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/rp/ - Roleplay

A board for roleplaying as popular fringechan and related imageboard characters.
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GOOD LUCK EBOLA CHAN! | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 1 [Reply]
This is a roleplaying board made for the purpose of developing invocational skills to assist in magical self-development.

No. 187 [Reply]
I am a werewolf who can shoot fire from my hands, ama.

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No. 152 [Reply]
Greetings, website users. I am agent [redacted] of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. My presence here is not a new phenomenon as I am sure many of you have suspected, however recent circumstance has lead to this public appeal for information.

My current assignment is to ascertain the whereabouts of one prolific contributor to this site, known best to you as 'smiley'. Any information of help that you can provide will be gladly received.

For obvious reasons, due to the nature of this investigation only now being sanctioned by the highest levels of the United State's government, this interaction has never taken place. I chose this board specifically for such a reason. As you can imagine, I will not be forthcoming with details of the case, our previous surveillance or any identification of persons invloved including myself, my superiors and informants.

If anything that can aid you in aiding me should arise in my investigation, it may be approved for posting here, pending a green light from upstairs.

For now, I await your eager cooperation. Any and all help will be looked upon favorably in future investigations.

You may refer to me as Fed of /x/ (or Fo/x/ for short), so nicknamed after my old haunt from previous assignments. I must say I prefer the atmosphere here though, the other board is too corrupt for much real work to be done.

I hope to hear from some of you soon, please use this thread for this subject.
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Are the Canadian authorities insufficient to find him? Did you talk to his parents?

I am likely overstepping my boundaries here but I can say that a general concensus is that the Canadian authorities are not fit to find their own country on a map. Besides, we do have our local liasons but we are working with delicate material here. The purpose of our involvement is still classified. As far as I am aware his immediate family is not of any particular significance, though other agents may be assigned to follow the leads they could provide.

It is our gathered intelligence from prior surveillance that has placed this site as having a high probability of yielding positive results. Hence, why you find me here. So far though, the lack of compliance is worrisome. I would hope that the use of authority in an official capacity needn't be escalated but it remains a distinct option, if authorized. Fair warning.

>but I can say that a general concensus is that the Canadian authorities are not fit to find their own country on a map


Did you buy that badge on 9gag?

No, I took it from the last FBI agent I killed.

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No. 132 [Reply]
o k

You idiots are supposed to use names and roleplay on here not just shitpost anonymously.

*tips green mask*

No. 114 [Reply]
Post in here to get your intelligence assessed by Intelligence Assessment Man.
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My whole life, living a lie.

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I wanted a specific poster who is anonymous to me. I don't need to know your names to want you.

>don't need to know your names to want you.
>want you

Is it your intention to make this sound incredibly erotic? If not, it still sounds pretty damn sexy.

Wasn't my intention, this just happens, seduction without even trying.

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No. 147 [Reply]
LMAO why do we need a /rp/ board we already have a /fringe/ board… OR SHOULD I SAY /cringe/?!?!
*tips hooded robe*

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*tips fedora*

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No. 122 [Reply]
Lets make a degenerate rights campaign and do videos, propaganda, and everything for it and have chempedo and other imageboard degenerates champion the movement.

I hate moderation, half-solutions, etc.

We have two ways to end this problem.

We either push degeneracy full tilt with such intensity that the degeneration causes the total collapse of all decency in society or we need to curb all the degeneracy completely now.

Right now trying to stop the mudslide of degeneracy is practically impossible but we could easily make the degenerates have their utopia of free drugs and any kind of sex they want and drown in the mud.

If we can even force mandatory degeneracy such as "masturbation classes" and "group sex orgies" for kindergärtners we should be able to spark enough rage to finally create a real backlash against the degeneracy maybe — that or I wouldn't be all that surprised to see the stupid fucking goyim actually accept and in that case they deserve the fucking grave they're getting.

So lets do it. The bluepills want degeneracy. Well, lets give them pedophiles, zoophilia, drugs, and whatever else they want. No longer should degenerates be persecuted for doing what they want with their bodies.

Those of us who wish to remain pure, we will be careful… no putting our children through public education, none of that shit, we'll just retain our purity while the rest of society deservedly goes to hell.
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I am not sure if we should create a channel on youtube and associate it with satanism or not but we need to make the whole thing very overt, make it clear that we're trying to demonize every natural and virtuous thing and promote perversions and evil under the banner of light and love.

God damn it bluepill you're already getting your degeneracy programming from the telmudvision.



What will we call ourselves?
'Degenerate' is too derogatory, it gives away the game.

We can just post as indigopill and mockishly promote degeneracy to others in a way that makes them turn against it and post with a different name or anonymously when trying to make certain incurable degenerates become even more degenerate in order to make them self-destruct.

No. 2 [Reply]
1. is tripfagging allowed

2. can we get rid of /si/

general /rp/ improvement thread
>1. is tripfagging allowed

No. Think of each role as being like a carnival character. Nobody owns it, so tripfags aren't allowed, they will be banned. Imagine if someone posted as Santa Claus and then put on a trip. That would be stupid.

>2. can we get rid of /si/

It's already gone. Only stal can remove it from the list though.

>general /rp/ improvement thread


No I'm not talking about labeling an existing character but to make your own original person.

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You better make some kind of OC to go with it then like the greenpill comics.

I'm stuck being onions

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