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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

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No. 6688
Talk about evocation in this thread and discuss others' views on it, will proceed to write from Phil Hine's Aspects of Evocation.
Please note that I am writing from a physical copy, and its time consuming. If you can find an online .pdf please share it here

The Babblogue:

A deliberate derangement of the senses - orchestrating a personal orcophony; a descent into the depths of the subconscious to confront and blind the 'lurkers' within.
This essay is a short account of a personal experience of the 'demons' of my own psyche. Rather than relying on existing approaches, for the reasons given below, I preffered to develop a purely personal approach. I give this account not to foist this particular approach onto others, but in the hope that it will assist those who are experimenting with different techniques. Nor do I wish to invalidate the traditional systems of Goetic magic, merely to say that while some may be satisfied to follow the maps of Abra-Melin or Crowley, this is not the case for me.

I successfully evoked a demonic entity before using a thoughtformed burning pentagram. Took about 12-24 hours for the entity to arrive and then proceed to fuck my shit up until I banished it by not feeding it any further energy and just letting it waste its efforts trying to steal my loosh and fuck with me.

I never read about this shit from a book. I learned it in the astral.

ProTip: did you know you can evoke / summon humans too? Like lets say you want a certain person you know to be drawn to and post in this thread. You can apply the same magical evocations you use for bringing metaphysical entities into your presence to make a human show up.

>of my own psyche

DO NOT WANT. Fuck solipsistic psychological interpretations! Psychology is bullshit!

Thanks, I've never written out of a physical copy before, not doing it again.

Phil Hine was a good author, interesting views on things and a lot of stuff I liked.

Well from what I've seen so far I don't want to taint my knowledge with his silly self-limiting ideas.

He appears to not understand The Law of One.

He clearly stated these are just personal experiences and is not sying that any other form is wrong, and he's not saying that he is right either. Do what most people do, read it and take the shit you believe in and add it to your grimoire or journal. Its not that big of a deal, its a book and you should be able to identify what you want and don't want.

How can you still give credence to the Law of One, when none of its predictions came to the pass?

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