter. I'm not confident in my visualization to do rituals yet. It doesn't really happen when I do "guided" visualizations, like when reading a book, only when I'm practicing general visualization. I guess I'll just have to keep at it.
Sigils are the material manifestation of vibration.
This is hard to understand but hold this thought for a moment, certain sounds alter medius such as sand on paper over a speaker, the vibrations of the speaker has the sand align according to the vibration.
Thus, these images represent sounds, they are names, they are terms for frequencies.
The more perfect a vibration the more perfect the imprint in sand.
What then if you drew this representation of sound on a paper, does it emit a vibration?
According to magics, yes, according to sciences? I don't know as this subject is fairly new to me - But i believe in the law of Cause & Effect, maybe what is emitted from the image of a vibration is not detectable to human ears, after all, a picture does not produce sound.
But can it alter, change and direct subtle energies?
I am most certain that, yes, this is possible and is happening as soon as a perfect sigil is created, it emits subtle energies, it twists the universe, this perfect image, the sigil is imbued with Energy at creation and ought to pulsate with energy, creating ripples according to vibration.
In a way, a sigil is a reverse engineered sound.
Thus, it is a sound, a name.
If anon for example wanted to make a perfect sigil (not some messy discordant chaos scribble) he would have to find the vibration of love, heart chakra, find its physical representative in matter and then manifest it in the physical, trapping it, imbuing it with power and will, making it a thoughtform, afterwards it is advised he burn it.
>>10527Because "muh Agrippa"
He was the one who invented the whole, "jumbling a bunch of letters into eachother" method of sigilization.
what does /fringe/ think of DMT?
I have but one question.
Does the biblical prohibition of witchcraft come from God himself or is it in fact a doctrine of mass spiritual suppression?
Do we really "surely die" if we come into contact with the occult?
I seek answers within as instructed, but the highest voice inside me still tells me to go with the bible.
Also, if one were to use demonic powers for good, does that condemn his soul?
My inner perception is ever expanding and reaching levels of illumination.
How can I buy into the "Lie" (according to the bible) that we shall be as gods (e.g. in the astral plane) and surely not die?
These are some critical answers that noone inside occultism I have spoken to could give me an answer to. At least not without my intuition telling me something is really, really off. As if they don't believe their own story.
>>10550>Those grammatical and style errorsForgive me. English is my quinary language, and I am quite tired after (obsessively) studying esoteric knowledge.
>>shall be as gods (e.g. in the astral plane) and surely not die?
that is to be referred to literally as it is concerning the food of nibiru, which man is denied to eat because he is destined to be mortal, on earth.
food that bring vitality and long life, alien bread do want
>>10550the bible god is a penis mutilator
why would you listen to him? IMO hes an energy thief of the highest order. the jews have something like 613 commandments. go read some of them. no fringe wizardry, or fun, allowed.
tldr he loves drinking baby dick blood, as well as the 'sweet smell of burning meat'
if you wanna be a "real christian" then go live like the Cathars (and look what ended up happening to them… lol. all i can do is laugh at the 'demiurgic' hijinks)
>>10500Thanks for the reply, hopefully i can grow more than that seeing how im under 25, best of luck with your efforts
>>10564Thank you. I will continue living my life based on MY OWN moral code and knowledge of good and evil.
>>10562I've been told It's either Sirius or a sun-like star close to the Pleiades.
>>10507no, the 'grease' your skin excretes, it rubs it gently on the skin.
greast, fat, oil - rub it in, twenty seconds morning and night.
not even that really, one every two days works, or, touch your nose, fatty? rub your face.
Enjoy excellent skin conditions.
>>10583What the fuck…No way in hell this works.
Sort of a mundane question, but are there any /fringe/ ways to speed up fat loss? I have a fight coming up in about a month and I was wondering if there was anything that could supplement diet+ conditioning.
>>11798Huh, I hadn't thought about Tummo, but now that I do I can see what you mean what with the body heat control, metabolism control, etc. What are some good sources to research Tummo? I actually have this ebook by this guy named Wim Hof, but I haven't read it to its completion yet.
Hello everyone, I have been trying to project for a while and I am having difficulty in one issue.
I feel as if I always get close, but one big hindrance is that I am just about to lose connection with my physical body and then it feels like I am not breathing anymore. I can no longer myself taking in breaths and I slowly start to feel like I am losing oxygen.
Am I focusing on breathing too much or is it really true that I am not taking in oxygen?
Why do I feel like I can't breathe, and I need to do it manually myself?
Is this normal?
>>12921Ask in the other questions thread if you haven't already this one is expired.
Why exacrly are the reptilians/illuminati bad? I personally hold very misanthropic and cynical worldviews and am all for the decay of society, rejection of merging with the universe, and rebellion against the demiurge. I don't see the evil in any of that.