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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 6949
I have an idea on how to spread knowledge and help others 'wake up'…

What if we make a different website that teaches others how to begin the path of wizardy? We could provide basic reading lists, how to do shit such as sorcery, meditation, ritual, etc. We could also provide "homework" which is where the student prints a observation paper or put their observations in their journal. It would be like "What happened? Did you see any visualizations? Did you feel any strange phenomena? etc". I feel as if all these neophytes are confused and it would be cool to have a website that shows people the right path to wizardry. Sort of like a mixture of montalk and online college expect there is no right or wrong path to the students' work, really. Then we should encourage them to post their findings here so we can see.

Any ideas or comments on this possibility?
No. Anyone who wants to become a wizard is more than welcome to, but we don't convert people.

I didn't say we had to. They will only find it if they are looking for it, what would we be converting?

This site is already a site teaching people about starting wizardry but I feel like the red parts of your text are important to explore.

For example gentle paradigm shattering is always a good thing.

Earlier a skepdick posted on a thread on /x/ about crystal healing being bullshit so I used logic to have him reconsider his position.

It was along the lines of "crystals look cool and impressive, looking cool and impressive creates an impression on the mind which can be utilised for spiritual practise, looking cool and impressive is a key feature in nearly all religious and occult practise. It's why you make sigils look magical and why churches, shrines, alters and cathedrals are all impressive looking."

He ended up going from rabid anti-crystalism to agreeing with me. This kind of gentle approach can be done to greenpill skeptics using a basic understanding of chaos magick theory/common sense.

On a less gentle note I believe we should engage in the discordian Operation Mindfuck, project CHAOSVOID is one way we're already doing this but creative wizards could surely come up with some more interesting ideas.

We could also plan group rituals experimentally to see if we can have any impact in the real world through synchronised rituals/AP/whatever. This was done in some city once where a group of people meditated together with the aim of reducing crime and it worked. Now what could we get up to?


>Washington crime study shows 23.3% drop in violent crime due to meditating group



But the point is most of us here are people who know wizardry. We could help the new people here by doing this. This site is great of knowledge, but some of this board is being pushed away by noob threads. I was pretty much forced to make that question thread to save this board from being >>>/ask/ . This should serve as the knowledge center, and we should have something to teach these neophytes.

attain true power first.

then they cannot deny.

until then keep silent.

andi dont wanna go on 4chan anyway, in fear of becoming like them/thinking like them (being a fap monster). and IRL i hide my power level

dont keep silent unless you have truw power though ( actually you the person reading this should post your power level in this thread. we can reveal ourselves on this online board…. somewhat…)

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I'm going to let you in on a secret if you can keep it between us.

Discordianism is a trap. It's a joke religion but the joke is on you.

There are real discordian groups who wake up unwitting dupes of the discordian conspiracy who innocently enjoy the principia causing either supreme illumination or schizophrenia, often a combination of both. They will prove to you that your beloved chaos is actually a bad thing by introducing you to so much tangible real life chaos that you can't tell your dick from a fnord in the ground and you will drive yourself mad trying to figure it out. They make YOU take a bite out of a golden apple, and golden apples are hard to swallow.

These people are inspired by the illuminatus trilogy rather than the principia, people armed with the illuminatus trilogy have a much broader picture of what discordianism is and what it can achieve.

Now we can use this premise to paradigm shatter the "pinealist" or shallow non-wizardly discordians, forcing them to think about the concept more deeply and prepare them for the true (true in the sense that they actually pull real mindfucks on people) discordians/illuminati when it comes down on them, which if successful will get at ' the ' THEM behind the sophisticated mindfuckery, who are at heart more illuminati than discordian.

PROTIP: http://discordia.wikia.com/wiki/Pinealism

I'd guess that 90% of /x/'s discordians have no freakin clue about the "conspiracy" trap they are falling into which I just made up for purposes of mindfuckery and has no basis in reality, honestly, believe me or they'll have my head on a stick.

Here's some breadcrumbs for you to follow.

>Discordians who " do not form their own sects, " whether they belong to someone else's sect or not, make up the Legion of Dynamic Discord.

In the illuminatus trilogy it is revealed that members of the Legion of Dynamic Discord are eventually told that the LDD actually stands for "Little Deluded Dupes".

Hopefully that'll get you closer to seeing what I'm getting at.

Form your own goddamn conspiracies, it's the only defence against " THE " conspiracy.

It all makes sense now.


Sounds like a good idea when you put it like that. The guiding and homework ideas are good too. Maybe a neophyte board?

Another idea that popped up in my head would be a group produced pdf introduction or e-zine or something.

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all i needed to know about discordianism i learned from the "art"


ps i wish i had time to read illuminatus trilogy. i actually have a hard copy of it

hail Tiamat! hail Yama the lord of death. Heil Hitler because it is his birthday

whats with discordianists and hot dogs by the way? nevermind i dont wanna know. its probably OMG 2 RANDOM 4 ME

A man and his son were sitting outside one night, eating hot dogs. The boy asked, "Dad, why are we eating hot dogs in the middle of the night?" the dad replied, "Because we are celebrating Eris, son.". The son again asked "How come the hot dogs come in packages of 6 and not in 12?" the dad replied, "Hail Eris."

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6 is still a pretty orderly number i think. hot dog buns suck anyway, so im glad discordians dont use them. any slice of any bread would be superior

. i prefer "little smokies" myself (pigs in a blanket style with home made bisquick dough. yum!)

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666 get (it counts because the first thing i typed was 6. aw yeah massive loosh received. gif related)

also, to stay on topic with this thread… fuck the mundanes! turn them into little smokies!

that was a pretty good koan by the way. sorry it was overshadowed by my amazing trips, which were really more like PENTs (5 repeating integers. just gotta turn the 9, 90 degrees, and then turn it 90 degrees again)


It's a big book but a fun read and drops some serious knowledge every so often. I have an audiobook version on my mega but really it's better to read it.

Here's my robert anton wilson folder, the audiobook is in the illuminatus folder, all the other folders are mp3s of interviews and stuff.


The Illuminates of Thanateros already does that basically.

Nice greenpill. That should go in the greenpills thread.

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I want to attain some seriously kick-ass powers before some neophyte ends up surpassing me or something.


There will ALWAYS be people and groups more powerful than you out there.

Which is a good reason to train harder.


The IoT requires you to be 23 to join I think.

Oh then I'm too young. I don't want to join them or any other group anyways.


Can someone else do this?

My formatting always seems to fail

The relevent information being


>Washington crime study shows 23.3% drop in violent crime due to meditating group

With a proactive "what can we do?" after.


'well' maybe "I" 'spoke' too soon

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