I'm going to let you in on a secret if you can keep it between us.
Discordianism is a trap. It's a joke religion but the joke is on you.
There are real discordian groups who wake up unwitting dupes of the discordian conspiracy who innocently enjoy the principia causing either supreme illumination or schizophrenia, often a combination of both. They will prove to you that your beloved chaos is actually a bad thing by introducing you to so much tangible real life chaos that you can't tell your dick from a fnord in the ground and you will drive yourself mad trying to figure it out. They make YOU take a bite out of a golden apple, and golden apples are hard to swallow.
These people are inspired by the illuminatus trilogy rather than the principia, people armed with the illuminatus trilogy have a much broader picture of what discordianism is and what it can achieve.
Now we can use this premise to paradigm shatter the "pinealist" or shallow non-wizardly discordians, forcing them to think about the concept more deeply and prepare them for the true (true in the sense that they actually pull real mindfucks on people) discordians/illuminati when it comes down on them, which if successful will get at ' the ' THEM behind the sophisticated mindfuckery, who are at heart more illuminati than discordian.
http://discordia.wikia.com/wiki/PinealismI'd guess that 90% of /x/'s discordians have no freakin clue about the "conspiracy" trap they are falling into which I just made up for purposes of mindfuckery and has no basis in reality, honestly, believe me or they'll have my head on a stick.
Here's some breadcrumbs for you to follow.
>Discordians who " do not form their own sects, " whether they belong to someone else's sect or not, make up the Legion of Dynamic Discord.In the illuminatus trilogy it is revealed that members of the Legion of Dynamic Discord are eventually told that the LDD actually stands for "Little Deluded Dupes".
Hopefully that'll get you closer to seeing what I'm getting at.
Form your own goddamn conspiracies, it's the only defence against " THE " conspiracy.