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Esoteric Wizardry
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R.I.P. Fringechan 2013 - 2014 | Fringechan via Tor: 73ryh62wtiufgihc.onion

No. 6629
Does anyone else think that sexual intercourse and the kind of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions the people are having when they do it influences the development of the soul of that child which is conceived?

I know there's some religious texts saying that they should focus on god when they make their child.

There's some other practises as well.

It's all rather vague in my mind.

I know how important it is to make a tulpa just right and give it all the right and this has gotten me very paranoid about the act of procreation because I'm quite sure we can and do influence what kind of spirit is destined to incarnate in that body. The average person surely does it unintentionally whereas the wise person would know exactly what to do to ensure the best results.

I don't want to fuck it up, I want to know all the occult knowledge pertaining to it, so I can create the perfect child with the perfect soul.

There's also some occult texts I'm sure about trying to get gods, demons, and other high level entities to incarnate in a child you conceive.

Lets discuss absolutely everything related to the magical / occult aspects of creating a child.
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>tfw no redpilled aryan gf that will make god babies with me


jack parsons tried to create a 'moon child'

you might wanna look into that. also he shipwrecked L ron hubbard, using fringe wizard

>that feel when I used magic to successfully acquire the perfect redpilled nordic woman for me


You can also create a woman out of thought and go many different routes towards acquiring the perfect woman through magic, synchronicity, etc.

Hell you could even go ahead and contact the Pleiadians and see if you can find yourself a Pleiadian Nordic Alien GF that will agree to live with you.

That's mentioned in "The Invisible Influences". I should post that chapter into the Thoughtforms thread.

>also he shipwrecked L ron hubbard, using fringe wizard


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Should I name a female child of mine Eris and maybe make her middle name Fnord or would I be asking for too much chaos in my life? All my children will have blonde hair btw.

Any astrologists or others want to weigh in on this topic?

now that i don't trust one bit.

Which part?

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Should we ban physical reproduction?

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