Lets make a degenerate rights campaign and do videos, propaganda, and everything for it and have chempedo and other imageboard degenerates champion the movement.I hate moderation, half-solutions, etc.
We have two ways to end this problem.
We either push degeneracy full tilt with such intensity that the degeneration causes the total collapse of all decency in society or we need to curb all the degeneracy completely now.
Right now trying to stop the mudslide of degeneracy is practically impossible but we could easily make the degenerates have their utopia of free drugs and any kind of sex they want and drown in the mud.
If we can even force mandatory degeneracy such as "masturbation classes" and "group sex orgies" for kindergärtners we should be able to spark enough rage to finally create a real backlash against the degeneracy maybe — that or I wouldn't be all that surprised to see the stupid fucking goyim actually accept and in that case they deserve the fucking grave they're getting.
So lets do it. The bluepills want degeneracy. Well, lets give them pedophiles, zoophilia, drugs, and whatever else they want. No longer should degenerates be persecuted for doing what they want with their bodies.
Those of us who wish to remain pure, we will be careful… no putting our children through public education, none of that shit, we'll just retain our purity while the rest of society deservedly goes to hell.
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